bool RulerGesture::mouseHitsGuide(FPoint mousePointDoc) { const int page = m_doc->OnPage(mousePointDoc.x(), mousePointDoc.y()); if ((m_doc->guidesSettings.guidesShown) && (!m_doc->GuideLock) && page >= 0) { double grabRadScale = m_doc->guidesSettings.grabRad / m_canvas->scale(); int index = m_doc->Pages->at(page)->guides.isMouseOnVertical(mousePointDoc.x() + grabRadScale, mousePointDoc.x() - grabRadScale, GuideManagerCore::Standard); if (index >= 0) { m_mode = VERTICAL; m_haveGuide = true; m_guide = m_doc->Pages->at(page)->guides.vertical(index, GuideManagerCore::Standard); m_currentGuide = m_guide; m_page = page; return true; } index = m_doc->Pages->at(page)->guides.isMouseOnHorizontal(mousePointDoc.y() + grabRadScale, mousePointDoc.y() - grabRadScale, GuideManagerCore::Standard); if (index >= 0) { m_mode = HORIZONTAL; m_haveGuide = true; m_guide = m_doc->Pages->at(page)->guides.horizontal(index, GuideManagerCore::Standard); m_currentGuide = m_guide; m_page = page; return true; } } m_haveGuide = false; return false; }
void CanvasMode_Magnifier::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *m) { #ifdef GESTURE_FRAME_PREVIEW clearPixmapCache(); #endif // GESTURE_FRAME_PREVIEW const FPoint mousePointDoc = m_canvas->globalToCanvas(m->globalPos()); m_canvas->m_viewMode.m_MouseButtonPressed = false; m_canvas->resetRenderMode(); m->accept(); // m_view->stopDragTimer(); if (m_doc->appMode == modeMagnifier) { double sc = m_canvas->scale(); if (m_view->HaveSelRect) { QRect geom = m_view->redrawMarker->geometry().normalized(); geom = QRect(m_view->mapToGlobal(geom.topLeft()), m_view->mapToGlobal(geom.bottomRight())); FPoint nx = m_canvas->globalToCanvas(QPoint(geom.x() + geom.width() / 2, geom.y() + geom.height() / 2)); double scaleH = m_view->visibleWidth() / static_cast<double>(qMax(geom.width(), 1)); double scaleV = m_view->visibleHeight() / static_cast<double>(qMax(geom.height(), 1)); double scaleAdjust = qMax(0.5, qMin(scaleH, scaleV)); m_view->zoom(nx.x(), nx.y(), m_canvas->scale() * scaleAdjust, false); if (sc == m_canvas->scale()) { m_view->HaveSelRect = false; m_view->setRedrawMarkerShown(false); m_view->requestMode(submodePaintingDone); } m_view->setRedrawMarkerShown(false); } else { FPoint nx = mousePointDoc; int mx = qRound(nx.x()); int my = qRound(nx.y()); m_view->Magnify ? m_view->slotZoomIn(mx,my) : m_view->slotZoomOut(mx,my); if (sc == m_canvas->scale()) { m_view->HaveSelRect = false; m_view->requestMode(submodePaintingDone); } else { if (m->modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier) m_view->setCursor(IconManager::instance()->loadCursor("LupeZm.xpm")); else m_view->setCursor(IconManager::instance()->loadCursor("LupeZ.xpm")); } } } m_canvas->setRenderModeUseBuffer(false); m_doc->DragP = false; m_doc->leaveDrag = false; m_canvas->m_viewMode.operItemMoving = false; m_canvas->m_viewMode.operItemResizing = false; m_view->MidButt = false; //Make sure the Zoom spinbox and page selector dont have focus if we click on the canvas m_view->m_ScMW->zoomSpinBox->clearFocus(); m_view->m_ScMW->pageSelector->clearFocus(); }
void ScPainterEx_GDI::drawLine(FPoint start, FPoint end) { newPath(); moveTo(start.x(), start.y()); lineTo(end.x(), end.y()); strokePath(); }
void KCurve::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e) { if(e->key() == Qt::Key_Delete || e->key() == Qt::Key_Backspace) { if (m_points.size() > 2) { FPoint closest_point = m_points.point(0); FPoint p = m_points.point(0); int pos = 0; int cc = 0; double distance = 1000; // just a big number while(cc < m_points.size()) { p = m_points.point(cc); if (fabs (m_grab_point.x() - p.x()) < distance) { distance = fabs(m_grab_point.x() - p.x()); closest_point = p; m_pos = pos; } cc++; pos++; } FPointArray cli; cli.putPoints(0, m_pos, m_points); cli.putPoints(cli.size(), m_points.size()-m_pos-1, m_points, m_pos+1); m_points.resize(0); m_points = cli.copy(); m_grab_point = closest_point; repaint(); emit modified(); QWidget::keyPressEvent(e); } } }
