Ejemplo n.º 1
// This program exercises the Ref class.
int main(void) 
   CompleteSetupSystem setupSystem;

   printf("sizeof(TestItemRef)=%i\n", (int)sizeof(TestItemRef));

      printf("Checking queue...\n");
      Queue<TestItemRef> q;
      printf("Adding refs...\n");
      for (int i=0; i<10; i++) 
         char temp[50]; muscleSprintf(temp, "%i", i);
         TestItemRef tr(new TestItem(temp));
         ConstTestItemRef ctr(tr);
         ConstTestItemRef t2(ctr);
      printf("Removing refs...\n");
      while(q.HasItems()) q.RemoveHead();
      printf("Done with queue test!\n");

      printf("Checking hashtable\n");
      Hashtable<String, TestItemRef> ht;
      printf("Adding refs...\n");
      for (int i=0; i<10; i++) 
         char temp[50]; muscleSprintf(temp, "%i", i);
         ht.Put(String(temp), TestItemRef(new TestItem(temp)));
      printf("Removing refs...\n");
      for (int i=0; i<10; i++) 
         char temp[50]; muscleSprintf(temp, "%i", i);
      printf("Done with hash table test!\n");
   printf("Beginning multithreaded object usage test...\n");
      const uint32 NUM_THREADS = 50;
      TestThread threads[NUM_THREADS]; 
      for (uint32 i=0; i<NUM_THREADS; i++) threads[i].StartInternalThread();
      for (uint32 i=0; i<NUM_THREADS; i++) threads[i].ShutdownInternalThread();
      printf("Multithreaded object usage test complete.\n");

   printf("testrefcount complete, bye!\n");
   return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void StdinDataIO :: Close()
   if ((_stdinBlocking == false)&&(_slaveSocketsMutex.Lock() == B_NO_ERROR))
      // Note that I deliberately let the Stdin thread keep running, since there's no clean way to stop it from another thread.
Ejemplo n.º 3
// This program exercises the Hashtable class.
int main(int argc, char ** argv)
   CompleteSetupSystem css;

   Message temp; if (ParseArgs(argc, argv, temp) == B_NO_ERROR) HandleStandardDaemonArgs(temp);

   if (temp.HasName("inter")) return DoInteractiveTest();

   // Make sure that setting equal to an empty Hashtable clears the buffer (FogBugz #10274)
      Hashtable<String,String> table;
      for (int32 i=0; i<1000; i++) table.Put(String("xxx%1").Arg(i), "foo");
      printf("After population of " UINT32_FORMAT_SPEC " items, table size is " UINT32_FORMAT_SPEC "\n", table.GetNumItems(), table.GetNumAllocatedItemSlots());
      if (table.ShrinkToFit() == B_NO_ERROR) printf("After shrink-to-fit, table allocation is " UINT32_FORMAT_SPEC " for " UINT32_FORMAT_SPEC " items\n", table.GetNumAllocatedItemSlots(), table.GetNumItems());
                                        else printf("Shrink-to-fit failed!?\n");

      printf("Before copy-from-empty, table allocation is " UINT32_FORMAT_SPEC "\n", table.GetNumAllocatedItemSlots()); 
      table = GetDefaultObjectForType< Hashtable<String,String> > ();
      printf(" After copy-from-empty, table allocation is " UINT32_FORMAT_SPEC "\n", table.GetNumAllocatedItemSlots()); 

   // Test C++11 move semantics to make sure they aren't stealing
      String key = "key";
      String value = "value";
      Hashtable<String,String> table;
      table.Put(key, value);
      if (key != "key") {printf("ERROR, Hashtable stole my key!\n"); exit(10);}
      if (value != "value") {printf("ERROR, Hashtable stole my value!\n"); exit(10);}

   // Test muscleSwap()
   TestMuscleSwap<Hashtable<String,String> >("Hashtable");
   TestMuscleSwap<OrderedKeysHashtable<String,String> >("OrderedKeysHashtable");
   TestMuscleSwap<OrderedValuesHashtable<String,String> >("OrderedValuesHashtable");

   // Test iterator behaviour when deleting keys

      LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_INFO, "Testing a keys-only Hashtable value...\n");

