Ejemplo n.º 1
void clang::ApplyHeaderSearchOptions(HeaderSearch &HS,
                                     const HeaderSearchOptions &HSOpts,
                                     const LangOptions &Lang,
                                     const llvm::Triple &Triple) {
  InitHeaderSearch Init(HS, HSOpts.Verbose, HSOpts.Sysroot);

  // Add the user defined entries.
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = HSOpts.UserEntries.size(); i != e; ++i) {
    const HeaderSearchOptions::Entry &E = HSOpts.UserEntries[i];
    Init.AddPath(E.Path, E.Group, !E.ImplicitExternC, E.IsUserSupplied,
                 E.IsFramework, E.IgnoreSysRoot);

  Init.AddDefaultIncludePaths(Lang, Triple, HSOpts);

  for (unsigned i = 0, e = HSOpts.SystemHeaderPrefixes.size(); i != e; ++i)

  if (HSOpts.UseBuiltinIncludes) {
    // Set up the builtin include directory in the module map.
    llvm::sys::Path P(HSOpts.ResourceDir);
    if (const DirectoryEntry *Dir = HS.getFileMgr().getDirectory(P.str()))

Ejemplo n.º 2
void clang::ApplyHeaderSearchOptions(HeaderSearch &HS,
                                     const HeaderSearchOptions &HSOpts,
                                     const LangOptions &Lang,
                                     const llvm::Triple &Triple) {
  InitHeaderSearch Init(HS, HSOpts.Verbose, HSOpts.Sysroot);

  // Add the user defined entries.
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = HSOpts.UserEntries.size(); i != e; ++i) {
    const HeaderSearchOptions::Entry &E = HSOpts.UserEntries[i];
    if (E.IgnoreSysRoot) {
      Init.AddUnmappedPath(E.Path, E.Group, E.IsFramework);
    } else {
      Init.AddPath(E.Path, E.Group, E.IsFramework);

  Init.AddDefaultIncludePaths(Lang, Triple, HSOpts);

  for (unsigned i = 0, e = HSOpts.SystemHeaderPrefixes.size(); i != e; ++i)

  if (HSOpts.UseBuiltinIncludes) {
    // Set up the builtin include directory in the module map.
    SmallString<128> P = StringRef(HSOpts.ResourceDir);
    llvm::sys::path::append(P, "include");
    if (const DirectoryEntry *Dir = HS.getFileMgr().getDirectory(P.str()))

Ejemplo n.º 3
Preprocessor::Preprocessor(Diagnostic &diags, const LangOptions &opts,
                           const TargetInfo &target, SourceManager &SM,
                           HeaderSearch &Headers,
                           IdentifierInfoLookup* IILookup,
                           bool OwnsHeaders)
  : Diags(&diags), Features(opts), Target(target),FileMgr(Headers.getFileMgr()),
    SourceMgr(SM), HeaderInfo(Headers), ExternalSource(0),
    Identifiers(opts, IILookup), BuiltinInfo(Target), CodeCompletionFile(0),
    CurPPLexer(0), CurDirLookup(0), Callbacks(0), MacroArgCache(0), Record(0) {
  ScratchBuf = new ScratchBuffer(SourceMgr);
  CounterValue = 0; // __COUNTER__ starts at 0.
  OwnsHeaderSearch = OwnsHeaders;

  // Clear stats.
  NumDirectives = NumDefined = NumUndefined = NumPragma = 0;
  NumIf = NumElse = NumEndif = 0;
  NumEnteredSourceFiles = 0;
  NumMacroExpanded = NumFnMacroExpanded = NumBuiltinMacroExpanded = 0;
  NumFastMacroExpanded = NumTokenPaste = NumFastTokenPaste = 0;
  MaxIncludeStackDepth = 0;
  NumSkipped = 0;

  // Default to discarding comments.
  KeepComments = false;
  KeepMacroComments = false;

  // Macro expansion is enabled.
  DisableMacroExpansion = false;
  InMacroArgs = false;
  NumCachedTokenLexers = 0;

  CachedLexPos = 0;

  // We haven't read anything from the external source.
  ReadMacrosFromExternalSource = false;

  // "Poison" __VA_ARGS__, which can only appear in the expansion of a macro.
  // This gets unpoisoned where it is allowed.
  (Ident__VA_ARGS__ = getIdentifierInfo("__VA_ARGS__"))->setIsPoisoned();

  // Initialize the pragma handlers.
  PragmaHandlers = new PragmaNamespace(0);

