Ejemplo n.º 1
void CDAccess_Image::ImageOpenBinary(const char *path, bool isIso)
	NumTracks = FirstTrack = LastTrack = 1;
	total_sectors = 0;
	disc_type = DISC_TYPE_CDDA_OR_M1;
	auto &track = Tracks[1];
	track = {};
	FileIO fp;
	if(fp.open(path) != OK)
		ErrnoHolder ene(errno);
		throw(MDFN_Error(ene.Errno(), _("Could not open file \"%s\": %s"), path, ene.StrError()));
	track.fp = std::make_shared<FileIO>(std::move(fp));
	track.FirstFileInstance = 1;
	track.DIFormat = DI_FORMAT_MODE1_RAW;
		track.DIFormat = DI_FORMAT_MODE1;
		track.postgap = 150;
		total_sectors += track.postgap;

	track.sectors = GetSectorCount(&track);
	total_sectors += track.sectors;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void CDAccess_Image::ImageOpen(const char *path, bool image_memcache)
 //MemoryStream fp(new FileStream(path, FileStream::MODE_READ));
 FileIO fp;
	throw MDFN_Error(0, "Error opening file \"%s\"", path);
 static const unsigned max_args = 4;
 std::string linebuf;
 std::string cmdbuf, args[max_args];
 bool IsTOC = FALSE;
 int32 active_track = -1;
 int32 AutoTrackInc = 1; // For TOC
 std::string file_base, file_ext;
 std::map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<FileIO>> toc_streamcache;

 disc_type = DISC_TYPE_CDDA_OR_M1;
 TmpTrack = {};

 MDFN_GetFilePathComponents(path, &base_dir, &file_base, &file_ext);

 if(!strcasecmp(file_ext.c_str(), ".toc"))
  MDFN_printf(_("TOC file detected.\n"));
  IsTOC = true;

 // Check for annoying UTF-8 BOM.
  uint8 bom_tmp[3];

  if(fp.read(bom_tmp, 3) == 3 && bom_tmp[0] == 0xEF && bom_tmp[1] == 0xBB && bom_tmp[2] == 0xBF)
   // Print an annoying error message, but don't actually error out.
   MDFN_PrintError(_("UTF-8 BOM detected at start of CUE sheet."));

 // Assign opposite maximum values so our tests will work!
 FirstTrack = 99;
 LastTrack = 0;

 while(get_line(fp, linebuf) >= 0)
   unsigned argcount = 0;

    // Handle TOC format comments
    size_t ss_loc = linebuf.find("//");

    if(ss_loc != std::string::npos)

   // Call trim AFTER we handle TOC-style comments, so we'll be sure to remove trailing whitespace in lines like: MONKEY  // BABIES

   if(linebuf.length() == 0)	// Skip blank lines.

   // Grab command and arguments.
    size_t offs = 0;

    offs = UnQuotify(linebuf, offs, cmdbuf, false);
    for(argcount = 0; argcount < max_args && offs < linebuf.length(); argcount++)
     offs = UnQuotify(linebuf, offs, args[argcount]);

    // Make sure unused arguments are cleared out so we don't have inter-line leaks!
    for(unsigned x = argcount; x < max_args; x++)


   //printf("%s\n", cmdbuf.c_str()); //: %s %s %s %s\n", cmdbuf.c_str(), args[0].c_str(), args[1].c_str(), args[2].c_str(), args[3].c_str());

    if(cmdbuf == "TRACK")
     if(active_track >= 0)
    	Tracks[active_track] = TmpTrack;
    	TmpTrack = {};
      active_track = -1;

     if(AutoTrackInc > 99)
      throw(MDFN_Error(0, _("Invalid track number: %d"), AutoTrackInc));

     active_track = AutoTrackInc++;
     if(active_track < FirstTrack)
      FirstTrack = active_track;
     if(active_track > LastTrack)
      LastTrack = active_track;

     int format_lookup;
     for(format_lookup = 0; format_lookup < _DI_FORMAT_COUNT; format_lookup++)
      if(!strcasecmp(args[0].c_str(), DI_CDRDAO_Strings[format_lookup]))
       TmpTrack.DIFormat = format_lookup;

     if(format_lookup == _DI_FORMAT_COUNT)
      throw(MDFN_Error(0, _("Invalid track format: %s"), args[0].c_str()));

     if(TmpTrack.DIFormat == DI_FORMAT_AUDIO)
      TmpTrack.RawAudioMSBFirst = TRUE; // Silly cdrdao...

