Ejemplo n.º 1
static inline void writeAttributes(
	std::ostream &out,
	const GraphAttributes &GA, const node &v)
	const long flags = GA.attributes();

	out << "[";

	bool separator = false; // Wheter to put separator before attribute.

	if(flags & GraphAttributes::nodeId) {
		writeAttribute(out, separator, "id", GA.idNode(v));

	if(flags & GraphAttributes::nodeLabel) {
		writeAttribute(out, separator, "label", GA.label(v));

	if(flags & GraphAttributes::nodeTemplate) {
		writeAttribute(out, separator, "comment", GA.templateNode(v));

	if(flags & GraphAttributes::nodeGraphics) {
		writeAttribute(out, separator, "width", GA.width(v));
		writeAttribute(out, separator, "height", GA.height(v));
		writeAttribute(out, separator, "shape", dot::toString(GA.shape(v)));

		out << ", pos=\"" << GA.x(v) << "," << GA.y(v);
		if(flags & GraphAttributes::threeD) {
			out << "," << GA.z(v);
		out << "\"";

	if(flags & GraphAttributes::nodeStyle) {
		writeAttribute(out, separator, "color", GA.strokeColor(v));
		writeAttribute(out, separator, "fillcolor", GA.fillColor(v));
		writeAttribute(out, separator, "stroketype", toString(GA.strokeType(v)));
		writeAttribute(out, separator, "strokewidth", GA.strokeWidth(v));
		writeAttribute(out, separator, "fillpattern", toString(GA.fillPattern(v)));

	if(flags & GraphAttributes::nodeType) {
		writeAttribute(out, separator, "type", int(GA.type(v)));

	if(flags & GraphAttributes::nodeWeight) {
		writeAttribute(out, separator, "weight", GA.weight(v));

	out << "]";
Ejemplo n.º 2
static inline void writeAttributes(
	std::ostream &out,
	const GraphAttributes &GA, const node &v)
	const long flags = GA.attributes();

	out << "[";

	bool separator = false; // Wheter to put separator before attribute.

	if(flags & GraphAttributes::nodeId) {
		writeAttribute(out, separator, "id", GA.idNode(v));

	if(flags & GraphAttributes::nodeLabel) {
		writeAttribute(out, separator, "label", GA.label(v));

	if(flags & GraphAttributes::nodeTemplate) {
		writeAttribute(out, separator, "comment", GA.templateNode(v));

	if(flags & GraphAttributes::nodeGraphics) {
		writeAttribute(out, separator, "width", GA.width(v));
		writeAttribute(out, separator, "height", GA.height(v));
		writeAttribute(out, separator, "shape", dot::toString(GA.shape(v)));

		out << ", pos=\"" << GA.x(v) << "," << GA.y(v);
		if(flags & GraphAttributes::threeD) {
			out << "," << GA.z(v);
		out << "\"";

	if(flags & GraphAttributes::nodeStyle) {
		writeAttribute(out, separator, "color", GA.strokeColor(v));
		writeAttribute(out, separator, "fillcolor", GA.fillColor(v));

	// NOTE: Node type is weird and (probably) cannot be mapped to DOT.
	// NOTE: Node weight is not supported.