void ResizeGesture::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *m) { FPoint point = m_canvas->globalToCanvas(m->globalPos()); m_mousePressPoint = m->globalPos(); if (m_doc->m_Selection->count() == 0) { m_handle = Canvas::OUTSIDE; } else if (m_doc->m_Selection->isMultipleSelection()) { double gx, gy, gh, gw; m_doc->m_Selection->getVisualGroupRect(&gx, &gy, &gw, &gh); m_handle = m_canvas->frameHitTest(QPointF(point.x(), point.y()), QRectF(gx,gy,gw,gh)); } else { m_handle = m_canvas->frameHitTest(QPointF(point.x(), point.y()), m_doc->m_Selection->itemAt(0)); } if (m_handle > 0) { prepare(m_handle); m->accept(); m_mousePressBounds = m_bounds; } }
void ArrowChooser::rebuildList(QList<ArrowDesc> *arrowStyles) { clear(); FPointArray Path; Path.resize(0); addItem(CommonStrings::tr_None); for (int a = 0; a < arrowStyles->count(); ++a) { QImage image(22, 22, QImage::Format_ARGB32); ScPainter *painter = new ScPainter(&image, 22, 22); painter->clear(); painter->setBrush(qRgb(0, 0, 0)); painter->setPen(qRgb(0, 0, 0)); painter->setFillMode(1); painter->translate(3.0, 3.0); Path.resize(0); Path = arrowStyles->at(a).points.copy(); FPoint min = getMinClipF(&Path); Path.translate(-min.x(), -min.y()); FPoint max = Path.WidthHeight(); QMatrix mm; QMatrix mm2; if (arrowDirection) { mm2.scale(-1, 1); mm2.translate(-max.x(), 0); } mm.scale(16.0 / qMax(max.x(), max.y()), 16.0 / qMax(max.x(), max.y())); * mm); painter->setupPolygon(&Path); painter->setLineWidth(1.0); painter->drawPolygon(); painter->drawPolyLine(); painter->end(); delete painter; int wi = image.width(); int hi = image.height(); for( int yi=0; yi < hi; ++yi ) { QRgb *s = (QRgb*)(image.scanLine( yi )); for(int xi=0; xi < wi; ++xi ) { if((*s) == 0xffffffff) (*s) &= 0x00ffffff; s++; } } QPixmap Ico; Ico=QPixmap::fromImage(image); addItem(Ico, arrowStyles->at(a).name); } }
void KCurve::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *) { int x = 0; int wWidth = width() - 1; int wHeight = height() - 1; // Drawing selection or all histogram values. QPainter p1; p1.begin(this); // draw background p1.fillRect(QRect(0, 0, wWidth, wHeight), QColor(255, 255, 255)); // Draw grid separators. p1.setPen(QPen(Qt::gray, 1, Qt::SolidLine)); p1.drawLine(wWidth/4, 0, wWidth/4, wHeight); p1.drawLine(wWidth/2, 0, wWidth/2, wHeight); p1.drawLine(3*wWidth/4, 0, 3*wWidth/4, wHeight); p1.drawLine(0, wHeight/4, wWidth, wHeight/4); p1.drawLine(0, wHeight/2, wWidth, wHeight/2); p1.drawLine(0, 3*wHeight/4, wWidth, 3*wHeight/4); // Draw curve. double curvePrevVal = getCurveValue(0.0); p1.setPen(QPen(Qt::black, 1, Qt::SolidLine)); for (x = 0 ; x < wWidth ; x++) { double curveX; double curveVal; // curveX = (x + 0.5) / wWidth; curveX = x / static_cast<double>(wWidth); curveVal = getCurveValue(curveX); p1.drawLine(x - 1, wHeight - int(curvePrevVal * wHeight), x, wHeight - int(curveVal * wHeight)); curvePrevVal = curveVal; } p1.drawLine(x - 1, wHeight - int(curvePrevVal * wHeight), x, wHeight - int(getCurveValue(1.0) * wHeight)); for (int dh = 0; dh < m_points.size(); dh++) { FPoint p = m_points.point(dh); if(p == m_grab_point) { p1.setPen(QPen(Qt::red, 3, Qt::SolidLine)); p1.drawEllipse( int(p.x() * wWidth) - 2, wHeight - 2 - int(p.y() * wHeight), 4, 4 ); } else { p1.setPen(QPen(Qt::red, 1, Qt::SolidLine)); p1.drawEllipse( int(p.x() * wWidth) - 3, wHeight - 3 - int(p.y() * wHeight), 6, 6 ); } } p1.end(); }
void ScPainterEx_GDI::curveTo( FPoint p1, FPoint p2, FPoint p3 ) { FPoint fpoints[3]; fpoints[0].setXY( p1.x(), p1.y() ); fpoints[1].setXY( p2.x(), p2.y() ); fpoints[2].setXY( p3.x(), p3.y() ); transformPoints( fpoints, fpoints, 3 ); POINT points[3]; points[0].x = fpoints[0].x(); points[0].y = fpoints[0].y(); points[1].x = fpoints[1].x(); points[1].y = fpoints[1].y(); points[2].x = fpoints[2].x(); points[2].y = fpoints[2].y(); PolyBezierTo(m_dc, points, 3); }
void CanvasMode_FrameLinks::selectPage(QMouseEvent *m) { m_canvas->m_viewMode.m_MouseButtonPressed = true; FPoint mousePointDoc = m_canvas->globalToCanvas(m->globalPos()); Mxp = mousePointDoc.x(); //static_cast<int>(m->x()/m_canvas->scale()); Myp = mousePointDoc.y(); //static_cast<int>(m->y()/m_canvas->scale()); m_doc->nodeEdit.deselect(); m_view->Deselect(false); if (!m_doc->masterPageMode()) { int i = m_doc->OnPage(Mxp, Myp); if (i!=-1) { uint docCurrPageNo=m_doc->currentPageNumber(); uint j=static_cast<uint>(i); if (docCurrPageNo != j) { m_doc->setCurrentPage(m_doc->Pages->at(j)); m_view->setMenTxt(j); m_view->DrawNew(); } } m_view->setRulerPos(m_view->contentsX(), m_view->contentsY()); } }
