Ejemplo n.º 1
 * Corresponding to the live definition pushes, pop the stack as we finish a sub-paths
 * of the graph originating from the block. Refer SSA renaming for any additional info.
 * "curSsaName" tracks the currently live definitions.
void Compiler::optBlockCopyPropPopStacks(BasicBlock* block, LclNumToGenTreePtrStack* curSsaName)
    for (GenTree* stmt = block->bbTreeList; stmt; stmt = stmt->gtNext)
        for (GenTree* tree = stmt->gtStmt.gtStmtList; tree; tree = tree->gtNext)
            if (!tree->IsLocal())
            unsigned lclNum = tree->gtLclVarCommon.gtLclNum;
            if (!lvaInSsa(lclNum))
            if (tree->gtFlags & GTF_VAR_DEF)
                GenTreePtrStack* stack = nullptr;
                curSsaName->Lookup(lclNum, &stack);
                if (stack->Height() == 0)
Ejemplo n.º 2
void Rationalizer::RewriteAddress(LIR::Use& use)

    GenTreeUnOp* address = use.Def()->AsUnOp();
    assert(address->OperGet() == GT_ADDR);

    GenTree*   location   = address->gtGetOp1();
    genTreeOps locationOp = location->OperGet();

    if (location->IsLocal())
// We are changing the child from GT_LCL_VAR TO GT_LCL_VAR_ADDR.
// Therefore gtType of the child needs to be changed to a TYP_BYREF
#ifdef DEBUG
        if (locationOp == GT_LCL_VAR)
            JITDUMP("Rewriting GT_ADDR(GT_LCL_VAR) to GT_LCL_VAR_ADDR:\n");
            assert(locationOp == GT_LCL_FLD);
            JITDUMP("Rewriting GT_ADDR(GT_LCL_FLD) to GT_LCL_FLD_ADDR:\n");
#endif // DEBUG

        location->gtType = TYP_BYREF;
        copyFlags(location, address, GTF_ALL_EFFECT);

        use.ReplaceWith(comp, location);
    else if (locationOp == GT_CLS_VAR)
        location->gtType = TYP_BYREF;
        copyFlags(location, address, GTF_ALL_EFFECT);

        use.ReplaceWith(comp, location);

        JITDUMP("Rewriting GT_ADDR(GT_CLS_VAR) to GT_CLS_VAR_ADDR:\n");
    else if (location->OperIsIndir())
        use.ReplaceWith(comp, location->gtGetOp1());

        JITDUMP("Rewriting GT_ADDR(GT_IND(X)) to X:\n");

    DISPTREERANGE(BlockRange(), use.Def());
Ejemplo n.º 3
// TreeNodeInfoInitBlockStore: Set the NodeInfo for a block store.
// Arguments:
//    blkNode       - The block store node of interest
// Return Value:
//    None.
void Lowering::TreeNodeInfoInitBlockStore(GenTreeBlk* blkNode)
    GenTree*    dstAddr  = blkNode->Addr();
    unsigned    size     = blkNode->gtBlkSize;
    GenTree*    source   = blkNode->Data();
    LinearScan* l        = m_lsra;
    Compiler*   compiler = comp;

    // Sources are dest address and initVal or source.
    // We may require an additional source or temp register for the size.
    blkNode->gtLsraInfo.srcCount = 2;
    blkNode->gtLsraInfo.dstCount = 0;
    GenTreePtr srcAddrOrFill     = nullptr;
    bool       isInitBlk         = blkNode->OperIsInitBlkOp();

    if (!isInitBlk)
        // CopyObj or CopyBlk
        if (source->gtOper == GT_IND)
            srcAddrOrFill = blkNode->Data()->gtGetOp1();
            // We're effectively setting source as contained, but can't call MakeSrcContained, because the
            // "inheritance" of the srcCount is to a child not a parent - it would "just work" but could be misleading.
            // If srcAddr is already non-contained, we don't need to change it.
            if (srcAddrOrFill->gtLsraInfo.getDstCount() == 0)
        else if (!source->IsMultiRegCall() && !source->OperIsSIMD())
            MakeSrcContained(blkNode, source);

