Ejemplo n.º 1
 * Returns true if the source & plug passed are a master FSI unit
bool isMasterFSI(Endpoint & i_source, Plug* i_plug, bool & o_cascadedMaster)
    bool master = false;
    string partId = mrwGetPartId(i_plug->card(), i_source.id());
    XMLElement part = mrwGetPart(partId);

    o_cascadedMaster = false;

    if (!part.empty())
        XMLElement unit = part.findPath("units/fsi-master-units").find("fsi-master-unit", "id", i_source.unit());

        if (!unit.empty())
            master = true;
            //now try cascaded master units
            XMLElement unit = part.findPath("units/fsi-cascade-master-units").find("fsi-cascade-master-unit", "id", i_source.unit());

            if (!unit.empty())
                master = true;
                o_cascadedMaster = true;

    return master;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * Returns the MBA port.
 * @param i_ddrEndpoint - the MBA endpoint of a DDRBus.
 * @param i_plug - the plug the bus is on
string mrwMemGetMbaPort(Endpoint & i_ddrEndpoint, Plug* i_plug)
    string unitId    = i_ddrEndpoint.unit();
    string chip      = i_ddrEndpoint.id();
    string partId    = mrwGetPartId(i_plug->card(), chip);
    string pos       = mrwGetPartPos(i_plug->card(), chip);

    XMLElement unit  = mrwGetUnit(partId, "ddr-master-unit", unitId);

    return unit.getChildValue("port");
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * Returns the MBA instance path.
 * @param i_ddrEndpoint - the MBA endpoint of a DDRBus.
 * @param i_plug - the plug the bus is on
string mrwMemGetMbaInstancePath(Endpoint & i_ddrEndpoint, Plug* i_plug)
    string unitId    = i_ddrEndpoint.unit();
    string chip      = i_ddrEndpoint.id();
    string partId    = mrwGetPartId(i_plug->card(), chip);
    string pos       = mrwGetPartPos(i_plug->card(), chip);

    XMLElement unit  = mrwGetUnit(partId, "ddr-master-unit", unitId);

    string chipPath  = i_plug->path() + "/" + partId + "-" + pos;
    string mbaPath   = chipPath + "/" + unit.getChildValue("chiplet-id");

    return mbaPath;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * Returns the MCS instance path
 * @param i_dmiSource - the MCS source of a DMIBus
 * @param i_plug - the plug the bus is on
string mrwMemGetMcsInstancePath(Endpoint & i_dmiSource, Plug* i_plug)
    string unitId    = i_dmiSource.unit();
    string chip      = i_dmiSource.id();
    string partId    = mrwGetPartId(i_plug->card(), chip);
    string pos       = mrwGetPartPos(i_plug->card(), chip);

    XMLElement dmiUnit = mrwGetUnit(partId, "dmi-master-unit", unitId);

    string chipPath  = i_plug->path() + "/" + partId + "-" + pos;
    string mcsPath   = chipPath + "/" + dmiUnit.getChildValue("chiplet-id");

    return mcsPath;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 * Returns true if the source & plug passed are a slave FSI unit
bool isSlaveFSI(Endpoint & i_source, Plug* i_plug)
    bool slave = false;
    string partId = mrwGetPartId(i_plug->card(), i_source.id());
    XMLElement part = mrwGetPart(partId);

    if (!part.empty())
        XMLElement unit = part.findPath("units/fsi-slave-units").find("fsi-slave-unit", "id", i_source.unit());

        if (!unit.empty())
            slave = true;

    return slave;
Ejemplo n.º 6
int saveIds(Endpoint& e)
    string ieeeAddrStr = IntToHexStr(e.parent()->ieee_id());
    string epStr = IntToHexStr(e.id());

    if (!zar.good()) {
        zar = JSON{JSONType::JSON_OBJECT};

    JSON& endpointList = zar[ieeeAddrStr]["endpointList"];
    JSON& newDev = endpointList[epStr];
    newDev["Id"] = epStr;

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 * Walks the DMIBus passed in out past the Centaurs and over the DDR busses to the DIMMs
void walkMemoryBus(DMIBus* i_bus, endpointType i_type)
    DMIBus* dmiBus = i_bus;
    bool unitEmpty = false;
    endpointType type;

    //First walk the DMI bus from the CPU unit out to the membuf unit,
    //then walk the DDR bus from the membuf unit to the DIMM unit

    if (i_type == SOURCE)
        unitEmpty = dmiBus->endpoint().unit().empty();
        type = ENDPOINT;
        unitEmpty = dmiBus->source().unit().empty();
        type = SOURCE;

    if (unitEmpty)

            dmiBus = mrwGetNextBus(dmiBus, type);

            if (!dmiBus)