void CanvasMode_Rotate::drawItemOutlines(QPainter* p) { FPoint itemPos; double itemRotation; p->save(); QColor drawColor = qApp->palette().color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Highlight); p->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing); p->setBrush(Qt::NoBrush); p->setPen(QPen(drawColor, 1, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::FlatCap, Qt::MiterJoin)); uint docSelectionCount = m_doc->m_Selection->count(); for (uint i = 0; i < docSelectionCount; ++i) { PageItem * currItem = m_doc->m_Selection->itemAt(i); getNewItemPosition(currItem, itemPos, itemRotation); p->save(); p->translate(itemPos.x(), itemPos.y()); p->rotate(itemRotation); currItem->DrawPolyL(p, currItem->Clip); p->restore(); } p->restore(); }
void CanvasMode_EditArc::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *m) { const FPoint mousePointDoc = m_canvas->globalToCanvas(m->globalPos()); m->accept(); double newX = mousePointDoc.x(); double newY = mousePointDoc.y(); if (m_canvas->m_viewMode.m_MouseButtonPressed && m_view->moveTimerElapsed()) { PageItem *currItem = m_doc->m_Selection->itemAt(0); QTransform itemMatrix = currItem->getTransform(); QPointF sPoint = currItem->PoLine.pointQF(0); QPointF smPoint =; QLineF stLinA = QLineF(smPoint, QPointF(m_Mxp, m_Myp)); QLineF stLinM = QLineF(smPoint, QPointF(newX, newY)); double deltaAngle = stLinM.angle() - stLinA.angle(); QPainterPath pp; if (m_arcPoint == useControlStart) m_startAngle += deltaAngle; else if (m_arcPoint == useControlSweep) m_endAngle += deltaAngle; else if (m_arcPoint == useControlHeight) m_heightPoint = QPointF(m_heightPoint.x(), m_heightPoint.y() + (newY - m_Myp)); else if (m_arcPoint == useControlWidth) m_widthPoint = QPointF(m_widthPoint.x() + (newX - m_Mxp), m_widthPoint.y()); double nSweep = m_endAngle - m_startAngle; if (nSweep < 0) nSweep += 360; double nWidth = sPoint.x() - m_widthPoint.x(); double nHeight = sPoint.y() - m_heightPoint.y(); if ((nWidth > 0) && (nHeight > 0)) { pp.moveTo(sPoint); pp.arcTo(QRectF(sPoint.x() - nWidth, sPoint.y() - nHeight, nWidth * 2, nHeight * 2), m_startAngle, nSweep); pp.closeSubpath(); FPointArray ar; ar.fromQPainterPath(pp); if (m_arcPoint == useControlStart) { m_startPoint = ar.pointQF(2); QLineF stLinA = QLineF(smPoint,; m_canvas->displayRotHUD(m->globalPos(), 360.0 - stLinA.angle()); } else if (m_arcPoint == useControlSweep) { m_endPoint = ar.pointQF(ar.size() - 4); QLineF stLinA = QLineF(smPoint,; m_canvas->displayRotHUD(m->globalPos(), 360.0 - stLinA.angle()); } QLineF res = QLineF(m_centerPoint, m_startPoint); QLineF swe = QLineF(m_centerPoint, m_endPoint); vectorDialog->setValues(res.angle(), swe.angle(), nHeight * 2, nWidth * 2); blockUpdateFromItem(true); currItem->update(); blockUpdateFromItem(false); m_doc->regionsChanged()->update(itemMatrix.mapRect(QRectF(0, 0, currItem->width(), currItem->height())).adjusted(-nWidth, -nHeight, nWidth, nHeight)); } } m_Mxp = newX; m_Myp = newY; }
void LineMove::adjustBounds(QMouseEvent *m) { FPoint mousePointDoc = m_canvas->globalToCanvas(m->globalPos()); bool constrainRatio = ((m->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier) != Qt::NoModifier); double newX = mousePointDoc.x(); double newY = mousePointDoc.y(); if (m_doc->useRaster) { newX = qRound(newX / m_doc->guidesSettings.minorGridSpacing) * m_doc->guidesSettings.minorGridSpacing; newY = qRound(newY / m_doc->guidesSettings.minorGridSpacing) * m_doc->guidesSettings.minorGridSpacing; } //<<#8099 FPoint np2 = m_doc->ApplyGridF(FPoint(newX, newY)); double nx = np2.x(); double ny = np2.y(); m_doc->ApplyGuides(&nx, &ny); newX = qRound(nx); newY = qRound(ny); //>>#8099 m_bounds.setBottomRight(QPointF(newX, newY)); //Constrain rotation angle, when the mouse is being dragged around for a new line if (constrainRatio) { double newRot = rotation(); newRot = constrainAngle(newRot, m_doc->opToolPrefs.constrain); setRotation(newRot); } // qDebug() << "LineMove::adjustBounds" << m_bounds << rotation() << length() << m_bounds.bottomRight(); m_view->updateCanvas(m_bounds.normalized().adjusted(-10, -10, 20, 20)); }
