Ejemplo n.º 1
void DefendFarFromBall::perform(Robot *robot)
    GameModel *gm = GameModel::getModel();
    Point robPoint = robot->getRobotPosition();
    Point ballPoint = gm->getBallPoint();
    Point myGoal = gm->getMyGoal();
    double direction = Measurments::angleBetween(myGoal, ballPoint);
    Point defensiveWall(cos(direction)*DISTANCE + myGoal.x,
                        sin(direction)*DISTANCE + myGoal.y);

    /* Check if there are any opp robots within 3000 distance of the ball
    *  This boolean is used to determine if the goalie should wait
    *  before kicking the ball to a teammate in case an opp robot intersepts
    *  the ball
    bool safeToKick = 1;
    for(Robot* opRob:gm->getOponentTeam())
        if (Measurments::distance(opRob->getRobotPosition(),ballPoint) < 3000)
            safeToKick = 0;

    bool isScoreHazard =
            Measurments::distance(myGoal, ballPoint) < 1200
            and not(Measurments::isClose(robPoint, ballPoint, 100))
            and lastKickCounter <= 0
            and safeToKick;

    if(isScoreHazard or isKickingAwayBall) {
        if(wasNotPreviousScoreHazard) {
            KTPSkill = new Skill::KickToPoint(Point(0,0), 50*M_PI/180);
            isKickingAwayBall = true;
            wasNotPreviousScoreHazard = false;
        if(KTPSkill->perform(robot) or
                Measurments::distance(ballPoint, myGoal) > 1200){
            lastKickCounter = 100;
            wasNotPreviousScoreHazard = true;
            isKickingAwayBall = false;
            delete KTPSkill;
            KTPSkill = nullptr;
    } else {
        if(lastKickCounter > 0)
        Point defensiveWall(cos(direction)*DISTANCE + myGoal.x,
                            sin(direction)*DISTANCE + myGoal.y);
        setMovementTargets(defensiveWall, direction, false, false);
        GenericMovementBehavior::perform(robot, Movement::Type::facePoint);
Ejemplo n.º 2
    /* This is the function that communicates outside the FPPA namespace to define
     * obstacle information. In our case, that is getting the GameModel and all the robots
     * from that. However, I would like to have this more generalized in the future.
    void buildObstacleCollection()
        GameModel* mod = GameModel::getModel();
        const auto& myTeam = mod->getMyTeam();
        const auto& opTeam = mod->getOponentTeam();

        currentFrameObstacles.reserve(myTeam.size() + opTeam.size() + 1);

        for(Robot* rob : myTeam)
        for(Robot* rob : opTeam)


    #if FPPA_DEBUG
           // std::cout << "[FPPA] All Obstacles: " << std::endl;
            //for(Point pt : *obstacles) std::cout << pt.toString() << std::endl;