Ejemplo n.º 1
int ObstacleHandler::generateHooks(int numHooks, const Boundary &Path, const Boundary &BL, const Boundary &BR)
	//Returns 1 if successfully generates hooks, returns 0 otherwise
	if(numHooks > 250)
		printf("numHooks must be less than 100");
		return 0;

	double xtemp, ztemp;
	for(int i = 0; i < numHooks; i++)
		Hook tempH;
			//Place the player, and see if it is between the two boundaries
			xtemp=Path.x[Path.length-1]*(double)(rand()%100)/100;	// create initial x coord
			ztemp=Path.z[Path.length-1]*(double)(rand()%100)/100;	// create initial z coordinate

		tempH.setPosition(xtemp, 1, ztemp);
		tempH.x0 = xtemp;
		tempH.z0 = ztemp;

		arr[i] = tempH;

	return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 2
	bool Container::_focusRequested( Hook * pBranch, Widget * pWidgetRequesting )
		Hook * p = _hook();
		if( p )
			return p->_requestFocus(pWidgetRequesting);
		return false;
Ejemplo n.º 3
	bool Container::_focusReleased( Hook * pBranch, Widget * pWidgetReleasing )
		Hook * p = _hook();
		if( p )
			return p->_releaseFocus(pWidgetReleasing);
		return false;
Ejemplo n.º 4
	Widget * Container::_lastWidget() const 
		Hook * p = _lastHook(); 
		if( p ) 
			return p->_widget(); 
			return 0; 
Ejemplo n.º 5
ActiveHwndTracker::ActiveHwndTracker(QObject *parent)
    : QObject(parent)
    d = new PrivData();
    Hook *hook = new Hook(this);
    this->connect(hook, SIGNAL(activated(HookEvent)), SLOT(snapshot(HookEvent)));
Ejemplo n.º 6
void PatchLoader::patchHookReceiveHandler_(const std::vector<uint8_t>& data)
    auto iterator = data.cbegin();

    Hook hook;

Ejemplo n.º 7
	void Container::_visibilityRequested( Hook * pBranch, const Rect& preferred, const Rect& prio )
		Hook * p = _hook();
		if( p )
			Coord ofs = pBranch->pos();
			p->_requestVisibility( preferred + ofs, prio + ofs);
Ejemplo n.º 8
	RootPanel * Hook::_root() const
		Container * pParent = _parent();
		if( pParent )
			Hook * pParentHook = pParent->_hook();
			if( pParentHook )
				return pParentHook->_root();
		return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 9
	void Container::_collectPatches( Patches& container, const Rect& geo, const Rect& clip )
		if( m_pSkin )
			container.add( Rect( geo, clip ) );
			Rect childGeo;
			Hook * p = _firstHookWithGeo( childGeo );
				if( p->_isVisible() )
					p->_widget()->_collectPatches( container, childGeo + geo.pos(), clip );
				p = _nextHookWithGeo( childGeo, p );
Ejemplo n.º 10
	void Container::_maskPatches( Patches& patches, const Rect& geo, const Rect& clip, BlendMode blendMode )
		//TODO: Don't just check isOpaque() globally, check rect by rect.
		if( (m_bOpaque && blendMode == BlendMode::Blend) || blendMode == BlendMode::Replace)
			patches.sub( Rect(geo,clip) );
			Rect childGeo;
			Hook * p = _firstHookWithGeo( childGeo );
				if( p->_isVisible() )
					p->_widget()->_maskPatches( patches, childGeo + geo.pos(), clip, blendMode );
				p = _nextHookWithGeo( childGeo, p );
Ejemplo n.º 11
void getHooks(std::vector<HookData> &hooks, TXsheet *xsh, int row, int col, TPointD dpiScale)
	// nota. hook position is in the coordinate system of the parent object.
	// a inch is Stage::inch

	TXshCell cell = xsh->getCell(row, col);
	if (!cell.m_level)

	TStageObjectId columnId = TStageObjectId::ColumnId(col);
	// handle is the current handle (pivot) of the column. It can be H1,H2,... or A,B,C,...
	std::string handle = xsh->getStageObject(TStageObjectId::ColumnId(col))->getHandle();
	bool handleIsHook = handle.find("H") == 0;
	TAffine aff = xsh->getPlacement(columnId, row);

	// imageDpiAff represent the scale factor between the image and the camera
	// derived by dpi match (i.e. ignoring geometric transformation)
	// cameraPos = imageDpiAff * imagePos
	TAffine imageDpiAff;
	if (cell.m_level->getSimpleLevel())
		imageDpiAff = getDpiAffine(cell.m_level->getSimpleLevel(), cell.m_frameId, true);

	// center (inches)
	TPointD center = xsh->getCenter(columnId, row); // getHooks
	if (handleIsHook)
		center = TPointD(0, 0);

	// add the hook #0 (i.e. the regular center)
	hooks.push_back(HookData(xsh, col, 0, aff * TScale(Stage::inch) * center));

