/* * Update repository information and return thre repoId, otherwise empty * string. */ void updateRepo(const string &path) { RepoControl repo = RepoControl(path); RepoInfo info; try { repo.open(); } catch (SystemException &e) { WARNING("Failed to open repository %s: %s", path.c_str(), e.what()); return; } RWKey::sp key = infoLock.writeLock(); if (myInfo.hasRepo(repo.getUUID())) { info = myInfo.getRepo(repo.getUUID()); } else { info = RepoInfo(repo.getUUID(), repo.getPath()); } info.updateHead(repo.getHead()); myInfo.updateRepo(repo.getUUID(), info); LOG("Checked %s: %s %s", path.c_str(), repo.getHead().c_str(), repo.getUUID().c_str()); repo.close(); return; }
QString HostInfoManager::nameForHost(unsigned int id) const { HostInfo* hostInfo = find(id); if (hostInfo) return hostInfo->name(); return tr("<unknown>"); }
//host information mode int getHostInfo(int argc, const char* arg, HostInfo& h) { hostent* remoteHost; unsigned int addr; #ifdef WIN32 WSADATA wsaData; WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,2), &wsaData); char* hostname = (char*) malloc(40); strcpy(hostname, arg); if(isalpha(hostname[0]) != 0) { //name -> ipaddr hostname[strlen(hostname)] = '\0'; remoteHost = gethostbyname(hostname); if(!remoteHost) { cout << "Cannot resolve host information: " << WSAGetLastError() << endl; } else { h.setName(string(remoteHost->h_name)); struct in_addr rawaddr; if(remoteHost -> h_addrtype == AF_INET) { for(int i=0; remoteHost->h_addr_list[i] != 0; i++) { rawaddr.s_addr = *(u_long*) remoteHost->h_addr_list[i]; h.addAddr(string(inet_ntoa(rawaddr))); } } } } else { //num addr = inet_addr(hostname); remoteHost = gethostbyaddr((char*) &addr, 4, AF_INET); if(!remoteHost) { cout << "Cannot resolve host information: " << WSAGetLastError() << endl; } else { cout << remoteHost->h_name << endl; h.setName(string(remoteHost->h_name)); h.addAddr(hostname); } } WSACleanup(); #else cout << "Windows only function" << endl; #endif return 0; }
unsigned int HostInfoManager::maxJobs(unsigned int id) const { if (id) { HostInfo* hostInfo = find(id); if (hostInfo) return hostInfo->maxJobs(); } return 0; }
void MatrixMasterThriftRpc::to_thrift(const HostInfo& info, const std::string& host_ip, const std::string& host_name, ThriftHostInfo& t_info) { t_info.hostIp = host_ip; t_info.hostName = host_name; t_info.hostState = static_cast<ThriftHostState::type>(info.get_host_state()); to_thrift(info.get_total_resource(), t_info.totalResource); }
void SensorBrowserModel::addHost(KSGRD::SensorAgent *sensorAgent, const QString &hostName) { beginInsertRows( QModelIndex() , mHostInfoMap.size(), mHostInfoMap.size() ); HostInfo* hostInfo = new HostInfo( mIdCount, sensorAgent, hostName); mHostInfoMap.insert(mIdCount, hostInfo); mTreeMap.insert(mIdCount, QList<int>()); mHostSensorsMap.insert(mIdCount, QHash<QString, bool>()); mIdCount++; endInsertRows(); hostInfo->sensorAgent()->sendRequest( "monitors", this, mIdCount-1 ); }
QVariant SensorBrowserModel::data( const QModelIndex & index, int role) const { //virtual if(!index.isValid()) return QVariant(); switch(role) { case Qt::DisplayRole: { if(index.column()==0) { uint id = index.internalId(); if(mSensorInfoMap.contains(id)) { Q_ASSERT(mSensorInfoMap.value(id)); SensorInfo *sensorInfo = mSensorInfoMap.value(id); return QString(sensorInfo->description() + " (" + KSGRD::SensorMgr->translateSensorType(sensorInfo->type()) + ')' ); } if(mTreeNodeNames.contains(id)) return mTreeNodeNames.value(id); if(mHostInfoMap.contains(id)) { Q_ASSERT(mHostInfoMap.value(id)); return mHostInfoMap.value(id)->hostName(); } } return QString(); } case Qt::DecorationRole: { if(index.column() == 0) { HostInfo *host = getHostInfo(index.internalId()); KSGRD::SensorAgent *agent; if(host != NULL && (agent = host->sensorAgent())) { if(agent->daemonOnLine()) return KIcon("computer"); else return KIcon("dialog-warning"); } else return QIcon(); } else return QIcon(); break; } case Qt::ToolTipRole: { if(index.column() == 0) { HostInfo *host = getHostInfo(index.internalId()); KSGRD::SensorAgent *agent; if(host != NULL && (agent = host->sensorAgent())) { if(agent->daemonOnLine()) return agent->hostName(); else return agent->reasonForOffline(); } } break; } } //switch return QVariant(); }
HostInfo* HostInfoManager::checkNode(unsigned int hostid, const HostInfo::StatsMap& stats) { HostMap::ConstIterator it = m_hostMap.constFind(hostid); HostInfo* hostInfo; if (it == m_hostMap.constEnd()) { hostInfo = new HostInfo(hostid); m_hostMap.insert(hostid, hostInfo); } else { hostInfo = *it; } hostInfo->updateFromStatsMap(stats); return hostInfo; }
