Ejemplo n.º 1
bool ResourceFetcher::resourceNeedsLoad(Resource* resource, const FetchRequest& request, RevalidationPolicy policy)
    if (FetchRequest::DeferredByClient == request.defer())
        return false;
    if (policy != Use)
        return true;
    return resource->stillNeedsLoad();
ResourceLoadPriority FrameFetchContext::modifyPriorityForExperiments(ResourceLoadPriority priority, Resource::Type type, const FetchRequest& request, ResourcePriority::VisibilityStatus visibility)
    // An image fetch is used to distinguish between "early" and "late" scripts in a document
    if (type == Resource::Image)
        m_imageFetched = true;

    // If Settings is null, we can't verify any experiments are in force.
    if (!frame()->settings())
        return priority;

    // If enabled, drop the priority of all resources in a subframe.
    if (frame()->settings()->lowPriorityIframes() && !frame()->isMainFrame())
        return ResourceLoadPriorityVeryLow;

    // Async/Defer scripts.
    if (type == Resource::Script && FetchRequest::LazyLoad == request.defer())
        return frame()->settings()->fetchIncreaseAsyncScriptPriority() ? ResourceLoadPriorityMedium : ResourceLoadPriorityLow;

    // Runtime experiment that change how we prioritize resources.
    // The toggles do not depend on each other and can be flipped individually
    // though the cumulative result will depend on the interaction between them.
    // Background doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bCDuq9H1ih9iNjgzyAL0gpwNFiEP4TZS-YLRp_RuMlc/edit?usp=sharing

    // Increases the priorities for CSS, Scripts, Fonts and Images all by one level
    // and parser-blocking scripts and visible images by 2.
    // This is used in conjunction with logic on the Chrome side to raise the threshold
    // of "layout-blocking" resources and provide a boost to resources that are needed
    // as soon as possible for something currently on the screen.
    int modifiedPriority = static_cast<int>(priority);
    if (frame()->settings()->fetchIncreasePriorities()) {
        if (type == Resource::CSSStyleSheet || type == Resource::Script || type == Resource::Font || type == Resource::Image)

    // Always give visible resources a bump, and an additional bump if generally increasing priorities.
    if (visibility == ResourcePriority::Visible) {
        if (frame()->settings()->fetchIncreasePriorities())

    if (frame()->settings()->fetchIncreaseFontPriority() && type == Resource::Font)

    if (type == Resource::Script) {
        // Reduce the priority of late-body scripts.
        if (frame()->settings()->fetchDeferLateScripts() && request.forPreload() && m_imageFetched)
        // Parser-blocking scripts.
        if (frame()->settings()->fetchIncreasePriorities() && !request.forPreload())

    // Clamp priority
    modifiedPriority = std::min(static_cast<int>(ResourceLoadPriorityHighest), std::max(static_cast<int>(ResourceLoadPriorityLowest), modifiedPriority));
    return static_cast<ResourceLoadPriority>(modifiedPriority);
Ejemplo n.º 3
ResourceFetcher::RevalidationPolicy ResourceFetcher::determineRevalidationPolicy(Resource::Type type, const FetchRequest& fetchRequest, Resource* existingResource) const
    const ResourceRequest& request = fetchRequest.resourceRequest();

    if (!existingResource)
        return Load;

    // If the same URL has been loaded as a different type, we need to reload.
    if (existingResource->type() != type) {
        WTF_LOG(ResourceLoading, "ResourceFetcher::determineRevalidationPolicy reloading due to type mismatch.");
        return Reload;

    // Do not load from cache if images are not enabled. The load for this image will be blocked
    // in ImageResource::load.
    if (FetchRequest::DeferredByClient == fetchRequest.defer())
        return Reload;

    // Always use data uris.
    // FIXME: Extend this to non-images.
    if (type == Resource::Image && request.url().protocolIsData())
        return Use;

    if (!existingResource->canReuse(request))
        return Reload;

    // Never use cache entries for downloadToFile requests. The caller expects the resource in a file.
    if (request.downloadToFile())
        return Reload;

    // Certain requests (e.g., XHRs) might have manually set headers that require revalidation.
    // FIXME: In theory, this should be a Revalidate case. In practice, the MemoryCache revalidation path assumes a whole bunch
    // of things about how revalidation works that manual headers violate, so punt to Reload instead.
    if (request.isConditional())
        return Reload;

    // Don't reload resources while pasting.
    if (m_allowStaleResources)
        return Use;

    if (!fetchRequest.options().canReuseRequest(existingResource->options()))
        return Reload;

    // CachePolicyHistoryBuffer uses the cache no matter what.
    CachePolicy cachePolicy = context().cachePolicy(document());
    if (cachePolicy == CachePolicyHistoryBuffer)
        return Use;

    // Don't reuse resources with Cache-control: no-store.
    if (existingResource->hasCacheControlNoStoreHeader()) {
        WTF_LOG(ResourceLoading, "ResourceFetcher::determineRevalidationPolicy reloading due to Cache-control: no-store.");
        return Reload;

    // If credentials were sent with the previous request and won't be
    // with this one, or vice versa, re-fetch the resource.
    // This helps with the case where the server sends back
    // "Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *" all the time, but some of the
    // client's requests are made without CORS and some with.
    if (existingResource->resourceRequest().allowStoredCredentials() != request.allowStoredCredentials()) {
        WTF_LOG(ResourceLoading, "ResourceFetcher::determineRevalidationPolicy reloading due to difference in credentials settings.");
        return Reload;

    // During the initial load, avoid loading the same resource multiple times for a single document,
    // even if the cache policies would tell us to.
    // We also group loads of the same resource together.
    // Raw resources are exempted, as XHRs fall into this category and may have user-set Cache-Control:
    // headers or other factors that require separate requests.
    if (type != Resource::Raw) {
        if (document() && !document()->loadEventFinished() && m_validatedURLs.contains(existingResource->url()))
            return Use;
        if (existingResource->isLoading())
            return Use;

    // CachePolicyReload always reloads
    if (cachePolicy == CachePolicyReload) {
        WTF_LOG(ResourceLoading, "ResourceFetcher::determineRevalidationPolicy reloading due to CachePolicyReload.");
        return Reload;

    // We'll try to reload the resource if it failed last time.
    if (existingResource->errorOccurred()) {
        WTF_LOG(ResourceLoading, "ResourceFetcher::determineRevalidationPolicye reloading due to resource being in the error state");
        return Reload;

    // List of available images logic allows images to be re-used without cache validation. We restrict this only to images
    // from memory cache which are the same as the version in the current document.
    if (type == Resource::Image && existingResource == cachedResource(request.url()))
        return Use;

    // Check if the cache headers requires us to revalidate (cache expiration for example).
    if (cachePolicy == CachePolicyRevalidate || existingResource->mustRevalidateDueToCacheHeaders()
        || request.cacheControlContainsNoCache()) {
        // See if the resource has usable ETag or Last-modified headers.
        if (existingResource->canUseCacheValidator())
            return Revalidate;

        // No, must reload.
        WTF_LOG(ResourceLoading, "ResourceFetcher::determineRevalidationPolicy reloading due to missing cache validators.");
        return Reload;

    return Use;