Ejemplo n.º 1
void RenderApplet::layout()
    //kdDebug(6100) << "RenderApplet::layout" << endl;

    KHTMLAssert( needsLayout() );
    KHTMLAssert( minMaxKnown() );


    KJavaAppletWidget *tmp = static_cast<KJavaAppletWidget*>(m_widget);
    if ( tmp ) {
        NodeImpl *child = element()->firstChild();

        while(child) {

            if(child->id() == ID_PARAM) {
                HTMLParamElementImpl *p = static_cast<HTMLParamElementImpl *>(child);
                    tmp->applet()->setParameter( p->name(), p->value());
            child = child->nextSibling();
        //kdDebug(6100) << "setting applet widget to size: " << m_width << ", " << m_height << endl;

void RenderApplet::createWidgetIfNecessary()
    if (!m_widget) {
        if (static_cast<HTMLAppletElementImpl*>(element())->allParamsAvailable()) {
            // FIXME: Java applets can't be resized (this is a bug in Apple's Java implementation).  In order to work around
            // this problem, we will simply use fixed widths/heights from the style system when we can, since the widget might
            // not have an accurate m_width/m_height.
            int width = style()->width().isFixed() ? style()->width().value :
                        m_width - borderLeft() - borderRight() - paddingLeft() - paddingRight();
            int height = style()->height().isFixed() ? style()->height().value :
                         m_height - borderTop() - borderBottom() - paddingTop() - paddingBottom();
            NodeImpl *child = element()->firstChild();
            while (child) {
                if (child->id() == ID_PARAM) {
                    HTMLParamElementImpl *p = static_cast<HTMLParamElementImpl *>(child);
                    m_args.insert(p->name(), p->value());
                child = child->nextSibling();

            setQWidget(new KJavaAppletWidget(QSize(width, height), m_context, m_args));
Ejemplo n.º 3
void RenderPartObject::updateWidget()
  QString url;
  QString serviceType;
  QStringList params;
  KHTMLPart *part = m_view->part();


  if (element()->id() == ID_OBJECT) {

      HTMLObjectElementImpl *o = static_cast<HTMLObjectElementImpl *>(element());

      // Check for a child EMBED tag.
      HTMLEmbedElementImpl *embed = 0;
      for (NodeImpl *child = o->firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling()) {
          if (child->id() == ID_EMBED) {
              embed = static_cast<HTMLEmbedElementImpl *>( child );
      // Use the attributes from the EMBED tag instead of the OBJECT tag including WIDTH and HEIGHT.
      HTMLElementImpl *embedOrObject;
      if (embed) {
          embedOrObject = (HTMLElementImpl *)embed;
          DOMString attribute = embedOrObject->getAttribute(ATTR_WIDTH);
          if (!attribute.isEmpty()) {
              o->setAttribute(ATTR_WIDTH, attribute);
          attribute = embedOrObject->getAttribute(ATTR_HEIGHT);
          if (!attribute.isEmpty()) {
              o->setAttribute(ATTR_HEIGHT, attribute);
          url = embed->url;
          serviceType = embed->serviceType;
      } else {
          embedOrObject = (HTMLElementImpl *)o;
      // If there was no URL or type defined in EMBED, try the OBJECT tag.
      if (url.isEmpty()) {
          url = o->url;
      if (serviceType.isEmpty()) {
          serviceType = o->serviceType;
      // Then try the PARAM tags for the URL and type attributes.
      NodeImpl *child = o->firstChild();
      while (child && (url.isEmpty() || serviceType.isEmpty())) {
          if (child->id() == ID_PARAM) {
              HTMLParamElementImpl *p = static_cast<HTMLParamElementImpl *>( child );
              QString name = p->name().lower();
              if (url.isEmpty() && (QString::equals(name,"src") || QString::equals(name,"movie") || QString::equals(name,"code"))) {
                  url = p->value();
              if (serviceType.isEmpty() && QString::equals(name,"type")) {
                  serviceType = p->value();
          child = child->nextSibling();
      // Lastly try to map a specific CLASSID to a type.
      if (serviceType.isEmpty() && !o->classId.isEmpty()) {
          if (o->classId.contains("D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000")) {
              // It is ActiveX, but the nsplugin system handling
              // should also work, that's why we don't override the
              // serviceType with application/x-activex-handler
              // but let the KTrader in khtmlpart::createPart() detect
              // the user's preference: launch with activex viewer or
              // with nspluginviewer (Niko)
              serviceType = "application/x-shockwave-flash";
          } else if(o->classId.contains("CFCDAA03-8BE4-11cf-B84B-0020AFBBCCFA")) {
              serviceType = "audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin";
          } else if(o->classId.contains("02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B")) {
              serviceType = "video/quicktime";
          } else if(o->classId.contains("166B1BCA-3F9C-11CF-8075-444553540000")) {
              serviceType = "application/x-director";
          } else {
              // We have a clsid, means this is activex (Niko)
              serviceType = "application/x-activex-handler";
          // TODO: add more plugins here
      // If no URL and type, abort.
      if (url.isEmpty() && serviceType.isEmpty()) {
          kdDebug() << "RenderPartObject::close - empty url and serverType" << endl;
      // Turn the attributes of either the EMBED tag or OBJECT tag into an array.
      NamedAttrMapImpl* attributes = embedOrObject->attributes();
      if (attributes) {
          for (unsigned long i = 0; i < attributes->length(); ++i) {
              AttributeImpl* it = attributes->attributeItem(i);
              params.append(o->getDocument()->attrName(it->id()).string() + "=\"" + it->value().string() + "\"");
      params.append( QString::fromLatin1("__KHTML__CLASSID=\"%1\"").arg( o->classId ) );
      params.append( QString::fromLatin1("__KHTML__CODEBASE=\"%1\"").arg( o->getAttribute(ATTR_CODEBASE).string() ) );
      part->requestObject( this, url, serviceType, params );
  } else if ( element()->id() == ID_EMBED ) {

      HTMLEmbedElementImpl *o = static_cast<HTMLEmbedElementImpl *>(element());
      url = o->url;
      serviceType = o->serviceType;

      if ( url.isEmpty() && serviceType.isEmpty() ) {
          kdDebug() << "RenderPartObject::close - empty url and serverType" << endl;
      // add all attributes set on the embed object
      NamedAttrMapImpl* a = o->attributes();
      if (a) {
          for (unsigned long i = 0; i < a->length(); ++i) {
              AttributeImpl* it = a->attributeItem(i);
              params.append(o->getDocument()->attrName(it->id()).string() + "=\"" + it->value().string() + "\"");
      part->requestObject( this, url, serviceType, params );
  } else {
      assert(element()->id() == ID_IFRAME);
      HTMLIFrameElementImpl *o = static_cast<HTMLIFrameElementImpl *>(element());
      url = o->url.string();
      if (url.isEmpty())
	  url = "about:blank";
      KHTMLView *v = static_cast<KHTMLView *>(m_view);
      bool requestSucceeded = v->part()->requestFrame( this, url, o->name.string(), QStringList(), true );
      if (requestSucceeded && QString::equals(url,"about:blank")) {
	  KHTMLPart *newPart = v->part()->findFrame( o->name.string() );
	  if (newPart && newPart->xmlDocImpl()) {
	      newPart->xmlDocImpl()->setBaseURL( v->part()->baseURL().url() );