Ejemplo n.º 1
bool PLCrackPrescribedDir :: propagateInterface(Domain &iDomain, EnrichmentFront &iEnrFront, TipPropagation &oTipProp)
    if ( !iEnrFront.propagationIsAllowed() ) {
        return false;

    const TipInfo &tipInfo = iEnrFront.giveTipInfo();

    SpatialLocalizer *localizer = iDomain.giveSpatialLocalizer();
    // It is meaningless to propagate a tip that is not inside any element
    if ( tipInfo.mGlobalCoord.giveSize() == 0 ) {
        return false;

    Element *el = localizer->giveElementContainingPoint(tipInfo.mGlobalCoord);
    if ( el == NULL ) {
        return false;

    double angleRad = mAngle * M_PI / 180.0;
    FloatArray dir = {
        cos(angleRad), sin(angleRad)

    oTipProp.mTipIndex = tipInfo.mTipIndex;
    oTipProp.mPropagationDir = dir;
    oTipProp.mPropagationLength = mIncrementLength;

    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
bool PLnodeRadius :: propagateInterface(Domain &iDomain, EnrichmentFront &iEnrFront, TipPropagation &oTipProp)
    if ( !iEnrFront.propagationIsAllowed() ) {
        printf("EnrichmentFront.propagationIsAllowed is false \n");
        return false;
    const TipInfo &tipInfo = iEnrFront.giveTipInfo();   // includes the dofman numbers which represent the boundary of the EI. 
    // No listbased tip (or EI) present, so nothing to propagate. 
    if ( tipInfo.mTipDofManNumbers.giveSize() == 0 ) {
        printf("No dofmans in tip; nothing to propagate. \n");
        return false;  
    // Localise nodes within certain radius from tip nodes
    SpatialLocalizer *localizer = iDomain.giveSpatialLocalizer();
    for ( int i = 1 ; i <= tipInfo.mTipDofManNumbers.giveSize() ; i++ ) {
        //DofManager *dofMan  = iDomain.giveDofManager(tipInfo.mTipDofManNumbers.at(i));
        //const FloatArray gCoords = dofMan->giveCoordinates();
        Node *iNode = iDomain.giveNode(tipInfo.mTipDofManNumbers.at(i));
        const FloatArray gCoords = iNode->giveNodeCoordinates();
        std :: list< int > nodeList;
        for ( int jNode : nodeList ) {
            //printf("nodeList node %d \n",jNode);
    //oTipProp.mPropagationDofManNumbers.printYourself(" The following noded will be propagated to:");
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void GnuplotExportModule::outputXFEM(Crack &iCrack, TimeStep *tStep)
    const std::vector<GaussPoint*> &czGaussPoints = iCrack.giveCohesiveZoneGaussPoints();

    std::vector<double> arcLengthPositions, normalJumps, tangJumps, normalTractions;

    const BasicGeometry *bg = iCrack.giveGeometry();

    for( GaussPoint *gp: czGaussPoints ) {

        StructuralInterfaceMaterialStatus *matStat = dynamic_cast<StructuralInterfaceMaterialStatus*> ( gp->giveMaterialStatus() );
        if(matStat != NULL) {

            // Compute arc length position of the Gauss point
            const FloatArray &coord = (gp->giveGlobalCoordinates());
            double tangDist = 0.0, arcPos = 0.0;
            bg->computeTangentialSignDist(tangDist, coord, arcPos);

            // Compute displacement jump in normal and tangential direction
            // Local numbering: (tang_z, tang, normal)
            const FloatArray &jumpLoc = matStat->giveJump();

            double normalJump = jumpLoc.at(3);

            tangJumps.push_back( jumpLoc.at(2) );

            const FloatArray &trac = matStat->giveFirstPKTraction();

    Domain *domain = emodel->giveDomain(1);
    XfemManager *xMan = domain->giveXfemManager();
    if ( xMan != NULL ) {
        double time = 0.0;

        TimeStep *ts = emodel->giveCurrentStep();
        if ( ts != NULL ) {
            time = ts->giveTargetTime();

        int eiIndex = iCrack.giveNumber();

        std :: stringstream strNormalJump;
        strNormalJump << "NormalJumpGnuplotEI" << eiIndex << "Time" << time << ".dat";
        std :: string nameNormalJump = strNormalJump.str();
        XFEMDebugTools::WriteArrayToGnuplot(nameNormalJump, arcLengthPositions, normalJumps);

        std :: stringstream strTangJump;
        strTangJump << "TangJumpGnuplotEI" << eiIndex << "Time" << time << ".dat";
        std :: string nameTangJump = strTangJump.str();
        XFEMDebugTools::WriteArrayToGnuplot(nameTangJump, arcLengthPositions, tangJumps);

        std :: stringstream strNormalTrac;
        strNormalTrac << "NormalTracGnuplotEI" << eiIndex << "Time" << time << ".dat";
        std :: string nameNormalTrac = strNormalTrac.str();
        XFEMDebugTools::WriteArrayToGnuplot(nameNormalTrac, arcLengthPositions, normalTractions);

        std::vector<FloatArray> matForcesStart, matForcesEnd;
        std::vector<double> radii;

