Ejemplo n.º 1
void ProcessedShaderMaterial::setTransforms(const MatrixSet &matrixSet, SceneRenderState *state, const U32 pass)
   PROFILE_SCOPE( ProcessedShaderMaterial_setTransforms );

   GFXShaderConstBuffer* shaderConsts = _getShaderConstBuffer(pass);
   ShaderConstHandles* handles = _getShaderConstHandles(pass);

   // The MatrixSet will lazily generate a matrix under the
   // various 'get' methods, so inline the test for a valid
   // shader constant handle to avoid that work when we can.
   if ( handles->mModelViewProjSC->isValid() )
      shaderConsts->set( handles->mModelViewProjSC, matrixSet.getWorldViewProjection() );
   if ( handles->mObjTransSC->isValid() )
      shaderConsts->set( handles->mObjTransSC, matrixSet.getObjectToWorld() );      
   if ( handles->mWorldToObjSC->isValid() )
      shaderConsts->set( handles->mWorldToObjSC, matrixSet.getWorldToObject() );
   if ( handles->mWorldToCameraSC->isValid() )
      shaderConsts->set( handles->mWorldToCameraSC, matrixSet.getWorldToCamera() );
   if ( handles->mWorldViewOnlySC->isValid() )
      shaderConsts->set( handles->mWorldViewOnlySC, matrixSet.getObjectToCamera() );
   if ( handles->mViewToObjSC->isValid() )
      shaderConsts->set( handles->mViewToObjSC, matrixSet.getCameraToObject() );
   if ( handles->mViewProjSC->isValid() )
      shaderConsts->set( handles->mViewProjSC, matrixSet.getWorldToScreen() );

   if (  handles->mCubeTransSC->isValid() &&
         ( _hasCubemap(pass) || mMaterial->mDynamicCubemap ) )
      // TODO: Could we not remove this constant?  Use mObjTransSC and cast to float3x3 instead?
      shaderConsts->set(handles->mCubeTransSC, matrixSet.getObjectToWorld(), GFXSCT_Float3x3);

   if ( handles->m_vEyeSC->isValid() )
      shaderConsts->set( handles->m_vEyeSC, state->getVectorEye() );
Ejemplo n.º 2
void ProcessedShaderMaterial::setSceneInfo(SceneRenderState * state, const SceneData& sgData, U32 pass)
   PROFILE_SCOPE( ProcessedShaderMaterial_setSceneInfo );

   GFXShaderConstBuffer* shaderConsts = _getShaderConstBuffer(pass);
   ShaderConstHandles* handles = _getShaderConstHandles(pass);

   // Set cubemap stuff here (it's convenient!)
   const Point3F &eyePosWorld = state->getCameraPosition();
   if ( handles->mCubeEyePosSC->isValid() )
      if(_hasCubemap(pass) || mMaterial->mDynamicCubemap)
         Point3F cubeEyePos = eyePosWorld - sgData.objTrans->getPosition();
         shaderConsts->set(handles->mCubeEyePosSC, cubeEyePos);      

   shaderConsts->setSafe(handles->mVisiblitySC, sgData.visibility);

   shaderConsts->setSafe(handles->mEyePosWorldSC, eyePosWorld);   

   if ( handles->mEyePosSC->isValid() )
      MatrixF tempMat( *sgData.objTrans );
      Point3F eyepos;
      tempMat.mulP( eyePosWorld, &eyepos );
      shaderConsts->set(handles->mEyePosSC, eyepos);   

   shaderConsts->setSafe(handles->mEyeMatSC, state->getCameraTransform());   

   ShaderRenderPassData *rpd = _getRPD( pass );
   for ( U32 i=0; i < rpd->featureShaderHandles.size(); i++ )
      rpd->featureShaderHandles[i]->setConsts( state, sgData, shaderConsts );