     if(!strcasecmp(args[1].c_str(), "RW"))
      TmpTrack.SubchannelMode = CDRF_SUBM_RW;
      throw(MDFN_Error(0, _("\"RW\" format subchannel data not supported, only \"RW_RAW\" is!")));
     else if(!strcasecmp(args[1].c_str(), "RW_RAW"))
      TmpTrack.SubchannelMode = CDRF_SUBM_RW_RAW;

    } // end to TRACK
    else if(cmdbuf == "SILENCE")
    	//throw MDFN_Error(0, _("Unsupported directive: %s"), cmdbuf.c_str());
    else if(cmdbuf == "ZERO")
    	//throw MDFN_Error(0, _("Unsupported directive: %s"), cmdbuf.c_str());
    else if(cmdbuf == "FIFO")
     throw MDFN_Error(0, _("Unsupported directive: %s"), cmdbuf.c_str());
    else if(cmdbuf == "FILE" || cmdbuf == "AUDIOFILE")
     const char *binoffset = NULL;
     const char *msfoffset = NULL;
     const char *length = NULL;

     if(args[1].c_str()[0] == '#')
      binoffset = args[1].c_str() + 1;
      msfoffset = args[2].c_str();
      length = args[3].c_str();
      msfoffset = args[1].c_str();
      length = args[2].c_str();
     //printf("%s, %s, %s, %s\n", args[0].c_str(), binoffset, msfoffset, length);
     ParseTOCFileLineInfo(&TmpTrack, active_track, args[0], binoffset, msfoffset, length, image_memcache, toc_streamcache);
    else if(cmdbuf == "DATAFILE")
     const char *binoffset = NULL;
     const char *length = NULL;

     if(args[1].c_str()[0] == '#')
      binoffset = args[1].c_str() + 1;
      length = args[2].c_str();
      length = args[1].c_str();

     ParseTOCFileLineInfo(&TmpTrack, active_track, args[0], binoffset, NULL, length, image_memcache, toc_streamcache);
    else if(cmdbuf == "INDEX")

    else if(cmdbuf == "PREGAP")
     if(active_track < 0)
      throw(MDFN_Error(0, _("Command %s is outside of a TRACK definition!\n"), cmdbuf.c_str()));
     int m,s,f;
     trio_sscanf(args[0].c_str(), "%d:%d:%d", &m, &s, &f);
     TmpTrack.pregap = (m * 60 + s) * 75 + f;
    } // end to PREGAP
    else if(cmdbuf == "START")
     if(active_track < 0)
      throw(MDFN_Error(0, _("Command %s is outside of a TRACK definition!\n"), cmdbuf.c_str()));
     int m,s,f;
     trio_sscanf(args[0].c_str(), "%d:%d:%d", &m, &s, &f);
     TmpTrack.pregap = (m * 60 + s) * 75 + f;
    else if(cmdbuf == "TWO_CHANNEL_AUDIO")
     TmpTrack.subq_control &= ~SUBQ_CTRLF_4CH;
    else if(cmdbuf == "FOUR_CHANNEL_AUDIO")
     TmpTrack.subq_control |= SUBQ_CTRLF_4CH;
    else if(cmdbuf == "NO")

     if(args[0] == "COPY")
      TmpTrack.subq_control &= ~SUBQ_CTRLF_DCP;
     else if(args[0] == "PRE_EMPHASIS")
      TmpTrack.subq_control &= ~SUBQ_CTRLF_PRE;
      throw MDFN_Error(0, _("Unsupported argument to \"NO\" directive: %s"), args[0].c_str());
    else if(cmdbuf == "COPY")
     TmpTrack.subq_control |= SUBQ_CTRLF_DCP;
    else if(cmdbuf == "PRE_EMPHASIS")
     TmpTrack.subq_control |= SUBQ_CTRLF_PRE;
    // TODO: Confirm that these are taken from the TOC of the disc, and not synthesized by cdrdao.
    else if(cmdbuf == "CD_DA")
     disc_type = DISC_TYPE_CDDA_OR_M1;
    else if(cmdbuf == "CD_ROM")
     disc_type = DISC_TYPE_CDDA_OR_M1;
    else if(cmdbuf == "CD_ROM_XA")
     disc_type = DISC_TYPE_CD_XA;
     //throw MDFN_Error(0, _("Unsupported directive: %s"), cmdbuf.c_str());

