void QgsZonalStatistics::statisticsFromMiddlePointTest( void* band, const QgsGeometry& poly, int pixelOffsetX,
    int pixelOffsetY, int nCellsX, int nCellsY, double cellSizeX, double cellSizeY, const QgsRectangle& rasterBBox, FeatureStats &stats )
  double cellCenterX, cellCenterY;

  float* scanLine = ( float * ) CPLMalloc( sizeof( float ) * nCellsX );
  cellCenterY = rasterBBox.yMaximum() - pixelOffsetY * cellSizeY - cellSizeY / 2;

  GEOSGeometry* polyGeos = poly.exportToGeos();
  if ( !polyGeos )

  GEOSContextHandle_t geosctxt = QgsGeometry::getGEOSHandler();
  const GEOSPreparedGeometry* polyGeosPrepared = GEOSPrepare_r( geosctxt, polyGeos );
  if ( !polyGeosPrepared )
    GEOSGeom_destroy_r( geosctxt, polyGeos );

  GEOSCoordSequence* cellCenterCoords = nullptr;
  GEOSGeometry* currentCellCenter = nullptr;

  for ( int i = 0; i < nCellsY; ++i )
    if ( GDALRasterIO( band, GF_Read, pixelOffsetX, pixelOffsetY + i, nCellsX, 1, scanLine, nCellsX, 1, GDT_Float32, 0, 0 )
         != CPLE_None )
    cellCenterX = rasterBBox.xMinimum() + pixelOffsetX * cellSizeX + cellSizeX / 2;
    for ( int j = 0; j < nCellsX; ++j )
      if ( validPixel( scanLine[j] ) )
        GEOSGeom_destroy_r( geosctxt, currentCellCenter );
        cellCenterCoords = GEOSCoordSeq_create_r( geosctxt, 1, 2 );
        GEOSCoordSeq_setX_r( geosctxt, cellCenterCoords, 0, cellCenterX );
        GEOSCoordSeq_setY_r( geosctxt, cellCenterCoords, 0, cellCenterY );
        currentCellCenter = GEOSGeom_createPoint_r( geosctxt, cellCenterCoords );
        if ( GEOSPreparedContains_r( geosctxt, polyGeosPrepared, currentCellCenter ) )
          stats.addValue( scanLine[j] );
      cellCenterX += cellSizeX;
    cellCenterY -= cellSizeY;
  GEOSGeom_destroy_r( geosctxt, currentCellCenter );
  CPLFree( scanLine );
  GEOSPreparedGeom_destroy_r( geosctxt, polyGeosPrepared );
  GEOSGeom_destroy_r( geosctxt, polyGeos );
Ejemplo n.º 2
void QgsZonalStatistics::statisticsFromMiddlePointTest( const QgsGeometry &poly, int pixelOffsetX,
    int pixelOffsetY, int nCellsX, int nCellsY, double cellSizeX, double cellSizeY, const QgsRectangle &rasterBBox, FeatureStats &stats )
  double cellCenterX, cellCenterY;

  cellCenterY = rasterBBox.yMaximum() - pixelOffsetY * cellSizeY - cellSizeY / 2;

  GEOSGeometry *polyGeos = poly.exportToGeos();
  if ( !polyGeos )

  GEOSContextHandle_t geosctxt = QgsGeometry::getGEOSHandler();
  const GEOSPreparedGeometry *polyGeosPrepared = GEOSPrepare_r( geosctxt, polyGeos );
  if ( !polyGeosPrepared )
    GEOSGeom_destroy_r( geosctxt, polyGeos );

  GEOSCoordSequence *cellCenterCoords = nullptr;
  GEOSGeometry *currentCellCenter = nullptr;

  QgsRectangle featureBBox = poly.boundingBox().intersect( &rasterBBox );
  QgsRectangle intersectBBox = rasterBBox.intersect( &featureBBox );

