Ejemplo n.º 1
static EString badFields( Header * h )
    EStringList bad;
    List<HeaderField>::Iterator hf( h->fields() );
    while ( hf ) {
        if ( !hf->valid() )
            bad.append( hf->unparsedValue() );
    return bad.join( "\n" );
Ejemplo n.º 2
static void headerSummary( Header * h, int n )
    EStringList l;

    ContentType * ct = h->contentType();
    if ( ct )
        l.append( ct->type() + "/" + ct->subtype() );

    ContentTransferEncoding * cte = h->contentTransferEncoding();
    if ( cte ) {
        EString s;
        switch ( cte->encoding() ) {
        case EString::QP:
            s = "quoted-printable";
        case EString::Base64:
            s = "base64";
        case EString::Uuencode:
            s = "x-uuencode";
        case EString::Binary:
            s = "7bit";
        l.append( s );

    HeaderField * cd = h->field( HeaderField::ContentDescription );
    if ( cd )
        l.append( cd->rfc822( false ) );

    if ( !l.isEmpty() ) {
        spaces( n );
        fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", l.join( ";" ).cstr() );
Ejemplo n.º 3
EString Recipient::dsnParagraph() const
    if ( !valid() )
        return "";

    EStringList l;
    EString s;

    // [ original-recipient-field CRLF ]
    if ( originalRecipient() && originalRecipient() != finalRecipient() )
        l.append( "Original-Recipient: rfc822;" +
                  originalRecipient()->lpdomain() );

    // final-recipient-field CRLF
    if ( finalRecipient() )
        l.append( "Final-Recipient: rfc822;" +
                  finalRecipient()->lpdomain() );

    // action-field CRLF
    switch ( action() ) {
    case Unknown:
        l.append( "Action: unknown" );
    case Failed:
        l.append( "Action: failed" );
    case Delayed:
        l.append( "Action: delayed" );
    case Delivered:
        l.append( "Action: delivered" );
    case Relayed:
        l.append( "Action: relayed" );
    case Expanded:
        l.append( "Action: expanded" );

    // status-field CRLF
    if ( !status().isEmpty() )
        l.append( "Status: " + status() );
    // [ remote-mta-field CRLF ]
    if ( !remoteMTA().isEmpty() )
        l.append( "Remote-Mta: dns;" + remoteMTA() );

    // [ diagnostic-code-field CRLF ]
    if ( !diagnosticCode().isEmpty() )
        l.append( "Diagnostic-Code: smtp;" + diagnosticCode() );

    // [ last-attempt-date-field CRLF ]
    if ( lastAttempt() )
        l.append( "Last-Attempt-Date: " + lastAttempt()->rfc822() );

    // [ final-log-id-field CRLF ]
    if ( !finalLogId().isEmpty() )
        l.append( "Final-Log-Id: smtp;" + finalLogId() );

    // we don't set will-retry-until. it only applies to delay dsns,
    // which we don't send.

    return l.join( "\n" );
Ejemplo n.º 4
Archivo: status.cpp Proyecto: aox/aox
void Status::execute()
    if ( state() != Executing )

    // first part. set up.
    if ( !permitted() )

    Session * session = imap()->session();
    Mailbox * current = 0;
    if ( session )
        current = session->mailbox();

    // second part. see if anything has happened, and feed the cache if
    // so. make sure we feed the cache at once.
    if ( d->unseenCount || d->recentCount || d->messageCount ) {
        if ( d->unseenCount && !d->unseenCount->done() )
        if ( d->messageCount && !d->messageCount->done() )
        if ( d->recentCount && !d->recentCount->done() )
    if ( !::cache )
        ::cache = new StatusData::StatusCache;

    if ( d->unseenCount ) {
        while ( d->unseenCount->hasResults() ) {
            Row * r = d->unseenCount->nextRow();
            StatusData::CacheItem * ci =
                ::cache->find( r->getInt( "mailbox" ) );
            if ( ci ) {
                ci->hasUnseen = true;
                ci->unseen = r->getInt( "unseen" );
    if ( d->recentCount ) {
        while ( d->recentCount->hasResults() ) {
            Row * r = d->recentCount->nextRow();
            StatusData::CacheItem * ci =
                ::cache->find( r->getInt( "mailbox" ) );
            if ( ci ) {
                ci->hasRecent = true;
                ci->recent = r->getInt( "recent" );
    if ( d->messageCount ) {
        while ( d->messageCount->hasResults() ) {
            Row * r = d->messageCount->nextRow();
            StatusData::CacheItem * ci =
                ::cache->find( r->getInt( "mailbox" ) );
            if ( ci ) {
                ci->hasMessages = true;
                ci->messages = r->getInt( "messages" );