      Hashtable<int, Void> keysOnly;
      printf("sizeof(keysOnly)=%u\n", (unsigned int) sizeof(keysOnly));
      for (HashtableIterator<int, Void> iter(keysOnly); iter.HasData(); iter++)  printf("key=%i\n", iter.GetKey());

      LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_INFO, "Testing Tuple as a Hashtable key...\n");

      // A quick test of the Tuple class as a Hashtable key
      typedef Tuple<2,int> MyType;
      Hashtable<MyType, int> tupleTable;

      MyType a; a[0] = 5; a[1] = 6;
      MyType b; b[0] = 7; b[1] = 8;
      tupleTable.Put(a, 1);
      tupleTable.Put(b, 2);
      for (HashtableIterator<MyType, int> iter(tupleTable); iter.HasData(); iter++)  
         const MyType & key = iter.GetKey();
         printf("key=%i,%i val=%i\n", key[0], key[1], iter.GetValue());
      int * ra = tupleTable.Get(a);
      int * rb = tupleTable.Get(b);
      printf("tuple: ra=[%i] rb=[%i]\n", ra?*ra:666, rb?*rb:666);

      LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_INFO, "Testing Rect as a Hashtable key...\n");

      // A quick test of the Tuple class as a Hashtable key
      Hashtable<Rect, int> tupleTable;

      Rect a(1,2,3,4);
      Rect b(5,6,7,8);
      tupleTable.Put(a, 1);
      tupleTable.Put(b, 2);
      for (HashtableIterator<Rect, int> iter(tupleTable); iter.HasData(); iter++)  
         const Rect & key = iter.GetKey();
         printf("key=%f,%f,%f,%f val=%i\n", key.left(), key.top(), key.right(), key.bottom(), iter.GetValue());
      int * ra = tupleTable.Get(a);
      int * rb = tupleTable.Get(b);
      printf("Rect: ra=[%p] rb=[%p]\n", ra, rb);

      LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_INFO, "Testing Point as a Hashtable key...\n");

      // A quick test of the Tuple class as a Hashtable key
      Hashtable<Point, int> tupleTable;

      Point a(9,10);
      Point b(-11,-12);
      tupleTable.Put(a, 1);
      tupleTable.Put(b, 2);
      for (HashtableIterator<Point, int> iter(tupleTable); iter.HasData(); iter++)  
         const Point & key = iter.GetKey();
         printf("key=%f,%f val=%i\n", key.x(), key.y(), iter.GetValue());
      int * ra = tupleTable.Get(a);
      int * rb = tupleTable.Get(b);
      printf("Point: ra=[%p] rb=[%p]\n", ra, rb);

      LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_INFO, "Preparing large table for sort...\n");

      const uint32 numItems = 100000;
      Hashtable<int, Void> table; (void) table.EnsureSize(100000);
      for (uint32 i=0; i<numItems; i++) table.PutWithDefault((int)rand());
      uint32 actualNumItems = table.GetNumItems();  // may be smaller than numItems, due to duplicate values!
      (void) table.CountAverageLookupComparisons(true);

      LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_INFO, "Sorting...\n");
      uint64 start = GetRunTime64();
      uint64 end = GetRunTime64();

      LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_INFO, "Time to sort " UINT32_FORMAT_SPEC" items: " UINT64_FORMAT_SPEC "ms\n", numItems, (end-start)/1000);

      // Check the resulting sorted table for correctness in both directions
      CheckTable(table, actualNumItems, false);
      CheckTable(table, actualNumItems, true);

   // Test the sort algorithm for efficiency and correctness
      LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_INFO, "Preparing large table for sort...\n");

      const uint32 numItems = 100000;
      Hashtable<int, Void> table;
      for (uint32 i=0; i<numItems; i++) table.PutWithDefault((int)rand());
      uint32 actualNumItems = table.GetNumItems();  // may be smaller than numItems, due to duplicate values!

      LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_INFO, "Sorting...\n");
      uint64 start = GetRunTime64();
      uint64 end = GetRunTime64();

      LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_INFO, "Time to sort " UINT32_FORMAT_SPEC" items: " UINT64_FORMAT_SPEC "ms\n", numItems, (end-start)/1000);

      // Check the resulting sorted table for correctness in both directions
      CheckTable(table, actualNumItems, false);
      CheckTable(table, actualNumItems, true);

   Hashtable<String, String> table;
      table.Put("Hello", "World");
      table.Put("Peanut Butter", "Jelly");
      table.Put("Ham", "Eggs");
      table.Put("Pork", "Beans");
      table.Put("Slash", "Dot");
      table.Put("Data", "Mining");  
      table.Put("TestDouble", "Play");
      table.Put("Abbot", "Costello");
      table.Put("Laurel", "Hardy");
      table.Put("Thick", "Thin");
      table.Put("Butter", "Parkay");
      table.Put("Total", "Carnage");
      table.Put("Summer", "Time");
      table.Put("Terrible", "Twos");

      printf("table[\"Summer\"] = [%s]\n", table["Summer"]());
      printf("table[\"Butter\"] = [%s]\n", table["Butter"]());
      printf("table[\"Total\"]  = [%s]\n", table["Total"]());
      printf("table[\"Winter\"] = [%s] (should be blank!)\n", table["Winter"]());

      if (table.GetNumItems() != 14)
         LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_CRITICALERROR, "String table has %i entries in it, expected 14!\n", table.GetNumItems());

         LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_INFO, "Test partial backwards iteration\n");
         for (HashtableIterator<String, String> iter(table, "Slash", HTIT_FLAG_BACKWARDS); iter.HasData(); iter++) LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_INFO,"[%s] <-> [%s]\n", iter.GetKey()(), iter.GetValue()());

      String lookup;
      if (table.Get(String("Hello"), lookup) == B_NO_ERROR) LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_DEBUG, "Hello -> %s\n", lookup());
                                                       else bomb("Lookup 1 failed.\n");
      if (table.Get(String("Peanut Butter"), lookup) == B_NO_ERROR) LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_DEBUG, "Peanut Butter -> %s\n", lookup());
                                                               else bomb("Lookup 2 failed.\n");

      LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_INFO, "Testing delete-as-you-go traveral\n");
      for (HashtableIterator<String, String> st(table); st.HasData(); st++)
         LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_INFO, "t3 = %s -> %s (tableSize=" UINT32_FORMAT_SPEC")\n", st.GetKey()(), st.GetValue()(), table.GetNumItems());
         if (table.Remove(st.GetKey()) != B_NO_ERROR) bomb("Could not remove string!\n");
#if 0
         for (HashtableIterator<String,String> st2(table); st2.HasData(); st2++) printf("  tx = %s -> %s\n", nextKeyString(), nextValueString());

      Hashtable<uint32, const char *> sillyTable;
      sillyTable.Put(15, "Fifteen");
      sillyTable.Put(100, "One Hundred");
      sillyTable.Put(150, "One Hundred and Fifty");
      sillyTable.Put(200, "Two Hundred");
      sillyTable.Put((uint32)-1, "2^32 - 1!");
      if (sillyTable.ContainsKey((uint32)-1) == false) bomb("large value failed!");

      const char * temp = NULL;
      sillyTable.Get(100, temp);
      sillyTable.Get(101, temp); // will fail
      printf("100 -> %s\n",temp);

      printf("Entries in sillyTable:\n");
      for (HashtableIterator<uint32, const char *> it(sillyTable); it.HasData(); it++)
         const char * nextValue = NULL;
         status_t ret = sillyTable.Get(it.GetKey(), nextValue);
         printf("%i %s: " UINT32_FORMAT_SPEC" -> %s\n", it.HasData(), (ret == B_NO_ERROR) ? "OK" : "ERROR", it.GetKey(), nextValue);

      const uint32 NUM_ITEMS = 1000000;
      const uint32 NUM_RUNS  = 3;
      Hashtable<int, int> testCopy;
      Hashtable<String, double> tallies;
      for (uint32 t=0; t<NUM_RUNS; t++)
         Hashtable<int, int> table; (void) table.EnsureSize(NUM_ITEMS);