  QgsRasterBlock *block = mRasterProvider->block( mRasterBand, intersectBBox, nCellsX, nCellsY );
  for ( int i = 0; i < nCellsY; ++i )
    cellCenterX = rasterBBox.xMinimum() + pixelOffsetX * cellSizeX + cellSizeX / 2;
    for ( int j = 0; j < nCellsX; ++j )
      if ( validPixel( block->value( i, j ) ) )
        GEOSGeom_destroy_r( geosctxt, currentCellCenter );
        cellCenterCoords = GEOSCoordSeq_create_r( geosctxt, 1, 2 );
        GEOSCoordSeq_setX_r( geosctxt, cellCenterCoords, 0, cellCenterX );
        GEOSCoordSeq_setY_r( geosctxt, cellCenterCoords, 0, cellCenterY );
        currentCellCenter = GEOSGeom_createPoint_r( geosctxt, cellCenterCoords );
        if ( GEOSPreparedContains_r( geosctxt, polyGeosPrepared, currentCellCenter ) )
          stats.addValue( block->value( i, j ) );
      cellCenterX += cellSizeX;
    cellCenterY -= cellSizeY;

  GEOSGeom_destroy_r( geosctxt, currentCellCenter );
  GEOSPreparedGeom_destroy_r( geosctxt, polyGeosPrepared );
  GEOSGeom_destroy_r( geosctxt, polyGeos );
  delete block;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void QgsZonalStatistics::statisticsFromPreciseIntersection( const QgsGeometry &poly, int pixelOffsetX,
    int pixelOffsetY, int nCellsX, int nCellsY, double cellSizeX, double cellSizeY, const QgsRectangle &rasterBBox, FeatureStats &stats )

  double currentY = rasterBBox.yMaximum() - pixelOffsetY * cellSizeY - cellSizeY / 2;
  QgsGeometry pixelRectGeometry;

  double hCellSizeX = cellSizeX / 2.0;
  double hCellSizeY = cellSizeY / 2.0;
  double pixelArea = cellSizeX * cellSizeY;
  double weight = 0;

  QgsRectangle featureBBox = poly.boundingBox().intersect( &rasterBBox );
  QgsRectangle intersectBBox = rasterBBox.intersect( &featureBBox );

  QgsRasterBlock *block = mRasterProvider->block( mRasterBand, intersectBBox, nCellsX, nCellsY );
  for ( int i = 0; i < nCellsY; ++i )
    double currentX = rasterBBox.xMinimum() + cellSizeX / 2.0 + pixelOffsetX * cellSizeX;
    for ( int j = 0; j < nCellsX; ++j )
      if ( !validPixel( block->value( i, j ) ) )

      pixelRectGeometry = QgsGeometry::fromRect( QgsRectangle( currentX - hCellSizeX, currentY - hCellSizeY, currentX + hCellSizeX, currentY + hCellSizeY ) );
      if ( !pixelRectGeometry.isNull() )
        QgsGeometry intersectGeometry = pixelRectGeometry.intersection( poly );
        if ( !intersectGeometry.isNull() )
          double intersectionArea = intersectGeometry.area();
          if ( intersectionArea >= 0.0 )
            weight = intersectionArea / pixelArea;
            stats.addValue( block->value( i, j ), weight );
        pixelRectGeometry = QgsGeometry();
      currentX += cellSizeX;
    currentY -= cellSizeY;
  delete block;
Ejemplo n.º 4
void QgsZonalStatistics::statisticsFromPreciseIntersection( void* band, const QgsGeometry* poly, int pixelOffsetX,
    int pixelOffsetY, int nCellsX, int nCellsY, double cellSizeX, double cellSizeY, const QgsRectangle& rasterBBox, FeatureStats &stats )

  double currentY = rasterBBox.yMaximum() - pixelOffsetY * cellSizeY - cellSizeY / 2;
  float* pixelData = ( float * ) CPLMalloc( sizeof( float ) );
  QgsGeometry* pixelRectGeometry = nullptr;

