Ejemplo n.º 1
void WindowManager::startResize( GenericLayout &rLayout, Direction_t direction )
    m_direction = direction;

    // Rebuild the set of moving windows.
    // From the resized window, we only take into account the anchors which
    // are mobile with the current type of resizing, and that are hanging a
    // window. The hanged windows will come will all their dependencies.


    WinSet_t::const_iterator itWin;
    AncList_t::const_iterator itAnc1, itAnc2;
    // Get the anchors of the layout
    const AncList_t &ancList1 = rLayout.getAnchorList();

    // Iterate through all the hanged windows
    for( itWin = m_dependencies[rLayout.getWindow()].begin();
         itWin != m_dependencies[rLayout.getWindow()].end(); ++itWin )
        // Now, check for anchoring between the 2 windows
        const AncList_t &ancList2 =
        for( itAnc1 = ancList1.begin(); itAnc1 != ancList1.end(); ++itAnc1 )
            for( itAnc2 = ancList2.begin();
                 itAnc2 != ancList2.end(); ++itAnc2 )
                if( (*itAnc1)->isHanging( **itAnc2 ) )
                    // Add the dependencies of the hanged window to one of the
                    // lists of moving windows
                    Position::Ref_t aRefPos =
                    if( aRefPos == Position::kRightTop )
                        buildDependSet( m_resizeMovingE, *itWin );
                    else if( aRefPos == Position::kLeftBottom )
                        buildDependSet( m_resizeMovingS, *itWin );
                    else if( aRefPos == Position::kRightBottom )
                        buildDependSet( m_resizeMovingSE, *itWin );

    // The checkAnchors() method will need to have m_movingWindows properly set
    // so let's insert in it the contents of the other sets
    m_movingWindows.insert( rLayout.getWindow() );
    m_movingWindows.insert( m_resizeMovingE.begin(), m_resizeMovingE.end() );
    m_movingWindows.insert( m_resizeMovingS.begin(), m_resizeMovingS.end() );
    m_movingWindows.insert( m_resizeMovingSE.begin(), m_resizeMovingSE.end() );
Ejemplo n.º 2
void WindowManager::resize( GenericLayout &rLayout,
                            int width, int height ) const
    // TODO: handle anchored windows
    // Compute the real resizing offset
    int xOffset = width - rLayout.getWidth();
    int yOffset = height - rLayout.getHeight();

    // Check anchoring; this can change the values of xOffset and yOffset
    checkAnchors( rLayout.getWindow(), xOffset, yOffset );
    if( m_direction == kResizeS )
        xOffset = 0;
    if( m_direction == kResizeE )
        yOffset = 0;

    int newWidth = rLayout.getWidth() + xOffset;
    int newHeight = rLayout.getHeight() + yOffset;

    // Check boundaries
    if( newWidth < rLayout.getMinWidth() )
        newWidth = rLayout.getMinWidth();
    if( newWidth > rLayout.getMaxWidth() )
        newWidth = rLayout.getMaxWidth();
    if( newHeight < rLayout.getMinHeight() )
        newHeight = rLayout.getMinHeight();
    if( newHeight > rLayout.getMaxHeight() )
        newHeight = rLayout.getMaxHeight();

    if( newWidth == rLayout.getWidth() && newHeight == rLayout.getHeight() )

    // New offset, after the last corrections
    int xNewOffset = newWidth - rLayout.getWidth();
    int yNewOffset = newHeight - rLayout.getHeight();

    // Resize the window
    TopWindow *pWindow = rLayout.getWindow();
    pWindow->resize( newWidth, newHeight );

    // Do the actual resizing
    rLayout.resize( newWidth, newHeight );

    // refresh content

    // Move all the anchored windows
    WinSet_t::const_iterator it;
    if( m_direction == kResizeE ||
        m_direction == kResizeSE )
        for( it = m_resizeMovingE.begin(); it != m_resizeMovingE.end(); ++it )
            (*it)->move( (*it)->getLeft() + xNewOffset,
                         (*it)->getTop() );
    if( m_direction == kResizeS ||
        m_direction == kResizeSE )
        for( it = m_resizeMovingS.begin(); it != m_resizeMovingS.end(); ++it )
            (*it)->move( (*it)->getLeft(),
                         (*it)->getTop( )+ yNewOffset );
    if( m_direction == kResizeE ||
        m_direction == kResizeS ||
        m_direction == kResizeSE )
        for( it = m_resizeMovingSE.begin(); it != m_resizeMovingSE.end(); ++it )
            (*it)->move( (*it)->getLeft() + xNewOffset,
                         (*it)->getTop() + yNewOffset );
Ejemplo n.º 3
void Theme::loadConfig()
    msg_Dbg( getIntf(), "loading theme configuration");

    // Get config from vlcrc file
    char *save = config_GetPsz( getIntf(), "skins2-config" );
    if( !save ) return;

    // Is there an existing config?
    if( !strcmp( save, "" ) )
        // Show the windows as indicated by the XML file
        m_windowManager.showAll( true );

    istringstream inStream(save);
    free( save );

    char sep;
    string winId, layId;
    int x, y, width, height, visible;
    bool somethingVisible = false;
    while( !inStream.eof() )
        inStream >> sep;
        if( sep != '[' ) goto invalid;
        inStream >> winId >> layId >> x >> y >> width >> height >> visible >> sep >> ws;
        if( sep != ']' ) goto invalid;

        // Try to find the window and the layout
        map<string, TopWindowPtr>::const_iterator itWin;
        map<string, GenericLayoutPtr>::const_iterator itLay;
        itWin = m_windows.find( winId );
        itLay = m_layouts.find( layId );
        if( itWin == m_windows.end() || itLay == m_layouts.end() )
            goto invalid;
        TopWindow *pWin = itWin->second.get();
        GenericLayout *pLayout = itLay->second.get();

        // Restore the layout
        m_windowManager.setActiveLayout( *pWin, *pLayout );
        if( pLayout->getWidth() != width ||
                pLayout->getHeight() != height )
            // XXX FIXME XXX: big kludge
            // As resizing a hidden window causes some trouble (at least on
            // Windows), first show the window off screen, resize it, and
            // hide it again.
            // This has to be investigated more deeply!
            m_windowManager.startMove( *pWin );
            m_windowManager.move( *pWin, -width - pLayout->getWidth(), 0);
            m_windowManager.show( *pWin );
            m_windowManager.startResize( *pLayout, WindowManager::kResizeSE );
            m_windowManager.resize( *pLayout, width, height );
            m_windowManager.hide( *pWin );
        // Move the window (which incidentally takes care of the anchoring)
        m_windowManager.startMove( *pWin );
        m_windowManager.move( *pWin, x, y );
        if( visible )
            somethingVisible = true;
            m_windowManager.show( *pWin );

    if( !somethingVisible )
        goto invalid;

    msg_Warn( getIntf(), "invalid config: %s", inStream.str().c_str() );
    // Restore the visibility defined in the theme
    m_windowManager.showAll( true );