HINLINE void operator()(
                            ThreadParams* params,
                            FrameType& frame,
                            const std::string subGroup,
                            const uint64_t particlesOffset,
                            const uint64_t elements)

        typedef T_Identifier Identifier;
        typedef typename PMacc::traits::Resolve<Identifier>::type::type ValueType;
        const uint32_t components = GetNComponents<ValueType>::value;
        typedef typename GetComponentsType<ValueType>::type ComponentType;
        typedef typename PICToSplash<ComponentType>::type SplashType;

        log<picLog::INPUT_OUTPUT > ("HDF5:  ( begin ) load species attribute: %1%") % Identifier::getName();

        const std::string name_lookup[] = {"x", "y", "z"};

        ComponentType* tmpArray = nullptr;
        if( elements > 0 )
            tmpArray = new ComponentType[elements];

        ParallelDomainCollector* dataCollector = params->dataCollector;
        for (uint32_t d = 0; d < components; d++)
            OpenPMDName<T_Identifier> openPMDName;
            std::stringstream datasetName;
            datasetName << subGroup << "/" << openPMDName();
            if (components > 1)
                datasetName << "/" << name_lookup[d];

            ValueType* dataPtr = frame.getIdentifier(Identifier()).getPointer();
            Dimensions sizeRead(0, 0, 0);
            // read one component from file to temporary array
                               Dimensions(elements, 1, 1),
                               Dimensions(particlesOffset, 0, 0),
            PMACC_ASSERT(sizeRead[0] == elements);

            /* copy component from temporary array to array of structs */
            #pragma omp parallel for
            for (size_t i = 0; i < elements; ++i)
                ComponentType& ref = ((ComponentType*) dataPtr)[i * components + d];
                ref = tmpArray[i];

        log<picLog::INPUT_OUTPUT > ("HDF5:  ( end ) load species attribute: %1%") %
Ejemplo n.º 2
    HINLINE void operator()(
                            ThreadParams* params,
                            FrameType& frame,
                            const std::string particlePath,
                            const uint64_t particlesOffset,
                            const uint64_t elements)

        typedef T_Identifier Identifier;
        typedef typename PMacc::traits::Resolve<Identifier>::type::type ValueType;
        const uint32_t components = GetNComponents<ValueType>::value;
        typedef typename GetComponentsType<ValueType>::type ComponentType;

        log<picLog::INPUT_OUTPUT > ("ADIOS: ( begin ) load species attribute: %1%") % Identifier::getName();

        const std::string name_lookup[] = {"x", "y", "z"};

        ComponentType* tmpArray = NULL;
        if( elements > 0 )
            tmpArray = new ComponentType[elements];

        // dev assert!
        if( elements > 0 )

        for (uint32_t n = 0; n < components; ++n)
            OpenPMDName<T_Identifier> openPMDName;
            std::stringstream datasetName;
            datasetName << particlePath << openPMDName();
            if (components > 1)
                datasetName << "/" << name_lookup[n];

            ValueType* dataPtr = frame.getIdentifier(Identifier()).getPointer();

            ADIOS_VARINFO* varInfo = adios_inq_var( params->fp, datasetName.str().c_str() );
            // it's possible to aquire the local block with that call again and
            // the local elements to-be-read, but the block-ID must be known (MPI rank?)
            //ADIOS_CMD(adios_inq_var_blockinfo( params->fp, varInfo ));

            ADIOS_SELECTION* sel = adios_selection_boundingbox( 1, &particlesOffset, &elements );

            /** Note: adios_schedule_read is not a collective call in any
             *        ADIOS method and can therefore be skipped for empty reads */
            if( elements > 0 )
                ADIOS_CMD(adios_schedule_read( params->fp,
                                               0, /* from_step (not used in streams) */
                                               1, /* nsteps to read (must be 1 for stream) */
                                               (void*)tmpArray ));

            /** start a blocking read of all scheduled variables
             *  (this is collective call in many ADIOS methods) */
            ADIOS_CMD(adios_perform_reads( params->fp, 1 ));

            log<picLog::INPUT_OUTPUT > ("ADIOS:  Did read %1% local of %2% global elements for %3%") %
                elements % varInfo->dims[0] % datasetName.str();

            /* copy component from temporary array to array of structs */
            #pragma omp parallel for
            for (size_t i = 0; i < elements; ++i)
                ComponentType& ref = ((ComponentType*) dataPtr)[i * components + n];
                ref = tmpArray[i];

            adios_selection_delete( sel );
            adios_free_varinfo( varInfo );

        log<picLog::INPUT_OUTPUT > ("ADIOS:  ( end ) load species attribute: %1%") %