Ejemplo n.º 1
bool CDSObject::FilterContains(const FilterMap &filter, const QString& name) const
    // ContentDirectory Service, 2013 UPnP Forum
    // 2.3.18 A_ARG_TYPE_Filter

    // Exact match
    if (filter.contains(name, Qt::CaseInsensitive))
        return true;

    // # signfies that this property and all it's children must be returned
    // This is presently implemented higher up to save time

    // If an attribute is required then it's parent must also be returned
    QString dependentAttribute = QString("%1@").arg(name);
    QStringList matches = filter.filter(name, Qt::CaseInsensitive);
    QStringList::iterator it;
    for (it = matches.begin(); it != matches.end(); ++it)
        if ((*it).startsWith(dependentAttribute))
            return true;

    return false;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void CDSObject::toXml( QTextStream &os, FilterMap &filter,
                       bool ignoreChildren ) const
    QString sEndTag = "";

     * NOTE FilterMap contains a list of what should be included, not what should
     *      be excluded.
     *      The client is expected either to indicate that everything should be
     *      returned with an asterix, or to supply a comma seperated list of
     *      the only the named properties and attributes.
     *      @ - Attributes are denoted by format <element>@<attribute>
     *      # - The use of a hash at the end of a name indicates that this
     *          property and all it's children and attributes should be returned.
     *      Inclusion of an attribute in the filter list implies the inclusion
     *      of it's parent element and value.
     *      e.g. filter="res@size" implies <res size="{size}">{url}</res>
     *      However optional tags such as res@duration which are not named will
     *      be omitted.
     *      'Required' properties must always be included irrespective of
     *      any filter!
     *      See UPnP MediaServer, ContentDirectory Service Section 2.3.18, 2013
    bool    bFilter = true;

    if (filter.contains("*"))
        bFilter = false;

    switch( m_eType )
        case OT_Container:
            if (bFilter && filter.contains("container#"))
                bFilter = false;

            os << "<container id=\"" << m_sId
               << "\" parentID=\"" << m_sParentId
               << "\" restricted=\"" << GetBool( m_bRestricted );

            if (!bFilter || filter.contains("@searchable"))
                os << "\" searchable=\"" << GetBool( m_bSearchable );

            if (!bFilter || filter.contains("@childCount"))
                os << "\" childCount=\"" << GetChildCount();

            if (!bFilter || filter.contains("@childContainerCount"))
                os << "\" childContainerCount=\"" << GetChildContainerCount();

               os << "\" >" << endl;

            sEndTag = "</container>";

        case OT_Item:
            if (bFilter && filter.contains("item#"))
                bFilter = false;

            os << "<item id=\"" << m_sId
               << "\" parentID=\"" << m_sParentId
               << "\" restricted=\"" << GetBool( m_bRestricted )
               << "\" >" << endl;

            sEndTag = "</item>";

        default: break;

    os << "<dc:title>"   << m_sTitle << "</dc:title>" << endl;
    os << "<upnp:class>" << m_sClass << "</upnp:class>" << endl;

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Output all Properties
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    Properties::const_iterator it = m_properties.begin();
    for (; it != m_properties.end(); ++it)
        const Property *pProp = *it;

        if (pProp->m_bRequired || (!pProp->GetValue().isEmpty()))
            QString sName;
            if (!pProp->m_sNameSpace.isEmpty())
                sName = pProp->m_sNameSpace + ':' + pProp->m_sName;
                sName = pProp->m_sName;

            if (pProp->m_bRequired ||
                (!bFilter) ||
                FilterContains(filter, sName))
                bool filterAttributes = true;
                if (!bFilter || filter.contains(QString("%1#").arg(sName)))
                    filterAttributes = false;

                os << "<"  << sName;

                NameValues::const_iterator nit = pProp->m_lstAttributes.begin();
                for (; nit != pProp->m_lstAttributes.end(); ++ nit)
                    QString filterName = QString("%1@%2").arg(sName)
                    if ((*nit).m_bRequired  || !filterAttributes ||
                        os << " " << (*nit).m_sName << "=\"" << (*nit).m_sValue << "\"";

                os << ">";
                os << pProp->GetEncodedValue();
                os << "</" << sName << ">" << endl;

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Output any Res Elements
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    if (!bFilter || filter.contains("res"))
        bool filterAttributes = true;
        if (!bFilter || filter.contains("res#"))
            filterAttributes = false;
        Resources::const_iterator rit = m_resources.begin();
        for (; rit != m_resources.end(); ++rit)
            os << "<res protocolInfo=\"" << (*rit)->m_sProtocolInfo << "\" ";

            QString filterName;
            NameValues::const_iterator nit = (*rit)->m_lstAttributes.begin();
            for (; nit != (*rit)->m_lstAttributes.end(); ++ nit)
                filterName = QString("res@%1").arg((*nit).m_sName);
                if ((*nit).m_bRequired  || !filterAttributes ||
                    os << (*nit).m_sName << "=\"" << (*nit).m_sValue << "\" ";

            os << ">" << (*rit)->m_sURI;
            os << "</res>" << endl;

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Output any children
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    if (!ignoreChildren)
        CDSObjects::const_iterator cit = m_children.begin();
        for (; cit != m_children.end(); ++cit)
            (*cit)->toXml(os, filter);

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Close Element Tag
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    os << sEndTag << endl;
    os << flush;