void ShapeView::startDrag(Qt::DropActions supportedActions) { QString key = currentItem()->data(Qt::UserRole).toString(); if (m_Shapes.contains(key)) { int w = m_Shapes[key].width; int h = m_Shapes[key].height; ScribusDoc *m_Doc = new ScribusDoc(); m_Doc->setup(0, 1, 1, 1, 1, "Custom", "Custom"); m_Doc->setPage(w, h, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false); m_Doc->addPage(0); m_Doc->setGUI(false, m_scMW, 0); int z = m_Doc->itemAdd(PageItem::Polygon, PageItem::Unspecified, m_Doc->currentPage()->xOffset(), m_Doc->currentPage()->yOffset(), w, h, m_Doc->itemToolPrefs().shapeLineWidth, m_Doc->itemToolPrefs().shapeFillColor, m_Doc->itemToolPrefs().shapeLineColor, true); PageItem* ite = m_Doc->Items->at(z); ite->PoLine = m_Shapes[key].path.copy(); FPoint wh = getMaxClipF(&ite->PoLine); ite->setWidthHeight(wh.x(),wh.y()); ite->setTextFlowMode(PageItem::TextFlowDisabled); m_Doc->AdjustItemSize(ite); ite->OldB2 = ite->width(); ite->OldH2 = ite->height(); ite->updateClip(); ite->ClipEdited = true; ite->FrameType = 3; m_Doc->m_Selection->addItem(ite, true); ScElemMimeData* md = ScriXmlDoc::WriteToMimeData(m_Doc, m_Doc->m_Selection); QDrag* dr = new QDrag(this); dr->setMimeData(md); dr->setPixmap(currentItem()->icon().pixmap(QSize(48, 48))); dr->exec(); delete m_Doc; } }
void CanvasMode_Magnifier::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *m) { // const double mouseX = m->globalX(); // const double mouseY = m->globalY(); const FPoint mousePointDoc = m_canvas->globalToCanvas(m->globalPos()); m_lastPosWasOverGuide = false; double newX, newY; m->accept(); if (commonMouseMove(m)) return; if ((m_canvas->m_viewMode.m_MouseButtonPressed) && (m->buttons() & Qt::LeftButton)) { newX = qRound(mousePointDoc.x()); //m_view->translateToDoc(m->x(), m->y()).x()); newY = qRound(Myp + ((SeRx - Mxp) * m_view->visibleHeight()) / m_view->visibleWidth()); SeRx = newX; SeRy = newY; /* m_view->redrawMarker->setGeometry(QRect(Mxp, Myp, m->globalPos().x() - Mxp, m->globalPos().y() - Myp).normalized()); */ QPoint startP = m_canvas->canvasToGlobal(m_doc->appMode == modeDrawTable? QPointF(Dxp, Dyp) : QPointF(Mxp, Myp)); m_view->redrawMarker->setGeometry(QRect(startP, m->globalPos()).normalized()); if (!m_view->redrawMarker->isVisible()) m_view->redrawMarker->show(); m_view->HaveSelRect = true; } }
void CanvasMode_ObjImport::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *m) { // const double mouseX = m->globalX(); // const double mouseY = m->globalY(); const FPoint mousePointDoc = m_canvas->globalToCanvas(m->globalPos()); double Rxp = 0, Ryp = 0; m_canvas->PaintSizeRect(QRect()); m_canvas->m_viewMode.m_MouseButtonPressed = true; m_canvas->m_viewMode.operItemMoving = false; m_view->HaveSelRect = false; m_doc->DragP = false; m_doc->leaveDrag = false; // oldClip = 0; m->accept(); m_view->registerMousePress(m->globalPos()); Mxp = mousePointDoc.x(); Myp = mousePointDoc.y(); Rxp = m_doc->ApplyGridF(FPoint(Mxp, Myp)).x(); Mxp = qRound(Rxp); Ryp = m_doc->ApplyGridF(FPoint(Mxp, Myp)).y(); Myp = qRound(Ryp); if (m->button() == Qt::MidButton) { m_view->MidButt = true; if (m->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier) m_view->DrawNew(); return; } }
void CalligraphicMode::selectPage(QMouseEvent *m) { m_MouseButtonPressed = true; FPoint mousePointDoc = m_canvas->globalToCanvas(m->globalPos()); Mxp = mousePointDoc.x(); //static_cast<int>(m->x()/m_canvas->scale()); Myp = mousePointDoc.y(); //static_cast<int>(m->y()/m_canvas->scale()); QRect mpo(m->x()-m_doc->guidesPrefs().grabRadius, m->y()-m_doc->guidesPrefs().grabRadius, m_doc->guidesPrefs().grabRadius*2, m_doc->guidesPrefs().grabRadius*2); m_doc->nodeEdit.deselect(); m_view->Deselect(false); if (!m_doc->masterPageMode()) { int i = m_doc->OnPage(Mxp, Myp); if (i!=-1) { uint docCurrPageNo=m_doc->currentPageNumber(); uint j=static_cast<uint>(i); if (docCurrPageNo != j) { m_doc->setCurrentPage(m_doc->Pages->at(j)); m_view->m_ScMW->slotSetCurrentPage(j); m_view->DrawNew(); } } } }
void ScPainterEx_GDI::transformPoint( const FPoint& in, FPoint& out ) { double x, y; x = in.x() * m_matrix.m11() + in.y() * m_matrix.m21() + m_matrix.dx(); y = in.x() * m_matrix.m12() + in.y() * m_matrix.m22() + m_matrix.dy(); out.setX( x ); out.setY( y ); }
