 * Creates a bounding box for the passed in node
 * @param	Node	Node to create a bounding box for
 * @param	OutBox	The created box
void UModel::GetNodeBoundingBox( const FBspNode& Node, FBox& OutBox ) const
	const int32 FirstVertexIndex = Node.iVertPool;
	for( int32 VertexIndex=0; VertexIndex<Node.NumVertices; VertexIndex++ )
		const FVert&	ModelVert	= Verts[ FirstVertexIndex + VertexIndex ];
		const FVector	Vertex		= Points[ ModelVert.pVertex ];
		OutBox += Vertex;
FBoxSphereBounds UGameplayDebuggingComponent::CalcBounds(const FTransform& LocalToWorld) const
    FBox MyBounds;

    if (ShouldReplicateData(EAIDebugDrawDataView::NavMesh))
        MyBounds = NavMeshBounds;

    if (EQSRepData.Num() && ShouldReplicateData(EAIDebugDrawDataView::EQS))

    return MyBounds;
void UParticleModuleCollision::Update(FParticleEmitterInstance* Owner, int32 Offset, float DeltaTime)
	UWorld* World = Owner->Component->GetWorld();
	if (Owner->ActiveParticles == 0 || (bDropDetail && World && World->bDropDetail))

	//Gets the owning actor of the component. Can be NULL if the component is spawned with the World as an Outer, e.g. in UGameplayStatics::SpawnEmitterAtLocation().
	AActor* Actor = Owner->Component->GetOwner();

	UParticleLODLevel* LODLevel	= Owner->SpriteTemplate->GetCurrentLODLevel(Owner);

	const int32 MeshRotationOffset = Owner->GetMeshRotationOffset();
	const bool bMeshRotationActive = Owner->IsMeshRotationActive();

	const FTransform& OwnerTM = Owner->Component->GetAsyncComponentToWorld();
	const FVector ParentScale = OwnerTM.GetScale3D();

	FParticleEventInstancePayload* EventPayload = NULL;
	if (LODLevel->EventGenerator)
		EventPayload = (FParticleEventInstancePayload*)(Owner->GetModuleInstanceData(LODLevel->EventGenerator));
		if (EventPayload && 
			(EventPayload->bCollisionEventsPresent == false) && 
			(EventPayload->bDeathEventsPresent == false))
			EventPayload = NULL;

	FParticleCollisionInstancePayload* CollisionInstPayload = (FParticleCollisionInstancePayload*)(Owner->GetModuleInstanceData(this));

	const TArray<FVector>& PlayerLocations = Owner->Component->GetPlayerLocations();
	TArray<float> PlayerLODDistanceFactor = Owner->Component->GetPlayerLODDistanceFactor();	//Make a copy because we need to square it later
	const int32 PlayerCount = PlayerLocations.Num();

	if (World->IsGameWorld())
		bool bIgnoreAllCollision = false;

		// LOD collision based on visibility
		// This is at the 'emitter instance' level as it will be true or false for the whole instance...
		if (bCollideOnlyIfVisible && ((World->TimeSeconds - Owner->Component->LastRenderTime) > 0.1f))
			// no collision if not recently rendered
			bIgnoreAllCollision = true;
			// If the MaxCollisionDistance is greater than WORLD_MAX, they obviously want the check disabled...
			if (MaxCollisionDistance < WORLD_MAX)
				// If we have at least a few particles, do a simple check vs. the bounds
				if (Owner->ActiveParticles > 7)
					if (CollisionInstPayload->CurrentLODBoundsCheckCount == 0)
						FBox BoundingBox;
						if (Owner->Component->Template && Owner->Component->Template->bUseFixedRelativeBoundingBox)
							BoundingBox = Owner->Component->Template->FixedRelativeBoundingBox.TransformBy(OwnerTM);
							// A frame behind, but shouldn't be an issue...
							BoundingBox = Owner->Component->GetAsyncBounds().GetBox();

						// see if any player is within the extended bounds...
						bIgnoreAllCollision = true;
						// Check for the system itself beyond beyond the bounds
						// LOD collision by distance
						bool bCloseEnough = false;
						for (int32 PlyrIdx = 0; PlyrIdx < PlayerCount; PlyrIdx++)
							// Invert the LOD distance factor here because we are using it to *expand* the 
							// bounds rather than shorten the distance checked as it is usually used for.
							float InvDistanceFactor = 1.0f / PlayerLODDistanceFactor[PlyrIdx];
							FBox CheckBounds = BoundingBox;
							float BoxExpansionValue = MaxCollisionDistance * InvDistanceFactor;
							BoxExpansionValue += BoxExpansionValue * 0.075f;
							// Expand it by the max collision distance (and a little bit extra)
							CheckBounds = CheckBounds.ExpandBy(BoxExpansionValue);
							if (CheckBounds.IsInside(PlayerLocations[PlyrIdx]))
								// If one is close enough, that's all it takes!
								bCloseEnough = true;
						if (bCloseEnough == true)
							bIgnoreAllCollision = false;
					// Every 30 frames recheck the overall bounds...
					if (CollisionInstPayload->CurrentLODBoundsCheckCount > 30)
						CollisionInstPayload->CurrentLODBoundsCheckCount = 0;

		if (bIgnoreAllCollision == true)
			// Turn off collision on *all* existing particles...
			// We don't want it to turn back on and have particles 
			// already embedded start performing collision checks.
				Particle.Flags |= STATE_Particle_IgnoreCollisions;

