Point EscapeObstaclesPathPlanner::findNonBlockedGoal(
    Point goal, boost::optional<Point> prevGoal, const ShapeSet& obstacles,
    int maxItr) {
    if (obstacles.hit(goal)) {
        FixedStepTree goalTree;
        goalTree.init(goal, &obstacles);
        goalTree.step = stepSize();

        // The starting point is in an obstacle, extend the tree until we find
        // an unobstructed point
        Point newGoal;
        for (int i = 0; i < maxItr; ++i) {
            // extend towards a random point
            Tree::Point* newPoint = goalTree.extend(RandomFieldLocation());

            // if the new point is not blocked, it becomes the new goal
            if (newPoint && newPoint->hit.empty()) {
                newGoal = newPoint->pos;

        if (!prevGoal || obstacles.hit(*prevGoal)) return newGoal;

        // Only use this newly-found point if it's closer to the desired goal by
        // at least a certain threshold
        float oldDist = (*prevGoal - goal).mag();
        float newDist = (newGoal - goal).mag();
        if (newDist + *_goalChangeThreshold < oldDist) {
            return newGoal;
        } else {
            return *prevGoal;

    return goal;