    // third part. are we processing the first command in a STATUS
    // loop? if so, see if we ought to preload the cache.
    if ( mailboxGroup() && d->cacheState < 3 ) {
        IntegerSet mailboxes;
        if ( d->cacheState < 1 ) {
            // cache state 0: decide which messages
            List<Mailbox>::Iterator i( mailboxGroup()->contents() );
            while ( i ) {
                StatusData::CacheItem * ci = ::cache->provide( i );
                bool need = false;
                if ( d->unseen || d->recent || d->messages )
                    need = true;
                if ( ci->hasUnseen || ci->hasRecent || ci->hasMessages )
                    need = false;
                if ( need )
                    mailboxes.add( i->id() );
            if ( mailboxes.count() < 3 )
                d->cacheState = 3;
        if ( d->cacheState == 1 ) {
            // state 1: send queries
            if ( d->unseen ) {
                    = new Query( "select mailbox, count(uid)::int as unseen "
                                 "from mailbox_messages "
                                 "where mailbox=any($1) and not seen "
                                 "group by mailbox", this );
                d->unseenCount->bind( 1, mailboxes );
            if ( d->recent ) {
                    = new Query( "select id as mailbox, "
                                 "uidnext-first_recent as recent "
                                 "from mailboxes where id=any($1)", this );
                d->recentCount->bind( 1, mailboxes );
            if ( d->messages ) {
                    = new Query( "select count(*)::int as messages, mailbox "
                                 "from mailbox_messages where mailbox=any($1) "
                                 "group by mailbox", this );
                d->messageCount->bind( 1, mailboxes );
            d->cacheState = 2;
        if ( d->cacheState == 2 ) {
            // state 2: mark the cache as complete.
            IntegerSet mailboxes;
            List<Mailbox>::Iterator i( mailboxGroup()->contents() );
            while ( i ) {
                StatusData::CacheItem * ci = ::cache->find( i->id() );
                if ( ci && d->unseenCount )
                    ci->hasUnseen = true;
                if ( ci && d->recentCount )
                    ci->hasRecent = true;
                if ( ci && d->messageCount )
                    ci->hasMessages = true;
            // and drop the queries
            d->cacheState = 3;
            d->unseenCount = 0;
            d->recentCount = 0;
            d->messageCount = 0;

    // the cache item we'll actually read from
    StatusData::CacheItem * i = ::cache->provide( d->mailbox );

    // fourth part: send individual queries if there's anything we need
    if ( d->unseen && !d->unseenCount && !i->hasUnseen ) {
            = new Query( "select $1::int as mailbox, "
                         "count(uid)::int as unseen "
                         "from mailbox_messages "
                         "where mailbox=$1 and not seen", this );
        d->unseenCount->bind( 1, d->mailbox->id() );

    if ( !d->recent ) {
        // nothing doing
    else if ( d->mailbox == current ) {
        // we'll pick it up from the session
    else if ( i->hasRecent ) {
        // the cache has it
    else if ( !d->recentCount ) {
            = new Query( "select id as mailbox, "
                         "uidnext-first_recent as recent "
                         "from mailboxes where id=$1", this );
        d->recentCount->bind( 1, d->mailbox->id() );

    if ( !d->messages ) {
        // we don't need to collect
    else if ( d->mailbox == current ) {
        // we'll pick it up
    else if ( i->hasMessages ) {
        // the cache has it
    else if ( d->messages && !d->messageCount ) {
            = new Query( "select count(*)::int as messages, "
                         "$1::int as mailbox "
                         "from mailbox_messages where mailbox=$1", this );
        d->messageCount->bind( 1, d->mailbox->id() );

    if ( d->unseenCount || d->recentCount || d->messageCount ) {
        if ( d->unseenCount && !d->unseenCount->done() )
        if ( d->messageCount && !d->messageCount->done() )
        if ( d->recentCount && !d->recentCount->done() )

