Ejemplo n.º 1
HTTPClient::clientWrite(char byte, FILE* stream)
  if (stream == NULL)
      return EOF;
  http_stream_udata* udata = (http_stream_udata*) fdev_get_udata(stream);
  HTTPClient* client = udata->client;
  if (client->connected() == 0)
      return EOF;
  if (udata->encode == 0)
      if (client->debugCommunication)
      if (URI_ALLOWED(byte) || ((URI_RESERVED(byte) && (udata->encode
          & URI_ENCODE_RESERVED) == 0)))
          if (client->debugCommunication)
          char encoded[4] =
            { 0, 0, 0 };
          sprintf(encoded, "%%%2x", byte);
          // Write only the first three bytes, not the trailing null
          for (char i = 0; i < 3; i++)
              if (client->debugCommunication)
  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
HTTPClient::clientRead(FILE* stream)
  if (stream == NULL)
      return EOF;
  http_stream_udata* udata = (http_stream_udata*) fdev_get_udata(stream);
  HTTPClient* client = udata->client;
  if (!client->connected())
      return EOF;
  //block until we got a byte
  while (client->available() == 0)
      if (client->connected() == 0)
          return EOF;
  int result = client->read();
  if (result == EOF)
      return EOF;
  if (client->debugCommunication)
      Serial.print((byte) result);
  //as long as we do not read encoded or it is no % everything is ok
  if (udata->encode == 0 || result != '%')
      return result;
      //block until we got the needed bytes
      while (client->available() >= 2)
          if (client->connected() == 0)
              return EOF;
      char return_value = 0;
      for (char i = 0; i < 2; i++)
          result = client->read();
          if (result == EOF)
              return EOF;
          else if (result >= 'A' && result <= 'Z')
              return_value += (1 - i) * 16 * (result - 'A');
          else if (result >= 'a' && result <= 'z')
              return_value += (1 - i) * 16 * (result - 'a');
          else if (result >= '0' && result <= '9')
              return_value += (1 - i) * 16 * (result - '0');
      return return_value;
Ejemplo n.º 3
int uploadFile(const char* _filename, const char* _fileurl) { // upload new file to fs by downloading from a remote server, rather than reflash the entire spiffs
  int ret = false;
  HTTPClient http;
  //const char* fileUrl = "http://mypi3/iot/index.html";
  //const char* fileName = "/test2.html";

  if (hasSerial) Serial.printf("url %s\n", _fileurl);
  if (hasSerial) Serial.printf("file %s\n", _filename);

  http.begin(_fileurl); // init http client

  // start connection and send HTTP header
  int httpCode = http.GET();

  // httpCode will be negative on error
  if(httpCode > 0) {
    // HTTP header has been send and Server response header has been handled
    // file found at server
    if(httpCode == HTTP_CODE_OK) {
      if (hasSerial) Serial.printf("HTTP client http status %d\n", httpCode);

      // get lenght of document (is -1 when Server sends no Content-Length header)
      int len = http.getSize();
      int paysize = len;

      if (hasSerial) Serial.printf("HTTP content size %d bytes\n", paysize);

      // create buffer for read
      uint8_t buff[128] = { 0 };

      // get tcp stream
      WiFiClient * stream = http.getStreamPtr();

      // create or recreate file on spiffs
      File configFile = SPIFFS.open(_filename, "w");
      if (!configFile) {
        if (hasSerial) Serial.printf("Failed to open %s for write.\n",_filename);
        return ret;
      if (hasSerial) Serial.println("File open, write start.");

      // read all data from server
      while(http.connected() && (len > 0 || len == -1)) {
        // get available data size
        size_t size = stream->available();

        if (size) {
              // read up to 128 byte
              int c = stream->readBytes(buff, ((size > sizeof(buff)) ? sizeof(buff) : size));

              // write it to Serial
              configFile.write(buff, c);

              if(len > 0) {
                  len -= c;
      } // EoF or http connection closed
      if (hasSerial) Serial.println("File closed, write complete.");
      return paysize;
    } else {
      if (hasSerial) Serial.printf("HTTP client http error %d\n", httpCode);
      return httpCode;
  } else {
    if (hasSerial) Serial.printf("HTTP client http error %d\n", httpCode);
    return httpCode;

  return 0;