    if (isInitBlk)
        GenTreePtr initVal = source;
        if (initVal->OperIsInitVal())
            initVal = initVal->gtGetOp1();
        srcAddrOrFill = initVal;

        if (blkNode->gtBlkOpKind == GenTreeBlk::BlkOpKindUnroll)
            // TODO-ARM-CQ: Currently we generate a helper call for every
            // initblk we encounter.  Later on we should implement loop unrolling
            // code sequences to improve CQ.
            // For reference see the code in lsraxarch.cpp.
            NYI_ARM("initblk loop unrolling is currently not implemented.");

#ifdef _TARGET_ARM64_
            // No additional temporaries required
            ssize_t fill = initVal->gtIntCon.gtIconVal & 0xFF;
            if (fill == 0)
                MakeSrcContained(blkNode, source);
#endif // _TARGET_ARM64_
            assert(blkNode->gtBlkOpKind == GenTreeBlk::BlkOpKindHelper);
            // The helper follows the regular ABI.
            dstAddr->gtLsraInfo.setSrcCandidates(l, RBM_ARG_0);
            initVal->gtLsraInfo.setSrcCandidates(l, RBM_ARG_1);
            if (size != 0)
                // Reserve a temp register for the block size argument.
                blkNode->gtLsraInfo.setInternalCandidates(l, RBM_ARG_2);
                blkNode->gtLsraInfo.internalIntCount = 1;
                // The block size argument is a third argument to GT_STORE_DYN_BLK
                noway_assert(blkNode->gtOper == GT_STORE_DYN_BLK);
                GenTree* sizeNode = blkNode->AsDynBlk()->gtDynamicSize;
                sizeNode->gtLsraInfo.setSrcCandidates(l, RBM_ARG_2);
        // CopyObj or CopyBlk
        // Sources are src and dest and size if not constant.
        if (blkNode->OperGet() == GT_STORE_OBJ)
            // CopyObj
            // We don't need to materialize the struct size but we still need
            // a temporary register to perform the sequence of loads and stores.
            blkNode->gtLsraInfo.internalIntCount = 1;

            if (size >= 2 * REGSIZE_BYTES)
                // We will use ldp/stp to reduce code size and improve performance
                // so we need to reserve an extra internal register

            // We can't use the special Write Barrier registers, so exclude them from the mask
            regMaskTP internalIntCandidates = RBM_ALLINT & ~(RBM_WRITE_BARRIER_DST_BYREF | RBM_WRITE_BARRIER_SRC_BYREF);
            blkNode->gtLsraInfo.setInternalCandidates(l, internalIntCandidates);

            // If we have a dest address we want it in RBM_WRITE_BARRIER_DST_BYREF.
            dstAddr->gtLsraInfo.setSrcCandidates(l, RBM_WRITE_BARRIER_DST_BYREF);

            // If we have a source address we want it in REG_WRITE_BARRIER_SRC_BYREF.
            // Otherwise, if it is a local, codegen will put its address in REG_WRITE_BARRIER_SRC_BYREF,
            // which is killed by a StoreObj (and thus needn't be reserved).
            if (srcAddrOrFill != nullptr)
                srcAddrOrFill->gtLsraInfo.setSrcCandidates(l, RBM_WRITE_BARRIER_SRC_BYREF);
            // CopyBlk
            short     internalIntCount      = 0;
            regMaskTP internalIntCandidates = RBM_NONE;

            if (blkNode->gtBlkOpKind == GenTreeBlk::BlkOpKindUnroll)
                // TODO-ARM-CQ: cpblk loop unrolling is currently not implemented.
                // In case of a CpBlk with a constant size and less than CPBLK_UNROLL_LIMIT size
                // we should unroll the loop to improve CQ.
                // For reference see the code in lsraxarch.cpp.
                NYI_ARM("cpblk loop unrolling is currently not implemented.");