	out << "]";
Ejemplo n.º 3
// returns GraphAttributes associated with basic graph i
void SimDraw::getBasicGraphAttributes(int i, GraphAttributes &GA, Graph &G)
    G = m_G;
    List<edge> LE;
	    node v;
		    if(m_GA.attributes() & GraphAttributes::nodeGraphics)
			GA.x(v) = m_GA.x((*it)->source());
			GA.y(v) = m_GA.y((*it)->source());
			GA.height(v) = m_GA.height((*it)->source());
			GA.width(v) = m_GA.width((*it)->source());
		    if(m_GA.attributes() & GraphAttributes::nodeId)
			GA.idNode(v) = m_GA.idNode((*it)->source());
		    if(m_GA.attributes() & GraphAttributes::nodeLabel)
			GA.labelNode(v) = m_GA.labelNode((*it)->source());
		    if(m_GA.attributes() & GraphAttributes::nodeGraphics)
			GA.x(v) = m_GA.x((*it)->target());
			GA.y(v) = m_GA.y((*it)->target());
			GA.height(v) = m_GA.height((*it)->target());
			GA.width(v) = m_GA.width((*it)->target());
		    if(m_GA.attributes() & GraphAttributes::nodeId)
			GA.idNode(v) = m_GA.idNode((*it)->target());
		    if(m_GA.attributes() & GraphAttributes::nodeLabel)
			GA.labelNode(v) = m_GA.labelNode((*it)->target());
	    edge e;
		&& compare(GA,e->target(),m_GA,(*it)->target()))
		    if(m_GA.attributes() & GraphAttributes::edgeIntWeight)
			GA.intWeight(e) = m_GA.intWeight(*it);
		    if(m_GA.attributes() & GraphAttributes::edgeLabel)
			GA.labelEdge(e) = m_GA.labelEdge(*it);
		    if(m_GA.attributes() & GraphAttributes::edgeColor)
			GA.colorEdge(e) = m_GA.colorEdge(*it);
		    if(m_GA.attributes() & GraphAttributes::edgeGraphics)
			GA.bends(e) = m_GA.bends(*it);
Ejemplo n.º 4
bool GmlParser::read(Graph &G, GraphAttributes &AG)
	OGDF_ASSERT(&G == &(AG.constGraph()))


	int minId = m_mapToNode.low();
	int maxId = m_mapToNode.high();
	int notDefined = minId-1; //indicates not defined id key

	HashArray<string,Shape> strToShape(shRect);
	strToShape["rectangle"]        = shRect;
	strToShape["rect"]             = shRect;
	strToShape["roundedRect"]      = shRoundedRect;
	strToShape["oval"]             = shEllipse;
	strToShape["ellipse"]          = shEllipse;
	strToShape["triangle"]         = shTriangle;
	strToShape["pentagon"]         = shPentagon;
	strToShape["hexagon"]          = shHexagon;
	strToShape["octagon"]          = shOctagon;
	strToShape["rhomb"]            = shRhomb;
	strToShape["trapeze"]          = shTrapeze;
	strToShape["parallelogram"]    = shParallelogram;
	strToShape["invTriangle"]      = shInvTriangle;
	strToShape["invTrapeze"]       = shInvTrapeze;
	strToShape["invParallelogram"] = shInvParallelogram;
	strToShape["image"]            = shImage;

	DPolyline bends;

	GmlObject *son = m_graphObject->m_pFirstSon;
	for(; son; son = son->m_pBrother) {

		switch(id(son)) {
		case nodePredefKey: {
			if (son->m_valueType != gmlListBegin) break;

			// set attributes to default values
			int vId = notDefined;
			double x = 0, y = 0, w = 0, h = 0;
			string label;
			string templ;
			string fill;  // the fill color attribute
			string line;  // the line color attribute
			string shape; //the shape type
			float lineWidth = 1.0f; //node line width
			int pattern = 1; //node brush pattern
			int stipple = 1; //line style pattern
			int weight = 0; // node weight

			// read all relevant attributes
			GmlObject *nodeSon = son->m_pFirstSon;
			for(; nodeSon; nodeSon = nodeSon->m_pBrother) {
				switch(id(nodeSon)) {
				case idPredefKey:
					if(nodeSon->m_valueType != gmlIntValue) break;
					vId = nodeSon->m_intValue;

				case graphicsPredefKey: {
					if (nodeSon->m_valueType != gmlListBegin) break;