  // Initialize builtin macros like __LINE__ and friends.
Ejemplo n.º 4
Preprocessor::Preprocessor(DiagnosticsEngine &diags, LangOptions &opts,
                           const TargetInfo *target, SourceManager &SM,
                           HeaderSearch &Headers, ModuleLoader &TheModuleLoader,
                           IdentifierInfoLookup* IILookup,
                           bool OwnsHeaders,
                           bool DelayInitialization)
  : Diags(&diags), Features(opts), Target(target),FileMgr(Headers.getFileMgr()),
    SourceMgr(SM), HeaderInfo(Headers), TheModuleLoader(TheModuleLoader),
    Identifiers(opts, IILookup), CodeComplete(0),
    CodeCompletionFile(0), CodeCompletionOffset(0), CodeCompletionReached(0),
    SkipMainFilePreamble(0, true), CurPPLexer(0), 
    CurDirLookup(0), CurLexerKind(CLK_Lexer), Callbacks(0), MacroArgCache(0), 
    Record(0), MIChainHead(0), MICache(0) 
  OwnsHeaderSearch = OwnsHeaders;
  if (!DelayInitialization) {
    assert(Target && "Must provide target information for PP initialization");
Ejemplo n.º 5
Preprocessor::Preprocessor(std::shared_ptr<PreprocessorOptions> PPOpts,
                           DiagnosticsEngine &diags, LangOptions &opts,
                           SourceManager &SM, HeaderSearch &Headers,
                           ModuleLoader &TheModuleLoader,
                           IdentifierInfoLookup *IILookup, bool OwnsHeaders,
                           TranslationUnitKind TUKind)
    : PPOpts(std::move(PPOpts)), Diags(&diags), LangOpts(opts), Target(nullptr),
      AuxTarget(nullptr), FileMgr(Headers.getFileMgr()), SourceMgr(SM),
      ScratchBuf(new ScratchBuffer(SourceMgr)), HeaderInfo(Headers),
      TheModuleLoader(TheModuleLoader), ExternalSource(nullptr),
      Identifiers(opts, IILookup),
      PragmaHandlers(new PragmaNamespace(StringRef())),
      IncrementalProcessing(false), TUKind(TUKind), CodeComplete(nullptr),
      CodeCompletionFile(nullptr), CodeCompletionOffset(0),
      LastTokenWasAt(false), ModuleImportExpectsIdentifier(false),
      CodeCompletionReached(false), CodeCompletionII(nullptr),
      MainFileDir(nullptr), SkipMainFilePreamble(0, true), CurPPLexer(nullptr),
      CurDirLookup(nullptr), CurLexerKind(CLK_Lexer), CurSubmodule(nullptr),
      Callbacks(nullptr), CurSubmoduleState(&NullSubmoduleState),
      MacroArgCache(nullptr), Record(nullptr), MIChainHead(nullptr),
      DeserialMIChainHead(nullptr) {
  OwnsHeaderSearch = OwnsHeaders;
  CounterValue = 0; // __COUNTER__ starts at 0.
  // Clear stats.
  NumDirectives = NumDefined = NumUndefined = NumPragma = 0;
  NumIf = NumElse = NumEndif = 0;
  NumEnteredSourceFiles = 0;
  NumMacroExpanded = NumFnMacroExpanded = NumBuiltinMacroExpanded = 0;
  NumFastMacroExpanded = NumTokenPaste = NumFastTokenPaste = 0;
  MaxIncludeStackDepth = 0;
  NumSkipped = 0;
  // Default to discarding comments.
  KeepComments = false;
  KeepMacroComments = false;
  SuppressIncludeNotFoundError = false;
  // Macro expansion is enabled.
  DisableMacroExpansion = false;
  MacroExpansionInDirectivesOverride = false;
  InMacroArgs = false;
  InMacroArgPreExpansion = false;
  NumCachedTokenLexers = 0;
  PragmasEnabled = true;
  ParsingIfOrElifDirective = false;
  PreprocessedOutput = false;

  CachedLexPos = 0;