#ifdef _TARGET_ARM64_

                internalIntCount      = 1;
                internalIntCandidates = RBM_ALLINT;

                if (size >= 2 * REGSIZE_BYTES)
                    // We will use ldp/stp to reduce code size and improve performance
                    // so we need to reserve an extra internal register

#endif // _TARGET_ARM64_
                assert(blkNode->gtBlkOpKind == GenTreeBlk::BlkOpKindHelper);
                dstAddr->gtLsraInfo.setSrcCandidates(l, RBM_ARG_0);
                // The srcAddr goes in arg1.
                if (srcAddrOrFill != nullptr)
                    srcAddrOrFill->gtLsraInfo.setSrcCandidates(l, RBM_ARG_1);
                if (size != 0)
                    // Reserve a temp register for the block size argument.
                    internalIntCandidates |= RBM_ARG_2;
                    // The block size argument is a third argument to GT_STORE_DYN_BLK
                    noway_assert(blkNode->gtOper == GT_STORE_DYN_BLK);
                    GenTree* blockSize = blkNode->AsDynBlk()->gtDynamicSize;
                    blockSize->gtLsraInfo.setSrcCandidates(l, RBM_ARG_2);
            if (internalIntCount != 0)
                blkNode->gtLsraInfo.internalIntCount = internalIntCount;
                blkNode->gtLsraInfo.setInternalCandidates(l, internalIntCandidates);
Ejemplo n.º 4
// LowerBlockStore: Set block store type
// Arguments:
//    blkNode       - The block store node of interest
// Return Value:
//    None.
void Lowering::LowerBlockStore(GenTreeBlk* blkNode)
    GenTree*  dstAddr  = blkNode->Addr();
    unsigned  size     = blkNode->gtBlkSize;
    GenTree*  source   = blkNode->Data();
    Compiler* compiler = comp;

    // Sources are dest address and initVal or source.
    GenTree* srcAddrOrFill = nullptr;
    bool     isInitBlk     = blkNode->OperIsInitBlkOp();

    if (!isInitBlk)
        // CopyObj or CopyBlk
        if ((blkNode->OperGet() == GT_STORE_OBJ) && ((blkNode->AsObj()->gtGcPtrCount == 0) || blkNode->gtBlkOpGcUnsafe))
        if (source->gtOper == GT_IND)
            srcAddrOrFill = blkNode->Data()->gtGetOp1();

    if (isInitBlk)
        GenTree* initVal = source;
        if (initVal->OperIsInitVal())
            initVal = initVal->gtGetOp1();
        srcAddrOrFill = initVal;

#ifdef _TARGET_ARM64_
        if ((size != 0) && (size <= INITBLK_UNROLL_LIMIT) && initVal->IsCnsIntOrI())
            // TODO-ARM-CQ: Currently we generate a helper call for every
            // initblk we encounter.  Later on we should implement loop unrolling
            // code sequences to improve CQ.
            // For reference see the code in LowerXArch.cpp.
            NYI_ARM("initblk loop unrolling is currently not implemented.");

            // The fill value of an initblk is interpreted to hold a
            // value of (unsigned int8) however a constant of any size
            // may practically reside on the evaluation stack. So extract
            // the lower byte out of the initVal constant and replicate
            // it to a larger constant whose size is sufficient to support
            // the largest width store of the desired inline expansion.

            ssize_t fill = initVal->gtIntCon.gtIconVal & 0xFF;
            if (fill == 0)
                MakeSrcContained(blkNode, source);
            else if (size < REGSIZE_BYTES)
                initVal->gtIntCon.gtIconVal = 0x01010101 * fill;
                initVal->gtIntCon.gtIconVal = 0x0101010101010101LL * fill;
                initVal->gtType             = TYP_LONG;
            blkNode->gtBlkOpKind = GenTreeBlk::BlkOpKindUnroll;
#endif // _TARGET_ARM64_
            blkNode->gtBlkOpKind = GenTreeBlk::BlkOpKindHelper;
        // CopyObj or CopyBlk
        // Sources are src and dest and size if not constant.

