void AdaptiveSaMLParameterListInterpreter<Scalar, LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node>::SetupInitHierarchy(Hierarchy & H) const {
    TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(!H.GetLevel(0)->IsAvailable("A"), Exceptions::RuntimeError, "No fine level operator");

    RCP<Level>    l  = H.GetLevel(0);
    RCP<Operator> Op = l->Get<RCP<Operator> >("A");
    SetupOperator(*Op); // use overloaded SetupMatrix routine

    // Setup Hierarchy
    H.SetMaxCoarseSize(this->maxCoarseSize_); // TODO

    int  levelID     = 0;
    int  lastLevelID = this->numDesiredLevel_ - 1;
    bool isLastLevel = false;

    while(!isLastLevel) {
      bool r = H.Setup(levelID,
          InitLvlMngr(levelID-1, lastLevelID),
          InitLvlMngr(levelID,   lastLevelID),
          InitLvlMngr(levelID+1, lastLevelID));

      isLastLevel = r || (levelID == lastLevelID);
    //! Setup Hierarchy object
    virtual void SetupHierarchy(Hierarchy& H) const {
      TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(!H.GetLevel(0)->IsAvailable("A"), Exceptions::RuntimeError, "No fine level operator");

      // Setup Matrix
      // TODO: I should certainly undo this somewhere...
      RCP<Level>  l  = H.GetLevel(0);
      RCP<Matrix> Op = l->Get<RCP<Matrix> >("A");

      Xpetra::UnderlyingLib lib = Op->getRowMap()->lib();


      // Setup Hierarchy
      if (graphOutputLevel_ >= 0)
        H.EnableGraphDumping("dep_graph.dot", graphOutputLevel_);

      // TODO: coarsestLevelManager


      int  levelID     = 0;
      int  lastLevelID = numDesiredLevel_ - 1;
      bool isLastLevel = false;

      while (!isLastLevel) {
        bool r = H.Setup(levelID,
                         LvlMngr(levelID-1, lastLevelID),
                         LvlMngr(levelID,   lastLevelID),
                         LvlMngr(levelID+1, lastLevelID));

        isLastLevel = r || (levelID == lastLevelID);
      RCP<Teuchos::FancyOStream> fos = Teuchos::fancyOStream(Teuchos::rcpFromRef(std::cout));

      // When we reuse hierarchy, it is necessary that we don't
      // change the number of levels. We also cannot make requests
      // for coarser levels, because we don't construct all the
      // data on previous levels. For instance, let's say our first
      // run constructed three levels. If we try to do requests during
      // next setup for the fourth level, it would need Aggregates
      // which we didn't construct for level 3 because we reused P.
      // To fix this situation, we change the number of desired levels
      // here.
      numDesiredLevel_ = levelID;

      WriteData<Matrix>(H, matricesToPrint_,     "A");
      WriteData<Matrix>(H, prolongatorsToPrint_, "P");
      WriteData<Matrix>(H, restrictorsToPrint_,  "R");

    } //SetupHierarchy
Ejemplo n.º 3
    //! Setup Hierarchy object
    virtual void SetupHierarchy(Hierarchy & H) const {
      TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(!H.GetLevel(0)->IsAvailable("A"), Exceptions::RuntimeError, "No fine level operator");

      // Setup Matrix
      // TODO: I should certainly undo this somewhere...
      RCP<Level>  l  = H.GetLevel(0);
      RCP<Matrix> Op = l->Get<RCP<Matrix> >("A");

      // Setup Hierarchy
      if (graphOutputLevel_ >= 0)
        H.EnableGraphDumping("dep_graph.dot", graphOutputLevel_);

      // TODO: coarsestLevelManager

      int  levelID     = 0;
      int  lastLevelID = numDesiredLevel_ - 1;
      bool isLastLevel = false;

      while (!isLastLevel) {
        bool r = H.Setup(levelID,
                         LvlMngr(levelID-1, lastLevelID),
                         LvlMngr(levelID,   lastLevelID),
                         LvlMngr(levelID+1, lastLevelID));

        isLastLevel = r || (levelID == lastLevelID);

