Ejemplo n.º 1
/** Player selection.
    This command is compatible with the GoGui analyze command type "param".

    @arg @c player Player id as in FuegoTestEngine::SetPlayer */
void FuegoTestEngine::CmdParam(GtpCommand& cmd)
    if (cmd.NuArg() == 0)
        cmd <<
            "ladder/liberty/maxeye/minlib/no-search/random/safe] player "
            << (m_playerId == "" ? "<none>" : m_playerId) << '\n';
    else if (cmd.NuArg() >= 1 && cmd.NuArg() <= 2)
        string name = cmd.Arg(0);
        if (name == "player")
                string id = trim_copy(cmd.RemainingLine(0));
                if (id == "<none>")
                    id = "";
            catch (const SgException& e)
                throw GtpFailure(e.what());
            throw GtpFailure() << "unknown parameter: " << name;
        throw GtpFailure() << "need 0 or 2 arguments";
Ejemplo n.º 2
/** Information about safe points optimized for graphical display in GoGui.
    This command is compatible with GoGui's analyze command type "gfx".
    Arguments: benson|static <br>
    Returns: GoGui gfx commands to display safe points and additional
    information in the status line
    - black and white territory: safe points
    - Color Magenta (#980098): dame points
    - Color Red: safe for black and white (should not happen)
    - Circle: unsurroundable
    - Status line: point counts, percentage of safe points
void GoSafetyCommands::CmdGfx(GtpCommand& cmd)
    string type = cmd.Arg(0);
    int totalRegions = 0;
    SgBWSet safe = GetSafe(totalRegions, type);
    SgPointSet dame;
    SgPointSet unsurroundable;
    GoSafetyUtil::FindDameAndUnsurroundablePoints(m_bd, m_bd.AllEmpty(), safe,
                                                  &dame, &unsurroundable);
    cmd << "BLACK";
    for (SgSetIterator it(safe[SG_BLACK]); it; ++it)
        cmd << ' ' << SgWritePoint(*it);
    cmd << '\n';
    cmd << "WHITE";
    for (SgSetIterator it(safe[SG_WHITE]); it; ++it)
        cmd << ' ' << SgWritePoint(*it);
    cmd << '\n';
    cmd << "COLOR #980098";
    for (SgSetIterator it(dame); it; ++it)
        cmd << ' ' << SgWritePoint(*it);
    cmd << '\n';
    cmd << "CIRCLE";
    for (SgSetIterator it(unsurroundable); it; ++it)
        cmd << ' ' << SgWritePoint(*it);
    cmd << '\n';
    SgPointSet blackAndWhite = safe[SG_WHITE] & safe[SG_BLACK];
    if (blackAndWhite.Size() > 0)
        // Shouldn't happen
        cmd << "COLOR red ";
        for (SgSetIterator it(blackAndWhite); it; ++it)
            cmd << ' ' << SgWritePoint(*it);
        cmd << '\n';
    int nuBlack = safe[SG_BLACK].Size();
    int nuWhite = safe[SG_WHITE].Size();
    int nuPoints = m_bd.AllPoints().Size();
    cmd << "TEXT Solver: " << cmd.Arg(0)
        << "  B: " << nuBlack << " (" << (100 * nuBlack / nuPoints) << " %)"
        << "  W: " << nuWhite << " (" << (100 * nuWhite / nuPoints) << " %)"
        << "  Both: " << (nuBlack + nuWhite)
        << " (" << (100 * (nuBlack + nuWhite) / nuPoints) << " %)"
        << "  Regions: " << totalRegions;
Ejemplo n.º 3
/** List of safe points.
    If no color is given, safe points of both colors are listed.