   LIGHTMGR->setLightInfo( this, mMaterial, sgData, state, pass, shaderConsts );
void ProcessedCustomMaterial::setTextureStages( SceneRenderState *state, const SceneData &sgData, U32 pass )
   LightManager* lm = state ? LIGHTMGR : NULL;   
   ShaderRenderPassData* rpd = _getRPD(pass);
   ShaderConstHandles* handles = _getShaderConstHandles(pass);
   GFXShaderConstBuffer* shaderConsts = _getShaderConstBuffer(pass);

   const NamedTexTarget *texTarget;
   GFXTextureObject *texObject; 
   for( U32 i=0; i<mMaxTex; i++ )
      U32 currTexFlag = rpd->mTexType[i];
      if ( !lm || !lm->setTextureStage(sgData, currTexFlag, i, shaderConsts, handles ) )
      	GFXShaderConstHandle* handle = handles->mTexHandlesSC[i];
         if ( !handle->isValid() )

         S32 samplerRegister = handle->getSamplerRegister();
         switch( currTexFlag )
         case 0:

         case Material::Mask:
         case Material::Standard:
         case Material::Bump:
         case Material::Detail:
               GFX->setTexture( samplerRegister, rpd->mTexSlot[i].texObject );

         case Material::Lightmap:
               GFX->setTexture( samplerRegister, sgData.lightmap );
         case Material::Cube:
               GFX->setCubeTexture( samplerRegister, rpd->mCubeMap );
         case Material::SGCube:
               GFX->setCubeTexture( samplerRegister, sgData.cubemap );
         case Material::BackBuff:
               GFX->setTexture( samplerRegister, sgData.backBuffTex );
               //if ( sgData.reflectTex )
               //   GFX->setTexture( samplerRegister, sgData.reflectTex );
               //    GFXTextureObject *refractTex = REFLECTMGR->getRefractTex( true );
               //    GFX->setTexture( samplerRegister, refractTex );
         case Material::ReflectBuff:
               GFX->setTexture( samplerRegister, sgData.reflectTex );
         case Material::Misc:
               GFX->setTexture( samplerRegister, sgData.miscTex );
         case Material::TexTarget:
               texTarget = rpd->mTexSlot[i].texTarget;
               if ( !texTarget )
                  GFX->setTexture( samplerRegister, NULL );
               texObject = texTarget->getTexture();

               // If no texture is available then map the default 2x2
               // black texture to it.  This at least will ensure that
               // we get consistant behavior across GPUs and platforms.
               if ( !texObject )
                  texObject = GFXTexHandle::ZERO;

               if ( handles->mRTParamsSC[samplerRegister]->isValid() && texObject )
                  const Point3I &targetSz = texObject->getSize();
                  const RectI &targetVp = texTarget->getViewport();
                  Point4F rtParams;

                  ScreenSpace::RenderTargetParameters(targetSz, targetVp, rtParams);
                  shaderConsts->set(handles->mRTParamsSC[samplerRegister], rtParams);
               GFX->setTexture( samplerRegister, texObject );
Ejemplo n.º 4
void ProcessedShaderMaterial::_setShaderConstants(SceneRenderState * state, const SceneData &sgData, U32 pass)
   PROFILE_SCOPE( ProcessedShaderMaterial_SetShaderConstants );

   GFXShaderConstBuffer* shaderConsts = _getShaderConstBuffer(pass);
   ShaderConstHandles* handles = _getShaderConstHandles(pass);
   U32 stageNum = getStageFromPass(pass);

   // First we do all the constants which are not
   // controlled via the material... we have to
   // set these all the time as they could change.

   if ( handles->mFogDataSC->isValid() )
      Point3F fogData;
      fogData.x = sgData.fogDensity;
      fogData.y = sgData.fogDensityOffset;
      fogData.z = sgData.fogHeightFalloff;     
      shaderConsts->set( handles->mFogDataSC, fogData );

   shaderConsts->setSafe(handles->mFogColorSC, sgData.fogColor);

   if( handles->mOneOverFarplane->isValid() )
      const F32 &invfp = 1.0f / state->getFarPlane();
      Point4F oneOverFP(invfp, invfp, invfp, invfp);
      shaderConsts->set( handles->mOneOverFarplane, oneOverFP );

   shaderConsts->setSafe( handles->mAccumTimeSC, MATMGR->getTotalTime() );

