Ejemplo n.º 1
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     * Initialisation de MPI + EO *

    environment env(argc, argv);
    communicator world;

    eoParser parser(argc, argv);
    eoState state;    // keeps all things allocated

     * Definition des paramètres *

    // a
    double alpha = parser.createParam(double(0.8), "alpha", "Alpha", 'a', "Islands Model").value();
    // b
    double beta = parser.createParam(double(0.99), "beta", "Beta", 'b', "Islands Model").value();
    // p
    /*size_t probaMin = */parser.createParam(size_t(10), "probaMin", "Minimum probability to stay in the same island", 'p', "Islands Model").value();
    // d
    size_t probaSame = parser.createParam(size_t(100), "probaSame", "Probability for an individual to stay in the same island", 'd', "Islands Model").value();
    // r
    /*size_t reward = */parser.createParam(size_t(2), "reward", "reward", 'r', "Islands Model").value();
    /*size_t penalty = */parser.createParam(size_t(1), "penalty", "penalty", 0, "Islands Model").value();
    // I
    bool initG = parser.createParam(bool(true), "initG", "initG", 'I', "Islands Model").value();

     * Il faut au moins 4 nœuds *

    const size_t ALL = world.size();
    const size_t RANK = world.rank();

    if ( ALL < 4 )
        if ( 0 == RANK )
            cerr << "Needs at least 4 processes to be launched!" << endl;
        return 0;

     * Déclaration des composants EO *

    unsigned chromSize = parser.getORcreateParam(unsigned(1000), "chromSize", "The length of the bitstrings", 'n',"Problem").value();
    eoInit<EOT>& init = dim::do_make::genotype(parser, state, EOT(), 0);

    // string nklInstance =  parser.getORcreateParam(string(), "nklInstance", "filename of the instance for NK-L problem", 0, "Problem").value();

    dim::evaluation::OneMax<EOT> mainEval;
    // my::nkLandscapesEval<EOT> mainEval;
    eoEvalFuncCounter<EOT> eval(mainEval);

    /*unsigned popSize = */parser.getORcreateParam(unsigned(100), "popSize", "Population Size", 'P', "Evolution Engine")/*.value()*/;
    dim::core::Pop<EOT>& pop = dim::do_make::pop(parser, state, init);

    /*double targetFitness = */parser.getORcreateParam(double(chromSize), "targetFitness", "Stop when fitness reaches",'T', "Stopping criterion")/*.value()*/;
    dim::continuator::Base<EOT>& continuator = dim::do_make::continuator<EOT>(parser, state, eval);

    vector< double > vecProba( ALL );
    vector< double > vecProbaRet( ALL );

    dim::core::IslandData<EOT> data;

    dim::utils::CheckPoint<EOT>& checkpoint = dim::do_make::checkpoint(parser, state, continuator, data);

     * Distribution des opérateurs aux iles *

    eoMonOp<EOT>* ptMon = NULL;
    if ( RANK == 0 )
        eo::log << eo::logging << RANK << ": bitflip ";
        ptMon = new eoBitMutation<EOT>( 1, true );
        eo::log << eo::logging << RANK << ": kflip(" << (RANK-1) * 2 + 1 << ") ";
        ptMon = new eoDetPermutBitFlip<EOT>( (RANK-1) * 2 + 1 );
    eo::log << eo::logging << endl;

    dim::evolver::Easy<EOT> evolver( eval, *ptMon );
    dim::feedbacker::Easy<EOT> feedbacker;
    dim::inputprobasender::Easy<EOT> probasender;
    dim::vectorupdater::Easy<EOT> updater(alpha, beta);
    dim::memorizer::Easy<EOT> memorizer;
    dim::migrator::Easy<EOT> migrator;
    dim::algo::EasyIsland<EOT> island( evolver, feedbacker, probasender, updater, memorizer, migrator, checkpoint );

     * EO routine *


    // mainEval.load(nklInstance.c_str()); // nklandscapeseval specific

     * Création de la matrice de transition et distribution aux iles des vecteurs *

    dim::core::MigrationMatrix probabilities( ALL );
    dim::core::InitMatrix initmatrix( initG, probaSame );