      WriteData<Matrix>(H, matricesToPrint_,     "A");
      WriteData<Matrix>(H, prolongatorsToPrint_, "P");
      WriteData<Matrix>(H, restrictorsToPrint_,  "R");

    } //SetupHierarchy
Ejemplo n.º 4
int main_(Teuchos::CommandLineProcessor &clp, Xpetra::UnderlyingLib lib, int argc, char *argv[]) {
#include <MueLu_UseShortNames.hpp>

  using Teuchos::RCP;
  using Teuchos::rcp;

  // MPI initialization

  Teuchos::oblackholestream blackhole;

  bool success = false;
  bool verbose = true;
  try {
    RCP< const Teuchos::Comm<int> > comm = Teuchos::DefaultComm<int>::getComm();

    // Process command line arguments
    Galeri::Xpetra::Parameters<GO> matrixParameters(clp, 81); // manage parameters of the test case
    Xpetra::Parameters             xpetraParameters(clp);     // manage parameters of xpetra

    switch (clp.parse(argc,argv)) {
      case Teuchos::CommandLineProcessor::PARSE_HELP_PRINTED:        return EXIT_SUCCESS;
      case Teuchos::CommandLineProcessor::PARSE_ERROR:
      case Teuchos::CommandLineProcessor::PARSE_UNRECOGNIZED_OPTION: return EXIT_FAILURE;
      case Teuchos::CommandLineProcessor::PARSE_SUCCESSFUL:          break;

    if (comm->getRank() == 0) std::cout << xpetraParameters << matrixParameters;

    // Setup test case (Ax = b)

    // Distribution
    RCP<const Map> map = MapFactory::Build(lib, matrixParameters.GetNumGlobalElements(), 0, comm);

    // Matrix
    RCP<Galeri::Xpetra::Problem<Map,CrsMatrixWrap,MultiVector> > Pr =
      Galeri::Xpetra::BuildProblem<SC, LO, GO, Map, CrsMatrixWrap, MultiVector>(matrixParameters.GetMatrixType(), map, matrixParameters.GetParameterList());
    RCP<Matrix> A = Pr->BuildMatrix();

    // User defined nullspace
    RCP<MultiVector> nullSpace = VectorFactory::Build(map,1); nullSpace->putScalar((SC) 1.0);

    // Define B
    RCP<Vector> X = VectorFactory::Build(map,1);
    RCP<Vector> B = VectorFactory::Build(map,1);
    A->apply(*X, *B, Teuchos::NO_TRANS, (SC)1.0, (SC)0.0);

    // X = 0
    X->putScalar((SC) 0.0);

    // Create a multigrid configuration

    // Transfer operators
    RCP<TentativePFactory> TentativePFact = rcp( new TentativePFactory() );
    RCP<SaPFactory>        SaPFact        = rcp( new SaPFactory() );
    RCP<TransPFactory>     RFact          = rcp( new TransPFactory());

    FactoryManager M;
    M.SetFactory("Ptent", TentativePFact);
    M.SetFactory("P",     SaPFact);
    M.SetFactory("R",     RFact);

    M.SetFactory("Smoother", Teuchos::null);      //skips smoother setup
    M.SetFactory("CoarseSolver", Teuchos::null);  //skips coarsest solve setup

    // Multigrid setup phase

    int startLevel = 0;
    int maxLevels = 10;

    std::cout << "=============== Setup transfers only ====================" << std::endl;

    Hierarchy H;

    RCP<Level> finestLevel = H.GetLevel();
    finestLevel->Set("A", A);
    finestLevel->Set("Nullspace", nullSpace);

    // Indicate which Hierarchy operators we want to keep
    H.Keep("P", SaPFact.get());  //SaPFact is the generating factory for P.
    H.Keep("R", RFact.get());    //RFact is the generating factory for R.
    H.Keep("Ptent", TentativePFact.get());  //SaPFact is the generating factory for P.