					GmlObject *graphicsObject = nodeSon->m_pFirstSon;
					for(; graphicsObject;
						graphicsObject = graphicsObject->m_pBrother)
						switch(id(graphicsObject)) {
						case xPredefKey:
							if(graphicsObject->m_valueType != gmlDoubleValue) break;
							x = graphicsObject->m_doubleValue;

						case yPredefKey:
							if(graphicsObject->m_valueType != gmlDoubleValue) break;
							y = graphicsObject->m_doubleValue;

						case wPredefKey:
							if(graphicsObject->m_valueType != gmlDoubleValue) break;
							w = graphicsObject->m_doubleValue;

						case hPredefKey:
							if(graphicsObject->m_valueType != gmlDoubleValue) break;
							h = graphicsObject->m_doubleValue;

						case fillPredefKey:
							if(graphicsObject->m_valueType != gmlStringValue) break;
							fill = graphicsObject->m_stringValue;

						case linePredefKey:
							if(graphicsObject->m_valueType != gmlStringValue) break;
							line = graphicsObject->m_stringValue;

						case lineWidthPredefKey:
							if(graphicsObject->m_valueType != gmlDoubleValue) break;
							lineWidth = (float)graphicsObject->m_doubleValue;

						case typePredefKey:
							if(graphicsObject->m_valueType != gmlStringValue) break;
							shape = graphicsObject->m_stringValue;
						case patternPredefKey: //fill style
							if(graphicsObject->m_valueType != gmlIntValue) break;
							pattern = graphicsObject->m_intValue;
						case stipplePredefKey: //line style
							if(graphicsObject->m_valueType != gmlIntValue) break;
							stipple = graphicsObject->m_intValue;
					break; }

				case templatePredefKey:
					if (nodeSon->m_valueType != gmlStringValue) break;
					templ = nodeSon->m_stringValue;

				case labelPredefKey:
					if (nodeSon->m_valueType != gmlStringValue) break;
					label = nodeSon->m_stringValue;

				case edgeWeightPredefKey: //sic!
					if (nodeSon->m_valueType != gmlIntValue) break;
					weight = nodeSon->m_intValue;

			// check if everything required is defined correctly
			if (vId == notDefined) {
				setError("node id not defined");
				return false;

			// create new node if necessary and assign attributes
			if (m_mapToNode[vId] == nullptr) m_mapToNode[vId] = G.newNode();
			node v = m_mapToNode[vId];
			if (AG.attributes() & GraphAttributes::nodeGraphics)
				AG.x(v) = x;
				AG.y(v) = y;
				AG.width (v) = w;
				AG.height(v) = h;
				AG.shape(v) = strToShape[shape];
			if (AG.attributes() & GraphAttributes::nodeLabel)
				AG.label(m_mapToNode[vId]) = label;
			if (AG.attributes() & GraphAttributes::nodeTemplate)
				AG.templateNode(m_mapToNode[vId]) = templ;
			if (AG.attributes() & GraphAttributes::nodeId)
				AG.idNode(m_mapToNode[vId]) = vId;
			if (AG.attributes() & GraphAttributes::nodeWeight)
				AG.weight(m_mapToNode[vId]) = weight;
			if (AG.attributes() & GraphAttributes::nodeStyle)
				AG.fillColor(m_mapToNode[vId]) = fill;
				AG.strokeColor(m_mapToNode[vId]) = line;
				AG.setFillPattern(m_mapToNode[vId], intToFillPattern(pattern));
				AG.setStrokeType(m_mapToNode[vId], intToStrokeType(stipple));
				AG.strokeWidth(m_mapToNode[vId]) = lineWidth;
							//Todo: line style set stipple value

		case edgePredefKey: {
			string arrow; // the arrow type attribute
			string fill;  //the color fill attribute
			int stipple = 1;  //the line style
			float lineWidth = 1.0f;
			double edgeWeight = 1.0;
			int subGraph = 0; //edgeSubGraphs attribute
			string label; // label attribute

			if (son->m_valueType != gmlListBegin) break;

			// set attributes to default values
			int sourceId = notDefined, targetId = notDefined;
			Graph::EdgeType umlType = Graph::association;