void CanvasMode_EditSpiral::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *m) { const FPoint mousePointDoc = m_canvas->globalToCanvas(m->globalPos()); m->accept(); double newX = mousePointDoc.x(); double newY = mousePointDoc.y(); if (m_canvas->m_viewMode.m_MouseButtonPressed && m_view->moveTimerElapsed() && (m_arcPoint != noPointDefined)) { PageItem *currItem = m_doc->m_Selection->itemAt(0); QTransform itemMatrix = currItem->getTransform(); PageItem_Spiral *item = currItem->asSpiral(); QPointF sPoint; if (m_arcPoint == useControlStart) sPoint = getSegment(m_startAngle); else if (m_arcPoint == useControlEnd) sPoint = getSegment(m_endAngle); QPointF smPoint =; QLineF stLinA = QLineF(smPoint, QPointF(m_Mxp, m_Myp)); QLineF stLinM = QLineF(smPoint, QPointF(newX, newY)); double deltaAngle = stLinM.angle() - stLinA.angle(); if (deltaAngle < -180) deltaAngle = deltaAngle + 360; else if (deltaAngle > 180) deltaAngle = deltaAngle - 360; if (currItem->imageFlippedV()) deltaAngle *= -1.0; if (currItem->imageFlippedH()) deltaAngle *= -1.0; if (m_arcPoint == useControlStart) { if (m_startAngle + deltaAngle >= 0) { m_startAngle += deltaAngle; applyValues(m_startAngle,m_endAngle,item->spiralFactor); item->recalcPath(); m_startPoint = currItem->PoLine.pointQF(0); m_canvas->displayRealRotHUD(m->globalPos(), m_startAngle); } m_VectorDialog->setValues(computeRealAngle(m_startAngle, false), computeRealAngle(m_endAngle, false), item->spiralFactor); } else if (m_arcPoint == useControlEnd) { if (m_endAngle + deltaAngle > m_startAngle) { m_endAngle += deltaAngle; applyValues(m_startAngle,m_endAngle,item->spiralFactor); item->recalcPath(); m_endPoint = currItem->PoLine.pointQF(currItem->PoLine.size() - 2); m_canvas->displayRealRotHUD(m->globalPos(), m_endAngle); } m_VectorDialog->setValues(computeRealAngle(m_startAngle, false), computeRealAngle(m_endAngle, false), item->spiralFactor); } currItem->update(); m_doc->regionsChanged()->update(itemMatrix.mapRect(QRectF(0, 0, currItem->width(), currItem->height())).adjusted(-5, -5, 10, 10)); } m_Mxp = newX; m_Myp = newY; }
void CanvasMode_Magnifier::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *m) { double Rxp = 0, Ryp = 0; const FPoint mousePointDoc = m_canvas->globalToCanvas(m->globalPos()); m_canvas->PaintSizeRect(QRect()); m_canvas->m_viewMode.m_MouseButtonPressed = true; m_canvas->m_viewMode.operItemMoving = false; m_view->HaveSelRect = false; m_doc->DragP = false; m_doc->leaveDrag = false; m->accept(); m_view->registerMousePress(m->globalPos()); m_Mxp = mousePointDoc.x(); //qRound(m->x()/m_canvas->scale() + 0*m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.x()); m_Myp = mousePointDoc.y(); //qRound(m->y()/m_canvas->scale() + 0*m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.y()); Rxp = m_doc->ApplyGridF(FPoint(m_Mxp, m_Myp)).x(); m_Mxp = qRound(Rxp); Ryp = m_doc->ApplyGridF(FPoint(m_Mxp, m_Myp)).y(); m_Myp = qRound(Ryp); m_SeRx = m_Mxp; m_SeRy = m_Myp; if (m->button() == Qt::MidButton) { m_view->MidButt = true; if (m->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier) m_view->DrawNew(); return; } m_canvas->m_viewMode.m_MouseButtonPressed = true; if ((m->modifiers() == Qt::ShiftModifier) || (m->button() == Qt::RightButton)) { m_view->Magnify = false; m_view->setCursor(IconManager::instance()->loadCursor("lupezm.png")); } else { m_view->Magnify = true; m_view->setCursor(IconManager::instance()->loadCursor("lupez.png")); } m_Mxp = mousePointDoc.x(); //m->globalPos().x(); m_Myp = mousePointDoc.y(); //m->globalPos().y(); m_SeRx = m_Mxp; m_SeRy = m_Myp; m_view->redrawMarker->setGeometry(m->globalPos().x(), m->globalPos().y(), 1, 1); }
