Ejemplo n.º 1
void check_mates(const HitList& hits1_in_ref,
		 const HitList& hits2_in_ref,
		 vector<pair<size_t, size_t> >& happy_mates,
		 vector<size_t>& map1_singletons,
		 vector<size_t>& map2_singletons)
  std::set<size_t> marked;
  // TODO: if this shows up on the profile, replace it with a linear
  // time algorithm.  This one is 2*n*lg(n).
  HitList::const_iterator last_good = hits2_in_ref.begin();
  for (size_t i = 0; i < hits1_in_ref.size(); ++i)
      pair<HitList::const_iterator, HitList::const_iterator> range_pair;
      range_pair = equal_range(last_good, hits2_in_ref.end(),
			       hits1_in_ref[i], hit_insert_id_lt);
      bool found_hit = false;
      if (range_pair.first != range_pair.second)
	last_good = range_pair.first;
      for (HitList::const_iterator f = range_pair.first;
	   f != range_pair.second;
	  if (possible_cotranscript(hits1_in_ref[i], *f))
	      happy_mates.push_back(make_pair(i,f - hits2_in_ref.begin()));
	      marked.insert(f - hits2_in_ref.begin());
	      found_hit = true;
      if (!found_hit)
  for (size_t i = 0; i < hits2_in_ref.size(); ++i)
      if (marked.find(i) == marked.end())
Ejemplo n.º 2
void best_insert_mappings(uint64_t refid,
						  ReadTable& it,
						  /*const string& name,*/
						  HitList& hits1_in_ref,
						  HitList& hits2_in_ref,
						  BestInsertAlignmentTable& best_status_for_inserts,
						  bool prefer_shorter_pairs)
	long chucked_for_shorter_pair = 0;
	std::set<size_t> marked;
	HitList::iterator last_good = hits2_in_ref.begin();
	for (size_t i = 0; i < hits1_in_ref.size(); ++i)
		BowtieHit& h1 = hits1_in_ref[i];
		pair<HitList::iterator, HitList::iterator> range_pair;
		range_pair = equal_range(last_good, hits2_in_ref.end(),
								 h1, hit_insert_id_lt);
		bool found_hit = false;
		if (range_pair.first != range_pair.second)
			last_good = range_pair.first;
		uint32_t obs_order = it.observation_order(h1.insert_id());
		for (HitList::iterator f = range_pair.first;
			 f != range_pair.second;
			BowtieHit& h2 = *f;
			if (h1.insert_id() == h2.insert_id())
				// max mate inner distance (genomic)
				int min_mate_inner_dist = inner_dist_mean - inner_dist_std_dev;
				if (max_mate_inner_dist == -1)
					max_mate_inner_dist = inner_dist_mean + inner_dist_std_dev;
				InsertAlignmentGrade s(h1, h2, min_mate_inner_dist, max_mate_inner_dist);
				pair<InsertAlignmentGrade, vector<InsertAlignment> >& insert_best
					= best_status_for_inserts[obs_order];
				InsertAlignmentGrade& current = insert_best.first;
				// Is the new status better than the current best one?
				if (current < s)
					current = s;
					insert_best.second.push_back(InsertAlignment(refid, &h1, &h2));
				else if (!(s < current))
					if (prefer_shorter_pairs && current.num_mapped == 2)
						pair<int, int> dc = pair_distances(*(insert_best.second[0].left_alignment), *(insert_best.second[0].right_alignment));
						pair<int, int> ds = pair_distances(h1,h2);
						if (ds.second < dc.second)
							chucked_for_shorter_pair += insert_best.second.size();
							current = s;
							insert_best.second.push_back(InsertAlignment(refid, &h1, &h2));
						insert_best.second.push_back(InsertAlignment(refid, &h1, &h2));
				marked.insert(f - hits2_in_ref.begin());
				found_hit = true;
		if (!found_hit)
			pair<InsertAlignmentGrade, vector<InsertAlignment> >& insert_best
			= best_status_for_inserts[obs_order];
			InsertAlignmentGrade& current = insert_best.first;	
			InsertAlignmentGrade s(h1);
			if (current < s)
				current = s;
				insert_best.second.push_back(InsertAlignment(refid, &h1, NULL));
			else if (! (s < current))
				insert_best.second.push_back(InsertAlignment(refid, &h1, NULL));
	for (size_t i = 0; i < hits2_in_ref.size(); ++i)
		BowtieHit& h2 = hits2_in_ref[i];
		uint32_t obs_order = it.observation_order(h2.insert_id());
		pair<InsertAlignmentGrade, vector<InsertAlignment> >& insert_best
			= best_status_for_inserts[obs_order];
		InsertAlignmentGrade& current = insert_best.first;	
		InsertAlignmentGrade s(h2);
		// Did we include h2 as part of a pairing already, or is this first time
		// we've seen it?  If so, it's a singleton.
		if (marked.find(i) == marked.end())
			if (current < s)
				current = s;
				insert_best.second.push_back(InsertAlignment(refid, NULL, &h2));
			else if (! (s < current))
				insert_best.second.push_back(InsertAlignment(refid, NULL, &h2));
	fprintf(stderr, "Chucked %ld pairs for shorter pairing of same mates\n", chucked_for_shorter_pair);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 *  			R T _ B R E P _ S H O T
 *  Intersect a ray with a brep.
 *  If an intersection occurs, a struct seg will be acquired
 *  and filled in.
 *  Returns -
 *  	0	MISS
 *	>0	HIT
rt_brep_shot(struct soltab *stp, register struct xray *rp, struct application *ap, struct seg *seghead)
    //TRACE1("rt_brep_shot origin:" << ON_PRINT3(rp->r_pt) << " dir:" << ON_PRINT3(rp->r_dir));
    vect_t invdir;
    struct brep_specific* bs = (struct brep_specific*)stp->st_specific;

    // check the hierarchy to see if we have a hit at a leaf node
    BBNode::IsectList inters;
    ON_Ray r = toXRay(rp);
    bs->bvh->intersectsHierarchy(r, &inters);

    if (inters.size() == 0) return 0; // MISS
    TRACE1("bboxes: " << inters.size());

    // find all the hits (XXX very inefficient right now!)
    HitList all_hits; // record all hits
    MissList misses; // XXX - get rid of this stuff (for debugging)
    int s = 0;
    for (BBNode::IsectList::iterator i = inters.begin(); i != inters.end(); i++) {
	const SubsurfaceBBNode* sbv = dynamic_cast<SubsurfaceBBNode*>((*i).m_node);
	const ON_BrepFace* f = sbv->m_face;
	const ON_Surface* surf = f->SurfaceOf();
	brep_hit* hit;
	pt2d_t uv = {sbv->m_u.Mid(),sbv->m_v.Mid()};
	TRACE1("surface: " << s);
	int status = brep_intersect(sbv, f, surf, uv, r, all_hits);
	if (status == BREP_INTERSECT_FOUND) {
	    TRACE("INTERSECTION: " << PT(all_hits.back().point) << all_hits.back().trimmed << ", " << all_hits.back().closeToEdge << ", " << all_hits.back().oob);
	} else {

    HitList hits = all_hits;

    // sort the hits

    int num = 0;
    for (HitList::iterator i = hits.begin(); i != hits.end(); ++i) {
	TRACE("hit " << num << ": " << PT(i->point) << " [" << VDOT(i->normal,rp->r_dir) << "] " << i->trimmed << ", " << i->closeToEdge << ", " << i->oob);

    num = 0;
    for (HitList::iterator i = hits.begin(); i != hits.end(); ++i) {
	if ((i->trimmed && !i->closeToEdge) || i->oob || NEAR_ZERO(VDOT(i->normal,rp->r_dir),RT_DOT_TOL)) {
	    // remove what we were removing earlier
	    if (i->oob) {
		TRACE("\toob u: " << i->uv[0] << ", " << IVAL(i->sbv->m_u));
		TRACE("\toob v: " << i->uv[1] << ", " << IVAL(i->sbv->m_v));
	    i = hits.erase(i);

	    if (i != hits.begin())

