Ejemplo n.º 1
HTTPClient::doReadString(const std::string&    location,
                         const osgDB::Options* options,
                         ProgressCallback*     callback )

    ReadResult result;

    HTTPResponse response = this->doGet( location, options, callback );
    if ( response.isOK() )
        result = ReadResult( new StringObject(response.getPartAsString(0)), response.getHeadersAsConfig());

    else if ( response.getCode() >= 400 && response.getCode() < 500 && response.getCode() != 404 )
        // for request errors, return an error result with the part data intact
        // so the user can parse it as needed. We only do this for readString.
        result = ReadResult( 
            new StringObject(response.getPartAsString(0)), 
            response.getHeadersAsConfig() );

        result = ReadResult(
            response.isCancelled() ? ReadResult::RESULT_CANCELED :
            response.getCode() == HTTPResponse::NOT_FOUND ? ReadResult::RESULT_NOT_FOUND :
            response.getCode() == HTTPResponse::SERVER_ERROR ? ReadResult::RESULT_SERVER_ERROR :
            ReadResult::RESULT_UNKNOWN_ERROR );

        //If we have an error but it's recoverable, like a server error or timeout then set the callback to retry.
        if (HTTPClient::isRecoverable( result.code() ) )
            if (callback)
                OE_DEBUG << "Error in HTTPClient for " << location << " but it's recoverable" << std::endl;
                callback->setNeedsRetry( true );

    // last-modified (file time)
    TimeStamp filetime = 0;
    if ( CURLE_OK == curl_easy_getinfo(_curl_handle, CURLINFO_FILETIME, &filetime) )
        result.setLastModifiedTime( filetime );

    return result;
Ejemplo n.º 2
HTTPClient::doReadString(const std::string&    location,
                         const osgDB::Options* options,
                         ProgressCallback*     callback )

    ReadResult result;

    HTTPResponse response = this->doGet( location, options, callback );
    if ( response.isOK() )
        result = ReadResult( new StringObject(response.getPartAsString(0)), response.getHeadersAsConfig());
        result = ReadResult(
            response.isCancelled() ? ReadResult::RESULT_CANCELED :
            response.getCode() == HTTPResponse::NOT_FOUND ? ReadResult::RESULT_NOT_FOUND :
            response.getCode() == HTTPResponse::SERVER_ERROR ? ReadResult::RESULT_SERVER_ERROR :
            ReadResult::RESULT_UNKNOWN_ERROR );

        //If we have an error but it's recoverable, like a server error or timeout then set the callback to retry.
        if (HTTPClient::isRecoverable( result.code() ) )
            if (callback)
                OE_DEBUG << "Error in HTTPClient for " << location << " but it's recoverable" << std::endl;
                callback->setNeedsRetry( true );

    return result;
Ejemplo n.º 3
HTTPClient::doReadNode(const std::string&    location,
                       const osgDB::Options* options,
                       ProgressCallback*     callback)

    ReadResult result;

    HTTPResponse response = this->doGet(location, options, callback);

    if (response.isOK())
        osgDB::ReaderWriter* reader = getReader(location, response);
        if (!reader)
            OE_WARN << LC << "Can't find an OSG plugin to read "<<location<<std::endl;
            result = ReadResult(ReadResult::RESULT_NO_READER);

            osgDB::ReaderWriter::ReadResult rr = reader->readNode(response.getPartStream(0), options);
            if ( rr.validNode() )
                result = ReadResult(rr.takeNode(), response.getHeadersAsConfig());
                if ( !rr.message().empty() )
                    OE_WARN << LC << "HTTP error: " << rr.message() << std::endl;
                OE_WARN << LC << reader->className() << " failed to read node from " << location << std::endl;
                result = ReadResult(ReadResult::RESULT_READER_ERROR);
        result = ReadResult(
            response.isCancelled() ? ReadResult::RESULT_CANCELED :
            response.getCode() == HTTPResponse::NOT_FOUND ? ReadResult::RESULT_NOT_FOUND :
            response.getCode() == HTTPResponse::SERVER_ERROR ? ReadResult::RESULT_SERVER_ERROR :
            ReadResult::RESULT_UNKNOWN_ERROR );

        //If we have an error but it's recoverable, like a server error or timeout then set the callback to retry.
        if (HTTPClient::isRecoverable( result.code() ) )
            if (callback)
                OE_DEBUG << "Error in HTTPClient for " << location << " but it's recoverable" << std::endl;
                callback->setNeedsRetry( true );

    return result;
Ejemplo n.º 4
HTTPClient::doReadString(const HTTPRequest&    request,
                         const osgDB::Options* options,
                         ProgressCallback*     callback )

    ReadResult result;