void CanvasMode_Magnifier::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *m) { double Rxp = 0, Ryp = 0; const FPoint mousePointDoc = m_canvas->globalToCanvas(m->globalPos()); m_canvas->PaintSizeRect(QRect()); m_canvas->m_viewMode.m_MouseButtonPressed = true; m_canvas->m_viewMode.operItemMoving = false; m_view->HaveSelRect = false; m_doc->DragP = false; m_doc->leaveDrag = false; m->accept(); m_view->registerMousePress(m->globalPos()); Mxp = mousePointDoc.x(); Myp = mousePointDoc.y(); Rxp = m_doc->ApplyGridF(FPoint(Mxp, Myp)).x(); Mxp = qRound(Rxp); Ryp = m_doc->ApplyGridF(FPoint(Mxp, Myp)).y(); Myp = qRound(Ryp); SeRx = Mxp; SeRy = Myp; if (m->button() == Qt::MidButton) { m_view->MidButt = true; if (m->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier) m_view->DrawNew(); return; } m_canvas->m_viewMode.m_MouseButtonPressed = true; if ((m->modifiers() == Qt::ShiftModifier) || (m->button() == Qt::RightButton)) { m_view->Magnify = false; qApp->changeOverrideCursor(QCursor(loadIcon("LupeZm.xpm"))); } else { m_view->Magnify = true; qApp->changeOverrideCursor(QCursor(loadIcon("LupeZ.xpm"))); } Mxp = mousePointDoc.x(); //m->globalPos().x(); Myp = mousePointDoc.y(); //m->globalPos().y(); SeRx = Mxp; SeRy = Myp; m_view->redrawMarker->setGeometry(m->globalPos().x(), m->globalPos().y(), 1, 1); }
void KCurve::mouseMoveEvent ( QMouseEvent * e ) { double x = e->pos().x() / (float)width(); double y = 1.0 - e->pos().y() / (float)height(); if (m_dragging == false) // If no point is selected set the the cursor shape if on top { double distance = 1000; double ydistance = 1000; int cc = 0; while(cc < m_points.size()) { FPoint p = m_points.point(cc); if (fabs (x - p.x()) < distance) { distance = fabs(x - p.x()); ydistance = fabs(y - p.y()); } cc++; } if (distance * width() > 5 || ydistance * height() > 5) setCursor(QCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor)); else setCursor(QCursor(Qt::CrossCursor)); } else // Else, drag the selected point { setCursor(QCursor(Qt::CrossCursor)); x += m_grabOffsetX; y += m_grabOffsetY; if (x <= m_leftmost) x = m_leftmost + 1E-4; // the addition so we can grab the dot later. if(x >= m_rightmost) x = m_rightmost - 1E-4; if(y > 1.0) y = 1.0; if(y < 0.0) y = 0.0; m_grab_point = FPoint(x, y); m_points.setPoint( m_pos, m_grab_point); repaint(); emit modified(); } }
void CalligraphicMode::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *m) { const FPoint mousePointDoc = m_canvas->globalToCanvas(m->globalPos()); double Rxp = 0; double Ryp = 0; FPoint npf, npf2; QRect tx; QTransform pm; m_MouseButtonPressed = true; m_view->HaveSelRect = false; m_doc->DragP = false; m_doc->leaveDrag = false; m->accept(); m_view->registerMousePress(m->globalPos()); Mxp = mousePointDoc.x(); //qRound(m->x()/m_canvas->scale() + 0*m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.x()); Myp = mousePointDoc.y(); //qRound(m->y()/m_canvas->scale() + 0*m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.y()); QRect mpo(m->x()-m_doc->guidesPrefs().grabRadius, m->y()-m_doc->guidesPrefs().grabRadius, m_doc->guidesPrefs().grabRadius*2, m_doc->guidesPrefs().grabRadius*2); Rxp = m_doc->ApplyGridF(FPoint(Mxp, Myp)).x(); Mxp = qRound(Rxp); Ryp = m_doc->ApplyGridF(FPoint(Mxp, Myp)).y(); Myp = qRound(Ryp); SeRx = Mxp; SeRy = Myp; if (m->button() == Qt::MidButton) { m_view->MidButt = true; if (m->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier) m_view->DrawNew(); return; } if (m->button() != Qt::LeftButton) { m_view->stopGesture(); return; } RecordP.resize(0); m_view->Deselect(false); Mxp = mousePointDoc.x(); //qRound(m->x()/m_canvas->scale() + 0*m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.x()); Myp = mousePointDoc.y(); //qRound(m->y()/m_canvas->scale() + 0*m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.y()); SeRx = Mxp; SeRy = Myp; m_canvas->setRenderModeFillBuffer(); undoManager->setUndoEnabled(false); }
void CurveWidget::doInvert() { FPointArray curve = cDisplay->getCurve(); for (int a = 0; a < curve.size(); a++) { FPoint p = curve.point(a); curve.setPoint(a, p.x(), 1.0 - p.y()); } cDisplay->setCurve(curve); }
void CanvasMode_EditPolygon::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *m) { const FPoint mousePointDoc = m_canvas->globalToCanvas(m->globalPos()); m_canvas->m_viewMode.m_MouseButtonPressed = false; m_canvas->resetRenderMode(); m->accept(); PageItem *currItem = m_doc->m_Selection->itemAt(0); PageItem_RegularPolygon* item = currItem->asRegularPolygon(); QTransform itemMatrix = currItem->getTransform(); if ((m_polygonPoint == useControlInner) || (m_polygonPoint == useControlOuter) || (m_polygonPoint == useControlInnerCurve) || (m_polygonPoint == useControlOuterCurve)) { double newX = mousePointDoc.x(); double newY = mousePointDoc.y(); QPointF cPoint =; QLineF