   } /*********** END TOC HANDLING ************/
   else // now for CUE sheet handling
    if(cmdbuf == "FILE")
     if(active_track >= 0)
    	Tracks[active_track] = TmpTrack;
    	TmpTrack = {};
      active_track = -1;

      throw(MDFN_Error(0, _("Referenced path \"%s\" is potentially unsafe.  See \"filesys.untrusted_fip_check\" setting.\n"), args[0].c_str()));

     std::string efn = MDFN_EvalFIP(base_dir, args[0]);
     //TmpTrack.fp = new FileStream(efn.c_str(), FileStream::MODE_READ);
     FileIO fp;
     	throw MDFN_Error(0, "Error opening file \"%s\"", efn.c_str());
     TmpTrack.fp = std::make_shared<FileIO>(std::move(fp));
     TmpTrack.FirstFileInstance = 1;

     if(!strcasecmp(args[1].c_str(), "BINARY"))
      //TmpTrack.Format = TRACK_FORMAT_DATA;
      //struct stat stat_buf;
      //fstat(fileno(TmpTrack.fp), &stat_buf);
      //TmpTrack.sectors = stat_buf.st_size; // / 2048;
     else if(!strcasecmp(args[1].c_str(), "OGG") || !strcasecmp(args[1].c_str(), "VORBIS") || !strcasecmp(args[1].c_str(), "WAVE") || !strcasecmp(args[1].c_str(), "WAV") || !strcasecmp(args[1].c_str(), "PCM")
	|| !strcasecmp(args[1].c_str(), "MPC") || !strcasecmp(args[1].c_str(), "MP+"))
      TmpTrack.AReader = AR_Open(*TmpTrack.fp);
       throw(MDFN_Error(0, _("Unsupported audio track file format: %s\n"), args[0].c_str()));
      throw(MDFN_Error(0, _("Unsupported track format: %s\n"), args[1].c_str()));
    else if(cmdbuf == "TRACK")
     if(active_track >= 0)
    	Tracks[active_track] = TmpTrack;
      TmpTrack.FirstFileInstance = 0;
      TmpTrack.pregap = 0;
      TmpTrack.pregap_dv = 0;
      TmpTrack.postgap = 0;
      TmpTrack.index[0] = -1;
      TmpTrack.index[1] = 0;
     active_track = atoi(args[0].c_str());

     if(active_track < FirstTrack)
      FirstTrack = active_track;
     if(active_track > LastTrack)
      LastTrack = active_track;

     int format_lookup;
     for(format_lookup = 0; format_lookup < _DI_FORMAT_COUNT; format_lookup++)
      if(!strcasecmp(args[1].c_str(), DI_CUE_Strings[format_lookup]))
       TmpTrack.DIFormat = format_lookup;

     if(format_lookup == _DI_FORMAT_COUNT)
      throw(MDFN_Error(0, _("Invalid track format: %s\n"), args[1].c_str()));

     if(active_track < 0 || active_track > 99)
      throw(MDFN_Error(0, _("Invalid track number: %d\n"), active_track));
    else if(cmdbuf == "INDEX")
     if(active_track >= 0)
      unsigned int m,s,f;

      if(trio_sscanf(args[1].c_str(), "%u:%u:%u", &m, &s, &f) != 3)
       throw MDFN_Error(0, _("Malformed m:s:f time in \"%s\" directive: %s"), cmdbuf.c_str(), args[0].c_str());

