Ejemplo n.º 1
	void Resources::save(const HResource& resource, const Path& filePath, bool overwrite)
		if (resource == nullptr)

		if (!resource.isLoaded(false))
			bool loadInProgress = false;
				Lock lock(mInProgressResourcesMutex);
				auto iterFind2 = mInProgressResources.find(resource.getUUID());
				if (iterFind2 != mInProgressResources.end())
					loadInProgress = true;

			if (loadInProgress) // If it's still loading wait until that finishes
				return; // Nothing to save

		bool fileExists = FileSystem::isFile(filePath);
				BS_EXCEPT(InvalidParametersException, "Another file exists at the specified location.");

		mDefaultResourceManifest->registerResource(resource.getUUID(), filePath);

		Vector<ResourceDependency> dependencyList = Utility::findResourceDependencies(*resource.get());

		Vector<String> dependencyUUIDs(dependencyList.size());
		for (UINT32 i = 0; i < (UINT32)dependencyList.size(); i++)
			dependencyUUIDs[i] = dependencyList[i].resource.getUUID();

		SPtr<SavedResourceData> resourceData = bs_shared_ptr_new<SavedResourceData>(dependencyUUIDs, resource->allowAsyncLoading());

		FileEncoder fs(filePath);
Ejemplo n.º 2
	HResource Resources::loadInternal(const String& UUID, const Path& filePath, bool synchronous, bool loadDependencies, bool keepInternalReference)
		HResource outputResource;

		bool alreadyLoading = false;
		bool loadInProgress = false;
			// Check if resource is already being loaded on a worker thread
			Lock inProgressLock(mInProgressResourcesMutex);
			auto iterFind2 = mInProgressResources.find(UUID);
			if (iterFind2 != mInProgressResources.end())
				LoadedResourceData& resData = iterFind2->second->resData;
				outputResource = resData.resource.lock();

				if (keepInternalReference)

				alreadyLoading = true;
				loadInProgress = true;

			// Previously being loaded as async but now we want it synced, so we wait
			if (loadInProgress && synchronous)

			if (!alreadyLoading)
				Lock loadedLock(mLoadedResourceMutex);
				auto iterFind = mLoadedResources.find(UUID);
				if (iterFind != mLoadedResources.end()) // Resource is already loaded
					LoadedResourceData& resData = iterFind->second;
					outputResource = resData.resource.lock();

					if (keepInternalReference)

					alreadyLoading = true;

		// Not loaded and not in progress, start loading of new resource
		// (or if already loaded or in progress, load any dependencies)
		if (!alreadyLoading)
			// Check if the handle already exists
			Lock lock(mLoadedResourceMutex);
			auto iterFind = mHandles.find(UUID);
			if (iterFind != mHandles.end())
				outputResource = iterFind->second.lock();
				outputResource = HResource(UUID);
				mHandles[UUID] = outputResource.getWeak();

		// We have nowhere to load from, warn and complete load if a file path was provided,
		// otherwise pass through as we might just want to load from memory. 
		if (filePath.isEmpty())
			if (!alreadyLoading)
				LOGWRN_VERBOSE("Cannot load resource. Resource with UUID '" + UUID + "' doesn't exist.");

				// Complete the load as that the depedency counter is properly reduced, in case this 
				// is a dependency of some other resource.
				return outputResource;
		else if (!FileSystem::isFile(filePath))
			LOGWRN_VERBOSE("Cannot load resource. Specified file: " + filePath.toString() + " doesn't exist.");

			// Complete the load as that the depedency counter is properly reduced, in case this 
			// is a dependency of some other resource.
			assert(!loadInProgress); // Resource already being loaded but we can't find its path now?

			return outputResource;

		// Load dependency data if a file path is provided
		SPtr<SavedResourceData> savedResourceData;
		if (!filePath.isEmpty())
			FileDecoder fs(filePath);
			savedResourceData = std::static_pointer_cast<SavedResourceData>(fs.decode());