			// read all relevant attributes
			GmlObject *edgeSon = son->m_pFirstSon;
			for(; edgeSon; edgeSon = edgeSon->m_pBrother) {

				switch(id(edgeSon)) {
				case sourcePredefKey:
					if (edgeSon->m_valueType != gmlIntValue) break;
					sourceId = edgeSon->m_intValue;

				case targetPredefKey:
					if (edgeSon->m_valueType != gmlIntValue) break;
					targetId = edgeSon->m_intValue;

				case subGraphPredefKey:
					if (edgeSon->m_valueType != gmlIntValue) break;
					subGraph = edgeSon->m_intValue;

				case labelPredefKey:
					if (edgeSon->m_valueType != gmlStringValue) break;
					label = edgeSon->m_stringValue;

				case graphicsPredefKey: {
					if (edgeSon->m_valueType != gmlListBegin) break;

					GmlObject *graphicsObject = edgeSon->m_pFirstSon;
					for(; graphicsObject;
						graphicsObject = graphicsObject->m_pBrother)
						if(id(graphicsObject) == LinePredefKey &&
							graphicsObject->m_valueType == gmlListBegin)
						if(id(graphicsObject) == arrowPredefKey &&
							graphicsObject->m_valueType == gmlStringValue)
							arrow = graphicsObject->m_stringValue;
						if(id(graphicsObject) == fillPredefKey &&
							graphicsObject->m_valueType == gmlStringValue)
							fill = graphicsObject->m_stringValue;
						if (id(graphicsObject) == stipplePredefKey && //line style
							graphicsObject->m_valueType == gmlIntValue)
							stipple = graphicsObject->m_intValue;
						if (id(graphicsObject) == lineWidthPredefKey && //line width
							graphicsObject->m_valueType == gmlDoubleValue)
							lineWidth = (float)graphicsObject->m_doubleValue;
						if (id(graphicsObject) == edgeWeightPredefKey &&
							graphicsObject->m_valueType == gmlDoubleValue)
							edgeWeight = graphicsObject->m_doubleValue;
					}//for graphics

				case generalizationPredefKey:
					if (edgeSon->m_valueType != gmlIntValue) break;
					umlType = (edgeSon->m_intValue == 0) ?
						Graph::association : Graph::generalization;


			// check if everything required is defined correctly
			if (sourceId == notDefined || targetId == notDefined) {
				setError("source or target id not defined");
				return false;

			} else if (sourceId < minId || maxId < sourceId ||
				targetId < minId || maxId < targetId) {
					setError("source or target id out of range");
					return false;

			// create adjacent nodes if necessary and new edge
			if (m_mapToNode[sourceId] == nullptr) m_mapToNode[sourceId] = G.newNode();
			if (m_mapToNode[targetId] == nullptr) m_mapToNode[targetId] = G.newNode();

			edge e = G.newEdge(m_mapToNode[sourceId],m_mapToNode[targetId]);
			if (AG.attributes() & GraphAttributes::edgeGraphics)
			if (AG.attributes() & GraphAttributes::edgeType)
				AG.type(e) = umlType;
			if(AG.attributes() & GraphAttributes::edgeSubGraphs)
				AG.subGraphBits(e) = subGraph;
			if (AG.attributes() & GraphAttributes::edgeLabel)
				AG.label(e) = label;

			if (AG.attributes() & GraphAttributes::edgeArrow) {
				if (arrow == "none")
					AG.arrowType(e) = eaNone;
				else if (arrow == "last")
					AG.arrowType(e) = eaLast;
				else if (arrow == "first")
					AG.arrowType(e) = eaFirst;
				else if (arrow == "both")
					AG.arrowType(e) = eaBoth;
					AG.arrowType(e) = eaUndefined;

			if (AG.attributes() & GraphAttributes::edgeStyle)
				AG.strokeColor(e) = fill;
				AG.setStrokeType(e, intToStrokeType(stipple));
				AG.strokeWidth(e) = lineWidth;

			if (AG.attributes() & GraphAttributes::edgeDoubleWeight)
				AG.doubleWeight(e) = edgeWeight;

			break; }
		case directedPredefKey: {
			if(son->m_valueType != gmlIntValue) break;
			AG.setDirected(son->m_intValue > 0);
			break; }

	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 5
// returns GraphAttributes associated with basic graph i
void SimDraw::getBasicGraphAttributes(int i, GraphAttributes &GA, Graph &G)
	G = m_G;

