Ejemplo n.º 1
//how the bot moves.
//MAIN movement function.
void DBot::ThinkForMove (ticcmd_t *cmd)
	fixed_t dist;
	bool stuck;
	int r;

	stuck = false;
	dist = dest ? player->mo->AproxDistance(dest) : 0;

	if (missile &&
		((!missile->velx || !missile->vely) || !Check_LOS(missile, SHOOTFOV*3/2)))
		sleft = !sleft;
		missile = NULL; //Probably ended its travel.

	if (player->mo->pitch > 0)
		player->mo->pitch -= 80;
	else if (player->mo->pitch <= -60)
		player->mo->pitch += 80;

	if (missile && (player->mo->AproxDistance(missile)<AVOID_DIST)) //try avoid missile got from P_Mobj.c thinking part.
		Pitch (missile);
		angle = player->mo->AngleTo(missile);
		cmd->ucmd.sidemove = sleft ? -SIDERUN : SIDERUN;
		cmd->ucmd.forwardmove = -FORWARDRUN; //Back IS best.

		if ((player->mo->AproxDistance(oldx, oldy)<50000)
			&& t_strafe<=0)
			t_strafe = 5;
			sleft = !sleft;

		//If able to see enemy while avoiding missile, still fire at enemy.
		if (enemy && Check_LOS (enemy, SHOOTFOV)) 
			Dofire (cmd); //Order bot to fire current weapon
	else if (enemy && P_CheckSight (player->mo, enemy, 0)) //Fight!
		Pitch (enemy);

		//Check if it's more important to get an item than fight.
		if (dest && (dest->flags&MF_SPECIAL)) //Must be an item, that is close enough.
#define is(x) dest->IsKindOf (PClass::FindClass (#x))
			if (
				 (player->mo->health < skill.isp &&
				  (is (Medikit) ||
				   is (Stimpack) ||
				   is (Soulsphere) ||
				   is (Megasphere) ||
				   is (CrystalVial)
				 ) || (
				  is (Invulnerability) ||
				  is (Invisibility) ||
				  is (Megasphere)
				 ) || 
				 dist < (GETINCOMBAT/4) ||
				 (player->ReadyWeapon == NULL || player->ReadyWeapon->WeaponFlags & WIF_WIMPY_WEAPON)
				&& (dist < GETINCOMBAT || (player->ReadyWeapon == NULL || player->ReadyWeapon->WeaponFlags & WIF_WIMPY_WEAPON))
				&& Reachable (dest))
#undef is
				goto roam; //Pick it up, no matter the situation. All bonuses are nice close up.

		dest = NULL; //To let bot turn right

		if (player->ReadyWeapon != NULL && !(player->ReadyWeapon->WeaponFlags & WIF_WIMPY_WEAPON))
			player->mo->flags &= ~MF_DROPOFF; //Don't jump off any ledges when fighting.

		if (!(enemy->flags3 & MF3_ISMONSTER))
			t_fight = AFTERTICS;

		if (t_strafe <= 0 &&
			(player->mo->AproxDistance(oldx, oldy)<50000
			|| ((pr_botmove()%30)==10))
			stuck = true;
			t_strafe = 5;
			sleft = !sleft;

		angle = player->mo->AngleTo(enemy);

		if (player->ReadyWeapon == NULL ||
			player->mo->AproxDistance(enemy) >
			// If a monster, use lower speed (just for cooler apperance while strafing down doomed monster)
			cmd->ucmd.forwardmove = (enemy->flags3 & MF3_ISMONSTER) ? FORWARDWALK : FORWARDRUN;
		else if (!stuck) //Too close, so move away.
			// If a monster, use lower speed (just for cooler apperance while strafing down doomed monster)
			cmd->ucmd.forwardmove = (enemy->flags3 & MF3_ISMONSTER) ? -FORWARDWALK : -FORWARDRUN;

		if (enemy->flags3 & MF3_ISMONSTER) //It's just a monster so take it down cool.
			cmd->ucmd.sidemove = sleft ? -SIDEWALK : SIDEWALK;
			cmd->ucmd.sidemove = sleft ? -SIDERUN : SIDERUN;
		Dofire (cmd); //Order bot to fire current weapon
	else if (mate && !enemy && (!dest || dest==mate)) //Follow mate move.
		fixed_t matedist;

		Pitch (mate);

		if (!Reachable (mate))
			if (mate == dest && pr_botmove.Random() < 32)
			{ // [RH] If the mate is the dest, pick a new dest sometimes
				dest = NULL;
			goto roam;

		angle = player->mo->AngleTo(mate);

		matedist = player->mo->AproxDistance(mate);
		if (matedist > (FRIEND_DIST*2))
			cmd->ucmd.forwardmove = FORWARDRUN;
		else if (matedist > FRIEND_DIST)
			cmd->ucmd.forwardmove = FORWARDWALK; //Walk, when starting to get close.
		else if (matedist < FRIEND_DIST-(FRIEND_DIST/3)) //Got too close, so move away.
			cmd->ucmd.forwardmove = -FORWARDWALK;
	else //Roam after something.
		first_shot = true;

		if (enemy && Check_LOS (enemy, SHOOTFOV*3/2)) //If able to see enemy while avoiding missile , still fire at it.
			Dofire (cmd); //Order bot to fire current weapon

		if (dest && !(dest->flags&MF_SPECIAL) && dest->health < 0)
		{ //Roaming after something dead.
			dest = NULL;

		if (dest == NULL)
			if (t_fight && enemy) //Enemy/bot has jumped around corner. So what to do?
				if (enemy->player)
					if (((enemy->player->ReadyWeapon != NULL && enemy->player->ReadyWeapon->WeaponFlags & WIF_BOT_EXPLOSIVE) ||
						(pr_botmove()%100)>skill.isp) && player->ReadyWeapon != NULL && !(player->ReadyWeapon->WeaponFlags & WIF_WIMPY_WEAPON))
						dest = enemy;//Dont let enemy kill the bot by supressive fire. So charge enemy.
					else //hide while t_fight, but keep view at enemy.
						angle = player->mo->AngleTo(enemy);
				} //Just a monster, so kill it.
					dest = enemy;

				//VerifFavoritWeapon(player); //Dont know why here.., but it must be here, i know the reason, but not why at this spot, uh.
			else //Choose a distant target. to get things going.
				r = pr_botmove();
				if (r < 128)
					TThinkerIterator<AInventory> it (STAT_INVENTORY, bglobal.firstthing);
					AInventory *item = it.Next();

					if (item != NULL || (item = it.Next()) != NULL)
						r &= 63;	// Only scan up to 64 entries at a time
						while (r)
							item = it.Next();
						if (item == NULL)
							item = it.Next();
						bglobal.firstthing = item;
						dest = item;
				else if (mate && (r < 179 || P_CheckSight(player->mo, mate)))
					dest = mate;
				else if ((playeringame[(r&(MAXPLAYERS-1))]) && players[(r&(MAXPLAYERS-1))].mo->health > 0)
					dest = players[(r&(MAXPLAYERS-1))].mo; 

			if (dest)
				t_roam = MAXROAM;
		if (dest)
		{ //Bot has a target so roam after it.
			Roam (cmd);

	} //End of movement main part.

	if (!t_roam && dest)
		prev = dest;
		dest = NULL;

	if (t_fight<(AFTERTICS/2))
		player->mo->flags |= MF_DROPOFF;

	oldx = player->mo->X();
	oldy = player->mo->Y();