        if (blkNode->OperGet() == GT_STORE_OBJ)
            // CopyObj
            GenTreeObj* objNode = blkNode->AsObj();

            unsigned slots = objNode->gtSlots;

#ifdef DEBUG
            // CpObj must always have at least one GC-Pointer as a member.
            assert(objNode->gtGcPtrCount > 0);

            assert(dstAddr->gtType == TYP_BYREF || dstAddr->gtType == TYP_I_IMPL);

            CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE clsHnd    = objNode->gtClass;
            size_t               classSize = compiler->info.compCompHnd->getClassSize(clsHnd);
            size_t               blkSize   = roundUp(classSize, TARGET_POINTER_SIZE);

            // Currently, the EE always round up a class data structure so
            // we are not handling the case where we have a non multiple of pointer sized
            // struct. This behavior may change in the future so in order to keeps things correct
            // let's assert it just to be safe. Going forward we should simply
            // handle this case.
            assert(classSize == blkSize);
            assert((blkSize / TARGET_POINTER_SIZE) == slots);

            blkNode->gtBlkOpKind = GenTreeBlk::BlkOpKindUnroll;
        else // CopyBlk
            // In case of a CpBlk with a constant size and less than CPBLK_UNROLL_LIMIT size
            // we should unroll the loop to improve CQ.
            // For reference see the code in lowerxarch.cpp.

            if ((size != 0) && (size <= CPBLK_UNROLL_LIMIT))
                blkNode->gtBlkOpKind = GenTreeBlk::BlkOpKindUnroll;
                // In case we have a constant integer this means we went beyond
                // CPBLK_UNROLL_LIMIT bytes of size, still we should never have the case of
                // any GC-Pointers in the src struct.
                blkNode->gtBlkOpKind = GenTreeBlk::BlkOpKindHelper;
        // CopyObj or CopyBlk
        if (source->gtOper == GT_IND)
            MakeSrcContained(blkNode, source);
            GenTree* addr = source->AsIndir()->Addr();
            if (!addr->OperIsLocalAddr())
        else if (!source->IsMultiRegCall() && !source->OperIsSIMD())
            MakeSrcContained(blkNode, source);
Ejemplo n.º 5
Compiler::fgWalkResult Rationalizer::RewriteNode(GenTree** useEdge, ArrayStack<GenTree*>& parentStack)
    assert(useEdge != nullptr);

    GenTree* node = *useEdge;
    assert(node != nullptr);

#ifdef DEBUG
    const bool isLateArg = (node->gtFlags & GTF_LATE_ARG) != 0;

    // First, remove any preceeding list nodes, which are not otherwise visited by the tree walk.
    // NOTE: GT_FIELD_LIST head nodes, and GT_LIST nodes used by phi nodes will in fact be visited.
    for (GenTree* prev = node->gtPrev; prev != nullptr && prev->OperIsAnyList() && !(prev->OperIsFieldListHead());
         prev          = node->gtPrev)

    // In addition, remove the current node if it is a GT_LIST node that is not an aggregate.
    if (node->OperIsAnyList())
        GenTreeArgList* list = node->AsArgList();
        if (!list->OperIsFieldListHead())
        return Compiler::WALK_CONTINUE;

    LIR::Use use;
    if (parentStack.Height() < 2)
        use = LIR::Use::GetDummyUse(BlockRange(), *useEdge);
        use = LIR::Use(BlockRange(), useEdge, parentStack.Index(1));

    assert(node == use.Def());
    switch (node->OperGet())
        case GT_ASG:

        case GT_BOX:
            // GT_BOX at this level just passes through so get rid of it
            use.ReplaceWith(comp, node->gtGetOp1());

        case GT_ADDR:

        case GT_IND:
            // Clear the `GTF_IND_ASG_LHS` flag, which overlaps with `GTF_IND_REQ_ADDR_IN_REG`.
            node->gtFlags &= ~GTF_IND_ASG_LHS;

