Ejemplo n.º 1
 * @brief Extract ROI from data sub-space keywords
 * @param[in] hdu FITS HDU
 * @exception GException::invalid_value
 *            Invalid ROI data sub-space encountered
 * Reads the ROI data sub-space keywords by searching for a DSTYPx keyword
 * named "POS(RA,DEC)". The data sub-space information is expected to be in
 * the format "CIRCLE(267.0208,-24.78,4.5)", where the 3 arguments are Right
 * Ascension, Declination and radius in units of degrees. No detailed syntax
 * checking is performed.
 * If no ROI information has been found, an GCTARoi object with initial
 * values will be returned. 
GCTARoi gammalib::read_ds_roi(const GFitsHDU& hdu)
    // Initialise ROI
    GCTARoi roi;

    // Get number of data sub-space keywords (default to 0 if keyword is
    // not found)
    int ndskeys = (hdu.has_card("NDSKEYS")) ? hdu.integer("NDSKEYS") : 0;

    // Loop over all data selection keys
    for (int i = 1; i <= ndskeys; ++i) {

        // Set data sub-space key strings
        std::string type_key  = "DSTYP"+gammalib::str(i);
        //std::string unit_key  = "DSUNI"+gammalib::str(i);
        std::string value_key = "DSVAL"+gammalib::str(i);

        // Continue only if type_key is found and if this key is POS(RA,DEC)
        if (hdu.has_card(type_key) && hdu.string(type_key) == "POS(RA,DEC)") {

            // ...
            //std::string unit              = gammalib::toupper(hdu.string(unit_key));
            std::string value             = hdu.string(value_key);
            std::string value_proc        = gammalib::strip_chars(value, "CIRCLE(");
            value_proc                    = gammalib::strip_chars(value_proc, ")");
            std::vector<std::string> args = gammalib::split(value_proc, ",");
            if (args.size() == 3) {
                double ra  = gammalib::todouble(args[0]);
                double dec = gammalib::todouble(args[1]);
                double rad = gammalib::todouble(args[2]);
                GCTAInstDir dir;
                dir.dir().radec_deg(ra, dec);
            else {
                std::string msg = "Invalid acceptance cone value \""+value+
                                  "\" encountered in data sub-space "
                                  "key \""+value_key+"\".";
                throw GException::invalid_value(G_READ_DS_ROI, msg);

        } // endif: POS(RA,DEC) type found

    } // endfor: looped over data sub-space keys

    // Return roi
    return roi;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * @brief Fill events into counts cube
 * @param[in] obs CTA observation.
 * @exception GException::invalid_value
 *            No event list found in observation.
 * Fills the events from an event list in the counts cube setup by init_cube.
void ctbin::fill_cube(GCTAObservation* obs)
    // Continue only if observation pointer is valid
    if (obs != NULL) {

        // Make sure that the observation holds a CTA event list. If this
        // is not the case then throw an exception.
        const GCTAEventList* events = dynamic_cast<const GCTAEventList*>(obs->events());
        if (events == NULL) {
            std::string msg = "CTA Observation does not contain an event "
                              "list. Event list information is needed to "
                              "fill the counts map.";
            throw GException::invalid_value(G_FILL_CUBE, msg);

        // Get the RoI
        const GCTARoi& roi = events->roi();

        // Initialise binning statistics
        int num_outside_roi  = 0;
        int num_outside_map  = 0;
        int num_outside_ebds = 0;
        int num_in_map       = 0;

        // Fill sky map
        for (int i = 0; i < events->size(); ++i) {

            // Get event
            const GCTAEventAtom* event = (*events)[i];

            // Determine sky pixel
            GCTAInstDir* inst  = (GCTAInstDir*)&(event->dir());
            GSkyDir      dir   = inst->dir();
            GSkyPixel    pixel = m_cube.dir2pix(dir);

            // Skip if pixel is outside RoI
            if (roi.centre().dir().dist_deg(dir) > roi.radius()) {

            // Skip if pixel is out of range
            if (pixel.x() < -0.5 || pixel.x() > (m_cube.nx()-0.5) ||
                    pixel.y() < -0.5 || pixel.y() > (m_cube.ny()-0.5)) {

            // Determine energy bin. Skip if we are outside the energy range
            int index = m_ebounds.index(event->energy());
            if (index == -1) {

            // Fill event in skymap
            m_cube(pixel, index) += 1.0;

        } // endfor: looped over all events

        // Append GTIs

        // Update ontime and livetime
        m_ontime   += obs->ontime();
        m_livetime += obs->livetime();

        // Log filling results
        if (logTerse()) {
            log << gammalib::parformat("Events in list");
            log << obs->events()->size() << std::endl;
            log << gammalib::parformat("Events in cube");
            log << num_in_map << std::endl;
            log << gammalib::parformat("Event bins outside RoI");
            log << num_outside_roi << std::endl;
            log << gammalib::parformat("Events outside cube area");
            log << num_outside_map << std::endl;
            log << gammalib::parformat("Events outside energy bins");
            log << num_outside_ebds << std::endl;