	TRACE("hit " << num << ": " << PT(i->point) << " [" << VDOT(i->normal,rp->r_dir) << "]");

	// we should have "valid" points now, remove duplicates or grazes
	HitList::iterator last = hits.begin();
	HitList::iterator i = hits.begin();
	while (i != hits.end()) {
	    if ((*i) == (*last)) {
		double lastDot = VDOT(last->normal,rp->r_dir);
		double iDot = VDOT(i->normal,rp->r_dir);

		if (sign(lastDot) != sign(iDot)) {
		    // delete them both
		    i = hits.erase(last);
		    i = hits.erase(i);
		    last = i;

		    if (i != hits.end())
		} else {
		    // just delete the second
		    i = hits.erase(i);
	    } else {
		last = i;

    // remove "duplicate" points
    //     HitList::iterator new_end = unique(hits.begin(), hits.end());
    //     hits.erase(new_end, hits.end());

    if (hits.size() > 1 && (hits.size() % 2) != 0) {
	cerr << "WTF???" << endl;
	if (pcount > -1) {
	    point_t ray;
	    point_t vscaled;

	num = 0;
	int lastSign = 0;
	MissList::iterator m = misses.begin();
	for (HitList::iterator i = all_hits.begin(); i != all_hits.end(); ++i) {
	    double dot = VDOT(i->normal,rp->r_dir);

	    if (pcount > -1) {
		// set the color of point and normal
		if (i->trimmed && i->closeToEdge) {
		    COLOR_PLOT(0,0,255); // blue is trimmed but close to edge
		} else if (i->trimmed) {
		    COLOR_PLOT(255,255,0); // yellow trimmed
		} else if (i->oob) {
		    COLOR_PLOT(255,0,0); // red is oob
		} else if (NEAR_ZERO(VDOT(i->normal,rp->r_dir),RT_DOT_TOL)) {
		    COLOR_PLOT(0,255,255); // purple is grazing
		} else {
		    COLOR_PLOT(0,255,0); // green is regular surface

		// draw normal
		point_t v;

		// draw intersection

		// draw bounding box

	    // 	    if ((num == 0 && dot > 0) || sign(dot) == lastSign) {
	    // remove hits with "bad" normals
	    // 		i = hits.erase(i);
	    // 		--i;
	    // 		TRACE("removed a hit!");
	    // 		continue;
	    // 	    } else {
	    // 		lastSign = sign(dot);
	    // 	    }

	    TRACE("hit " << num << ": " << ON_PRINT3(i->point) << " [" << dot << "]");
	    while ((m != misses.end()) && (m->first == num)) {
		TRACE("miss " << num << ": " << BREP_INTERSECT_GET_REASON(m->second));
	while (m != misses.end()) {
	    TRACE("miss " << BREP_INTERSECT_GET_REASON(m->second));

    bool hit = false;
    if (hits.size() > 0) {
	if (hits.size() % 2 == 0) {
	    // take each pair as a segment
	    for (HitList::iterator i = hits.begin(); i != hits.end(); ++i) {
		brep_hit& in = *i;
		brep_hit& out = *i;

		register struct seg* segp;
		RT_GET_SEG(segp, ap->a_resource);
		segp->seg_stp = stp;

		VMOVE(segp->seg_in.hit_point, in.point);
		VMOVE(segp->seg_in.hit_normal, in.normal);
		segp->seg_in.hit_dist = DIST_PT_PT(rp->r_pt,in.point);
		segp->seg_in.hit_surfno = in.face.m_face_index;

		VMOVE(segp->seg_out.hit_point, out.point);
		VMOVE(segp->seg_out.hit_normal, out.normal);
		segp->seg_out.hit_dist = DIST_PT_PT(rp->r_pt,out.point);
		segp->seg_out.hit_surfno = out.face.m_face_index;

		BU_LIST_INSERT( &(seghead->l), &(segp->l) );
	    hit = true;
	else {
	    TRACE2("screen xy: " << ap->a_x << "," << ap->a_y);

    return (hit) ? hits.size() : 0; // MISS