            //Our ending unit could be on the source or endpoint of a bus
            if (!dmiBus->source().unit().empty() || !dmiBus->endpoint().unit().empty())
                unitEmpty = false;

        }  while (unitEmpty);

    if (!dmiBus)
        Endpoint* e = (i_type == SOURCE) ? &i_bus->source() : &i_bus->endpoint();

        ostringstream msg;
        msg << "No endpoint found for a DMI bus path that starts at " <<
                i_bus->plug()->path() << "/" << e->id() << "/" << e->unit();



    //Now that we we have the ending unit of the DMI bus,
    //we look for DDR busses going out from that same part and
    //walk them out to the DIMMs

    //Create the system bus source - the endpoint that has the DMI unit on the CPU
    MemMcs* mcs;

    //The MCS needs to know the endpoint/unit of the cent on the far end
    Endpoint centEndpoint = (type == SOURCE) ? dmiBus->source() : dmiBus->endpoint();

    if (i_type == SOURCE)
        mcs = new MemMcs(i_bus->plug(), i_bus->source(), centEndpoint);
        mcs = new MemMcs(i_bus->plug(), i_bus->endpoint(), centEndpoint);

    if (mrwLogger::getDebugMode())
        string m = "Found DMI endpoint " + mrwUnitPath(dmiBus->plug(), mcs->centEndpoint());

    walkDDRBusses(centEndpoint.id(), dmiBus->plug(), mcs);

Ejemplo n.º 8
 * Walks an FSI bus from the source unit in i_sourceBus out to the endpoint unit
 * in possibly another FSIBus, and creates a FSISingleHopBus object for the path.
void walkFSIBus(FSIBus* i_sourceBus, endpointType i_type)
    FSIMaster* master = NULL;
    FSIBus* bus = i_sourceBus;
    Endpoint* source = (i_type == SOURCE) ? &i_sourceBus->source() : &i_sourceBus->endpoint();
    Endpoint* endpoint = (i_type == SOURCE) ? &i_sourceBus->endpoint() : &i_sourceBus->source();
    endpointType type = (i_type == SOURCE) ? ENDPOINT : SOURCE;
    bool isSlave = false;
    bool cascaded = false;
    vector<FSIConnector*> connectors;
    Cable* cable = NULL;

    //Walk the FSIs from a master or cascaded master out to a slave.
    //Cascading will be done later.

    if (isMasterFSI(*source, bus->plug(), cascaded))
        master = new FSIMaster(*source, bus->plug(), cascaded);

    //Walk the bus if necessary to find the slave
    if (!isSlaveFSI(*endpoint, bus->plug()))
        //save the connector in the path
        connectors.push_back(new FSIConnector(endpoint->id(), bus->plug()));

            cable = NULL;
            bus = mrwGetNextBus<FSIBus>(bus, type, &cable);

            if (!bus)

            //If the source is a slave, flag it, otherwise save the connector in the path
            if (isSlaveFSI(bus->source(), bus->plug()))
                isSlave = true;
                if (cable)
                    connectors.push_back(new FSICable(cable));
                    connectors.push_back(new FSIConnector(bus->source().id(), bus->plug()));

            //If the endpoint is a slave, flag it, otherwise save the connector in the path
            if (isSlaveFSI(bus->endpoint(), bus->plug()))
                isSlave = true;
                if (cable)
                    connectors.push_back(new FSICable(cable));
                    connectors.push_back(new FSIConnector(bus->endpoint().id(), bus->plug()));

        } while (!isSlave);

    if (!bus)
#if 0 //let's not trace this, we see it everywhere
        ostringstream msg;
        msg << "No endpoint found for FSI bus path that starts at " <<
                i_sourceBus->plug()->path() << "/" << i_sourceBus->source().id() << "/" <<i_sourceBus->source().unit();


    //Create the full single hop bus

    FSISlave* slave;

    if (type == SOURCE)
        slave = new FSISlave(bus->source(), bus->plug());
        slave = new FSISlave(bus->endpoint(), bus->plug());

	if (mrwLogger::getDebugMode()) {
		string m = "Creating FSI slave: " + mrwUnitPath(slave->plug(), slave->source());

	FSISingleHopBus* fsi = new FSISingleHopBus(master, slave, connectors);