        // Log cube
        if (logExplicit()) {
            log.header1("Counts cube");
            log << m_cube << std::endl;

    } // endif: observation was valid

    // Return
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * @brief Return simulated list of events
 * @param[in] obs Observation.
 * @param[in] ran Random number generator.
 * @return Pointer to list of simulated events (needs to be de-allocated by
 *         client)
 * @exception GException::invalid_argument
 *            Specified observation is not a CTA observation.
 * Draws a sample of events from the background model using a Monte
 * Carlo simulation. The region of interest, the energy boundaries and the
 * good time interval for the sampling will be extracted from the observation
 * argument that is passed to the method. The method also requires a random
 * number generator of type GRan which is passed by reference, hence the
 * state of the random number generator will be changed by the method.
 * The method also applies a deadtime correction using a Monte Carlo process,
 * taking into account temporal deadtime variations. For this purpose, the
 * method makes use of the time dependent GObservation::deadc method.
 * For each event in the returned event list, the sky direction, the nominal
 * coordinates (DETX and DETY), the energy and the time will be set.
GCTAEventList* GCTAModelIrfBackground::mc(const GObservation& obs, GRan& ran) const
    // Initialise new event list
    GCTAEventList* list = new GCTAEventList;

    // Continue only if model is valid)
    if (valid_model()) {

        // Retrieve CTA observation
        const GCTAObservation* cta = dynamic_cast<const GCTAObservation*>(&obs);
        if (cta == NULL) {
            std::string msg = "Specified observation is not a CTA observation.\n" +
            throw GException::invalid_argument(G_MC, msg);

        // Get pointer on CTA IRF response
        const GCTAResponseIrf* rsp = dynamic_cast<const GCTAResponseIrf*>(cta->response());
        if (rsp == NULL) {
            std::string msg = "Specified observation does not contain"
                              " an IRF response.\n" + obs.print();
            throw GException::invalid_argument(G_MC, msg);

        // Retrieve CTA response and pointing
        const GCTAPointing& pnt = cta->pointing();

        // Get pointer to CTA background
        const GCTABackground* bgd = rsp->background();
        if (bgd == NULL) {
            std::string msg = "Specified observation contains no background"
                              " information.\n" + obs.print();
            throw GException::invalid_argument(G_MC, msg);

        // Retrieve event list to access the ROI, energy boundaries and GTIs
        const GCTAEventList* events = dynamic_cast<const GCTAEventList*>(obs.events());
        if (events == NULL) {
            std::string msg = "No CTA event list found in observation.\n" +
            throw GException::invalid_argument(G_MC, msg);

        // Get simulation region
        const GCTARoi&  roi     = events->roi();
        const GEbounds& ebounds = events->ebounds();
        const GGti&     gti     = events->gti();

        // Set simulation region for result event list

        // Create a spectral model that combines the information from the
        // background information and the spectrum provided by the model
        GModelSpectralNodes spectral(bgd->spectrum());
        for (int i = 0; i < spectral.nodes(); ++i) {
            GEnergy energy    = spectral.energy(i);
            double  intensity = spectral.intensity(i);
            double  norm      = m_spectral->eval(energy, events->tstart());
            spectral.intensity(i, norm*intensity);

        // Loop over all energy boundaries
        for (int ieng = 0; ieng < ebounds.size(); ++ieng) {

            // Compute the background rate in model within the energy
            // boundaries from spectral component (units: cts/s).
            // Note that the time here is ontime. Deadtime correction will
            // be done later.
            double rate = spectral.flux(ebounds.emin(ieng), ebounds.emax(ieng));

            // Debug option: dump rate
#if defined(G_DUMP_MC)
            std::cout << "GCTAModelIrfBackground::mc(\"" << name() << "\": ";
            std::cout << "rate=" << rate << " cts/s)" << std::endl;

            // Loop over all good time intervals
            for (int itime = 0; itime < gti.size(); ++itime) {

                // Get Monte Carlo event arrival times from temporal model
                GTimes times = m_temporal->mc(rate,

                // Get number of events
                int n_events = times.size();

                // Reserve space for events
                if (n_events > 0) {

                // Debug option: provide number of times and initialize
                // statisics
#if defined(G_DUMP_MC)
                std::cout << " Interval " << itime;
                std::cout << " times=" << n_events << std::endl;
                int n_killed_by_deadtime = 0;
                int n_killed_by_roi      = 0;

                // Loop over events
                for (int i = 0; i < n_events; ++i) {

                    // Apply deadtime correction
                    double deadc = obs.deadc(times[i]);
                    if (deadc < 1.0) {
                        if (ran.uniform() > deadc) {
#if defined(G_DUMP_MC)