         uint64 startTime = GetRunTime64();
         srand(0); for (uint32 i=0; i<NUM_ITEMS; i++) table.Put(rand(), rand());  // we want this to be repeatable, hence srand(0)
         AddTally(tallies, "place", startTime, NUM_ITEMS);
         startTime = GetRunTime64();
         AddTally(tallies, "sort", startTime, NUM_ITEMS);

         startTime = GetRunTime64();
         testCopy = table;  // just to make sure copying a table works
         AddTally(tallies, "copy", startTime, NUM_ITEMS);

         startTime = GetRunTime64();
         if (testCopy != table) bomb("Copy was not the same!");
         AddTally(tallies, "compare", startTime, NUM_ITEMS);

         startTime = GetRunTime64();
         if (testCopy.IsEqualTo(table, true) == false) bomb("Copy was not the same, considering ordering!");
         AddTally(tallies, "o-compare", startTime, NUM_ITEMS);

         startTime = GetRunTime64();
         AddTally(tallies, "clear", startTime, NUM_ITEMS);
      for (HashtableIterator<String, double> iter(tallies); iter.HasData(); iter++) printf("   %f items/second for %s\n", iter.GetValue()/NUM_RUNS, iter.GetKey()());

   // Now some timing test with String keys and values, for testing of the C++11 move semantics
   PrintAndClearStringCopyCounts("Before String Sort test");
      const uint32 NUM_ITEMS = 1000000;
      const uint32 NUM_RUNS  = 3;
      Hashtable<String, String> testCopy;
      Hashtable<String, double> tallies;
      for (uint32 t=0; t<NUM_RUNS; t++)
         Hashtable<String, String> table; (void) table.EnsureSize(NUM_ITEMS);

         uint64 startTime = GetRunTime64();
         srand(0); for (uint32 i=0; i<NUM_ITEMS; i++) table.Put(String("%1").Arg(rand()), String("%1").Arg(rand()));  // we want this to be repeatable, hence srand(0)
         AddTally(tallies, "place", startTime, NUM_ITEMS);
         startTime = GetRunTime64();
         AddTally(tallies, "sort", startTime, NUM_ITEMS);

         startTime = GetRunTime64();
         testCopy = table;  // just to make sure copying a table works
         AddTally(tallies, "copy", startTime, NUM_ITEMS);

         startTime = GetRunTime64();
         if (testCopy != table) bomb("Copy was not the same!");
         AddTally(tallies, "compare", startTime, NUM_ITEMS);

         startTime = GetRunTime64();
         if (testCopy.IsEqualTo(table, true) == false) bomb("Copy was not the same, considering ordering!");
         AddTally(tallies, "o-compare", startTime, NUM_ITEMS);

         startTime = GetRunTime64();
         AddTally(tallies, "clear", startTime, NUM_ITEMS);
      for (HashtableIterator<String, double> iter(tallies); iter.HasData(); iter++) printf("   STRING %f items/second for %s\n", iter.GetValue()/NUM_RUNS, iter.GetKey()());
   PrintAndClearStringCopyCounts("After String Sort test");

   printf("Begin torture test!\n");
   _state = 4;
      bool fastClear = false;
      Hashtable<String, uint32> t;
      for (uint32 numEntries=1; numEntries < 1000; numEntries++)
         uint32 half = numEntries/2;
         bool ok = true;

         printf(UINT32_FORMAT_SPEC" ", numEntries); fflush(stdout);
         _state = 5;
            for(uint32 i=0; i<numEntries; i++)
               char temp[300];
               muscleSprintf(temp, UINT32_FORMAT_SPEC, i);
               if (t.Put(temp, i) != B_NO_ERROR)
                  printf("Whoops, (hopefully simulated) memory failure!  (Put(" UINT32_FORMAT_SPEC"/" UINT32_FORMAT_SPEC") failed) ... recovering\n", i, numEntries);

                  ok = false;
                  numEntries--;  // let's do this one over
                  half = i;    // so the remove code won't freak out about not everything being there