      if(!strcasecmp(args[0].c_str(), "01") || !strcasecmp(args[0].c_str(), "1"))
       TmpTrack.index[1] = (m * 60 + s) * 75 + f;
      else if(!strcasecmp(args[0].c_str(), "00") || !strcasecmp(args[0].c_str(), "0"))
       TmpTrack.index[0] = (m * 60 + s) * 75 + f;
    else if(cmdbuf == "PREGAP")
     if(active_track >= 0)
      unsigned int m,s,f;

      if(trio_sscanf(args[0].c_str(), "%u:%u:%u", &m, &s, &f) != 3)
       throw MDFN_Error(0, _("Malformed m:s:f time in \"%s\" directive: %s"), cmdbuf.c_str(), args[0].c_str());

      TmpTrack.pregap = (m * 60 + s) * 75 + f;
    else if(cmdbuf == "POSTGAP")
     if(active_track >= 0)
      unsigned int m,s,f;

      if(trio_sscanf(args[0].c_str(), "%u:%u:%u", &m, &s, &f) != 3)
       throw MDFN_Error(0, _("Malformed m:s:f time in \"%s\" directive: %s"), cmdbuf.c_str(), args[0].c_str());

      TmpTrack.postgap = (m * 60 + s) * 75 + f;
    else if(cmdbuf == "REM")

    else if(cmdbuf == "FLAGS")
     TmpTrack.subq_control &= ~(SUBQ_CTRLF_PRE | SUBQ_CTRLF_DCP | SUBQ_CTRLF_4CH);
     for(unsigned i = 0; i < argcount; i++)
      if(args[i] == "DCP")
       TmpTrack.subq_control |= SUBQ_CTRLF_DCP;
      else if(args[i] == "4CH")
       TmpTrack.subq_control |= SUBQ_CTRLF_4CH;
      else if(args[i] == "PRE")
       TmpTrack.subq_control |= SUBQ_CTRLF_PRE;
      else if(args[i] == "SCMS")
 	// Not implemented, likely pointless.  PROBABLY indicates that the copy bit of the subchannel Q control field is supposed to
 	// alternate between 1 and 0 at 9.375 Hz(four 1, four 0, four 1, four 0, etc.).
       throw MDFN_Error(0, _("Unknown CUE sheet \"FLAGS\" directive flag \"%s\".\n"), args[i].c_str());
    else if(cmdbuf == "CDTEXTFILE" || cmdbuf == "CATALOG" || cmdbuf == "ISRC" ||
 	   cmdbuf == "TITLE" || cmdbuf == "PERFORMER" || cmdbuf == "SONGWRITER")
     MDFN_printf(_("Unsupported CUE sheet directive: \"%s\".\n"), cmdbuf.c_str());	// FIXME, generic logger passed by pointer to constructor
     throw MDFN_Error(0, _("Unknown CUE sheet directive \"%s\".\n"), cmdbuf.c_str());
   } // end of CUE sheet handling
 } // end of fgets() loop

 if(active_track >= 0)
	Tracks[active_track] = TmpTrack;

 if(FirstTrack > LastTrack)
  throw(MDFN_Error(0, _("No tracks found!\n")));

 FirstTrack = FirstTrack;
 NumTracks = 1 + LastTrack - FirstTrack;

 int32 RunningLBA = 0;
 int32 LastIndex = 0;
 long FileOffset = 0;

 for(int x = FirstTrack; x < (FirstTrack + NumTracks); x++)
	if(Tracks[x].DIFormat == DI_FORMAT_AUDIO)
	 Tracks[x].subq_control &= ~SUBQ_CTRLF_DATA;
	 Tracks[x].subq_control |= SUBQ_CTRLF_DATA;

	if(!IsTOC)	// TOC-format disc_type calculation is handled differently.
	  default: break;

	  case DI_FORMAT_MODE2:
	  disc_type = DISC_TYPE_CD_XA;

   RunningLBA += Tracks[x].pregap;
   Tracks[x].LBA = RunningLBA;
   RunningLBA += Tracks[x].sectors;
   RunningLBA += Tracks[x].postgap;
  else // else handle CUE sheet...
    LastIndex = 0;
    FileOffset = 0;

   RunningLBA += Tracks[x].pregap;

   Tracks[x].pregap_dv = 0;

   if(Tracks[x].index[0] != -1)
    Tracks[x].pregap_dv = Tracks[x].index[1] - Tracks[x].index[0];

   FileOffset += Tracks[x].pregap_dv * DI_Size_Table[Tracks[x].DIFormat];

   RunningLBA += Tracks[x].pregap_dv;

   Tracks[x].LBA = RunningLBA;

   // Make sure FileOffset this is set before the call to GetSectorCount()
   Tracks[x].FileOffset = FileOffset;
   Tracks[x].sectors = GetSectorCount(&Tracks[x]);

   if((x + 1) >= (FirstTrack + NumTracks) || Tracks[x+1].FirstFileInstance)

    // Fix the sector count if we have multiple tracks per one binary image file.
    if(Tracks[x + 1].index[0] == -1)
     Tracks[x].sectors = Tracks[x + 1].index[1] - Tracks[x].index[1];
     Tracks[x].sectors = Tracks[x + 1].index[0] - Tracks[x].index[1];	//Tracks[x + 1].index - Tracks[x].index;

   //printf("Poo: %d %d\n", x, Tracks[x].sectors);
   RunningLBA += Tracks[x].sectors;
   RunningLBA += Tracks[x].postgap;

   //printf("%d, %ld %d %d %d %d\n", x, FileOffset, Tracks[x].index, Tracks[x].pregap, Tracks[x].sectors, Tracks[x].LBA);

   FileOffset += Tracks[x].sectors * DI_Size_Table[Tracks[x].DIFormat];
  } // end to cue sheet handling
 } // end to track loop

 total_sectors = RunningLBA;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void CDAccess_Image::ParseTOCFileLineInfo(CDRFILE_TRACK_INFO *track, const int tracknum, const std::string &filename, const char *binoffset, const char *msfoffset, const char *length, bool image_memcache, std::map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<FileIO>> &toc_streamcache)
 long offset = 0; // In bytes!
 long tmp_long;
 int m, s, f;
 uint32 sector_mult;
 long sectors;

 auto ribbit = toc_streamcache.find(filename);

 if(ribbit != toc_streamcache.end())
  track->FirstFileInstance = 0;

  track->fp = ribbit->second;
  std::string efn;

  track->FirstFileInstance = 1;

  efn = MDFN_EvalFIP(base_dir, filename);

  FileIO fp;
  	throw MDFN_Error(0, "Error opening file \"%s\"", efn.c_str());

  track->fp = std::make_shared<FileIO>(std::move(fp));
  toc_streamcache[filename] = track->fp;

 if(filename.length() >= 4 && !strcasecmp(filename.c_str() + filename.length() - 4, ".wav"))
  track->AReader = AR_Open(*track->fp);

   throw MDFN_Error(0, "TODO ERROR");

 sector_mult = DI_Size_Table[track->DIFormat];

  sector_mult += 96;

 if(binoffset && trio_sscanf(binoffset, "%ld", &tmp_long) == 1)
  offset += tmp_long;

 if(msfoffset && trio_sscanf(msfoffset, "%d:%d:%d", &m, &s, &f) == 3)
  offset += ((m * 60 + s) * 75 + f) * sector_mult;

 track->FileOffset = offset; // Make sure this is set before calling GetSectorCount()!
 sectors = GetSectorCount(track);
 //printf("Track: %d, offset: %ld, %ld\n", tracknum, offset, sectors);

  tmp_long = sectors;

  if(trio_sscanf(length, "%d:%d:%d", &m, &s, &f) == 3)
   tmp_long = (m * 60 + s) * 75 + f;
  else if(track->DIFormat == DI_FORMAT_AUDIO)
   char *endptr = NULL;

   tmp_long = strtol(length, &endptr, 10);

   // Error?
   if(endptr == length)
    tmp_long = sectors;
    tmp_long /= 588;


  if(tmp_long > sectors)
   throw MDFN_Error(0, _("Length specified in TOC file for track %d is too large by %ld sectors!\n"), tracknum, (long)(tmp_long - sectors));
  sectors = tmp_long;

 track->sectors = sectors;