    std::cout << "=============== Setup smoothers only ====================" << std::endl;

    // Create a new A.
    RCP<Matrix> newA = Pr->BuildMatrix();
    finestLevel->Set("A", newA);

    // Create Gauss-Seidel smoother.
    std::string ifpackType = "RELAXATION";
    Teuchos::ParameterList ifpackList;
    ifpackList.set("relaxation: sweeps", (LO) 3);
    ifpackList.set("relaxation: damping factor", (SC) 1.0);
    RCP<SmootherPrototype> smootherPrototype = rcp(new TrilinosSmoother(ifpackType, ifpackList));

    M.SetFactory("Smoother", rcp(new SmootherFactory(smootherPrototype)));

    // Create coarsest solver.
    RCP<SmootherPrototype> coarseSolverPrototype = rcp( new DirectSolver() );
    RCP<SmootherFactory>   coarseSolverFact      = rcp( new SmootherFactory(coarseSolverPrototype, Teuchos::null) );
    M.SetFactory("CoarseSolver", coarseSolverFact);

    // Note that we pass the number of levels back in.
    H.Setup(M,startLevel, H.GetNumLevels());

    std::cout << "=============== Solve ====================" << std::endl;

    // Solve Ax = B

    LO nIts = 9;
    H.Iterate(*B, *X, nIts);

    // Print relative residual norm

    typename Teuchos::ScalarTraits<SC>::magnitudeType residualNorms = Utilities::ResidualNorm(*A, *X, *B)[0];
    if (comm->getRank() == 0) {
      std::ios::fmtflags f(std::cout.flags());
      std::cout << "||Residual|| = " << std::setiosflags(std::ios::fixed) << std::setprecision(20) << residualNorms << std::endl;

    success = true;
  TEUCHOS_STANDARD_CATCH_STATEMENTS(verbose, std::cerr, success);

  return ( success ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE );
Ejemplo n.º 5
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
#include "MueLu_UseShortNames.hpp"

  using Teuchos::RCP; using Teuchos::rcp;
  using Teuchos::TimeMonitor;

  Teuchos::oblackholestream blackhole;
  Teuchos::GlobalMPISession mpiSession(&argc,&argv,&blackhole);

  bool success = false;
  bool verbose = true;
  try {
    RCP<const Teuchos::Comm<int> > comm = Teuchos::DefaultComm<int>::getComm();
    RCP<Teuchos::FancyOStream> out = Teuchos::fancyOStream(Teuchos::rcpFromRef(std::cout));
    *out << MueLu::MemUtils::PrintMemoryUsage() << std::endl;

    *out << "Warning: scaling test was not compiled with long long int support" << std::endl;

    /* SET TEST PARAMETERS                                                            */
    // Note: use --help to list available options.
    Teuchos::CommandLineProcessor clp(false);

    Xpetra::Parameters xpetraParameters(clp);             // manage parameters of xpetra

    switch (clp.parse(argc,argv)) {
      case Teuchos::CommandLineProcessor::PARSE_HELP_PRINTED:        return EXIT_SUCCESS; break;
      case Teuchos::CommandLineProcessor::PARSE_ERROR:
      case Teuchos::CommandLineProcessor::PARSE_UNRECOGNIZED_OPTION: return EXIT_FAILURE; break;
      case Teuchos::CommandLineProcessor::PARSE_SUCCESSFUL:                               break;

    //RCP<TimeMonitor> globalTimeMonitor = rcp (new TimeMonitor(*TimeMonitor::getNewTimer("ScalingTest: S - Global Time")));


    Xpetra::UnderlyingLib lib = xpetraParameters.GetLib();

    if (comm->getRank() == 0) {
      std::cout << xpetraParameters;
      // TODO: print custom parameters // Or use paramList::print()!

