Ejemplo n.º 1
void TerrainRenderer::UpdateVertexColor(const MapPoint pt, const GameWorldViewer& gwv)
            // Unsichtbar -> schwarz
        case VIS_INVISIBLE: GetVertex(pt).color = 0.0f; break;
            // Fog of War -> abgedunkelt
        case VIS_FOW: GetVertex(pt).color = float(gwv.GetNode(pt).shadow + 0x40) / float(0xFF) / 2; break;
            // Normal sichtbar
        case VIS_VISIBLE: GetVertex(pt).color = float(gwv.GetNode(pt).shadow  + 0x40) / float(0xFF); break;
Ejemplo n.º 2
/// erzeugt Vertex
void TerrainRenderer::UpdateVertexPos(const MapPoint pt, const GameWorldViewer& gwv)
    int x = pt.x * TR_W;
    if(pt.y & 1)
        x += TR_W / 2;
    GetVertex(pt).pos.x = float(x);
    GetVertex(pt).pos.y = float(pt.y * TR_H - HEIGHT_FACTOR * gwv.GetNode(pt).altitude + HEIGHT_FACTOR * 0x0A );
Ejemplo n.º 3
void TerrainRenderer::UpdateTriangleTerrain(const MapPoint pt, const GameWorldViewer& gwv, const bool update)
    const MapNode& node = gwv.GetNode(pt);
    unsigned int pos = GetTriangleIdx(pt);

    Triangle& texCoord = gl_texcoords[pos];
        texCoord[1].x = 0.225f;
        texCoord[1].y = 0.f;
        texCoord[2].x = 0.f; //-V807
        texCoord[2].y = 0.45f;
        texCoord[0].x = 0.45f;
        texCoord[0].y = texCoord[2].y;
        // We use the full texture as it already consists of 2 triangles
        // But we need to make sure to only use the correct part of it (texture sizes are powers of 2)
        // Note: Better would be to use the actual textures, but they are not loaded when this is called during game start
        Rect texRect = TerrainData::GetPosInTexture(node.t1);
        int w = texRect.right - texRect.left;
        int h = texRect.bottom - texRect.top;
        assert(w > 0 && h > 0);
        unsigned texW = helpers::roundToNextPowerOfTwo(w);
        unsigned texH = helpers::roundToNextPowerOfTwo(h);

        float texScaleW = 1.f / texW;
        float texScaleH = 1.f / texH;
        // Tip of the triangle is in the middle in x
        texCoord[1].x = (w + 1) / 2.f * texScaleW;
        texCoord[1].y = 0.f;
        // Bottom of the triangle is in the middle in y
        texCoord[2].x = 0.f;
        texCoord[2].y = (h + 1) / 2.f * texScaleH;
        texCoord[0].x = (w - 1)       * texScaleW;
        texCoord[0].y = texCoord[2].y;

    Triangle& texCoord2 = gl_texcoords[pos+1];
        texCoord2[1].x = 0.235f;
        texCoord2[1].y = 0.45f;
        texCoord2[2].x = 0.47f; //-V807
        texCoord2[2].y = 0.0f;
        texCoord2[0].x = 0.0f;
        texCoord2[0].y = texCoord2[2].y;
        Rect texRect = TerrainData::GetPosInTexture(node.t1);
        int w = texRect.right - texRect.left;
        int h = texRect.bottom - texRect.top;
        assert(w > 0 && h > 0);
        unsigned texW = helpers::roundToNextPowerOfTwo(w);
        unsigned texH = helpers::roundToNextPowerOfTwo(h);
        float texScaleW = 1.f / texW;
        float texScaleH = 1.f / texH;
        // Bottom tip of the triangle is in the middle in x
        texCoord2[1].x = (w + 1) / 2.f * texScaleW;
        texCoord2[1].y = (h - 1)       * texScaleH;
        // Top of the triangle is in the middle in y
        texCoord2[2].x = (w - 1)       * texScaleW;
        texCoord2[2].y = (h + 1) / 2.f * texScaleH;
        texCoord2[0].x = 0.f;
        texCoord2[0].y = texCoord2[2].y;

    /// Bei Vertexbuffern das die Daten aktualisieren
    if(update && vboBuffersUsed)
        glBindBufferARB(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, vbo_texcoords);
        glBufferSubDataARB(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, (pos - 1) * sizeof(Triangle), 2 * sizeof(Triangle), &gl_texcoords[pos - 1]);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 *  erzeugt die OpenGL-Vertices.
 *  @author OLiver
 *  @author FloSoft
void TerrainRenderer::GenerateOpenGL(const GameWorldViewer& gwv)
    width = gwv.GetWidth();
    height = gwv.GetHeight();
    LandscapeType lt = gwv.GetLandscapeType();


    // We have 2 triangles per map point
    unsigned int triangleCount = width * height * 2;

    // Ränder zählen
    borders.resize(width * height);
    for(MapCoord y = 0; y < height; ++y)
        for(MapCoord x = 0; x < width; ++x)
            MapPoint pt(x, y);
            TerrainType t1 = gwv.GetNode(pt).t1; //-V807
            TerrainType t2 = gwv.GetNode(pt).t2;
            unsigned int pos = GetVertexIdx(pt);

            if( (borders[pos].left_right[0] = TerrainData::GetEdgeType(lt, t2, t1)) )
                borders[pos].left_right_offset[0] = triangleCount++;
            if( (borders[pos].left_right[1] = TerrainData::GetEdgeType(lt, t1, t2)) )
                borders[pos].left_right_offset[1] = triangleCount++;

            t1 = gwv.GetNodeAround(pt, 3).t1;
            if( (borders[pos].right_left[0] = TerrainData::GetEdgeType(lt, t1, t2)) )
                borders[pos].right_left_offset[0] = triangleCount++;
            if( (borders[pos].right_left[1] = TerrainData::GetEdgeType(lt, t2, t1)) )
                borders[pos].right_left_offset[1] = triangleCount++;

            t1 = gwv.GetNode(pt).t1;
            t2 = gwv.GetNodeAround(pt, 5).t2;
            if( (borders[pos].top_down[0] = TerrainData::GetEdgeType(lt, t2, t1)) )
                borders[pos].top_down_offset[0] = triangleCount++;
            if( (borders[pos].top_down[1] = TerrainData::GetEdgeType(lt, t1, t2)) )
                borders[pos].top_down_offset[1] = triangleCount++;


    // Normales Terrain erzeugen
    for(MapCoord y = 0; y < height; ++y)
        for(MapCoord x = 0; x < width; ++x)
            MapPoint pt(x, y);
            UpdateTrianglePos(pt, gwv, false);
            UpdateTriangleColor(pt, gwv, false);
            UpdateTriangleTerrain(pt, gwv, false);

    // Ränder erzeugen
    for(MapCoord y = 0; y < height; ++y)
        for(MapCoord x = 0; x < width; ++x)
            MapPoint pt(x, y);
            UpdateBorderTrianglePos(pt, gwv, false);
            UpdateBorderTriangleColor(pt, gwv, false);
            UpdateBorderTriangleTerrain(pt, gwv, false);

        // Generiere und Binde den Vertex Buffer
        glGenBuffersARB(1, (GLuint*)&vbo_vertices);
        glBindBufferARB(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, vbo_vertices);
        glBufferDataARB(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, gl_vertices.size() * sizeof(Triangle), &gl_vertices.front(), GL_STATIC_DRAW_ARB);
        glVertexPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, 0, NULL);

        // Generiere und Binde den Textur Koordinaten Buffer
        glGenBuffersARB(1, (GLuint*)&vbo_texcoords);
        glBindBufferARB(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, vbo_texcoords);
        glBufferDataARB(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, gl_texcoords.size() * sizeof(Triangle), &gl_texcoords.front(), GL_STATIC_DRAW_ARB );
        glTexCoordPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, 0, NULL);

        // Generiere und Binde den Color Buffer
        glGenBuffersARB(1, (GLuint*)&vbo_colors);
        glBindBufferARB(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, vbo_colors);
        glBufferDataARB(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, gl_colors.size() * sizeof(ColorTriangle), &gl_colors.front(), GL_STATIC_DRAW_ARB );
        glColorPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 0, NULL);

        vboBuffersUsed = true;
        glVertexPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, 0, &gl_vertices.front());
        glTexCoordPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, 0, &gl_texcoords.front());
        glColorPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 0, &gl_colors.front());
Ejemplo n.º 5
void TerrainRenderer::UpdateVertexTerrain(const MapPoint pt, const GameWorldViewer& gwv)
    const MapNode& node = gwv.GetNode(pt);
    GetVertex(pt).terrain[0] = node.t1;
    GetVertex(pt).terrain[1] = node.t2;