stLinA = QLineF(cPoint, QPointF(newX, newY)); uint cx = polyUseFactor ? polyCorners * 2 : polyCorners; double seg = 360.0 / cx; double trueLength = sqrt(pow(sin(seg / 180.0 * M_PI) * (currItem->width() / 2.0), 2) + pow(cos(seg / 180.0 * M_PI) * (currItem->height() / 2.0) + (currItem->height()/2.0) - currItem->height(), 2)); if (m_polygonPoint == useControlInner) { polyInnerRot = stLinA.angle() - 90 - polyRotation - seg; polyFactor = stLinA.length() / sqrt(pow(sin(stLinA.angle() * M_PI / 180.0) * currItem->height() / 2.0, 2) + pow(cos(stLinA.angle() * M_PI / 180.0) * currItem->width() / 2.0, 2)); } if (m_polygonPoint == useControlOuter) polyRotation = stLinA.angle() - 90; if (m_polygonPoint == useControlInnerCurve) { QPointF ePoint =; QLineF stLinC = QLineF(ePoint, QPointF(newX, newY)); polyCurvature = stLinC.length() / trueLength; } if (m_polygonPoint == useControlOuterCurve) { QPointF sPoint =; QPointF sPoint2 =>PoLine.pointQF(6)); QLineF stLinCo = QLineF(sPoint, QPointF(newX, newY)); QLineF stLinCo2 = QLineF(sPoint, sPoint2); polyOuterCurvature = stLinCo.length() / stLinCo2.length(); } item->polyFactor = polyFactor; item->polyRotation = polyRotation; item->polyCurvature = polyCurvature; item->polyInnerRot = polyInnerRot; item->polyOuterCurvature = polyOuterCurvature; item->recalcPath(); VectorDialog->setValues(polyCorners, polyFactor, polyUseFactor, polyRotation, polyCurvature, polyInnerRot, polyOuterCurvature); if (m_transaction) { m_transaction.commit(); m_transaction.reset(); } } QPainterPath path =>width(), item->height(), polyCorners, polyUseFactor, polyFactor, polyRotation, polyCurvature, polyInnerRot, polyOuterCurvature)); m_doc->regionsChanged()->update(path.boundingRect().adjusted(-5, -5, 10, 10)); }
void RulerGesture::mouseSelectGuide(QMouseEvent *m) { FPoint mousePointDoc = m_canvas->globalToCanvas(m->globalPos()); const int page = m_doc->OnPage(mousePointDoc.x(), mousePointDoc.y()); if ((m_doc->guidesSettings.guidesShown) && page >= 0) { double grabRadScale = m_doc->guidesSettings.grabRad / m_canvas->scale(); int index = m_doc->Pages->at(page)->guides.isMouseOnVertical(mousePointDoc.x() + grabRadScale, mousePointDoc.x() - grabRadScale, GuideManagerCore::Standard); if (index >= 0) { emit guideInfo(VERTICAL, m_doc->Pages->at(page)->guides.vertical(index, GuideManagerCore::Standard)); return; } index = m_doc->Pages->at(page)->guides.isMouseOnHorizontal(mousePointDoc.y() + grabRadScale, mousePointDoc.y() - grabRadScale, GuideManagerCore::Standard); if (index >= 0) { emit guideInfo(HORIZONTAL, m_doc->Pages->at(page)->guides.horizontal(index, GuideManagerCore::Standard)); return; } } }
void LineMove::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *m) { PageItem_Line* line = m_doc->m_Selection->count() == 1 ? m_doc->m_Selection->itemAt(0)->asLine() : NULL; if (line) { bool hitsOrigin = m_canvas->hitsCanvasPoint(m->globalPos(), line->xyPos()); prepare(line, hitsOrigin); // now we also know the line's endpoint: bool hitsEnd = m_canvas->hitsCanvasPoint(m->globalPos(), endPoint()); m_haveLineItem = hitsOrigin || hitsEnd; } else { FPoint point = m_canvas->globalToCanvas(m->globalPos()); setStartPoint(QPointF(point.x(), point.y())); setEndPoint(QPointF(point.x(), point.y())); m_haveLineItem = false; } if (m_haveLineItem) m->accept(); }
int TextLayout::screenToPosition(FPoint coord) const { qreal maxx = coord.x() - 1.0; for (unsigned int i=0; i < lines(); ++i) { LineSpec ls = line(i); // qDebug() << QString("screenToPosition: (%1,%2) -> y %3 - %4 + %5").arg(coord.x()).arg(coord.y()).arg(ls.y).arg(ls.ascent).arg(ls.descent); if (ls.y + ls.descent < coord.y()) continue; qreal xpos = ls.x; for (int j = ls.firstItem; j <= ls.lastItem; ++j) { // qDebug() << QString("screenToPosition: (%1,%2) -> x %3 + %4").arg(coord.x()).arg(coord.y()).arg(xpos).arg(item(j)->glyph.wide()); qreal width = story()->getGlyphs(j)->wide(); xpos += width; if (xpos >= coord.x()) { if (story()->hasObject(j)) return j; else return xpos - width/2 > coord.x() ? j : j+1; } } if (xpos > maxx) maxx = xpos; if (xpos + 1.0 > coord.x()) // allow 1pt after end of line return ls.lastItem + 1; else if (coord.x() <= ls.x + ls.width) // last line of paragraph? return ((ls.lastItem == m_lastInFrame) ? (ls.lastItem + 1) : ls.lastItem); else if (xpos < ls.x + 0.01 && maxx >= coord.x()) // check for empty line return ls.firstItem; } return qMax(m_lastInFrame+1, m_firstInFrame); }