    /* CREATE INITIAL MATRIX                                                          */
    RCP<const Map> bigMap;
    RCP<const Map> map1;
    RCP<const Map> map2;
    GO numElements = 500;
    GO numElements1 = 400;
    GO numElements2 = 100;

    //bigMap = MapFactory::Build(Xpetra::UseEpetra, numElements,  0, comm); // ok this is the problem :-)
    std::vector<size_t> stridingInfo;
    map1   = StridedMapFactory::Build(lib, numElements1, 0, stridingInfo, comm, -1);
    map2   = StridedMapFactory::Build(lib, numElements2, numElements1, stridingInfo, comm, -1);

    std::vector<GlobalOrdinal> localGids; // vector with all local GIDs on cur proc
    Teuchos::ArrayView< const GlobalOrdinal > map1eleList = map1->getNodeElementList(); // append all local gids from map1 and map2
    localGids.insert(localGids.end(), map1eleList.begin(), map1eleList.end());
    Teuchos::ArrayView< const GlobalOrdinal > map2eleList = map2->getNodeElementList();
    localGids.insert(localGids.end(), map2eleList.begin(), map2eleList.end());
    Teuchos::ArrayView<GlobalOrdinal> eleList(&localGids[0],localGids.size());
    bigMap = StridedMapFactory::Build(lib, numElements, eleList, 0, stridingInfo, comm); // create full big map (concatenation of map1 and map2)

    std::vector<Teuchos::RCP<const Map> > maps;
    maps.push_back(map1); maps.push_back(map2);

    Teuchos::RCP<const Xpetra::MapExtractor<Scalar, LO, GO, Node> > mapExtractor = Xpetra::MapExtractorFactory<Scalar,LO,GO,Node>::Build(bigMap, maps);

    RCP<CrsMatrixWrap> Op11 = MueLuTests::GenerateProblemMatrix(map1,2,-1,-1);
    RCP<CrsMatrixWrap> Op22 = MueLuTests::GenerateProblemMatrix(map2,3,-2,-1);


    // build blocked operator
    Teuchos::RCP<Xpetra::BlockedCrsMatrix<Scalar,LO,GO,Node> > bOp = Teuchos::rcp(new Xpetra::BlockedCrsMatrix<Scalar,LO,GO>(mapExtractor,mapExtractor,10));

    Teuchos::RCP<Xpetra::CrsMatrix<Scalar,LO,GO,Node> > crsMat11 = Op11->getCrsMatrix();
    Teuchos::RCP<Xpetra::CrsMatrix<Scalar,LO,GO,Node> > crsMat22 = Op22->getCrsMatrix();


    // build hierarchy
    Hierarchy H;
    RCP<Level> levelOne = H.GetLevel();
    levelOne->Set("A", Teuchos::rcp_dynamic_cast<Matrix>(bOp)); // set blocked operator

    RCP<SubBlockAFactory> A11Fact = Teuchos::rcp(new SubBlockAFactory());
    A11Fact->SetParameter("block row",Teuchos::ParameterEntry(0));
    A11Fact->SetParameter("block col",Teuchos::ParameterEntry(0));
    RCP<SubBlockAFactory> A22Fact = Teuchos::rcp(new SubBlockAFactory());
    A22Fact->SetParameter("block row",Teuchos::ParameterEntry(1));
    A22Fact->SetParameter("block col",Teuchos::ParameterEntry(1));

    RCP<TentativePFactory> P11Fact = rcp(new TentativePFactory());
    RCP<TransPFactory> R11Fact = rcp(new TransPFactory());