	// add the regular hooks
	HookSet *hookSet = cell.m_level->getHookSet();
	if (hookSet && hookSet->getHookCount() > 0) {
		for (int j = 0; j < hookSet->getHookCount(); j++) {
			Hook *hook = hookSet->getHook(j);
			if (hook && !hook->isEmpty()) {
				TPointD pos = hook->getAPos(cell.m_frameId);
				pos = aff * imageDpiAff * pos;
				hooks.push_back(HookData(xsh, col, j + 1, pos));
Ejemplo n.º 12
void Player::CheckCollision(Hook h[], int numHooks)
	for(int i = 0; i < numHooks; i++)
		Hook tempHook = h[i];
		double dist = TrueDist(x,tempHook.getX(), z,tempHook.getZ());
		//printf ("%lf truedist  %lf radius\n", dist, tempHook.getRadius());
		if(dist < tempHook.getRadius())
			caught = 1;
			myHook = &(h[i]);

Ejemplo n.º 13
	Widget * Container::_findWidget( const Coord& ofs, SearchMode mode )
		Rect childGeo;
		Hook * pHook = _lastHookWithGeo( childGeo );
		Widget * pResult = 0;
		while( pHook && !pResult )
			if( pHook->_isVisible() && childGeo.contains( ofs ) )
				if( pHook->_widget()->isContainer() )
					pResult = static_cast<Container*>(pHook->_widget())->_findWidget( ofs - childGeo.pos(), mode );
				else if( mode == SearchMode::Geometry || pHook->_widget()->markTest( ofs - childGeo.pos() ) )
						pResult = pHook->_widget();
			pHook = _prevHookWithGeo( childGeo, pHook );
		// Check against ourselves
		if( !pResult && ( mode == SearchMode::Geometry || markTest(ofs)) )
			pResult = this;
		return pResult;
Ejemplo n.º 14
void Player::Go(Player *P, int numplayers, const Boundary &Path, const Boundary &BLL,const Boundary &BL,const Boundary &BR,const Boundary &BRR, const Button &B, Hook h[],int numHooks)

		Hook myHookobj = *myHook;

		y = myHookobj.getY();
		caught = myHookobj.caughtOrNot();
			y = .5;
			z += myHookobj.getRadius()+2;

			//Does everything for the player
		//Works for every type of player. no specifications need to be given, just a lot of objects get passed in

		Input(B);//Keyboard input for all players

		//Player-Player interaction
		if(!finish)//The player hasn't finished
			Race(Path);//Follow the path
			Finished();		//Act finished
		Bounce(P,numplayers);	//Check for bounces between each player

		//Player-Env. Interaction
		DetectBoundary(BLL,BL);	//Check left boundary
		DetectBoundary(BR,BRR);	//Check right boundary
		DetectEndCond(Path);	//Check end line&beginning

		else//if not in a boundary
		//Combine all
		//Check to see that the Players have not exicted the outer boundary
		Check(BLL, BL,Path,BR, BRR);
		CheckFinished(Path);//Check to see if the player is passed the ifinish line
		if(pt == 0)
			CheckCollision(h, numHooks);

Ejemplo n.º 15
	void ModalLayer::_updateKeyboardFocus()
		// Get message handler, verify that we have a root
		if( !hook() )
		MsgRouter * pHandler = hook()->msgRouter().rawPtr();
		if( !pHandler )
		// Retrieve focused Widget and verify it being a descendant to us.
		Widget * pFocused = pHandler->keyboardFocus().rawPtr();
		Widget * p = pFocused;
		while( p && p->parent() && p->parent() != this )
			p = p->_parent();
		if( p && p->_parent() != this )
			return;								// Focus belongs to a Widget that is not a descendant to us,
												// so we can't save and shouldn't steal focus.
		// Save old focus so we can return it properly in the future.
		if( p )
			if( p == m_baseHook._widget() )
				m_pBaseKeyFocus = pFocused;
				ModalHook * pHook = static_cast<ModalHook*>(p->_hook());
				pHook->m_pKeyFocus = pFocused;
		// Find which child-branch to focus and switch to our previously saved focus
		ModalHook * pHook = m_modalHooks.last();
		Widget * 	pSavedFocus = 0;
		Hook *	pBranch	= 0;
		if( pHook )
			pSavedFocus = pHook->m_pKeyFocus.rawPtr();
			pHook->m_pKeyFocus = 0;								// Needs to be cleared for the future.
			pBranch = pHook;
		else if( m_baseHook._widget() )
			pSavedFocus = m_pBaseKeyFocus.rawPtr();
			m_pBaseKeyFocus = 0;								// Needs to be cleared for the future.
			pBranch = &m_baseHook;
		// Verify that saved focus still is within branch and is not hidden
		if( pSavedFocus )
			Hook * p = pSavedFocus->_hook();
			while( p && p != pBranch )
				Container * pHolder = p->_parent();
				if( pHolder )
					p = pHolder->_hook();
					p = 0;
			if( p != pBranch )
				pSavedFocus = 0;				// Previously focused Widget is no longer a child of focused branch.
		// Switch to previously saved focus, or null if not applicable
		pHandler->setKeyboardFocus( pSavedFocus );
Ejemplo n.º 16
TPointD XshHandleManager::getHandlePos(const TStageObjectId &id,
                                       const std::string &handle,
                                       int row) const {
  static const double unit = 8.0;