         if (ok)
            //printf("Checking that all entries are still there...\n");
            _state = 6;
               if (t.GetNumItems() != numEntries) bomb("ERROR, WRONG SIZE %i vs %i!\n", t.GetNumItems(), numEntries);
               for (int32 i=((int32)numEntries)-1; i>=0; i--)
                  char temp[300];
                  muscleSprintf(temp, UINT32_FORMAT_SPEC, i);
                  uint32 tv = 0;
                  if (t.Get(temp, tv) != B_NO_ERROR) bomb("ERROR, MISSING KEY [%s]\n", temp);
                  if (tv != ((uint32)i)) bomb("ERROR, WRONG KEY %s != " UINT32_FORMAT_SPEC"!\n", temp, tv);
            //printf("Iterating through table...\n");
            _state = 7;
               uint32 count = 0;
               for (HashtableIterator<String, uint32> iter(t); iter.HasData(); iter++)
                  char buf[300];
                  muscleSprintf(buf, UINT32_FORMAT_SPEC, count);
                  if (iter.GetKey() != buf) bomb("ERROR:  iteration was wrong, item " UINT32_FORMAT_SPEC" was [%s] not [%s]!\n", count, iter.GetKey()(), buf);
                  if (iter.GetValue() != count) bomb("ERROR:  iteration value was wrong, item " UINT32_FORMAT_SPEC" was " UINT32_FORMAT_SPEC" not " UINT32_FORMAT_SPEC"!i!\n", count, iter.GetValue(), count);

            //printf("Removing the second half of the entries...\n");
            _state = 8;
               for (uint32 i=half; i<numEntries; i++)
                  char temp[64];
                  muscleSprintf(temp, UINT32_FORMAT_SPEC, i);
                  uint32 tv = 0;  // just to shut the compiler up
                  if (t.Remove(temp, tv) != B_NO_ERROR) bomb("ERROR, MISSING REMOVE KEY [%s] A\n", temp);
                  if (tv != i) bomb("ERROR, REMOVE WAS WRONG VALUE " UINT32_FORMAT_SPEC"\n", tv);

            //printf("Iterating over only first half...\n");
            _state = 9;
               uint32 sum = 0; 
               for (uint32 i=0; i<half; i++) sum += i;

               uint32 count = 0, checkSum = 0;
               for (HashtableIterator<String, uint32> iter(t); iter.HasData(); iter++)
                  checkSum += iter.GetValue();
               if (count != half) bomb("ERROR: Count mismatch " UINT32_FORMAT_SPEC" vs " UINT32_FORMAT_SPEC"!\n", count, numEntries);
               if (checkSum != sum)     bomb("ERROR: Sum mismatch " UINT32_FORMAT_SPEC" vs " UINT32_FORMAT_SPEC"!\n", sum, checkSum);

         //printf("Clearing Table (%s)\n", fastClear ? "Quickly" : "Slowly"); 
         _state = 10;
         if (fastClear) t.Clear();
            for (uint32 i=0; i<half; i++)
               char temp[300];
               muscleSprintf(temp, UINT32_FORMAT_SPEC, i);
               uint32 tv = 0;  // just to shut the compiler up
               if (t.Remove(temp, tv) != B_NO_ERROR) bomb("ERROR, MISSING REMOVE KEY [%s] (" UINT32_FORMAT_SPEC"/" UINT32_FORMAT_SPEC") B\n", temp, i, half);
               if (tv != i) bomb("ERROR, REMOVE WAS WRONG VALUE " UINT32_FORMAT_SPEC"\n", tv);

         HashtableIterator<String, uint32> paranoia(t);
         if (paranoia.HasData()) bomb("ERROR, ITERATOR CONTAINED ITEMS AFTER CLEAR!\n");

         if (t.HasItems()) bomb("ERROR, SIZE WAS NON-ZERO (" UINT32_FORMAT_SPEC") AFTER CLEAR!\n", t.GetNumItems());
         fastClear = !fastClear;
      printf("Finished torture test successfully!\n");

   printf("Thread-safe hashtable iterators were disabled at compile time, so I won't test them!\n");
   return 0;
   return DoThreadTest();
Ejemplo n.º 4
static void TestIteratorSanityOnRemoval(bool backwards)
   LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_INFO, "Testing iterator sanity (direction=%s)\n", backwards?"backwards":"forwards");