    RCP<TentativePFactory> P22TentFact = rcp(new TentativePFactory());
    RCP<PgPFactory> P22Fact = rcp(new PgPFactory());
    RCP<GenericRFactory> R22Fact = rcp(new GenericRFactory());

    std::string ifpackType;
    Teuchos::ParameterList ifpackList;
    ifpackList.set("relaxation: sweeps", (LO) 5);
    ifpackList.set("relaxation: damping factor", (SC) 1.0);
    ifpackType = "RELAXATION";
    ifpackList.set("relaxation: type", "Symmetric Gauss-Seidel");
    RCP<SmootherPrototype> smoProto11     = rcp( new TrilinosSmoother(ifpackType, ifpackList, 0) );
    smoProto11->SetFactory("A", A11Fact);
    RCP<SmootherPrototype> smoProto22     = rcp( new TrilinosSmoother(ifpackType, ifpackList, 0) );
    smoProto22->SetFactory("A", A22Fact);

    //RCP<SmootherPrototype> smoProto11     = rcp( new DirectSolver("", Teuchos::ParameterList(), A11Fact) );
    //RCP<SmootherPrototype> smoProto22     = rcp( new DirectSolver("", Teuchos::ParameterList(), A22Fact) );

    RCP<SmootherFactory> Smoo11Fact = rcp( new SmootherFactory(smoProto11) );
    RCP<SmootherFactory> Smoo22Fact = rcp( new SmootherFactory(smoProto22) );

    RCP<FactoryManager> M11 = rcp(new FactoryManager());
    M11->SetFactory("A", A11Fact);
    M11->SetFactory("P", P11Fact);
    M11->SetFactory("Ptent", P11Fact); //for Nullspace
    M11->SetFactory("R", R11Fact);
    M11->SetFactory("Smoother", Smoo11Fact);

    RCP<FactoryManager> M22 = rcp(new FactoryManager());
    M22->SetFactory("A", A22Fact);
    M22->SetFactory("P", P22Fact);
    M22->SetFactory("R", R22Fact);
    M22->SetFactory("Ptent", P22TentFact); //for both P22 and Nullspace
    M22->SetFactory("Smoother", Smoo22Fact);

    RCP<BlockedPFactory> PFact = rcp(new BlockedPFactory());

    RCP<GenericRFactory> RFact = rcp(new GenericRFactory());

    RCP<Factory> AcFact = rcp(new BlockedRAPFactory());

    // Smoothers
    RCP<BlockedGaussSeidelSmoother> smootherPrototype     = rcp( new BlockedGaussSeidelSmoother() );
    smootherPrototype->SetParameter("Sweeps", Teuchos::ParameterEntry(2));
    smootherPrototype->SetParameter("Damping factor", Teuchos::ParameterEntry(1.0));
    RCP<SmootherFactory>   smootherFact          = rcp( new SmootherFactory(smootherPrototype) );

    // Coarse grid correction
    RCP<BlockedGaussSeidelSmoother> coarseSolverPrototype = rcp( new BlockedGaussSeidelSmoother() );
    RCP<SmootherFactory>   coarseSolverFact      = rcp( new SmootherFactory(coarseSolverPrototype, Teuchos::null) );

    // main factory manager
    FactoryManager M;
    M.SetFactory("A",            AcFact);
    M.SetFactory("P",            PFact);
    M.SetFactory("R",            RFact);
    M.SetFactory("Smoother",     smootherFact); // TODO fix me
    M.SetFactory("CoarseSolver", coarseSolverFact);


    std::cout << "main AcFact = " << AcFact.get() << std::endl;
    RCP<Level> l0 = H.GetLevel(0);
    RCP<Level> l1 = H.GetLevel(1);
    RCP<Level> l2 = H.GetLevel(2);


    // Define B
    RCP<Vector> X = VectorFactory::Build(bigMap,1);
    RCP<Vector> B = VectorFactory::Build(bigMap,1);
    bOp->apply(*X, *B, Teuchos::NO_TRANS, (SC)1.0, (SC)0.0);

    // X = 0
    X->putScalar((SC) 0.0);

    LO nIts = 9;
    H.Iterate(*B, *X, nIts);

    success = true;
  TEUCHOS_STANDARD_CATCH_STATEMENTS(verbose, std::cerr, success);

  return ( success ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE );