Ejemplo n.º 1
void FSkyVertexBuffer::SkyVertex(int r, int c, bool zflip)
	static const FAngle maxSideAngle = 60.f;
	static const float scale = 10000.;

	FAngle topAngle = (c / (float)mColumns * 360.f);
	FAngle sideAngle = maxSideAngle * (mRows - r) / mRows;
	float height = sideAngle.Sin();
	float realRadius = scale * sideAngle.Cos();
	FVector2 pos = topAngle.ToVector(realRadius);
	float z = (!zflip) ? scale * height : -scale * height;

	FSkyVertex vert;

	vert.color = r == 0 ? 0xffffff : 0xffffffff;

	// And the texture coordinates.
	if (!zflip)	// Flipped Y is for the lower hemisphere.
		vert.u = (-c / (float)mColumns);
		vert.v = (r / (float)mRows);
		vert.u = (-c / (float)mColumns);
		vert.v = 1.0f + ((mRows - r) / (float)mRows);

	if (r != 4) z += 300;
	// And finally the vertex.
	vert.x = -pos.X;	// Doom mirrors the sky vertically!
	vert.y = z - 1.f;
	vert.z = pos.Y;

Ejemplo n.º 2
void P_BobWeapon (player_t *player, float *x, float *y, double ticfrac)
	static float curbob;
	double xx[2], yy[2];

	AWeapon *weapon;
	float bobtarget;

	weapon = player->ReadyWeapon;

	if (weapon == nullptr || weapon->WeaponFlags & WIF_DONTBOB)
		*x = *y = 0;

	// [XA] Get the current weapon's bob properties.
	int bobstyle = weapon->BobStyle;
	float BobSpeed = (weapon->BobSpeed * 128);
	float Rangex = weapon->BobRangeX;
	float Rangey = weapon->BobRangeY;

	for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
		// Bob the weapon based on movement speed. ([SP] And user's bob speed setting)
		FAngle angle = (BobSpeed * player->userinfo.GetWBobSpeed() * 35 /
			TICRATE*(level.time - 1 + i)) * (360.f / 8192.f);

		// [RH] Smooth transitions between bobbing and not-bobbing frames.
		// This also fixes the bug where you can "stick" a weapon off-center by
		// shooting it when it's at the peak of its swing.
		bobtarget = float((player->WeaponState & WF_WEAPONBOBBING) ? player->bob : 0.);
		if (curbob != bobtarget)
			if (fabsf(bobtarget - curbob) <= 1)
				curbob = bobtarget;
				float zoom = MAX(1.f, fabsf(curbob - bobtarget) / 40);
				if (curbob > bobtarget)
					curbob -= zoom;
					curbob += zoom;

		if (curbob != 0)
			float bobx = float(player->bob * Rangex);
			float boby = float(player->bob * Rangey);
			switch (bobstyle)
			case AWeapon::BobNormal:
				xx[i] = bobx * angle.Cos();
				yy[i] = boby * fabsf(angle.Sin());

			case AWeapon::BobInverse:
				xx[i] = bobx*angle.Cos();
				yy[i] = boby * (1.f - fabsf(angle.Sin()));

			case AWeapon::BobAlpha:
				xx[i] = bobx * angle.Sin();
				yy[i] = boby * fabsf(angle.Sin());

			case AWeapon::BobInverseAlpha:
				xx[i] = bobx * angle.Sin();
				yy[i] = boby * (1.f - fabsf(angle.Sin()));

			case AWeapon::BobSmooth:
				xx[i] = bobx*angle.Cos();
				yy[i] = 0.5f * (boby * (1.f - ((angle * 2).Cos())));

			case AWeapon::BobInverseSmooth:
				xx[i] = bobx*angle.Cos();
				yy[i] = 0.5f * (boby * (1.f + ((angle * 2).Cos())));
			xx[i] = 0;
			yy[i] = 0;
	*x = (float)(xx[0] * (1. - ticfrac) + xx[1] * ticfrac);
	*y = (float)(yy[0] * (1. - ticfrac) + yy[1] * ticfrac);
Ejemplo n.º 3
bool GLSprite::CalculateVertices(HWDrawInfo *di, FVector3 *v, DVector3 *vp)
	const auto &HWAngles = di->Viewpoint.HWAngles;
	if (actor != nullptr && (actor->renderflags & RF_SPRITETYPEMASK) == RF_FLATSPRITE)
		Matrix3x4 mat;

		// [MC] Rotate around the center or offsets given to the sprites.
		// Counteract any existing rotations, then rotate the angle.
		// Tilt the actor up or down based on pitch (increase 'somersaults' forward).
		// Then counteract the roll and DO A BARREL ROLL.