	List<edge> LE;
	for(edge eLE : LE)
			for(node v : G.nodes)
					if(m_GA.attributes() & GraphAttributes::nodeGraphics)
						GA.x(v) = m_GA.x(eLE->source());
						GA.y(v) = m_GA.y(eLE->source());
						GA.height(v) = m_GA.height(eLE->source());
						GA.width(v) = m_GA.width(eLE->source());

					if(m_GA.attributes() & GraphAttributes::nodeId)
						GA.idNode(v) = m_GA.idNode(eLE->source());

					if(m_GA.attributes() & GraphAttributes::nodeLabel)
						GA.label(v) = m_GA.label(eLE->source());

					if(m_GA.attributes() & GraphAttributes::nodeGraphics)
						GA.x(v) = m_GA.x(eLE->target());
						GA.y(v) = m_GA.y(eLE->target());
						GA.height(v) = m_GA.height(eLE->target());
						GA.width(v) = m_GA.width(eLE->target());

					if(m_GA.attributes() & GraphAttributes::nodeId)
						GA.idNode(v) = m_GA.idNode(eLE->target());

					if(m_GA.attributes() & GraphAttributes::nodeLabel)
						GA.label(v) = m_GA.label(eLE->target());

			for(edge e : G.edges)
					&& compare(GA,e->target(),m_GA,eLE->target()))
					if(m_GA.attributes() & GraphAttributes::edgeIntWeight)
						GA.intWeight(e) = m_GA.intWeight(eLE);

					if(m_GA.attributes() & GraphAttributes::edgeLabel)
						GA.label(e) = m_GA.label(eLE);

					if(m_GA.attributes() & GraphAttributes::edgeStyle)
						GA.strokeColor(e) = m_GA.strokeColor(eLE);

					if(m_GA.attributes() & GraphAttributes::edgeGraphics)
						GA.bends(e) = m_GA.bends(eLE);
			List<edge> LE2;
			for(edge e2 : LE2)
					&& compare(GA,e2->target(),m_GA,eLE->target()))

		//remove all Nodes with degree == 0
		//this can change the IDs of the nodes in G.
		List<node> LN;
		for(node v : LN)
			if(v->degree() == 0)

}//end getBasicGraphAttributes
Ejemplo n.º 6
bool GmlParser::read(Graph &G, GraphAttributes &AG)
	OGDF_ASSERT(&G == &(AG.constGraph()))


	int minId = m_mapToNode.low();
	int maxId = m_mapToNode.high();
	int notDefined = minId-1; //indicates not defined id key

	DPolyline bends;

	GmlObject *son = m_graphObject->m_pFirstSon;
	for(; son; son = son->m_pBrother) {

		switch(id(son)) {
		case nodePredefKey: {
			if (son->m_valueType != gmlListBegin) break;

			// set attributes to default values
			int vId = notDefined;
			double x = 0, y = 0, w = 0, h = 0;
			String label;
			String templ;
			String fill;  // the fill color attribute
			String line;  // the line color attribute
			String shape; //the shape type
			double lineWidth = 1.0; //node line width
			int    pattern = 1; //node brush pattern
			int    stipple = 1; //line style pattern

			// read all relevant attributes
			GmlObject *nodeSon = son->m_pFirstSon;
			for(; nodeSon; nodeSon = nodeSon->m_pBrother) {
				switch(id(nodeSon)) {
				case idPredefKey:
					if(nodeSon->m_valueType != gmlIntValue) break;
					vId = nodeSon->m_intValue;

				case graphicsPredefKey: {
					if (nodeSon->m_valueType != gmlListBegin) break;