        // Material forces
        for(double matForceRadius : mMatForceRadii) {


            EnrichmentFront *efStart = iCrack.giveEnrichmentFrontStart();
            const TipInfo &tipInfoStart = efStart->giveTipInfo();

            FloatArray matForceStart;
            mpMatForceEvaluator->computeMaterialForce(matForceStart, *domain, tipInfoStart, tStep, matForceRadius);

            if(matForceStart.giveSize() > 0) {
            else {

            EnrichmentFront *efEnd = iCrack.giveEnrichmentFrontEnd();
            const TipInfo &tipInfoEnd = efEnd->giveTipInfo();

            FloatArray matForceEnd;
            mpMatForceEvaluator->computeMaterialForce(matForceEnd, *domain, tipInfoEnd, tStep, matForceRadius);

            if(matForceEnd.giveSize() > 0) {
            else {


        std::vector< std::vector<FloatArray> > matForcesStartArray, matForcesEndArray;

        std :: stringstream strRadii;
        strRadii << "MatForceRadiiGnuplotTime" << time << "Crack" << iCrack.giveNumber() << ".dat";
        XFEMDebugTools::WriteArrayToGnuplot(strRadii.str(), radii, radii);

        std :: stringstream strMatForcesStart;
        strMatForcesStart << "MatForcesStartGnuplotTime" << time << "Crack" << iCrack.giveNumber() << ".dat";
        WritePointsToGnuplot(strMatForcesStart.str(), matForcesStartArray);

        std :: stringstream strMatForcesEnd;
        strMatForcesEnd << "MatForcesEndGnuplotTime" << time << "Crack" << iCrack.giveNumber() << ".dat";
        WritePointsToGnuplot(strMatForcesEnd.str(), matForcesEndArray);

        double crackLength = iCrack.computeLength();
    //    printf("crackLength: %e\n", crackLength );
        std :: stringstream strCrackLength;
        strCrackLength << "CrackLengthGnuplotEI" << eiIndex << "Time" << time << ".dat";
        XFEMDebugTools::WriteArrayToGnuplot(strCrackLength.str(), mTimeHist, mCrackLengthHist[eiIndex]);
Ejemplo n.º 4
bool PLMaterialForce :: propagateInterface(Domain &iDomain, EnrichmentFront &iEnrFront, TipPropagation &oTipProp)
//    printf("Entering PLMaterialForce :: propagateInterface().\n");

    if ( !iEnrFront.propagationIsAllowed() ) {
        return false;

    // Fetch crack tip data
    const TipInfo &tipInfo = iEnrFront.giveTipInfo();

    // Check if the tip is located in the domain
    SpatialLocalizer *localizer = iDomain.giveSpatialLocalizer();
    FloatArray lCoords, closest;
//    printf("tipInfo.mGlobalCoord: \n"); tipInfo.mGlobalCoord.printYourself();
    if( tipInfo.mGlobalCoord.giveSize() == 0 ) {
    	return false;

    localizer->giveElementClosestToPoint(lCoords, closest, tipInfo.mGlobalCoord);

    if(closest.distance(tipInfo.mGlobalCoord) > 1.0e-9) {
//        printf("Tip is outside all elements.\n");
        return false;

    FloatArray matForce;
    TimeStep *tStep = iDomain.giveEngngModel()->giveCurrentStep();
    mpMaterialForceEvaluator->computeMaterialForce(matForce, iDomain, tipInfo, tStep, mRadius);

//    printf("matForce: "); matForce.printYourself();

    if(matForce.giveSize() == 0) {
        return false;

    double forceNorm = matForce.computeNorm();
//    printf("forceNorm: %e mCrackPropThreshold: %e\n", forceNorm, mCrackPropThreshold);

    if(forceNorm < mCrackPropThreshold || forceNorm < 1.0e-20) {
        return false;

    printf("forceNorm: %e mCrackPropThreshold: %e\n", forceNorm, mCrackPropThreshold);
    printf("Propagating crack in PLMaterialForce :: propagateInterface.\n");
//    printf("Tip coord: "); tipInfo.mGlobalCoord.printYourself();

    FloatArray dir(matForce);
//    printf("dir: "); dir.printYourself();

    const double cosAngTol = 1.0/sqrt(2.0);
    if(tipInfo.mTangDir.dotProduct(dir) < cosAngTol) {
        // Do not allow sharper turns than 45 degrees

        if( tipInfo.mNormalDir.dotProduct(dir) > 0.0 ) {
            dir = tipInfo.mTangDir;
        else {
//            dir = tipInfo.mNormalDir;
//            dir.times(-1.0);
            dir = tipInfo.mTangDir;

        printf("//////////////////////////////////////////// Resticting crack propagation direction.\n");
//        printf("tipInfo.mTangDir: "); tipInfo.mTangDir.printYourself();
//        printf("dir: "); dir.printYourself();

    // Fill up struct
    oTipProp.mTipIndex = tipInfo.mTipIndex;
    oTipProp.mPropagationDir = dir;
    oTipProp.mPropagationLength = mIncrementLength;

    return true;