            if (varTypeIsSIMD(node))
                RewriteSIMDOperand(use, false);
                // Due to promotion of structs containing fields of type struct with a
                // single scalar type field, we could potentially see IR nodes of the
                // form GT_IND(GT_ADD(lclvarAddr, 0)) where 0 is an offset representing
                // a field-seq. These get folded here.
                // TODO: This code can be removed once JIT implements recursive struct
                // promotion instead of lying about the type of struct field as the type
                // of its single scalar field.
                GenTree* addr = node->AsIndir()->Addr();
                if (addr->OperGet() == GT_ADD && addr->gtGetOp1()->OperGet() == GT_LCL_VAR_ADDR &&
                    GenTreeLclVarCommon* lclVarNode = addr->gtGetOp1()->AsLclVarCommon();
                    unsigned             lclNum     = lclVarNode->GetLclNum();
                    LclVarDsc*           varDsc     = comp->lvaTable + lclNum;
                    if (node->TypeGet() == varDsc->TypeGet())
                        JITDUMP("Rewriting GT_IND(GT_ADD(LCL_VAR_ADDR,0)) to LCL_VAR\n");
                        lclVarNode->gtType = node->TypeGet();
                        use.ReplaceWith(comp, lclVarNode);

        case GT_NOP:
            // fgMorph sometimes inserts NOP nodes between defs and uses
            // supposedly 'to prevent constant folding'. In this case, remove the
            // NOP.
            if (node->gtGetOp1() != nullptr)
                use.ReplaceWith(comp, node->gtGetOp1());

        case GT_COMMA:
            GenTree* op1 = node->gtGetOp1();
            if ((op1->gtFlags & GTF_ALL_EFFECT) == 0)
                // The LHS has no side effects. Remove it.
                bool               isClosed    = false;
                unsigned           sideEffects = 0;
                LIR::ReadOnlyRange lhsRange    = BlockRange().GetTreeRange(op1, &isClosed, &sideEffects);

                // None of the transforms performed herein violate tree order, so these
                // should always be true.
                assert((sideEffects & GTF_ALL_EFFECT) == 0);

                BlockRange().Delete(comp, m_block, std::move(lhsRange));

            GenTree* replacement = node->gtGetOp2();
            if (!use.IsDummyUse())
                use.ReplaceWith(comp, replacement);
                // This is a top-level comma. If the RHS has no side effects we can remove
                // it as well.
                if ((replacement->gtFlags & GTF_ALL_EFFECT) == 0)
                    bool               isClosed    = false;
                    unsigned           sideEffects = 0;
                    LIR::ReadOnlyRange rhsRange    = BlockRange().GetTreeRange(replacement, &isClosed, &sideEffects);

                    // None of the transforms performed herein violate tree order, so these
                    // should always be true.
                    assert((sideEffects & GTF_ALL_EFFECT) == 0);

                    BlockRange().Delete(comp, m_block, std::move(rhsRange));


        case GT_ARGPLACE:
            // Remove argplace and list nodes from the execution order.
            // TODO: remove phi args and phi nodes as well?

#if defined(_TARGET_XARCH_) || defined(_TARGET_ARM_)
        case GT_CLS_VAR:
            // Class vars that are the target of an assignment will get rewritten into
            // GT_STOREIND(GT_CLS_VAR_ADDR, val) by RewriteAssignment. This check is
            // not strictly necessary--the GT_IND(GT_CLS_VAR_ADDR) pattern that would
            // otherwise be generated would also be picked up by RewriteAssignment--but
            // skipping the rewrite here saves an allocation and a bit of extra work.
            const bool isLHSOfAssignment = (use.User()->OperGet() == GT_ASG) && (use.User()->gtGetOp1() == node);
            if (!isLHSOfAssignment)
                GenTree* ind = comp->gtNewOperNode(GT_IND, node->TypeGet(), node);

                node->gtType = TYP_BYREF;

                BlockRange().InsertAfter(node, ind);
                use.ReplaceWith(comp, ind);

                // TODO: JIT dump
#endif // _TARGET_XARCH_

        case GT_INTRINSIC:
            // Non-target intrinsics should have already been rewritten back into user calls.

        case GT_BLK:
        case GT_OBJ:
            // TODO-1stClassStructs: These should have been transformed to GT_INDs, but in order
            // to preserve existing behavior, we will keep this as a block node if this is the
            // lhs of a block assignment, and either:
            // - It is a "generic" TYP_STRUCT assignment, OR
            // - It is an initblk, OR
            // - Neither the lhs or rhs are known to be of SIMD type.

            GenTree* parent  = use.User();
            bool     keepBlk = false;
            if ((parent->OperGet() == GT_ASG) && (node == parent->gtGetOp1()))
                if ((node->TypeGet() == TYP_STRUCT) || parent->OperIsInitBlkOp())
                    keepBlk = true;
                else if (!comp->isAddrOfSIMDType(node->AsBlk()->Addr()))
                    GenTree* dataSrc = parent->gtGetOp2();
                    if (!dataSrc->IsLocal() && (dataSrc->OperGet() != GT_SIMD))
                        keepBlk = !comp->isAddrOfSIMDType(dataSrc->AsIndir()->Addr());
            RewriteSIMDOperand(use, keepBlk);

        case GT_LCL_FLD:
        case GT_STORE_LCL_FLD:
            // TODO-1stClassStructs: Eliminate this.

        case GT_SIMD:
            GenTreeSIMD* simdNode = node->AsSIMD();
            unsigned     simdSize = simdNode->gtSIMDSize;
            var_types    simdType = comp->getSIMDTypeForSize(simdSize);

            // TODO-1stClassStructs: This should be handled more generally for enregistered or promoted
            // structs that are passed or returned in a different register type than their enregistered
            // type(s).
            if (simdNode->gtType == TYP_I_IMPL && simdNode->gtSIMDSize == TARGET_POINTER_SIZE)
                // This happens when it is consumed by a GT_RET_EXPR.
                // It can only be a Vector2f or Vector2i.
                assert(genTypeSize(simdNode->gtSIMDBaseType) == 4);
                simdNode->gtType = TYP_SIMD8;
            // Certain SIMD trees require rationalizing.
            if (simdNode->gtSIMD.gtSIMDIntrinsicID == SIMDIntrinsicInitArray)
                // Rewrite this as an explicit load.
                JITDUMP("Rewriting GT_SIMD array init as an explicit load:\n");
                unsigned int baseTypeSize = genTypeSize(simdNode->gtSIMDBaseType);
                GenTree*     address = new (comp, GT_LEA) GenTreeAddrMode(TYP_BYREF, simdNode->gtOp1, simdNode->gtOp2,
                                                                      baseTypeSize, offsetof(CORINFO_Array, u1Elems));
                GenTree* ind = comp->gtNewOperNode(GT_IND, simdType, address);

                BlockRange().InsertBefore(simdNode, address, ind);
                use.ReplaceWith(comp, ind);

                DISPTREERANGE(BlockRange(), use.Def());
                // This code depends on the fact that NONE of the SIMD intrinsics take vector operands
                // of a different width.  If that assumption changes, we will EITHER have to make these type
                // transformations during importation, and plumb the types all the way through the JIT,
                // OR add a lot of special handling here.
                GenTree* op1 = simdNode->gtGetOp1();
                if (op1 != nullptr && op1->gtType == TYP_STRUCT)
                    op1->gtType = simdType;

                GenTree* op2 = simdNode->gtGetOp2IfPresent();
                if (op2 != nullptr && op2->gtType == TYP_STRUCT)
                    op2->gtType = simdType;
#endif // FEATURE_SIMD

            // JCC nodes should not be present in HIR.
            assert(node->OperGet() != GT_JCC);

    // Do some extra processing on top-level nodes to remove unused local reads.
    if (node->OperIsLocalRead())
        if (use.IsDummyUse())
            // Local reads are side-effect-free; clear any flags leftover from frontend transformations.
            node->gtFlags &= ~GTF_ALL_EFFECT;

    assert(isLateArg == ((use.Def()->gtFlags & GTF_LATE_ARG) != 0));

    return Compiler::WALK_CONTINUE;