  double hCellSizeX = cellSizeX / 2.0;
  double hCellSizeY = cellSizeY / 2.0;
  double pixelArea = cellSizeX * cellSizeY;
  double weight = 0;

  for ( int row = 0; row < nCellsY; ++row )
    double currentX = rasterBBox.xMinimum() + cellSizeX / 2.0 + pixelOffsetX * cellSizeX;
    for ( int col = 0; col < nCellsX; ++col )
      if ( GDALRasterIO( band, GF_Read, pixelOffsetX + col, pixelOffsetY + row, nCellsX, 1, pixelData, 1, 1, GDT_Float32, 0, 0 ) != CE_None )
        QgsDebugMsg( "Raster IO Error" );

      if ( !validPixel( *pixelData ) )

      pixelRectGeometry = QgsGeometry::fromRect( QgsRectangle( currentX - hCellSizeX, currentY - hCellSizeY, currentX + hCellSizeX, currentY + hCellSizeY ) );
      if ( pixelRectGeometry )
        QgsGeometry *intersectGeometry = pixelRectGeometry->intersection( poly );
        if ( intersectGeometry )
          double intersectionArea = intersectGeometry->area();
          if ( intersectionArea >= 0.0 )
            weight = intersectionArea / pixelArea;
            stats.addValue( *pixelData, weight );
          delete intersectGeometry;
        delete pixelRectGeometry;
        pixelRectGeometry = nullptr;
      currentX += cellSizeX;
    currentY -= cellSizeY;
  CPLFree( pixelData );
Ejemplo n.º 5
void Data::loadnbest(const std::string &file)
  TRACE_ERR("loading nbest from " << file << std::endl);

  FeatureStats featentry;
  ScoreStats scoreentry;
  std::string sentence_index;

  inputfilestream inp(file); // matches a stream with a file. Opens the file

  if (!inp.good())
    throw runtime_error("Unable to open: " + file);

  std::string substring, subsubstring, stringBuf;
  std::string theSentence;
  std::string::size_type loc;

  while (getline(inp,stringBuf,'\n')) {
    if (stringBuf.empty()) continue;

//		TRACE_ERR("stringBuf: " << stringBuf << std::endl);

    getNextPound(stringBuf, substring, "|||"); //first field
    sentence_index = substring;

    getNextPound(stringBuf, substring, "|||"); //second field
    theSentence = substring;

// adding statistics for error measures

    theScorer->prepareStats(sentence_index, theSentence, scoreentry);

    scoredata->add(scoreentry, sentence_index);

    getNextPound(stringBuf, substring, "|||"); //third field

    // examine first line for name of features
    if (!existsFeatureNames()) {
      std::string stringsupport=substring;
      std::string features="";
      std::string tmpname="";

      size_t tmpidx=0;
      while (!stringsupport.empty()) {
        //			TRACE_ERR("Decompounding: " << substring << std::endl);
        getNextPound(stringsupport, subsubstring);

        // string ending with ":" are skipped, because they are the names of the features
        if ((loc = subsubstring.find_last_of(":")) != subsubstring.length()-1) {
          features+=tmpname+"_"+stringify(tmpidx)+" ";
        // ignore sparse feature name
        else if (subsubstring.find("_") != string::npos) {
          // also ignore its value
          getNextPound(stringsupport, subsubstring);
        // update current feature name
        else {
          tmpname=subsubstring.substr(0,subsubstring.size() - 1);


    // adding features
    while (!substring.empty()) {
//			TRACE_ERR("Decompounding: " << substring << std::endl);
      getNextPound(substring, subsubstring);

      // no ':' -> feature value that needs to be stored
      if ((loc = subsubstring.find_last_of(":")) != subsubstring.length()-1) {
      // sparse feature name? store as well
      else if (subsubstring.find("_") != string::npos) {
        std::string name = subsubstring;
        getNextPound(substring, subsubstring);
        featentry.addSparse( name, atof(subsubstring.c_str()) );
        _sparse_flag = true;
    //cerr << "number of sparse features: " << featentry.getSparse().size() << endl;
