dmz::MBRAPluginFaultTreeAutoLayout::_update_tree (
      const Handle SuperHandle,
      const Handle SubHandle,
      const Int32 Column,
      Int32 &count) {

   ObjectModule *objMod (get_object_module ());

   if (objMod && SuperHandle && SubHandle) {

      Vector rootPos (0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

      Vector superPos;
      objMod->lookup_position (SuperHandle, _defaultAttrHandle, superPos);

      Vector offset ((Column * _hOffset), 0.0, (count * _vOffset));
      Vector topPos (rootPos + offset);

      HandleContainer children;
      objMod->lookup_sub_links (SubHandle, _linkAttrHandle, children);

      if (children.get_count ()) {

         Int32 startCount (count);

         Handle current (children.get_first ());

         while (current) {

            _update_tree (SubHandle, current, Column + 1, count);

            current = children.get_next ();

         Int32 endCount (count);

         offset.set_xyz (0.0, 0.0, ((endCount - startCount - 1) * 0.5f * _vOffset));
         objMod->store_position (SubHandle, _defaultAttrHandle, topPos + offset);

         _update_logic (SubHandle);

         _update_path (SubHandle);
      else {

         offset.set_xyz ((Column * _hOffset), 0.0, (count * _vOffset));
         objMod->store_position (SubHandle, _defaultAttrHandle, rootPos + offset);

dmz::MBRAPluginFaultTreeAutoLayout::_update_path (const Handle Object) {

   ObjectModule *objMod (get_object_module ());

   if (objMod && Object) {

      Vector rootPos;
      objMod->lookup_position (Object, _defaultAttrHandle, rootPos);
      const QPointF RootPoint (rootPos.get_x (), rootPos.get_z ());

      Vector logicPos (
         rootPos.get_x () + (0.5f * _hOffset),
         rootPos.get_y (),
         rootPos.get_z ());

      const QPointF LogicPoint (logicPos.get_x (), logicPos.get_z ());

      _path.moveTo (RootPoint);
      _path.lineTo (LogicPoint);

      HandleContainer children;
      objMod->lookup_sub_links (Object, _linkAttrHandle, children);

      if (children.get_count ()) {

         Vector pos;
         Handle current (children.get_first ());

         while (current) {

            Vector pos;
            objMod->lookup_position (current, _defaultAttrHandle, pos);
            QPointF end (pos.get_x (), pos.get_z ());

            _path.moveTo (LogicPoint);
            _path.lineTo (LogicPoint.x (), end.y ());
            _path.lineTo (end);

            current = children.get_next ();
dmz::MBRAPluginFaultTreeAutoLayout::_update_tree () {

   ObjectModule *objMod (get_object_module ());

   if (objMod && _root) {

      HandleContainer children;

      objMod->lookup_sub_links (_root, _linkAttrHandle, children);

      _path = QPainterPath ();

      Int32 count (0);

      Handle current (children.get_first ());

      while (current) {

         _update_tree (_root, current, 1, count);

         current = children.get_next ();

      Vector offset (0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

      if (count) {

         offset.set_z ((count - 1) * 0.5f * _vOffset);

      objMod->store_position (_root, _defaultAttrHandle, offset);

      _update_logic (_root);

      if (children.get_count ()) {

         _update_path (_root);

      if (_pathItem) { _pathItem->setPath (_path); }
Ejemplo n.º 4

\brief Relational "equal to" operator.
\details Test that each container has the same content and that the content is
stored in the same order.
\param[in] Container HandleContainer to test against.
\return Returns dmz::True if the two HandleContainer objects have the same content stored
in the same order.

dmz::HandleContainer::operator== (const HandleContainer &Container) const {

   Boolean result (False);

   if (get_count () == Container.get_count ()) {

      result = True;

      HandleContainerIterator it1, it2;
      Handle v1, v2;

      while (result && get_next (it1, v1) && Container.get_next (it2, v2)) {

         if (v1 != v2) { result = False; }

   return result;
Ejemplo n.º 5

\brief Tests if two HandleContainer object have the same content.
\param[in] Container HandleContainer to test against.
\return Returns dmz::True if the two HandleContainer objects have the same content.

dmz::HandleContainer::has_same_content (const HandleContainer &Container) const {

   Boolean result (False);

   if (get_count () == Container.get_count ()) {

      result = True;

      HandleContainerIterator it;
      Handle value;

      while (result && get_next (it, value)) {

         if (!Container.contains (value)) { result = False; }

   return result;
dmz::MBRAPluginFaultTreeAutoLayout::_update_logic (const Handle Parent) {

   ObjectModule *objMod (get_object_module ());

   if (objMod) {

      HandleContainer logic;
      objMod->lookup_sub_links (Parent, _logicAttrHandle, logic);

      if (logic.get_count ()) {

         Vector pos;
         objMod->lookup_position (Parent, _defaultAttrHandle, pos);

         pos.set_x (pos.get_x () + (_hOffset * 0.5f));
         objMod->store_position (logic.get_first (), _defaultAttrHandle, pos);