		// Square the LODDistanceFactor values now, so we don't have to do it
		// per particle in the update loop below...
		for (int32 SquareIdx = 0; SquareIdx < PlayerLocations.Num(); SquareIdx++)
			PlayerLODDistanceFactor[SquareIdx] *= PlayerLODDistanceFactor[SquareIdx];

	float SquaredMaxCollisionDistance = FMath::Square(MaxCollisionDistance);
		if ((Particle.Flags & STATE_Particle_CollisionIgnoreCheck) != 0)

		PARTICLE_ELEMENT(FParticleCollisionPayload, CollisionPayload);
		if ((Particle.Flags & STATE_Particle_DelayCollisions) != 0)
			if (CollisionPayload.Delay > Particle.RelativeTime)
			Particle.Flags &= ~STATE_Particle_DelayCollisions;

		FVector			Location;
		FVector			OldLocation;

		// Location won't be calculated till after tick so we need to calculate an intermediate one here.
		Location	= Particle.Location + Particle.Velocity * DeltaTime;
		if (LODLevel->RequiredModule->bUseLocalSpace)
			// Transform the location and old location into world space
			Location		= OwnerTM.TransformPosition(Location);
			OldLocation		= OwnerTM.TransformPosition(Particle.OldLocation);
			OldLocation	= Particle.OldLocation;
		FVector	Direction = (Location - OldLocation).GetSafeNormal();

		// Determine the size
		FVector Size = Particle.Size * ParentScale;
		FVector	Extent(0.0f);

		// Setup extent for mesh particles. 
		UParticleModuleTypeDataMesh* MeshType = Cast<UParticleModuleTypeDataMesh>(LODLevel->TypeDataModule);
		if (MeshType && MeshType->Mesh)
			Extent = MeshType->Mesh->GetBounds().BoxExtent;
			Extent = MeshType->bCollisionsConsiderPartilceSize ? Extent * Size : Extent;
		FHitResult Hit;

		Hit.Normal.X = 0.0f;
		Hit.Normal.Y = 0.0f;
		Hit.Normal.Z = 0.0f;

		check( Owner->Component );

		FVector End = Location + Direction * Size / DirScalar;

		if ((World->IsGameWorld() == true) && (MaxCollisionDistance < WORLD_MAX))
			// LOD collision by distance
			bool bCloseEnough = false;
			for (int32 CheckIdx = 0; CheckIdx < PlayerCount; CheckIdx++)
				float CheckValue = (PlayerLocations[CheckIdx] - End).SizeSquared() * PlayerLODDistanceFactor[CheckIdx];
				if (CheckValue < SquaredMaxCollisionDistance)
					bCloseEnough = true;
			if (bCloseEnough == false)
				Particle.Flags |= STATE_Particle_IgnoreCollisions;

		AActor* IgnoreActor = bIgnoreSourceActor ? Actor : NULL;

		if (PerformCollisionCheck(Owner, &Particle, Hit, IgnoreActor, End, OldLocation, Extent))
			bool bDecrementMaxCount = true;
			bool bIgnoreCollision = false;
			if (Hit.GetActor())
				bDecrementMaxCount = !bPawnsDoNotDecrementCount || !Cast<APawn>(Hit.GetActor());
				bIgnoreCollision = bIgnoreTriggerVolumes && Hit.GetActor()->IsA(ATriggerBase::StaticClass());
				//@todo.SAS. Allow for PSys to say what it wants to collide w/?

			if (bIgnoreCollision == false)
				if (bDecrementMaxCount && (bOnlyVerticalNormalsDecrementCount == true))
					if ((Hit.Normal.IsNearlyZero() == false) && (FMath::Abs(Hit.Normal.Z) + VerticalFudgeFactor) < 1.0f)
						//UE_LOG(LogParticles, Log, TEXT("Particle from %s had a non-vertical hit!"), *(Owner->Component->Template->GetPathName()));
						bDecrementMaxCount = false;

				if (bDecrementMaxCount)

				if (CollisionPayload.UsedCollisions > 0)
					if (LODLevel->RequiredModule->bUseLocalSpace)
						// Transform the particle velocity to world space
						FVector OldVelocity		= OwnerTM.TransformVector(Particle.Velocity);
						FVector	BaseVelocity	= OwnerTM.TransformVector(Particle.BaseVelocity);
						BaseVelocity			= BaseVelocity.MirrorByVector(Hit.Normal) * CollisionPayload.UsedDampingFactor;

						Particle.BaseVelocity		= OwnerTM.InverseTransformVector(BaseVelocity);
						Particle.BaseRotationRate	= Particle.BaseRotationRate * CollisionPayload.UsedDampingFactorRotation.X;
						if (bMeshRotationActive && MeshRotationOffset > 0)
							FMeshRotationPayloadData* PayloadData = (FMeshRotationPayloadData*)((uint8*)&Particle + MeshRotationOffset);
							PayloadData->RotationRateBase *= CollisionPayload.UsedDampingFactorRotation;

						// Reset the current velocity and manually adjust location to bounce off based on normal and time of collision.
						FVector NewVelocity	= Direction.MirrorByVector(Hit.Normal) * (Location - OldLocation).Size() * CollisionPayload.UsedDampingFactor;
						Particle.Velocity		= FVector::ZeroVector;

						// New location
						FVector	NewLocation		= Location + NewVelocity * (1.f - Hit.Time);
						Particle.Location		= OwnerTM.InverseTransformPosition(NewLocation);

						if (bApplyPhysics)
							UPrimitiveComponent* PrimitiveComponent = Hit.Component.Get();
							if(PrimitiveComponent && PrimitiveComponent->IsAnySimulatingPhysics())
								FVector vImpulse;
								vImpulse = -(NewVelocity - OldVelocity) * ParticleMass.GetValue(Particle.RelativeTime, Owner->Component);
								PrimitiveComponent->AddImpulseAtLocation(vImpulse, Hit.Location, Hit.BoneName);
						FVector vOldVelocity = Particle.Velocity;

						// Reflect base velocity and apply damping factor.
						Particle.BaseVelocity		= Particle.BaseVelocity.MirrorByVector(Hit.Normal) * CollisionPayload.UsedDampingFactor;
						Particle.BaseRotationRate	= Particle.BaseRotationRate * CollisionPayload.UsedDampingFactorRotation.X;
						if (bMeshRotationActive && MeshRotationOffset > 0)
							FMeshRotationPayloadData* PayloadData = (FMeshRotationPayloadData*)((uint8*)&Particle + MeshRotationOffset);
							PayloadData->RotationRateBase *= CollisionPayload.UsedDampingFactorRotation;

						// Reset the current velocity and manually adjust location to bounce off based on normal and time of collision.
						FVector vNewVelocity	= Direction.MirrorByVector(Hit.Normal) * (Location - OldLocation).Size() * CollisionPayload.UsedDampingFactor;
						Particle.Velocity		= FVector::ZeroVector;
						Particle.Location	   += vNewVelocity * (1.f - Hit.Time);

						if (bApplyPhysics)
							UPrimitiveComponent* PrimitiveComponent = Hit.Component.Get();
							if(PrimitiveComponent && PrimitiveComponent->IsAnySimulatingPhysics())
								FVector vImpulse;
								vImpulse = -(vNewVelocity - vOldVelocity) * ParticleMass.GetValue(Particle.RelativeTime, Owner->Component);
								PrimitiveComponent->AddImpulseAtLocation(vImpulse, Hit.Location, Hit.BoneName);

					if (EventPayload && (EventPayload->bCollisionEventsPresent == true))
						LODLevel->EventGenerator->HandleParticleCollision(Owner, EventPayload, &CollisionPayload, &Hit, &Particle, Direction);
					if (LODLevel->RequiredModule->bUseLocalSpace == true)
						Size = OwnerTM.TransformVector(Size);
					Particle.Location = Hit.Location + (Size / 2.0f);
					if (LODLevel->RequiredModule->bUseLocalSpace == true)
						// We need to transform the location back relative to the PSys.
						// NOTE: LocalSpace makes sense only for stationary emitters that use collision.
						Particle.Location = OwnerTM.InverseTransformPosition(Particle.Location);
					switch (CollisionCompletionOption)
					case EPCC_Kill:
							if (EventPayload && (EventPayload->bDeathEventsPresent == true))
								LODLevel->EventGenerator->HandleParticleKilled(Owner, EventPayload, &Particle);
					case EPCC_Freeze:
							Particle.Flags |= STATE_Particle_Freeze;
					case EPCC_HaltCollisions:
							Particle.Flags |= STATE_Particle_IgnoreCollisions;
					case EPCC_FreezeTranslation:
							Particle.Flags |= STATE_Particle_FreezeTranslation;
					case EPCC_FreezeRotation:
							Particle.Flags |= STATE_Particle_FreezeRotation;
					case EPCC_FreezeMovement:
							Particle.Flags |= STATE_Particle_FreezeRotation;
							Particle.Flags |= STATE_Particle_FreezeTranslation;

					if (EventPayload && (EventPayload->bCollisionEventsPresent == true))
						LODLevel->EventGenerator->HandleParticleCollision(Owner, EventPayload, &CollisionPayload, &Hit, &Particle, Direction);
				Particle.Flags |= STATE_Particle_CollisionHasOccurred;