                    // Get Monte Carlo event energy from spectral model
                    GEnergy energy = spectral.mc(ebounds.emin(ieng),

                    // Get Monte Carlo event direction from spatial model.
                    // This only will set the DETX and DETY coordinates.
                    GCTAInstDir instdir = bgd->mc(energy, times[i], ran);

                    // Derive sky direction from instrument coordinates
                    GSkyDir skydir = pnt.skydir(instdir);

                    // Set sky direction in GCTAInstDir object

                    // Allocate event
                    GCTAEventAtom event;

                    // Set event attributes

                    // Append event to list if it falls in ROI
                    if (events->roi().contains(event)) {
#if defined(G_DUMP_MC)
                    else {

                } // endfor: looped over all events

                // Debug option: provide  statisics
#if defined(G_DUMP_MC)
                std::cout << " Killed by deadtime=";
                std::cout << n_killed_by_deadtime << std::endl;
                std::cout << " Killed by ROI=";
                std::cout << n_killed_by_roi << std::endl;

            } // endfor: looped over all GTIs

        } // endfor: looped over all energy boundaries

    } // endif: model was valid

    // Return
    return list;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * @brief Bin events into a counts map
 * @param[in] obs CTA observation.
 * @exception GException::no_list
 *            No event list found in observation.
 * @exception GCTAException::no_pointing
 *            No valid CTA pointing found.
 * This method bins the events found in a CTA events list into a counts map
 * and replaces the event list by the counts map in the observation. The
 * energy boundaries of the counts map are also stored in the observation's
 * energy boundary member.
 * If the reference values for the map centre (m_xref, m_yref) are 9999.0,
 * the pointing direction of the observation is taken as the map centre.
 * Otherwise, the specified reference value is used.
void ctbin::bin_events(GCTAObservation* obs)
    // Continue only if observation pointer is valid
    if (obs != NULL) {

        // Make sure that the observation holds a CTA event list. If this
        // is not the case then throw an exception.
        if (dynamic_cast<const GCTAEventList*>(obs->events()) == NULL) {
            throw GException::no_list(G_BIN_EVENTS);

        // Setup energy range covered by data
        GEnergy  emin;
        GEnergy  emax;
        GEbounds ebds;
        ebds.setlog(emin, emax, m_enumbins);

        // Get Good Time intervals
        GGti gti = obs->events()->gti();
        // Get map centre
        double xref;
        double yref;
        if (m_xref != 9999.0 && m_yref != 9999.0) {
            xref = m_xref;
            yref = m_yref;
        else {
            // Get pointer on CTA pointing
            const GCTAPointing *pnt = obs->pointing();
            if (pnt == NULL) {
                throw GCTAException::no_pointing(G_BIN_EVENTS);
            // Set reference point to pointing
            if (toupper(m_coordsys) == "GAL") {
                xref = pnt->dir().l_deg();
                yref = pnt->dir().b_deg();
            else {
                xref = pnt->dir().ra_deg();
                yref = pnt->dir().dec_deg();

        } // endelse: map centre set to pointing

        // Create skymap
        GSkymap map = GSkymap(m_proj, m_coordsys,
                              xref, yref, m_binsz, m_binsz,
                              m_nxpix, m_nypix, m_enumbins);

        // Initialise binning statistics
        int num_outside_map  = 0;
        int num_outside_ebds = 0;
        int num_in_map       = 0;

        // Fill sky map
        GCTAEventList* events = static_cast<GCTAEventList*>(const_cast<GEvents*>(obs->events()));
        for (GCTAEventList::iterator event = events->begin(); event != events->end(); ++event) {

            // Determine sky pixel
            GCTAInstDir* inst  = (GCTAInstDir*)&(event->dir());
            GSkyDir      dir   = inst->dir();
            GSkyPixel    pixel = map.dir2xy(dir);

            // Skip if pixel is out of range
            if (pixel.x() < -0.5 || pixel.x() > (m_nxpix-0.5) ||
                pixel.y() < -0.5 || pixel.y() > (m_nypix-0.5)) {

            // Determine energy bin. Skip if we are outside the energy range
            int index = ebds.index(event->energy());
            if (index == -1) {

            // Fill event in skymap
            map(pixel, index) += 1.0;

        } // endfor: looped over all events

        // Log binning results
        if (logTerse()) {
            log << std::endl;
            log << parformat("Events in list");
            log << obs->events()->size() << std::endl;
            log << parformat("Events in map");
            log << num_in_map << std::endl;
            log << parformat("Events outside map area");
            log << num_outside_map << std::endl;
            log << parformat("Events outside energy bins");
            log << num_outside_ebds << std::endl;

        // Log map
        if (logTerse()) {
            log << std::endl;
            log.header1("Counts map");
            log << map << std::endl;

        // Create events cube from sky map
        GCTAEventCube cube(map, ebds, gti);

        // Replace event list by event cube in observation

    } // endif: observation was valid

    // Return