    // fifth part: return the payload.
    EStringList status;

    if ( d->messages && i->hasMessages )
        status.append( "MESSAGES " + fn( i->messages ) );
    else if ( d->messages && d->mailbox == current )
        status.append( "MESSAGES " + fn( session->messages().count() ) );

    if ( d->recent && i->hasRecent )
        status.append( "RECENT " + fn( i->recent ) );
    else if ( d->recent && d->mailbox == current )
        status.append( "RECENT " + fn( session->recent().count() ) );

    if ( d->uidnext )
        status.append( "UIDNEXT " + fn( d->mailbox->uidnext() ) );

    if ( d->uidvalidity )
        status.append( "UIDVALIDITY " + fn( d->mailbox->uidvalidity() ) );

    if ( d->unseen && i->hasUnseen )
        status.append( "UNSEEN " + fn( i->unseen ) );

    if ( d->modseq ) {
        int64 hms = d->mailbox->nextModSeq();
        // don't like this. an empty mailbox will have a STATUS HMS of
        // 1 before it receives its first message, and also 1 after.
        if ( hms > 1 )
        status.append( "HIGHESTMODSEQ " + fn( hms ) );

    respond( "STATUS " + imapQuoted( d->mailbox ) +
             " (" + status.join( " " ) + ")" );
Ejemplo n.º 5
void SieveScript::parse( const EString & script )
    d->source = script;
    SieveParser p( script );
    d->script = p.commands();

    // if we're not yet at the end, treat whatever follows as another
    // command, which will have a nice big error message.
    if ( !p.atEnd() ) {
        SieveCommand * sc = p.command();
        sc->setError( "Junk at end of script" );
        d->script->append( sc );

    // require is only permitted at the start
    List<SieveCommand>::Iterator s( d->script );
    while ( s && s->identifier() == "require" ) {
        s->setRequirePermitted( true );

    // do the semantic bits of parsing
    s = d->script->first();
    EString prev;
    while ( s ) {
        s->setParent( this );
        s->parse( prev );
        prev = s->identifier();

    // check that require lists the right extensions
    EStringList * extensions = p.extensionsNeeded();
    EStringList declared;
    s = d->script->first();
    while ( s && s->identifier() == "require" ) {
        if ( s->error().isEmpty() ) {
            UStringList * r = 0;
            if ( s->arguments() &&
                 s->arguments()->arguments() &&
                 s->arguments()->arguments()->first() )
                r = s->arguments()->arguments()->first()->stringList();
            UStringList::Iterator i( r );
            while ( i ) {
                if ( i->isAscii() )
                    declared.append( i->ascii() );
    declared.append( "comparator-i;octet" );
    declared.append( "comparator-i;ascii-casemap" );
    declared.append( "fileinto" );
    declared.append( "reject" );
    EStringList::Iterator i( extensions );
    EStringList undeclared;
    while ( i ) {
        if ( !declared.contains( *i ) )
            undeclared.append( i->quoted() );
    if ( !undeclared.isEmpty() ) {
        SieveCommand * f = d->script->first();
        if ( f->identifier() == "require" )
            f->setError( "Extensions used but not declared: " +
                         undeclared.join( ", " ) );
            f->setError( "Missing require: require [ " +
                         undeclared.join( ", " ) + " ];" );

    // and find all the errors
    d->errors = p.bad( this );
Ejemplo n.º 6
void SieveCommand::parse( const EString & previous )
    if ( identifier().isEmpty() )
        setError( "Command name is empty" );

    bool test = false;
    bool blk = false;

    EString i = identifier();
    if ( i == "if" || i == "elsif" ) {
        test = true;
        blk = true;
        if ( i == "elsif" && previous != "if" && previous != "elsif" )
            setError( "elsif is only permitted after if/elsif" );
    else if ( i == "else" ) {
        blk = true;
        if ( previous != "if" && previous != "elsif" )
            setError( "else is only permitted after if/elsif" );
    else if ( i == "require" ) {
        UStringList::Iterator i( arguments()->takeStringList( 1 ) );
        EStringList a;
        EStringList e;
        while ( i ) {
            if ( supportedExtensions()->contains( i->ascii() ) )
                a.append( i->ascii().quoted() );
                e.append( i->ascii().quoted() );
        if ( !e.isEmpty() )
            setError( "Each string must be a supported "
                      "sieve extension. "
                      "These are not: " + e.join( ", " ) );
        if ( !d->require )
            setError( "require is only permitted as the first command." );
        else if ( parent() )
            parent()->addExtensions( &a );
    else if ( i == "stop" ) {
        // nothing needed
    else if ( i == "reject" ) {
        require( "reject" );
        if ( arguments()->arguments()->isEmpty() ) {
            // we accept reject without reason
        else {
            // if there is an argument, it must be a string
            (void)arguments()->takeString( 1 );
    else if ( i == "ereject" ) {
        require( "reject" );
        (void)arguments()->takeString( 1 );
    else if ( i == "fileinto" ) {
        require( "fileinto" );
        if ( arguments()->findTag( ":copy" ) )
            require( "copy" );
        if ( arguments()->findTag( ":flags" ) ) {
            require( "imap4flags" );
            (void)arguments()->takeTaggedStringList( ":copy" );
        UString mailbox = arguments()->takeString( 1 );
        UString p;
        p.append( "/" );
        p.append( mailbox );