   // If the shader constants have not been lost then
   // they contain the content from a previous render pass.
   // In this case we can skip updating the material constants
   // which do not change frame to frame.
   // NOTE: This assumes we're not animating material parameters
   // in a way that doesn't cause a shader reload... this isn't
   // being done now, but it could change in the future.
   if ( !shaderConsts->wasLost() )

   shaderConsts->setSafe(handles->mSpecularColorSC, mMaterial->mSpecular[stageNum]);   
   shaderConsts->setSafe(handles->mSpecularPowerSC, mMaterial->mSpecularPower[stageNum]);

   shaderConsts->setSafe(handles->mParallaxInfoSC, mMaterial->mParallaxScale[stageNum]);   
   shaderConsts->setSafe(handles->mMinnaertConstantSC, mMaterial->mMinnaertConstant[stageNum]);

   if ( handles->mSubSurfaceParamsSC->isValid() )
      Point4F subSurfParams;
      dMemcpy( &subSurfParams, &mMaterial->mSubSurfaceColor[stageNum], sizeof(ColorF) );
      subSurfParams.w = mMaterial->mSubSurfaceRolloff[stageNum];
      shaderConsts->set(handles->mSubSurfaceParamsSC, subSurfParams);

   if ( handles->mRTSizeSC->isValid() )
      const Point2I &resolution = GFX->getActiveRenderTarget()->getSize();
      Point2F pixelShaderConstantData;

      pixelShaderConstantData.x = resolution.x;
      pixelShaderConstantData.y = resolution.y;

      shaderConsts->set( handles->mRTSizeSC, pixelShaderConstantData );

   if ( handles->mOneOverRTSizeSC->isValid() )
      const Point2I &resolution = GFX->getActiveRenderTarget()->getSize();
      Point2F oneOverTargetSize( 1.0f / (F32)resolution.x, 1.0f / (F32)resolution.y );

      shaderConsts->set( handles->mOneOverRTSizeSC, oneOverTargetSize );

   // set detail scale
   shaderConsts->setSafe(handles->mDetailScaleSC, mMaterial->mDetailScale[stageNum]);
   shaderConsts->setSafe(handles->mDetailBumpStrength, mMaterial->mDetailNormalMapStrength[stageNum]);

   // MFT_ImposterVert
   if ( handles->mImposterUVs->isValid() )
      U32 uvCount = getMin( mMaterial->mImposterUVs.size(), 64 ); // See imposter.hlsl   
      AlignedArray<Point4F> imposterUVs( uvCount, sizeof( Point4F ), (U8*)mMaterial->mImposterUVs.address(), false );
      shaderConsts->set( handles->mImposterUVs, imposterUVs );
   shaderConsts->setSafe( handles->mImposterLimits, mMaterial->mImposterLimits );

   // Diffuse
   shaderConsts->setSafe(handles->mDiffuseColorSC, mMaterial->mDiffuse[stageNum]);

   shaderConsts->setSafe( handles->mAlphaTestValueSC, mClampF( (F32)mMaterial->mAlphaRef / 255.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f ) );      

      Point4F atlasParams(1.0f / mMaterial->mCellLayout[stageNum].x, // 1 / num_horizontal
         1.0f / mMaterial->mCellLayout[stageNum].y, // 1 / num_vertical
         mMaterial->mCellSize[stageNum],            // tile size in pixels
         getBinLog2(mMaterial->mCellSize[stageNum]) );    // pow of 2 of tile size in pixels 2^9 = 512, 2^10=1024 etc
      shaderConsts->setSafe(handles->mDiffuseAtlasParamsSC, atlasParams);