    // ublas::matrix< double > m(ALL, ALL);

    if ( 0 == RANK )
        initmatrix( probabilities );
        cout << probabilities;
        vecProba = probabilities(RANK);
        for (size_t j = 0; j < ALL; ++j)
            vecProbaRet[j] = probabilities(j,RANK);

        for (size_t i = 1; i < ALL; ++i)
            world.send( i, 100, probabilities(i) );
            vector< double > vecProbaRetIsl( ALL );
            for (size_t j = 0; j < ALL; ++j)
                vecProbaRetIsl[j] = probabilities(j,i);
            world.send( i, 101, vecProbaRetIsl );
        world.recv( 0, 100, vecProba );
        world.recv( 0, 101, vecProbaRet );

     * Get the population size of all islands *


     * Rock & Roll *

    apply<EOT>(eval, pop);

    for (auto &ind : pop)

    vector< typename EOT::Fitness > vecAvg(ALL, 0);
    vector< typename EOT::Fitness > vecFeedbacks(ALL, 0);
    vector< size_t > outputSizes(ALL, 0);

    // ostringstream ss;

    // ss << "gen.time." << RANK;
    // ofstream gen_time(ss.str());
    // ss.str("");

    // ss << "fb.time." << RANK;
    // ofstream fb_time(ss.str());
    // ss.str("");

    // ss << "vp.time." << RANK;
    // ofstream vp_time(ss.str());
    // ss.str("");

    // ss << "mig.time." << RANK;
    // ofstream mig_time(ss.str());
    // ss.str("");

    // ss << "eval.time." << RANK;
    // ofstream eval_time(ss.str());
    // ss.str("");

    // ss << "com.time." << RANK;
    // ofstream com_time(ss.str());
    // ss.str("");

    // ss << "noncom.time." << RANK;
    // ofstream noncom_time(ss.str());
    // ss.str("");

    long elapsed_mean = 0;
    long elapsed_sum = 0;
    long n = 0;

    // island( pop );

    while ( checkpoint(pop) )
        auto gen_start = chrono::system_clock::now();
        long com_elapsed = 0;

         * Initialize a few variables for each generation *


        vector< request > reqs;

         * Evolve *

            // auto start = chrono::system_clock::now();

            for (auto &ind : pop)
                EOT candidate = ind;

                (*ptMon)( candidate );

                eval( candidate );

                if ( candidate.fitness() > ind.fitness() )
                    ind = candidate;

            // auto end = chrono::system_clock::now();

            //long elapsed = chrono::duration_cast<chrono::microseconds>(end-start).count();
            // eval_time << elapsed << " "; eval_time.flush();

            // cout << "eval elapsed microseconds: " << elapsed << endl; cout.flush();

         * Send feedbacks back to all islands (ANALYSE) *
            auto start = chrono::system_clock::now();

            vector<typename EOT::Fitness> sums(ALL, 0);
            vector<int> nbs(ALL, 0);
            for (auto &ind : pop)
                sums[ind.getLastIsland()] += ind.fitness() - ind.getLastFitness();

            for (size_t i = 0; i < ALL; ++i)
                if (i == RANK) {
                reqs.push_back( world.isend( i, FEEDBACKS, nbs[i] > 0 ? sums[i] / nbs[i] : 0 ) );

             * Receive feedbacks from all islands *

            for (size_t i = 0; i < ALL; ++i)
                if (i == RANK) {
                reqs.push_back( world.irecv( i, FEEDBACKS, vecFeedbacks[i] ) );

            vecFeedbacks[RANK] = nbs[RANK] > 0 ? sums[RANK] / nbs[RANK] : 0;

             * Process all MPI requests *

            wait_all( reqs.begin(), reqs.end() );

            auto end = chrono::system_clock::now();

            long elapsed = chrono::duration_cast<chrono::microseconds>(end-start).count();
            // fb_time << elapsed << " "; fb_time.flush();
            com_elapsed += elapsed;

         * Send vecProbaRet to all islands *
            auto start = chrono::system_clock::now();

            for (size_t i = 0; i < ALL; ++i)
                if (i == RANK) {
                reqs.push_back( world.isend( i, 5, vecProba[i] ) );

             * Receive vecProbaRet from all islands *

            for (size_t i = 0; i < ALL; ++i)
                if (i == RANK) {
                reqs.push_back( world.irecv( i, 5, vecProbaRet[i] ) );

            vecProbaRet[RANK] = vecProba[RANK];