        if ( !Mailbox::validName( mailbox ) && !Mailbox::validName( p ) ) {
            setError( "Expected mailbox name, but got: " + mailbox.utf8() );
        else if ( mailbox.startsWith( "INBOX." ) ) {
            // a sieve script which wants to reference a
            // mailbox called INBOX.X must use lower case
            // (inbox.x).
            UString aox =
                UStringList::split( '.', mailbox.mid( 6 ) )->join( "/" );
            setError( mailbox.utf8().quoted() +
                      " is Cyrus syntax. Archiveopteryx uses " +
                      aox.utf8().quoted() );
    else if ( i == "redirect" ) {
        (void)arguments()->findTag( ":copy" );
        EString s = arguments()->takeString( 1 ).utf8();
        AddressParser ap( s );
        if ( !ap.error().isEmpty() )
            setError( "Expected one normal address (local@domain), but got: "
                      + s );
    else if ( i == "keep" ) {
        // nothing needed
    else if ( i == "discard" ) {
        // nothing needed
    else if ( i == "vacation" ) {
        // vacation [":days" number] [":subject" string]
        //          [":from" string] [":addresses" string-list]
        //          [":mime"] [":handle" string] <reason: string>

        require( "vacation" );

        // :days
        uint days = 7;
        if ( arguments()->findTag( ":days" ) )
            days = arguments()->takeTaggedNumber( ":days" );
        if ( days < 1 || days > 365 )
            arguments()->tagError( ":days", "Number must be 1..365" );

        // :subject
        (void)arguments()->takeTaggedString( ":subject" );
        // anything is acceptable, right?

        // :from
        if ( arguments()->findTag( ":from" ) ) {
            parseAsAddress( arguments()->takeTaggedString( ":from" ),
                            ":from" );
            // XXX we don't enforce its being a local address.

        // :addresses
        if ( arguments()->findTag( ":addresses" ) ) {
            UStringList * addresses
                = arguments()->takeTaggedStringList( ":addresses" );
            UStringList::Iterator i( addresses );
            while ( i ) {
                parseAsAddress( *i, ":addresses" );

        // :mime
        bool mime = false;
        if ( arguments()->findTag( ":mime" ) )
            mime = true;

        // :handle
        (void)arguments()->takeTaggedString( ":handle" );

        // reason
        UString reason = arguments()->takeString( 1 );
        if ( mime ) {
            if ( !reason.isAscii() )
                setError( ":mime bodies must be all-ASCII, "
                          "8-bit text is not permitted" ); // so says the RFC
            EString x = reason.utf8();
            uint i = 0;
            Header * h = Message::parseHeader( i, x.length(),
                                               x, Header::Mime );
            Bodypart * bp = Bodypart::parseBodypart( i, x.length(),
                                                     x, h, 0 );
            if ( !h->error().isEmpty() )
                setError( "While parsing MIME header: " + h->error() );
            else if ( !bp->error().isEmpty() )
                setError( "While parsing MIME bodypart: " + bp->error() );

            List<HeaderField>::Iterator f( h->fields() );
            while ( f ) {
                if ( !f->name().startsWith( "Content-" ) )
                    setError( "Header field not permitted: " + f->name() );

            if ( bp->children()->isEmpty() && bp->text().isEmpty() )
                setError( "Vacation reply does not contain any text" );
        else {
            if ( reason.isEmpty() )
                setError( "Empty vacation text does not make sense" );
    else if ( i == "setflag" ||
              i == "addflags" ||
              i == "removeflag" ) {
        (void)arguments()->takeStringList( 1 );
    else if ( i == "notify" ) {
        require( "enotify" );
        UString from;
        if ( arguments()->findTag( ":from" ))
            from = arguments()->takeTaggedString( ":from" );

        UString importance;
        importance.append( "2" );
        if ( arguments()->findTag( ":importance" ) )
            importance = arguments()->takeTaggedString( ":from" );
        uint c = importance[0];
        if ( c < '1' || c > '3' )
            arguments()->tagError( ":importance",
                                   "Importance must be 1, 2 or 3" );

        UStringList * options;
        if ( arguments()->findTag( ":options" ) )
            options = arguments()->takeTaggedStringList( ":options" );