					GmlObject *graphicsObject = nodeSon->m_pFirstSon;
					for(; graphicsObject;
						graphicsObject = graphicsObject->m_pBrother)
						switch(id(graphicsObject)) {
						case xPredefKey:
							if(graphicsObject->m_valueType != gmlDoubleValue) break;
							x = graphicsObject->m_doubleValue;

						case yPredefKey:
							if(graphicsObject->m_valueType != gmlDoubleValue) break;
							y = graphicsObject->m_doubleValue;

						case wPredefKey:
							if(graphicsObject->m_valueType != gmlDoubleValue) break;
							w = graphicsObject->m_doubleValue;

						case hPredefKey:
							if(graphicsObject->m_valueType != gmlDoubleValue) break;
							h = graphicsObject->m_doubleValue;

						case fillPredefKey:
							if(graphicsObject->m_valueType != gmlStringValue) break;
                            fill = graphicsObject->m_stringValue;

						case linePredefKey:
							if(graphicsObject->m_valueType != gmlStringValue) break;
                            line = graphicsObject->m_stringValue;

						case lineWidthPredefKey:
							if(graphicsObject->m_valueType != gmlDoubleValue) break;
                            lineWidth = graphicsObject->m_doubleValue;

						case typePredefKey:
							if(graphicsObject->m_valueType != gmlStringValue) break;
                            shape = graphicsObject->m_stringValue;
						case patternPredefKey: //fill style
							if(graphicsObject->m_valueType != gmlIntValue) break;
							pattern = graphicsObject->m_intValue;
						case stipplePredefKey: //line style
							if(graphicsObject->m_valueType != gmlIntValue) break;
							stipple = graphicsObject->m_intValue;
					break; }

				case templatePredefKey:
					if (nodeSon->m_valueType != gmlStringValue) break;

					templ = nodeSon->m_stringValue;

				case labelPredefKey:
					if (nodeSon->m_valueType != gmlStringValue) break;

					label = nodeSon->m_stringValue;

			// check if everything required is defined correctly
			if (vId == notDefined) {
				setError("node id not defined");
				return false;

			// create new node if necessary and assign attributes
			if (m_mapToNode[vId] == 0) m_mapToNode[vId] = G.newNode();
			if (AG.attributes() & GraphAttributes::nodeGraphics)
				AG.x(m_mapToNode[vId]) = x;
				AG.y(m_mapToNode[vId]) = y;
				AG.width (m_mapToNode[vId]) = w;
				AG.height(m_mapToNode[vId]) = h;
				if (shape == "oval")
					AG.shapeNode(m_mapToNode[vId]) = GraphAttributes::oval;
				else AG.shapeNode(m_mapToNode[vId]) = GraphAttributes::rectangle;
			if ( (AG.attributes() & GraphAttributes::nodeColor) &&
				 (AG.attributes() & GraphAttributes::nodeGraphics) )
				AG.colorNode(m_mapToNode[vId]) = fill;
				AG.nodeLine(m_mapToNode[vId]) = line;
			if (AG.attributes() & GraphAttributes::nodeLabel)
				AG.labelNode(m_mapToNode[vId]) = label;
			if (AG.attributes() & GraphAttributes::nodeTemplate)
				AG.templateNode(m_mapToNode[vId]) = templ;
            if (AG.attributes() & GraphAttributes::nodeId)
                AG.idNode(m_mapToNode[vId]) = vId; 
			if (AG.attributes() & GraphAttributes::nodeStyle)
				AG.nodePattern(m_mapToNode[vId]) = 
				AG.styleNode(m_mapToNode[vId]) = 
				AG.lineWidthNode(m_mapToNode[vId]) =
			//Todo: line style set stipple value

        case edgePredefKey: {
            String arrow; // the arrow type attribute
			String fill;  //the color fill attribute
			int stipple = 1;  //the line style
			double lineWidth = 1.0;
			double edgeWeight = 1.0;
			int subGraph = 0; //edgeSubGraph attribute
			String label; // label attribute

            if (son->m_valueType != gmlListBegin) break;

			// set attributes to default values
			int sourceId = notDefined, targetId = notDefined;
			Graph::EdgeType umlType = Graph::association;