      Point4F atlasParams(1.0f / mMaterial->mCellLayout[stageNum].x, // 1 / num_horizontal
         1.0f / mMaterial->mCellLayout[stageNum].y, // 1 / num_vertical
         mMaterial->mCellSize[stageNum],            // tile size in pixels
         getBinLog2(mMaterial->mCellSize[stageNum]) );    // pow of 2 of tile size in pixels 2^9 = 512, 2^10=1024 etc
      shaderConsts->setSafe(handles->mBumpAtlasParamsSC, atlasParams);

      // Sanity check the wrap flags
      //AssertWarn(mMaterial->mTextureAddressModeU == mMaterial->mTextureAddressModeV, "Addresing mode mismatch, texture atlasing will be confused");
      Point4F atlasTileParams( mMaterial->mCellIndex[stageNum].x, // Tile co-ordinate, ie: [0, 3]
         0.0f, 0.0f ); // TODO: Wrap mode flags?
      shaderConsts->setSafe(handles->mDiffuseAtlasTileSC, atlasTileParams);

      // Sanity check the wrap flags
      //AssertWarn(mMaterial->mTextureAddressModeU == mMaterial->mTextureAddressModeV, "Addresing mode mismatch, texture atlasing will be confused");
      Point4F atlasTileParams( mMaterial->mCellIndex[stageNum].x, // Tile co-ordinate, ie: [0, 3]
         0.0f, 0.0f ); // TODO: Wrap mode flags?
      shaderConsts->setSafe(handles->mBumpAtlasTileSC, atlasTileParams);
Ejemplo n.º 5
void ProcessedShaderMaterial::setTextureStages( SceneRenderState *state, const SceneData &sgData, U32 pass )
   PROFILE_SCOPE( ProcessedShaderMaterial_SetTextureStages );

   ShaderConstHandles *handles = _getShaderConstHandles(pass);

   // Set all of the textures we need to render the give pass.
   AssertFatal( pass<mPasses.size(), "Pass out of bounds" );

   RenderPassData *rpd = mPasses[pass];
   GFXShaderConstBuffer* shaderConsts = _getShaderConstBuffer(pass);
   NamedTexTarget *texTarget;
   GFXTextureObject *texObject; 

   for( U32 i=0; i<rpd->mNumTex; i++ )
      U32 currTexFlag = rpd->mTexType[i];
      if (!LIGHTMGR || !LIGHTMGR->setTextureStage(sgData, currTexFlag, i, shaderConsts, handles))
         switch( currTexFlag )
         // If the flag is unset then assume its just
         // a regular texture to set... nothing special.
         case 0:
            GFX->setTexture(i, rpd->mTexSlot[i].texObject);

         case Material::NormalizeCube:
            GFX->setCubeTexture(i, Material::GetNormalizeCube());

         case Material::Lightmap:
            GFX->setTexture( i, sgData.lightmap );

         case Material::ToneMapTex:
            shaderConsts->setSafe(handles->mToneMapTexSC, (S32)i);
            GFX->setTexture(i, rpd->mTexSlot[i].texObject);

         case Material::Cube:
            GFX->setCubeTexture( i, rpd->mCubeMap );

         case Material::SGCube:
            GFX->setCubeTexture( i, sgData.cubemap );

         case Material::BackBuff:
            GFX->setTexture( i, sgData.backBuffTex );
         case Material::TexTarget:
               texTarget = rpd->mTexSlot[i].texTarget;
               if ( !texTarget )
                  GFX->setTexture( i, NULL );
               texObject = texTarget->getTexture();

               // If no texture is available then map the default 2x2
               // black texture to it.  This at least will ensure that
               // we get consistant behavior across GPUs and platforms.
               if ( !texObject )
                  texObject = GFXTexHandle::ZERO;

               if ( handles->mRTParamsSC[i]->isValid() && texObject )
                  const Point3I &targetSz = texObject->getSize();
                  const RectI &targetVp = texTarget->getViewport();
                  Point4F rtParams;

                  ScreenSpace::RenderTargetParameters(targetSz, targetVp, rtParams);

                  shaderConsts->set(handles->mRTParamsSC[i], rtParams);

               GFX->setTexture( i, texObject );