    Arguments: benson|static [black|white]<br>
    Returns: number of point followed bu list of points in one line.
void GoSafetyCommands::CmdSafe(GtpCommand& cmd)
    string type = cmd.Arg(0);
    int totalRegions = 0;
    SgBWSet safe = GetSafe(totalRegions, type);
    SgPointSet set =
        (cmd.NuArg() == 2 ? safe[BlackWhiteArg(cmd, 1)] : safe.Both());
    cmd << set.Size();
    for (SgSetIterator it(set); it; ++it)
        cmd << ' ' << SgWritePoint(*it);
Ejemplo n.º 4
void GoBookCommands::CmdLoad(GtpCommand& cmd)
    m_fileName = cmd.Arg();
    catch (const SgException& e)
        m_fileName = "";
        throw GtpFailure() << "loading opening book failed: " << e.what();
Ejemplo n.º 5
void GoBookCommands::CmdSaveAs(GtpCommand& cmd)
    if (m_engine.MpiSynchronizer()->IsRootProcess())
        m_fileName = cmd.Arg();
        ofstream out(m_fileName.c_str());
        if (! out)
            m_fileName = "";
            throw GtpFailure("write error");
Ejemplo n.º 6
SgPoint GoGtpCommandUtil::PointArg(const GtpCommand& cmd, std::size_t number,
                                   const GoBoard& board)
    string arg = cmd.Arg(number);
    istringstream in(arg);
    SgPoint p;
    in >> SgReadPoint(p);
    if (! in)
        throw GtpFailure() << "invalid point " << arg;
    if (p == SG_PASS)
        throw GtpFailure("expected point, not pass");
    if (SgMoveUtil::IsCouponMove(p))
        throw GtpFailure("expected point, not coupon move");
    if (! board.IsValidPoint(p))
        throw GtpFailure() << "point outside board " << arg;
    return p;
Ejemplo n.º 7
/** Run a debugger and attach it to the current program.
    Arguments: debugger-type <br>
    Currently implemented debugger types:
    - gdb_kde GDB in KDE terminal
    - gdb_gnome GDB in GNOME terminal
void SgGtpCommands::CmdDebugger(GtpCommand& cmd)
    string type = cmd.Arg(0);
    const char* path = m_programPath;
    if (path == 0)
        throw GtpFailure("location of executable unknown");
    pid_t pid = getpid();
    ostringstream s;
    if (type == "gdb_kde")
        s << "konsole -e gdb " << path << ' ' << pid << " &";
    else if (type == "gdb_gnome")
        s << "gnome-terminal -e 'gdb " << path << ' ' << pid << "' &";
        throw GtpFailure() << "unknown debugger: " << type;
    SgDebug() << "Executing: " << s.str() << '\n';
    int retval = system(s.str().c_str());
    if (retval != 0)
        throw GtpFailure() << "command returned " << retval;
Ejemplo n.º 8
/** Set global parameters used in module SmartGame.
    @arg @c time_mode cpu|real See SgTime */
void SgGtpCommands::CmdParam(GtpCommand& cmd)
    if (cmd.NuArg() == 0)
        // Boolean parameters first for better layout of GoGui parameter
        // dialog, alphabetically otherwise
        cmd << "[list/cpu/real] time_mode "
            << TimeModeToString(SgTime::DefaultMode()) << '\n';
    else if (cmd.NuArg() >= 1 && cmd.NuArg() <= 2)
        string name = cmd.Arg(0);
        if (name == "time_mode")
            SgTime::SetDefaultMode(TimeModeArg(cmd, 1));
            throw GtpFailure() << "unknown parameter: " << name;
        throw GtpFailure() << "need 0 or 2 arguments";
Ejemplo n.º 9
/** Execute GTP commands from a file.
    Argument: filename <br>
    Aborts on the first command that fails. Responses to the commands in the
    file are written to SgDebug()
    @see GtpEngine::ExecuteFile */
void SgGtpCommands::CmdExec(GtpCommand& cmd)
    m_engine.ExecuteFile(cmd.Arg(), SgDebug());
Ejemplo n.º 10
/** Execute GTP commands from a file.
    Argument: filename <br>
    Aborts on the first command that fails. Responses to the commands in the
    file are written to SgDebug()
    @see GtpEngine::ExecuteFile
void SgGtpCommands::CmdExec(GtpCommand& cmd)
    m_engine.ExecuteFile(cmd.Arg(0), SgDebug());