Ejemplo n.º 1
// This agent demonstrates the use of the MOVE_TO action to visit the
// corners of the play field. Before running this program, first Start
// HFO server: $./bin/HFO --offense-agents 1
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  int port = 6000;
  if (argc > 1) {
    port = atoi(argv[1]);
  // Create the HFO environment
  HFOEnvironment hfo;
  // Connect to the agent's server on port 6000 and request low-level
  // feature set. See manual for more information on feature sets.
  hfo.connectToAgentServer(port, HIGH_LEVEL_FEATURE_SET);
  float target_x = 1.0;
  float target_y = 1.0;
  for (int episode=0; ; episode++) {
    status_t status = IN_GAME;
    if (episode % 2 != 0) {
      target_x *= -1;
    } else {
      target_y *= -1;
    std::cout << "target (x,y) = " << target_x << ", " << target_y << std::endl;
    while (status == IN_GAME) {
      // Get the vector of state features for the current state
      const vector<float>& feature_vec = hfo.getState();
      // Perform the action
      hfo.act(MOVE_TO, target_x, target_y);
      // Advance the environment and get the game status
      status = hfo.step();
Ejemplo n.º 2
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  // Create the HFO environment
  HFOEnvironment hfo;
  int random = 0;
  double numGoals = 0;
  int numEpisodes = 5000;
  double actualNumEpisodes = 0;
  // Connect to the server and request high-level feature set. See
  // manual for more information on feature sets.
  hfo.connectToServer(features, config_dir, port, server_addr,
                           team_name, goalie);
  for (int episode=0; episode<numEpisodes; episode++) {
    status_t status = IN_GAME;
    while (status == IN_GAME) {

    // Get the vector of state features for the current state
      const vector<float>& feature_vec = hfo.getState();
      if (random == 0) {
              action_with_params a = get_defense_action(feature_vec, 2, hfo.getNumTeammates());
         // std::cout << a.action << a.param;
         if (a.action == hfo :: MARK_PLAYER || a.action == hfo::TACKLE) {
                  hfo.act(a.action, a.param);
              } else if (a.action == hfo :: DASH) {
                          double power = 100;
                          hfo.act(a.action, power, a.param);
                  } else {
              string s = hfo::ActionToString(a.action) + " " +to_string(a.param) + "\n";
             // std::cout << s;
      } else {
	std::cout <<"Random";
	action_t a = get_random_high_lv_action();
	if (a == hfo :: MARK_PLAYER) {
	  hfo.act(NOOP); // why not MOVE?
	} else {
      status = hfo.step();
    if (status==GOAL)
            numGoals = numGoals+1;
    // Check what the outcome of the episode was
    cout << "Episode " << episode << " ended with status: "
         << StatusToString(status) << std::endl;
    if (status==SERVER_DOWN) {
    } else {
  double cost = numGoals/actualNumEpisodes;
Ejemplo n.º 3
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  // Create the HFO environment
  HFOEnvironment hfo;
  // Connect to the server and request low-level feature set. See
  // manual for more information on feature sets.
  hfo.connectToServer(features, config_dir, port, server_addr,
                           team_name, goalie);
  status_t status = IN_GAME;
  for (int episode = 0; status != SERVER_DOWN; episode++) {
    status = IN_GAME;
    while (status == IN_GAME) {
      // Get the vector of state features for the current state
      const vector<float>& feature_vec = hfo.getState();
      float x = feature_vec[0];
      float y = feature_vec[1];
      float dist_to_target = sqrt(x*x + y*y) * 3;
      // Perform the action and recieve the current game status
      bool able_to_kick = feature_vec[5] > 0;
      if (able_to_kick) {
        // Valid kick speed varies in the range [0, 3]
        if (dist_to_target < .1) {
          // Max power kick to goal
          hfo.act(KICK_TO, 1., 0., 3.0);
        } else {
          // Kick to center of hfo field
          hfo.act(KICK_TO, 0., 0., dist_to_target);
      } else {
      // Advance the environment and get the game status
      status = hfo.step();
    // Check what the outcome of the episode was
    cout << "Episode " << episode << " ended with status: "
         << StatusToString(status) << endl;;
Ejemplo n.º 4
int main() {
  // Create the HFO environment
  HFOEnvironment hfo;
  // Connect to the server and request low-level feature set. See
  // manual for more information on feature sets.
  hfo.connectToServer(features, config_dir, port, server_addr,
                      team_name, goalie);
  status_t status = IN_GAME;
  for (int episode = 0; status != SERVER_DOWN; episode++) {
    status = IN_GAME;
    while (status == IN_GAME) {
      // Get the vector of state features for the current state
      const std::vector<float>& feature_vec = hfo.getState();
      // Perform the dash
      hfo.act(DASH, 20.0, 0.0);
      // Advance the environment and recieve current game status
      status = hfo.step();
    // Check what the outcome of the episode was
    cout << "Episode " << episode << " ended with status: "
         << StatusToString(status) << endl;