        UString message;
        if ( arguments()->findTag( ":message" ) )
            message = arguments()->takeTaggedString( ":message" );

        UString method = arguments()->takeString( 1 );

        SieveNotifyMethod * m
            = new SieveNotifyMethod( method,
                                     arguments()->takeArgument( 1 ),
                                     this );

        if ( m->valid() ) {
            if ( arguments()->findTag( ":from" ) )
                m->setFrom( from, arguments()->findTag( ":from" ) );
            if ( arguments()->findTag( ":message" ) )
                m->setMessage( message, arguments()->findTag( ":message" ) );
    else {
        setError( "Command unknown: " + identifier() );


    if ( test ) {
        // we must have a test
        if ( !arguments() || arguments()->tests()->count() != 1 )
            setError( "Command " + identifier() + " requires one test" );
        if ( arguments() ) {
            List<SieveTest>::Iterator i( arguments()->tests() );
            while ( i ) {
                if ( blk && block() ) {
                    if ( i->ihaveFailed() )
                        block()->addExtensions( i->addedExtensions() );
    else {
        // we cannot have a test
        if ( arguments() && arguments()->tests()->isEmpty() ) {
            List<SieveTest>::Iterator i( arguments()->tests() );
            while ( i ) {
                i->setError( "Command " + identifier() +
                             " does not use tests" );

    if ( blk ) {
        // we must have a subsidiary block
        if ( !block() ) {
            setError( "Command " + identifier() +
                      " requires a subsidiary {..} block" );
        else {
            EString prev;
            List<SieveCommand>::Iterator i( block()->commands() );
            while ( i ) {
                i->parse( prev );
                prev = i->identifier();
    else {
        // we cannot have a subsidiary block
        if ( block() )
            block()->setError( "Command " + identifier() +
                               " does not use a subsidiary command block" );
        // in this case we don't even bother syntax-checking the test
        // or block
Ejemplo n.º 7
EString Capability::capabilities( IMAP * i, bool all )
    EStringList c;

    c.append( "IMAP4rev1" );

    bool login = true;
    if ( i->state() == IMAP::NotAuthenticated )
        login = false;

    // the remainder of the capabilities are kept sorted by name

    // ugly X-... prefixes are disregarded when sorting by name

    if ( all || ( !login && i->accessPermitted() ) )
        c.append( SaslMechanism::allowedMechanisms( "AUTH=", i->hasTls() ) );

    if ( all || login ) {
        c.append( "ACL" );
        c.append( "ANNOTATE-EXPERIMENT-1" );
        c.append( "BINARY" );
        c.append( "CATENATE" );
        c.append( "CHILDREN" );
    // should we advertise COMPRESS only if not compressed?
    //c.append( "COMPRESS=DEFLATE" );
    if ( all || login )
        c.append( "CONDSTORE" );
    c.append( "ENABLE" );
    if ( all || login ) {
        c.append( "ESEARCH" );
        c.append( "I18NLEVEL=1" );
    c.append( "ID" );
    if ( all || login )
        c.append( "IDLE" );
    if ( all || login )
        c.append( "LIST-EXTENDED" );
    c.append( "LITERAL+" );
    if ( ( all || !login ) &&
         !SaslMechanism::allowed( SaslMechanism::Plain, i->hasTls() ) )
        c.append( "LOGINDISABLED" );
    if ( all || login ) {
        c.append( "MOVE" );
        c.append( "MULTIAPPEND" );
        c.append( "NAMESPACE" );
        //c.append( "NOTIFY" );
    if ( all || login ) {
        if ( Configuration::toggle( Configuration::UseImapQuota ) )
            c.append( "QUOTA" );
        c.append( "QRESYNC" );
        c.append( "RIGHTS=ekntx" );
    if ( all || !login )
        c.append( "SASL-IR" );
    if ( all || login ) {
        c.append( "SORT" );
        c.append( "SORT=DISPLAY" ); // draft-ietf-morg-sortdisplay
    if ( Configuration::toggle( Configuration::UseTls ) && !i->hasTls() )
        c.append( "STARTTLS" );
    if ( all || login ) {
        c.append( "THREAD=ORDEREDSUBJECT" );
        c.append( "THREAD=REFS" );
        c.append( "THREAD=REFERENCES" );
        c.append( "UIDPLUS" );
        c.append( "UNSELECT" );
        c.append( "URLAUTH" );
        c.append( "UTF8=ACCEPT" );
        c.append( "WITHIN" );
        c.append( "X-AOX-GM-1" );

    return c.join( " " );