		// If already loading keep the old load operation active, otherwise create a new one
		if (!alreadyLoading)
				Lock lock(mInProgressResourcesMutex);

				ResourceLoadData* loadData = bs_new<ResourceLoadData>(outputResource.getWeak(), 0);
				mInProgressResources[UUID] = loadData;
				loadData->resData = outputResource.getWeak();

				if (keepInternalReference)

				loadData->remainingDependencies = 1;
				loadData->notifyImmediately = synchronous; // Make resource listener trigger before exit if loading synchronously

				// Register dependencies and count them so we know when the resource is fully loaded
				if (loadDependencies && savedResourceData != nullptr)
					for (auto& dependency : savedResourceData->getDependencies())
						if (dependency != UUID)

			if (loadDependencies && savedResourceData != nullptr)
				const Vector<String>& dependencyUUIDs = savedResourceData->getDependencies();
				UINT32 numDependencies = (UINT32)dependencyUUIDs.size();
				Vector<HResource> dependencies(numDependencies);

				for (UINT32 i = 0; i < numDependencies; i++)
					dependencies[i] = loadFromUUID(dependencyUUIDs[i], !synchronous, true, false);

				// Keep dependencies alive until the parent is done loading
					Lock lock(mInProgressResourcesMutex);

					// At this point the resource is guaranteed to still be in-progress, so it's safe to update its dependency list
					mInProgressResources[UUID]->dependencies = dependencies;
		else if (loadDependencies && savedResourceData != nullptr) // Queue dependencies in case they aren't already loaded
			const Vector<String>& dependencies = savedResourceData->getDependencies();
			if (!dependencies.empty())
					Lock lock(mInProgressResourcesMutex);

					ResourceLoadData* loadData = nullptr;

					auto iterFind = mInProgressResources.find(UUID);
					if (iterFind == mInProgressResources.end()) // Fully loaded
						loadData = bs_new<ResourceLoadData>(outputResource.getWeak(), 0);
						loadData->resData = outputResource.getWeak();
						loadData->remainingDependencies = 0;
						loadData->notifyImmediately = synchronous; // Make resource listener trigger before exit if loading synchronously

						mInProgressResources[UUID] = loadData;
						loadData = iterFind->second;

					// Register dependencies and count them so we know when the resource is fully loaded
					for (auto& dependency : dependencies)
						if (dependency != UUID)
							bool registerDependency = true;

							auto iterFind2 = mDependantLoads.find(dependency);
							if (iterFind2 != mDependantLoads.end())
								Vector<ResourceLoadData*>& dependantData = iterFind2->second;
								auto iterFind3 = std::find_if(dependantData.begin(), dependantData.end(),
									[&](ResourceLoadData* x)
									return x->resData.resource.getUUID() == outputResource.getUUID();

								registerDependency = iterFind3 == dependantData.end();

							if (registerDependency)

				for (auto& dependency : dependencies)
					loadFromUUID(dependency, !synchronous, true, false);

		// Actually start the file read operation if not already loaded or in progress
		if (!alreadyLoading && !filePath.isEmpty())
			// Synchronous or the resource doesn't support async, read the file immediately
			if (synchronous || !savedResourceData->allowAsyncLoading())
				loadCallback(filePath, outputResource);
			else // Asynchronous, read the file on a worker thread
				String fileName = filePath.getFilename();
				String taskName = "Resource load: " + fileName;

				SPtr<Task> task = Task::create(taskName, std::bind(&Resources::loadCallback, this, filePath, outputResource));
		else // File already loaded or in progress
			// Complete the load unless its in progress in which case we wait for its worker thread to complete it.
			// In case file is already loaded this will only decrement dependency count in case this resource is a dependency.
			if (!loadInProgress)
				// In case loading finished in the meantime we cannot be sure at what point ::loadComplete was triggered,
				// so trigger it manually so that the dependency count is properly decremented in case this resource
				// is a dependency.
				Lock lock(mLoadedResourceMutex);
				auto iterFind = mLoadedResources.find(UUID);
				if (iterFind != mLoadedResources.end())

		return outputResource;