   static const uint32 COUNT = 100;
   for (uint32 i=0; i<COUNT; i++)
      Hashtable<int32, int32> table;
      for (uint32 j=0; j<COUNT; j++) table.Put(j, j+COUNT);

      uint32 numPairsFound = 0;
      int32 prevKey = backwards ? (int32)COUNT : -1;
      LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_DEBUG, " Beginning traversal...\n");
      for(HashtableIterator<int32,int32> iter(table, backwards?HTIT_FLAG_BACKWARDS:0); iter.HasData(); iter++)
         int32 expectedKey = (backwards?(prevKey-1):(prevKey+1));
         int32 gotKey      = iter.GetKey();
         int32 gotValue    = iter.GetValue();

         LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_TRACE, "  Iter returned " INT32_FORMAT_SPEC" -> " INT32_FORMAT_SPEC"\n", iter.GetKey(), iter.GetValue());
         if (gotKey != expectedKey)
            LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_CRITICALERROR, "Expected key=" INT32_FORMAT_SPEC", got key=" INT32_FORMAT_SPEC" (value=" UINT32_FORMAT_SPEC")\n", expectedKey, gotKey, gotValue);

         if ((gotKey%(i+1))==0) {LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_TRACE, "    -> Deleting key=" INT32_FORMAT_SPEC"\n", gotKey); table.Remove(gotKey);}

         prevKey = gotKey;
      if (numPairsFound != COUNT)
         LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_CRITICALERROR, "Expected to iterate across " UINT32_FORMAT_SPEC" pairs, only saw " UINT32_FORMAT_SPEC"!\n", COUNT, numPairsFound);
Ejemplo n.º 5
static unsigned __stdcall StdinThreadEntryFunc(void *)
   if (_stdinHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
      DWORD oldConsoleMode = 0;
      GetConsoleMode(_stdinHandle, &oldConsoleMode);
      SetConsoleMode(_stdinHandle, oldConsoleMode | ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT | ENABLE_LINE_INPUT | ENABLE_PROCESSED_INPUT);

      // The only time this thread is allowed to exit is if stdin is closed.  Otherwise it runs until the
      // process terminates, because Windows has no way to unblock the call to ReadFile()!
      Hashtable<uint32, ConstSocketRef> temp;  // declared out here only to avoid reallocations on every loop iteration
      char buf[4096];
      DWORD numBytesRead;
      while(ReadFile(_stdinHandle, buf, sizeof(buf), &numBytesRead, NULL))
         // Grab a temporary copy of the listeners-set.  That we we don't risk blocking in SendData() while holding the mutex.
         if (_slaveSocketsMutex.Lock() == B_NO_ERROR)
            temp = _slaveSockets;

         // Now send the data we read from stdin to all the registered sockets
         bool trim = false;
         for (HashtableIterator<uint32, ConstSocketRef> iter(temp); iter.HasData(); iter++) if (SendData(iter.GetValue(), buf, numBytesRead, true) != numBytesRead) {trim = true; iter.GetValue().Reset();}

         // Lastly, remove from the registered-sockets-set any sockets that SendData() errored out on.
         // This will cause the socket connection to be closed and the master thread(s) to be notified.
         if ((trim)&&(_slaveSocketsMutex.Lock() == B_NO_ERROR))
            for (HashtableIterator<uint32, ConstSocketRef> iter(_slaveSockets); iter.HasData(); iter++)
               const ConstSocketRef * v = temp.Get(iter.GetKey());
               if ((v)&&(v->IsValid() == false)) (void) _slaveSockets.Remove(iter.GetKey());

         temp.Clear();  // it's important not to have extra Refs hanging around in case the process exits!

      // Restore the old console mode before we leave
      SetConsoleMode(_stdinHandle, oldConsoleMode);

   // Oops, stdin failed... clear the slave sockets table so that the client objects will know to close up shop
   if (_slaveSocketsMutex.Lock() == B_NO_ERROR)
      _stdinThreadStatus = STDIN_THREAD_STATUS_EXITED;

      // We'll close our own handle, thankyouverymuch
      if (_slaveThread != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
         _slaveThread = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;

      if (_stdinHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
         _stdinHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;

   return 0;