             * Process all MPI requests *

            wait_all( reqs.begin(), reqs.end() );

            auto end = chrono::system_clock::now();

            long elapsed = chrono::duration_cast<chrono::microseconds>(end-start).count();
            // vp_time << elapsed << " "; vp_time.flush();
            com_elapsed += elapsed;

         * Memorize last fitness and island of population before evolving *

        for (auto &indi : pop)

         * Send individuals to all islands *
            auto start = chrono::system_clock::now();

                vector< dim::core::Pop<EOT> > pops( ALL );

                 * Selection *

                for (auto &indi : pop)
                    double s = 0;
                    int r = rng.rand() % 1000 + 1;

                    size_t j;
                    for ( j = 0; j < ALL && r > s; ++j )
                        s += vecProba[j];


                size_t outputSize = 0;

                for (size_t i = 0; i < ALL; ++i)
                    if (i == RANK) {
                    outputSizes[i] = pops[i].size();
                    outputSize += pops[i].size();

                pop.setOutputSizes( outputSizes );
                pop.setOutputSize( outputSize );


                for ( size_t i = 0; i < ALL; ++i )
                    if (i == RANK) {
                    reqs.push_back( world.isend( i, INDIVIDUALS, pops[i] ) );

                dim::core::Pop<EOT>& newpop = pops[RANK];
                for (auto &indi : newpop)
                    pop.push_back( indi );

            vector< dim::core::Pop<EOT> > pops( ALL );

             * Receive individuals from all islands *
                for (size_t i = 0; i < ALL; ++i)
                    if (i == RANK) {
                    reqs.push_back( world.irecv( i, INDIVIDUALS, pops[i] ) );

             * Process all MPI requests *

            wait_all( reqs.begin(), reqs.end() );

            auto end = chrono::system_clock::now();

            long elapsed = chrono::duration_cast<chrono::microseconds>(end-start).count();
            // mig_time << elapsed << " "; mig_time.flush();
            com_elapsed += elapsed;

             * Update population *
                size_t inputSize = 0;

                for (size_t i = 0; i < ALL; ++i)
                    if (i == RANK) {

                    dim::core::Pop<EOT>& newpop = pops[i];
                    for (auto &indi : newpop)
                        pop.push_back( indi );

                    inputSize += newpop.size();

                pop.setInputSize( inputSize );


        auto gen_end = chrono::system_clock::now();
        long elapsed_microseconds = chrono::duration_cast<chrono::microseconds>(gen_end-gen_start).count();
        // gen_time << elapsed_microseconds << " "; gen_time.flush();
        // com_time << com_elapsed << " "; com_time.flush();
        // noncom_time << elapsed_microseconds - com_elapsed << " "; noncom_time.flush();

        elapsed_mean += (elapsed_microseconds - elapsed_mean) / n;
        elapsed_sum += elapsed_microseconds;

        // cout << "generation elapsed microseconds: " << chrono::duration_cast<chrono::microseconds>(gen_end-gen_start).count()
        // 	 << " mean: " << elapsed_mean
        // 	 << " sum: " << elapsed_sum
        // 	 << endl; cout.flush();


    // /*************************************************************************
    //  * MAJ de la matrice de transition et récupération des vecteurs des iles *
    //  *************************************************************************/

    // world.barrier();
    // if ( RANK > 0 )
    // 	{
    // 	    world.send( 0, 0, vecProba );
    // 	}
    // else
    // 	{
    // 	    for (int i = 1; i < ALL; ++i)
    // 		{
    // 		    vector<double> proba(ALL);
    // 		    world.recv( i, 0, proba );
    // 		    for (int j = 0; j < proba.size(); ++j)
    // 			{
    // 			    probabilities(i,j) = proba[j];
    // 			}
    // 		}
    // 	    for (int j = 0; j < vecProba.size(); ++j)
    // 		{
    // 		    probabilities(0,j) = vecProba[j];
    // 		}

    // 	    cout << probabilities;
    // 	    cout.flush();
    // 	}

     * Get the population size of all islands *

    // world.barrier();
    // dim::utils::print_sum(pop);

     * DEBUG *

    // world.barrier();
    // eo::log << eo::progress;
    // copy(vecAvg.begin(), vecAvg.end(), ostream_iterator<typename EOT::Fitness>(eo::log, " "));
    // eo::log << endl; eo::log.flush();

    return 0;