    HTTPResponse response = this->doGet( request, options, callback );
    if ( response.isOK() )
        result = ReadResult( new StringObject(response.getPartAsString(0)) );

    else if ( response.getCode() >= 400 && response.getCode() < 500 && response.getCode() != 404 )
        // for request errors, return an error result with the part data intact
        // so the user can parse it as needed. We only do this for readString.
        result = ReadResult( 
            new StringObject(response.getPartAsString(0)) );

        result = ReadResult(
            response.isCancelled() ?                           ReadResult::RESULT_CANCELED :
            response.getCode() == HTTPResponse::NOT_FOUND    ? ReadResult::RESULT_NOT_FOUND :
            response.getCode() == HTTPResponse::SERVER_ERROR ? ReadResult::RESULT_SERVER_ERROR :
            response.getCode() == HTTPResponse::NOT_MODIFIED ? ReadResult::RESULT_NOT_MODIFIED :
                                                               ReadResult::RESULT_UNKNOWN_ERROR );

        //If we have an error but it's recoverable, like a server error or timeout then set the callback to retry.
        if (HTTPClient::isRecoverable( result.code() ) )
            if (callback)
                if ( s_HTTP_DEBUG )
                    OE_NOTICE << LC << "Error in HTTPClient for " << request.getURL() << " but it's recoverable" << std::endl;
                callback->setNeedsRetry( true );

    // encode headers
    result.setMetadata( response.getHeadersAsConfig() );

    // last-modified (file time)
    result.setLastModifiedTime( getCurlFileTime(_curl_handle) );

    return result;
Ejemplo n.º 5
HTTPClient::doReadObject(const HTTPRequest&    request,
                         const osgDB::Options* options,
                         ProgressCallback*     callback)

    ReadResult result;

    HTTPResponse response = this->doGet(request, options, callback);

    if (response.isOK())
        osgDB::ReaderWriter* reader = getReader(request.getURL(), response);
        if (!reader)
            result = ReadResult(ReadResult::RESULT_NO_READER);

            osgDB::ReaderWriter::ReadResult rr = reader->readObject(response.getPartStream(0), options);
            if ( rr.validObject() )
                result = ReadResult(rr.takeObject());
                if ( s_HTTP_DEBUG )
                    OE_WARN << LC << reader->className() 
                        << " failed to read object from " << request.getURL() 
                        << "; message = " << rr.message()
                        <<  std::endl;
                result = ReadResult(ReadResult::RESULT_READER_ERROR);
                result.setErrorDetail( rr.message() );
        // last-modified (file time)
        result.setLastModifiedTime( getCurlFileTime(_curl_handle) );
        result = ReadResult(
            response.isCancelled() ? ReadResult::RESULT_CANCELED :
            response.getCode() == HTTPResponse::NOT_FOUND ? ReadResult::RESULT_NOT_FOUND :
            response.getCode() == HTTPResponse::SERVER_ERROR ? ReadResult::RESULT_SERVER_ERROR :
            response.getCode() == HTTPResponse::NOT_MODIFIED ? ReadResult::RESULT_NOT_MODIFIED :
            ReadResult::RESULT_UNKNOWN_ERROR );

        //If we have an error but it's recoverable, like a server error or timeout then set the callback to retry.
        if (HTTPClient::isRecoverable( result.code() ) )
            if (callback)
                if ( s_HTTP_DEBUG )
                    OE_NOTICE << LC << "Error in HTTPClient for " << request.getURL() << " but it's recoverable" << std::endl;
                callback->setNeedsRetry( true );

    result.setMetadata( response.getHeadersAsConfig() );

    return result;
Ejemplo n.º 6
HTTPClient::doReadImage(const std::string&    location,
                        const osgDB::Options* options,
                        ProgressCallback*     callback)

    ReadResult result;

    HTTPResponse response = this->doGet(location, options, callback);

    if (response.isOK())
        osgDB::ReaderWriter* reader = getReader(location, response);
        if (!reader)
            result = ReadResult(ReadResult::RESULT_NO_READER);

            osgDB::ReaderWriter::ReadResult rr = reader->readImage(response.getPartStream(0), options);
            if ( rr.validImage() )
                result = ReadResult(rr.takeImage(), response.getHeadersAsConfig() );
                if ( !rr.message().empty() )
                    OE_WARN << LC << "HTTP error: " << rr.message() << std::endl;
                OE_WARN << LC << reader->className() << " failed to read image from " << location << std::endl;
                result = ReadResult(ReadResult::RESULT_READER_ERROR);
        // last-modified (file time)
        TimeStamp filetime = 0;
        if ( CURLE_OK == curl_easy_getinfo(_curl_handle, CURLINFO_FILETIME, &filetime) )
            result.setLastModifiedTime( filetime );
        result = ReadResult(
            response.isCancelled() ? ReadResult::RESULT_CANCELED :
            response.getCode() == HTTPResponse::NOT_FOUND ? ReadResult::RESULT_NOT_FOUND :
            response.getCode() == HTTPResponse::SERVER_ERROR ? ReadResult::RESULT_SERVER_ERROR :
            ReadResult::RESULT_UNKNOWN_ERROR );

        //If we have an error but it's recoverable, like a server error or timeout then set the callback to retry.
        if (HTTPClient::isRecoverable( result.code() ) )
            if (callback)
                OE_DEBUG << "Error in HTTPClient for " << location << " but it's recoverable" << std::endl;
                callback->setNeedsRetry( true );

    // set the source name
    if ( result.getImage() )
        result.getImage()->setName( location );

    return result;