		FAngle pitch = (float)-Angles.Pitch.Degrees;

		mat.Translate(x, z, y);
		mat.Rotate(0, 1, 0, 270. - Angles.Yaw.Degrees);
		mat.Rotate(1, 0, 0, pitch.Degrees);

		if (actor->renderflags & RF_ROLLCENTER)
			float cx = (x1 + x2) * 0.5;
			float cy = (y1 + y2) * 0.5;

			mat.Translate(cx - x, 0, cy - y);
			mat.Rotate(0, 1, 0, - Angles.Roll.Degrees);
			mat.Translate(-cx, -z, -cy);
			mat.Rotate(0, 1, 0, - Angles.Roll.Degrees);
			mat.Translate(-x, -z, -y);
		v[0] = mat * FVector3(x2, z, y2);
		v[1] = mat * FVector3(x1, z, y2);
		v[2] = mat * FVector3(x2, z, y1);
		v[3] = mat * FVector3(x1, z, y1);

		return true;
	// [BB] Billboard stuff
	const bool drawWithXYBillboard = ((particle && gl_billboard_particles) || (!(actor && actor->renderflags & RF_FORCEYBILLBOARD)
		//&& di->mViewActor != nullptr
		&& (gl_billboard_mode == 1 || (actor && actor->renderflags & RF_FORCEXYBILLBOARD))));

	const bool drawBillboardFacingCamera = gl_billboard_faces_camera;
	// [Nash] has +ROLLSPRITE
	const bool drawRollSpriteActor = (actor != nullptr && actor->renderflags & RF_ROLLSPRITE);

	// [fgsfds] check sprite type mask
	uint32_t spritetype = (uint32_t)-1;
	if (actor != nullptr) spritetype = actor->renderflags & RF_SPRITETYPEMASK;

	// [Nash] is a flat sprite
	const bool isFlatSprite = (actor != nullptr) && (spritetype == RF_WALLSPRITE || spritetype == RF_FLATSPRITE);
	const bool useOffsets = (actor != nullptr) && !(actor->renderflags & RF_ROLLCENTER);

	// [Nash] check for special sprite drawing modes
	if (drawWithXYBillboard || drawBillboardFacingCamera || drawRollSpriteActor || isFlatSprite)
		// Compute center of sprite
		float xcenter = (x1 + x2)*0.5;
		float ycenter = (y1 + y2)*0.5;
		float zcenter = (z1 + z2)*0.5;
		float xx = -xcenter + x;
		float zz = -zcenter + z;
		float yy = -ycenter + y;
		Matrix3x4 mat;
		mat.Translate(xcenter, zcenter, ycenter); // move to sprite center

												  // Order of rotations matters. Perform yaw rotation (Y, face camera) before pitch (X, tilt up/down).
		if (drawBillboardFacingCamera && !isFlatSprite)
			// [CMB] Rotate relative to camera XY position, not just camera direction,
			// which is nicer in VR
			float xrel = xcenter - vp->X;
			float yrel = ycenter - vp->Y;
			float absAngleDeg = RAD2DEG(atan2(-yrel, xrel));
			float counterRotationDeg = 270. - HWAngles.Yaw.Degrees; // counteracts existing sprite rotation
			float relAngleDeg = counterRotationDeg + absAngleDeg;

			mat.Rotate(0, 1, 0, relAngleDeg);

		// [fgsfds] calculate yaw vectors
		float yawvecX = 0, yawvecY = 0, rollDegrees = 0;
		float angleRad = (270. - HWAngles.Yaw).Radians();
		if (actor)	rollDegrees = Angles.Roll.Degrees;
		if (isFlatSprite)
			yawvecX = Angles.Yaw.Cos();
			yawvecY = Angles.Yaw.Sin();

		// [fgsfds] Rotate the sprite about the sight vector (roll) 
		if (spritetype == RF_WALLSPRITE)
			mat.Rotate(0, 1, 0, 0);
			if (drawRollSpriteActor)
				if (useOffsets)	mat.Translate(xx, zz, yy);
				mat.Rotate(yawvecX, 0, yawvecY, rollDegrees);
				if (useOffsets) mat.Translate(-xx, -zz, -yy);
		else if (drawRollSpriteActor)
			if (useOffsets) mat.Translate(xx, zz, yy);
			if (drawWithXYBillboard)
				mat.Rotate(-sin(angleRad), 0, cos(angleRad), -HWAngles.Pitch.Degrees);
			mat.Rotate(cos(angleRad), 0, sin(angleRad), rollDegrees);
			if (useOffsets) mat.Translate(-xx, -zz, -yy);
		else if (drawWithXYBillboard)
			// Rotate the sprite about the vector starting at the center of the sprite
			// triangle strip and with direction orthogonal to where the player is looking
			// in the x/y plane.
			mat.Rotate(-sin(angleRad), 0, cos(angleRad), -HWAngles.Pitch.Degrees);

		mat.Translate(-xcenter, -zcenter, -ycenter); // retreat from sprite center
		v[0] = mat * FVector3(x1, z1, y1);
		v[1] = mat * FVector3(x2, z1, y2);
		v[2] = mat * FVector3(x1, z2, y1);
		v[3] = mat * FVector3(x2, z2, y2);
	else // traditional "Y" billboard mode
		v[0] = FVector3(x1, z1, y1);
		v[1] = FVector3(x2, z1, y2);
		v[2] = FVector3(x1, z2, y1);
		v[3] = FVector3(x2, z2, y2);
	return false;