  // We haven't read anything from the external source.
  ReadMacrosFromExternalSource = false;
  // "Poison" __VA_ARGS__, which can only appear in the expansion of a macro.
  // This gets unpoisoned where it is allowed.
  (Ident__VA_ARGS__ = getIdentifierInfo("__VA_ARGS__"))->setIsPoisoned();
  // Initialize the pragma handlers.
  // Initialize builtin macros like __LINE__ and friends.
  if(LangOpts.Borland) {
    Ident__exception_info        = getIdentifierInfo("_exception_info");
    Ident___exception_info       = getIdentifierInfo("__exception_info");
    Ident_GetExceptionInfo       = getIdentifierInfo("GetExceptionInformation");
    Ident__exception_code        = getIdentifierInfo("_exception_code");
    Ident___exception_code       = getIdentifierInfo("__exception_code");
    Ident_GetExceptionCode       = getIdentifierInfo("GetExceptionCode");
    Ident__abnormal_termination  = getIdentifierInfo("_abnormal_termination");
    Ident___abnormal_termination = getIdentifierInfo("__abnormal_termination");
    Ident_AbnormalTermination    = getIdentifierInfo("AbnormalTermination");
  } else {
    Ident__exception_info = Ident__exception_code = nullptr;
    Ident__abnormal_termination = Ident___exception_info = nullptr;
    Ident___exception_code = Ident___abnormal_termination = nullptr;
    Ident_GetExceptionInfo = Ident_GetExceptionCode = nullptr;
    Ident_AbnormalTermination = nullptr;
Ejemplo n.º 6
Preprocessor::Preprocessor(DiagnosticsEngine &diags, LangOptions &opts,
                           const TargetInfo *target, SourceManager &SM,
                           HeaderSearch &Headers, ModuleLoader &TheModuleLoader,
                           IdentifierInfoLookup* IILookup,
                           bool OwnsHeaders,
                           bool DelayInitialization,
                           bool IncrProcessing)
    : Diags(&diags), LangOpts(opts), Target(target),FileMgr(Headers.getFileMgr()),
      SourceMgr(SM), HeaderInfo(Headers), TheModuleLoader(TheModuleLoader),
      ExternalSource(0), Identifiers(opts, IILookup),
      IncrementalProcessing(IncrProcessing), CodeComplete(0),
      CodeCompletionFile(0), CodeCompletionOffset(0), CodeCompletionReached(0),
      SkipMainFilePreamble(0, true), CurPPLexer(0),
      CurDirLookup(0), CurLexerKind(CLK_Lexer), Callbacks(0), MacroArgCache(0),
      Record(0), MIChainHead(0), MICache(0)
    OwnsHeaderSearch = OwnsHeaders;

    ScratchBuf = new ScratchBuffer(SourceMgr);
    CounterValue = 0; // __COUNTER__ starts at 0.

    // Clear stats.
    NumDirectives = NumDefined = NumUndefined = NumPragma = 0;
    NumIf = NumElse = NumEndif = 0;
    NumEnteredSourceFiles = 0;
    NumMacroExpanded = NumFnMacroExpanded = NumBuiltinMacroExpanded = 0;
    NumFastMacroExpanded = NumTokenPaste = NumFastTokenPaste = 0;
    MaxIncludeStackDepth = 0;
    NumSkipped = 0;

    // Default to discarding comments.
    KeepComments = false;
    KeepMacroComments = false;
    SuppressIncludeNotFoundError = false;

    // Macro expansion is enabled.
    DisableMacroExpansion = false;
    InMacroArgs = false;
    InMacroArgPreExpansion = false;
    NumCachedTokenLexers = 0;

    CachedLexPos = 0;

    // We haven't read anything from the external source.
    ReadMacrosFromExternalSource = false;

    // "Poison" __VA_ARGS__, which can only appear in the expansion of a macro.
    // This gets unpoisoned where it is allowed.
    (Ident__VA_ARGS__ = getIdentifierInfo("__VA_ARGS__"))->setIsPoisoned();

    // Initialize the pragma handlers.
    PragmaHandlers = new PragmaNamespace(StringRef());

    // Initialize builtin macros like __LINE__ and friends.

    if(LangOpts.Borland) {
        Ident__exception_info        = getIdentifierInfo("_exception_info");
        Ident___exception_info       = getIdentifierInfo("__exception_info");
        Ident_GetExceptionInfo       = getIdentifierInfo("GetExceptionInformation");
        Ident__exception_code        = getIdentifierInfo("_exception_code");
        Ident___exception_code       = getIdentifierInfo("__exception_code");
        Ident_GetExceptionCode       = getIdentifierInfo("GetExceptionCode");
        Ident__abnormal_termination  = getIdentifierInfo("_abnormal_termination");
        Ident___abnormal_termination = getIdentifierInfo("__abnormal_termination");
        Ident_AbnormalTermination    = getIdentifierInfo("AbnormalTermination");
    } else {
        Ident__exception_info = Ident__exception_code = Ident__abnormal_termination = 0;
        Ident___exception_info = Ident___exception_code = Ident___abnormal_termination = 0;
        Ident_GetExceptionInfo = Ident_GetExceptionCode = Ident_AbnormalTermination = 0;

