Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: frustum.cpp Proyecto: JT-a/USD
static GfRay _ComputeUntransformedRay(GfFrustum::ProjectionType projectionType,
                                      const GfRange2d &window,
                                      const GfVec2d &windowPos)
    // Compute position on window, from provided normalized
    // (-1 to 1) coordinates.
    double winX = _Rescale(windowPos[0], -1.0, 1.0,
                           window.GetMin()[0], window.GetMax()[0]);
    double winY = _Rescale(windowPos[1], -1.0, 1.0,
                           window.GetMin()[1], window.GetMax()[1]);

    // Compute the camera-space starting point (the viewpoint) and
    // direction (toward the point on the window).
    GfVec3d pos;
    GfVec3d dir;
    if (projectionType == GfFrustum::Perspective) {
        pos = GfVec3d(0);
        dir = GfVec3d(winX, winY, -1.0).GetNormalized();
    else {
        pos.Set(winX, winY, 0.0);
        dir = -GfVec3d::ZAxis();

    // Build and return the ray
    return GfRay(pos, dir);
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: frustum.cpp Proyecto: JT-a/USD
GfFrustum::ComputeRay(const GfVec3d &worldSpacePos) const
    GfVec3d camSpaceToPos = ComputeViewMatrix().Transform(worldSpacePos);

    // Compute the camera-space starting point (the viewpoint) and
    // direction (toward the point camSpaceToPos).
    GfVec3d pos;
    GfVec3d dir;
    if (_projectionType == Perspective) {
        pos = GfVec3d(0);
        dir = camSpaceToPos.GetNormalized();
    else {
        pos.Set(camSpaceToPos[0], camSpaceToPos[1], 0.0);
        dir = -GfVec3d::ZAxis();

    // Transform these by the inverse of the view matrix.
    const GfMatrix4d &viewInverse = ComputeViewInverse();
    GfVec3d rayFrom = viewInverse.Transform(pos);
    GfVec3d rayDir = viewInverse.TransformDir(dir);

    // Build and return the ray
    return GfRay(rayFrom, rayDir);
Ejemplo n.º 3
Archivo: frustum.cpp Proyecto: JT-a/USD
GfFrustum::ComputePickRay(const GfVec3d &worldSpacePos) const
    GfVec3d camSpaceToPos = ComputeViewMatrix().Transform(worldSpacePos);

    // Compute the camera-space starting point (the viewpoint) and
    // direction (toward the point camSpaceToPos).
    GfVec3d pos;
    GfVec3d dir;
    if (_projectionType == Perspective) {
        pos = GfVec3d(0);
        dir = camSpaceToPos.GetNormalized();
    else {
        pos.Set(camSpaceToPos[0], camSpaceToPos[1], 0.0);
        dir = -GfVec3d::ZAxis();

    return _ComputePickRayOffsetToNearPlane(pos, dir);
Ejemplo n.º 4
GfMatrix3d::ExtractRotationQuaternion() const
    // This was adapted from the (open source) Open Inventor
    // SbRotation::SetValue(const SbMatrix &m)

    int i;

    // First, find largest diagonal in matrix:
    if (_mtx[0][0] > _mtx[1][1])
	i = (_mtx[0][0] > _mtx[2][2] ? 0 : 2);
	i = (_mtx[1][1] > _mtx[2][2] ? 1 : 2);

    GfVec3d im;
    double  r;

    if (_mtx[0][0] + _mtx[1][1] + _mtx[2][2] > _mtx[i][i]) {
	r = 0.5 * sqrt(_mtx[0][0] + _mtx[1][1] +
		       _mtx[2][2] + 1);
	im.Set((_mtx[1][2] - _mtx[2][1]) / (4.0 * r),
	       (_mtx[2][0] - _mtx[0][2]) / (4.0 * r),
	       (_mtx[0][1] - _mtx[1][0]) / (4.0 * r));
    else {
	int j = (i + 1) % 3;
	int k = (i + 2) % 3;
	double q = 0.5 * sqrt(_mtx[i][i] - _mtx[j][j] -
			      _mtx[k][k] + 1); 

	im[i] = q;
	im[j] = (_mtx[i][j] + _mtx[j][i]) / (4 * q);
	im[k] = (_mtx[k][i] + _mtx[i][k]) / (4 * q);
	r     = (_mtx[j][k] - _mtx[k][j]) / (4 * q);

    return GfQuaternion(GfClamp(r, -1.0, 1.0), im);