			// read all relevant attributes
			GmlObject *edgeSon = son->m_pFirstSon;
			for(; edgeSon; edgeSon = edgeSon->m_pBrother) {

				switch(id(edgeSon)) {
				case sourcePredefKey:
					if (edgeSon->m_valueType != gmlIntValue) break;
					sourceId = edgeSon->m_intValue;

				case targetPredefKey:
					if (edgeSon->m_valueType != gmlIntValue) break;
					targetId = edgeSon->m_intValue;

				case subGraphPredefKey:
					if (edgeSon->m_valueType != gmlIntValue) break;
					subGraph = edgeSon->m_intValue;

				case labelPredefKey:
					if (edgeSon->m_valueType != gmlStringValue) break;
					label = edgeSon->m_stringValue;

				case graphicsPredefKey: {
					if (edgeSon->m_valueType != gmlListBegin) break;

					GmlObject *graphicsObject = edgeSon->m_pFirstSon;
					for(; graphicsObject;
						graphicsObject = graphicsObject->m_pBrother)
						if(id(graphicsObject) == LinePredefKey &&
							graphicsObject->m_valueType == gmlListBegin)
                        if(id(graphicsObject) == arrowPredefKey &&
                            graphicsObject->m_valueType == gmlStringValue)
                                arrow = graphicsObject->m_stringValue;
						if(id(graphicsObject) == fillPredefKey &&
							graphicsObject->m_valueType == gmlStringValue)
								fill = graphicsObject->m_stringValue;
						if (id(graphicsObject) == stipplePredefKey && //line style
							graphicsObject->m_valueType == gmlIntValue) 
								stipple = graphicsObject->m_intValue;
						if (id(graphicsObject) == lineWidthPredefKey && //line width
							graphicsObject->m_valueType == gmlDoubleValue) 
								lineWidth = graphicsObject->m_doubleValue;
						if (id(graphicsObject) == edgeWeightPredefKey &&
							graphicsObject->m_valueType == gmlDoubleValue)
							edgeWeight = graphicsObject->m_doubleValue;
					}//for graphics

				case generalizationPredefKey:
					if (edgeSon->m_valueType != gmlIntValue) break;
					umlType = (edgeSon->m_intValue == 0) ?
						Graph::association : Graph::generalization;


			// check if everything required is defined correctly
			if (sourceId == notDefined || targetId == notDefined) {
				setError("source or target id not defined");
				return false;

			} else if (sourceId < minId || maxId < sourceId ||
				targetId < minId || maxId < targetId) {
				setError("source or target id out of range");
				return false;

			// create adjacent nodes if necessary and new edge
			if (m_mapToNode[sourceId] == 0) m_mapToNode[sourceId] = G.newNode();
			if (m_mapToNode[targetId] == 0) m_mapToNode[targetId] = G.newNode();

			edge e = G.newEdge(m_mapToNode[sourceId],m_mapToNode[targetId]);
			if (AG.attributes() & GraphAttributes::edgeGraphics)
			if (AG.attributes() & GraphAttributes::edgeType)
				AG.type(e) = umlType;
			if(AG.attributes() & GraphAttributes::edgeSubGraph)
			        AG.subGraphBits(e) = subGraph;
			if (AG.attributes() & GraphAttributes::edgeLabel)
				AG.labelEdge(e) = label;

            if (AG.attributes() & GraphAttributes::edgeArrow)
                if (arrow == "none")
                    AG.arrowEdge(e) = GraphAttributes::none;
                else if (arrow == "last")
                    AG.arrowEdge(e) = GraphAttributes::last;
                else if (arrow == "first")
                    AG.arrowEdge(e) = GraphAttributes::first;
                else if (arrow == "both")
                    AG.arrowEdge(e) = GraphAttributes::both;
                    AG.arrowEdge(e) = GraphAttributes::undefined;
			if (AG.attributes() & GraphAttributes::edgeColor)
				AG.colorEdge(e) = fill;
			if (AG.attributes() & GraphAttributes::edgeStyle)
				AG.styleEdge(e) = AG.intToStyle(stipple);
				AG.edgeWidth(e) = lineWidth;

			if (AG.attributes() & GraphAttributes::edgeDoubleWeight)
				AG.doubleWeight(e) = edgeWeight;

            break; }
		case directedPredefKey: {
			if(son->m_valueType != gmlIntValue) break;
			AG.directed(son->m_intValue > 0);
			break; }

	return true;