FRect CreateMode::adjustedRect(FPoint &firstPoint, FPoint &secondPoint) { // Lock to grid. FPoint first = m_doc->ApplyGridF(firstPoint); FPoint second = m_doc->ApplyGridF(secondPoint); // Lock to guides and items. double firstX = first.x(); double firstY = first.y(); m_doc->ApplyGuides(&firstX, &firstY); m_doc->ApplyGuides(&firstX, &firstY,true); double secondX = second.x(); double secondY = second.y(); m_doc->ApplyGuides(&secondX, &secondY); m_doc->ApplyGuides(&secondX, &secondY,true); // Return normalized rectangle. FRect rect(firstX, firstY, secondX - firstX, secondY - firstY); return rect.normalize(); }
void CanvasMode_ObjImport::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *m) { // const double mouseX = m->globalX(); // const double mouseY = m->globalY(); const FPoint mousePointDoc = m_canvas->globalToCanvas(m->globalPos()); double Rxp = 0, Ryp = 0; m_canvas->PaintSizeRect(QRect()); m_canvas->m_viewMode.m_MouseButtonPressed = true; m_canvas->m_viewMode.operItemMoving = false; m_view->HaveSelRect = false; m_doc->DragP = false; m_doc->leaveDrag = false; // oldClip = 0; m->accept(); m_view->registerMousePress(m->globalPos()); Mxp = mousePointDoc.x(); Myp = mousePointDoc.y(); Rxp = m_doc->ApplyGridF(FPoint(Mxp, Myp)).x(); Mxp = qRound(Rxp); Ryp = m_doc->ApplyGridF(FPoint(Mxp, Myp)).y(); Myp = qRound(Ryp); if (m->button() == Qt::MidButton) { m_view->MidButt = true; if (m->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier) m_view->DrawNew(); return; } if ((m->button() == Qt::LeftButton) && m_mimeData) { UndoTransaction* undoTransaction = NULL; if (m_trSettings && UndoManager::undoEnabled()) { undoTransaction = new UndoTransaction(UndoManager::instance()->beginTransaction(*m_trSettings)); } // Creating QDragEnterEvent outside of Qt is not recommended per docs :S QPoint dropPos = m_view->widget()->mapFromGlobal(m->globalPos()); QDropEvent dropEvent(dropPos, Qt::CopyAction|Qt::MoveAction, m_mimeData, m->buttons(), m->modifiers()); m_view->contentsDropEvent(&dropEvent); // Commit undo transaction if necessary if (undoTransaction) { undoTransaction->commit(); delete undoTransaction; undoTransaction = NULL; } // Return to normal mode m_view->requestMode(modeNormal); } }
void CanvasMode_EditArc::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *m) { const FPoint mousePointDoc = m_canvas->globalToCanvas(m->globalPos()); m_canvas->PaintSizeRect(QRect()); m_canvas->m_viewMode.m_MouseButtonPressed = true; m_canvas->m_viewMode.operItemMoving = false; m_view->HaveSelRect = false; m_doc->DragP = false; m_doc->leaveDrag = false; m->accept(); m_view->registerMousePress(m->globalPos()); Mxp = mousePointDoc.x(); //m->x(); Myp = mousePointDoc.y(); //m->y(); if (m->button() == Qt::MidButton) { m_view->MidButt = true; if (m->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier) m_view->DrawNew(); return; } QTransform itemMatrix; PageItem *currItem = m_doc->m_Selection->itemAt(0); itemMatrix.translate(currItem->xPos(), currItem->yPos()); itemMatrix.rotate(currItem->rotation()); QPointF stPoint = startPoint; stPoint =; QPointF swPoint = endPoint; swPoint =; QPointF shPoint = heightPoint; shPoint =; QPointF sPoint = widthPoint; sPoint =; if (m_canvas->hitsCanvasPoint(m->globalPos(), stPoint)) m_arcPoint = useControlStart; else if (m_canvas->hitsCanvasPoint(m->globalPos(), swPoint)) m_arcPoint = useControlSweep; else if (m_canvas->hitsCanvasPoint(m->globalPos(), shPoint)) m_arcPoint = useControlHeight; else if (m_canvas->hitsCanvasPoint(m->globalPos(), sPoint)) m_arcPoint = useControlWidth; else m_arcPoint = noPointDefined; m_canvas->m_viewMode.m_MouseButtonPressed = true; qApp->changeOverrideCursor(QCursor(Qt::CrossCursor)); QRectF upRect; upRect = QRectF(QPointF(0, 0), QPointF(currItem->width(), currItem->height())).normalized(); upRect.translate(currItem->xPos(), currItem->yPos()); m_doc->regionsChanged()->update(upRect.adjusted(-10.0 - currItem->width() / 2.0, -10.0 - currItem->height() / 2.0, 10.0 + currItem->width() / 2.0, 10.0 + currItem->height() / 2.0)); }