  if (handle == "")
    return TPointD();

  else if (handle[0] == 'H' && handle.length() > 1) {
    // Hook port case

    if (!id.isColumn()) return TPointD();

    int hookIndex = 0;
      int h, hLength = handle.length();
      for (h = 1; h != hLength; ++h)
        hookIndex = hookIndex * 10 + (handle[h] - '0');

    TStageObject *obj = m_xsh->getStageObject(id);
    if (const PlasticSkeletonDeformationP &def =
            obj->getPlasticSkeletonDeformation()) {
      int skelId = def->skeletonId(row);

      PlasticSkeleton skel;
      def->storeDeformedSkeleton(skelId, row, skel);

      int v = def->vertexIndex(hookIndex, skelId);
      return (v >= 0) ? TScale(1.0 / Stage::inch) * skel.vertex(v).P()
                      : TPointD();


    int col = id.getIndex();
    TXshCell cell(m_xsh->getCell(row, col));

    TXshLevel *xl = cell.m_level.getPointer();
    if (!xl) return TPointD();

    TXshSimpleLevel *sl = xl->getSimpleLevel();
    if (!sl) return TPointD();

    Hook *hook = sl->getHookSet()->getHook(hookIndex);
    if (!hook) return TPointD();

    TFrameId fid(cell.m_frameId);

    TPointD pos = hook->getAPos(fid) * (1.0 / Stage::inch);
    TPointD delta;

    for (int r = row - 1; r >= 0; --r) {
      cell = m_xsh->getCell(r, col);
      if (cell.m_level.getPointer() != xl) break;

      const TFrameId &precFid = cell.m_frameId;
      delta += computePassHook(fid, precFid, sl, hook);
      fid = precFid;

    pos += delta * (1.0 / Stage::inch);
    pos = getDpiAffine(sl, cell.m_frameId, true) * pos;

    return pos;
  } else if ('A' <= handle[0] && handle[0] <= 'Z')
    return TPointD(unit * (handle[0] - 'B'), 0);
  else if ('a' <= handle[0] && handle[0] <= 'z')
    return TPointD(0.5 * unit * (handle[0] - 'b'), 0);
    return TPointD();
Ejemplo n.º 17
	void Container::_renderPatches( GfxDevice * pDevice, const Rect& _canvas, const Rect& _window, Patches * _pPatches )
		// We start by eliminating dirt outside our geometry
		Patches 	patches( _pPatches->size() );								// TODO: Optimize by pre-allocating?
		for( const Rect * pRect = _pPatches->begin() ; pRect != _pPatches->end() ; pRect++ )
			if( _canvas.intersectsWith( *pRect ) )
				patches.push( Rect(*pRect,_canvas) );
		// Render container itself
		for( const Rect * pRect = patches.begin() ; pRect != patches.end() ; pRect++ )
			_render(pDevice, _canvas, _window, *pRect );
		// Render children
		Rect	dirtBounds = patches.getUnion();
		if( m_bSiblingsOverlap )
			// Create WidgetRenderContext's for siblings that might get dirty patches
			std::vector<WidgetRenderContext> renderList;
			Rect childGeo;
			Hook * p = _firstHookWithGeo( childGeo );
				Rect geo = childGeo + _canvas.pos();
				if( p->_isVisible() && geo.intersectsWith( dirtBounds ) )
					renderList.push_back( WidgetRenderContext(p->_widget(), geo ) );
				p = _nextHookWithGeo( childGeo, p );
			// Go through WidgetRenderContexts in reverse order (topmost first), push and mask dirt
			for( int i = renderList.size()-1 ; i >= 0 ; i-- )
				WidgetRenderContext * p = &renderList[i];
				p->patches.push( &patches );
				p->pWidget->_maskPatches( patches, p->geo, p->geo, pDevice->blendMode() );		//TODO: Need some optimizations here, grandchildren can be called repeatedly! Expensive!
				if( patches.isEmpty() )
			// Go through WidgetRenderContexts and render the patches
			for( int i = 0 ; i < (int) renderList.size() ; i++ )
				WidgetRenderContext * p = &renderList[i];
				p->pWidget->_renderPatches( pDevice, p->geo, p->geo, &p->patches );
			Rect childGeo;
			Hook * p = _firstHookWithGeo( childGeo );
				Rect canvas = childGeo + _canvas.pos();
				if( p->_isVisible() && canvas.intersectsWith( dirtBounds ) )
					p->_widget()->_renderPatches( pDevice, canvas, canvas, &patches );
				p = _nextHookWithGeo( childGeo, p );