    if (!DelayInitialization) {
        assert(Target && "Must provide target information for PP initialization");
Ejemplo n.º 7
Preprocessor::Preprocessor(std::shared_ptr<PreprocessorOptions> PPOpts,
                           DiagnosticsEngine &diags, LangOptions &opts,
                           SourceManager &SM, MemoryBufferCache &PCMCache,
                           HeaderSearch &Headers, ModuleLoader &TheModuleLoader,
                           IdentifierInfoLookup *IILookup, bool OwnsHeaders,
                           TranslationUnitKind TUKind)
    : PPOpts(std::move(PPOpts)), Diags(&diags), LangOpts(opts),
      FileMgr(Headers.getFileMgr()), SourceMgr(SM), PCMCache(PCMCache),
      ScratchBuf(new ScratchBuffer(SourceMgr)), HeaderInfo(Headers),
      TheModuleLoader(TheModuleLoader), ExternalSource(nullptr),
      // As the language options may have not been loaded yet (when
      // deserializing an ASTUnit), adding keywords to the identifier table is
      // deferred to Preprocessor::Initialize().
      Identifiers(IILookup), PragmaHandlers(new PragmaNamespace(StringRef())),
      TUKind(TUKind), SkipMainFilePreamble(0, true),
      CurSubmoduleState(&NullSubmoduleState) {
  OwnsHeaderSearch = OwnsHeaders;

  // Default to discarding comments.
  KeepComments = false;
  KeepMacroComments = false;
  SuppressIncludeNotFoundError = false;

  // Macro expansion is enabled.
  DisableMacroExpansion = false;
  MacroExpansionInDirectivesOverride = false;
  InMacroArgs = false;
  ArgMacro = nullptr;
  InMacroArgPreExpansion = false;
  NumCachedTokenLexers = 0;
  PragmasEnabled = true;
  ParsingIfOrElifDirective = false;
  PreprocessedOutput = false;

  // We haven't read anything from the external source.
  ReadMacrosFromExternalSource = false;

  // "Poison" __VA_ARGS__, __VA_OPT__ which can only appear in the expansion of
  // a macro. They get unpoisoned where it is allowed.
  (Ident__VA_ARGS__ = getIdentifierInfo("__VA_ARGS__"))->setIsPoisoned();
  if (getLangOpts().CPlusPlus2a) {
    (Ident__VA_OPT__ = getIdentifierInfo("__VA_OPT__"))->setIsPoisoned();
  } else {
    Ident__VA_OPT__ = nullptr;

  // Initialize the pragma handlers.

  // Initialize builtin macros like __LINE__ and friends.

  if(LangOpts.Borland) {
    Ident__exception_info        = getIdentifierInfo("_exception_info");
    Ident___exception_info       = getIdentifierInfo("__exception_info");
    Ident_GetExceptionInfo       = getIdentifierInfo("GetExceptionInformation");
    Ident__exception_code        = getIdentifierInfo("_exception_code");
    Ident___exception_code       = getIdentifierInfo("__exception_code");
    Ident_GetExceptionCode       = getIdentifierInfo("GetExceptionCode");
    Ident__abnormal_termination  = getIdentifierInfo("_abnormal_termination");
    Ident___abnormal_termination = getIdentifierInfo("__abnormal_termination");
    Ident_AbnormalTermination    = getIdentifierInfo("AbnormalTermination");
  } else {
    Ident__exception_info = Ident__exception_code = nullptr;
    Ident__abnormal_termination = Ident___exception_info = nullptr;
    Ident___exception_code = Ident___abnormal_termination = nullptr;
    Ident_GetExceptionInfo = Ident_GetExceptionCode = nullptr;
    Ident_AbnormalTermination = nullptr;

  // If using a PCH where a #pragma hdrstop is expected, start skipping tokens.
  if (usingPCHWithPragmaHdrStop())
    SkippingUntilPragmaHdrStop = true;

  // If using a PCH with a through header, start skipping tokens.
  if (!this->PPOpts->PCHThroughHeader.empty() &&
    SkippingUntilPCHThroughHeader = true;

  if (this->PPOpts->GeneratePreamble)