void SensorBrowserModel::hostRemoved(const QString &hostName) { HostInfo* toRemove = findHostInfoByHostName(hostName); if (toRemove != NULL) { beginResetModel(); int hostId = toRemove->id(); removeAllSensorUnderBranch(toRemove,hostId); removeEmptyParentTreeBranches(hostId,hostId,hostId); delete mHostInfoMap.take(hostId); mTreeMap.take(hostId); mHostSensorsMap.take(hostId); endResetModel(); } update(); }
bool StarView::event (QEvent* e) { if (e->type() != QEvent::ToolTip) return QWidget::event(e); QPoint p (static_cast<QHelpEvent*>(e)->pos()); HostItem *item = 0; QGraphicsItem* graphicsItem = m_canvasView->itemAt(p); if (graphicsItem) item = dynamic_cast<HostItem*>(graphicsItem->parentItem()); if (item) { HostInfo *hostInfo = item->hostInfo(); const QPoint gp(static_cast<QHelpEvent*>(e)->globalPos()); const QRect itemRect = m_canvasView->mapFromScene(graphicsItem->sceneBoundingRect()).boundingRect(); if (hostInfo) { QToolTip::showText(gp+QPoint(10,10), "<p><table><tr><td>" "<img align=\"right\" source=\":/computer.png\"><br><b>" + item->hostName() + "</b><br>" + "<table>" + "<tr><td>" + tr("IP:") + "</td><td>" + hostInfo->ip() + "</td></tr>" + "<tr><td>" + tr("Platform:") + "</td><td>" + hostInfo->platform() + "</td></tr>" + "<tr><td>" + tr("Id:") + "</td><td>" + QString::number(hostInfo->id()) + "</td></tr>" + "<tr><td>" + tr("Speed:") + "</td><td>" + QString::number(hostInfo->serverSpeed()) + "</td></tr>" + "</table>" "</td></tr></table></p>", this, itemRect); } else { QToolTip::showText(gp+QPoint(10,10), "<p><table><tr><td>" "<img align=\"right\" source=\":/computer.png\"><br><b>" + tr("Scheduler") + "</b><br/>" "<table>" + "<tr><td>" + tr("Host: %1").arg(hostInfoManager()->schedulerName()) + "</td></tr>" + "<tr><td>" + tr("Network name: %1").arg(hostInfoManager()->networkName()) + "</td></tr>" + "</table>" "</td></tr></table></p>", this, itemRect); } } else { QToolTip::hideText(); } return QWidget::event(e); }
void Tracker::hostResolved(HostInfo info) { if (info.error()) { logError( boost::format("[%s] Host lookup failed: %s") % info.getName() % info.errorMsg() ); Utils::timedCallback(this, &Tracker::hostLookup, 60000); } else { m_addrs = info.getAddresses(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m_addrs.size(); ++i) { m_addrs[i].setPort(m_port); } m_curAddr = m_addrs.begin(); connect(*m_curAddr); } }
QColor HostInfoManager::hostColor(unsigned int id) const { if (id) { HostInfo* hostInfo = find(id); if (hostInfo) { QColor tmp = hostInfo->color(); assert(tmp.isValid() && (tmp.red() + tmp.green() + tmp.blue())); return tmp; } } qWarning() << "id " << id << " got no color\n"; assert(false); return QColor(0, 0, 0); }
int start_server() { MSG("Starting OriSync"); rc = OriSyncConf(); announcer = new Announcer(); listener = new Listener(); repoMonitor = new RepoMonitor(); syncer = new Syncer(); myInfo = HostInfo(rc.getUUID(), rc.getCluster()); // XXX: Update addresses periodically myInfo.setHost(OriStr_Join(OriNet_GetAddrs(), ',')); announcer->start(); listener->start(); repoMonitor->start(); syncer->start(); struct event_base *base = event_base_new(); struct evhttp *httpd = evhttp_new(base); evhttp_bind_socket(httpd, "", 8051); evhttp_set_cb(httpd, "/", Httpd_getRoot, NULL); // Event loop event_base_dispatch(base); evhttp_free(httpd); event_base_free(base); // XXX: Wait for worker threads return 0; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { vector<HostInfo> hostinfo_vector; HostInfo hostinfo; ifstream input(argv[1]); string ip; while (std::getline(input, ip)) { int port_start = ip.find(':'); hostinfo.hostname = ip.substr(0, port_start); hostinfo.port = std::stoi(ip.substr(port_start + 1)); hostinfo_vector.push_back(hostinfo); } auto num_hosts = hostinfo.size(); auto num_direct_hosts = num_hosts; int vp_index = -1; uint16_t vp_hosts_bits = 0; vector<int> others_indices; for (int i = 0; i < num_direct_hosts; ++i) { others_hosts.push_back(i); } if (argc == 3 && argv[2][0] == 'v' && argv[2][1]) { num_direct_hosts = num_hosts / 2; vp_index = 1; for (int i = num_direct_hosts; i < num_hosts; ++i) { uint16_t mask = 1 << i; vp_hosts_bits |= mask; } } int data = 0; AppendEntriesPacket packet(1, 0, 1, 0, 0, vp_index, uint16_t vp_hosts_bits) : header(term, previous_log_index, previous_log_term, commit_index, president_index, vp_index, vp_hosts_bits) while (true) { sleep_for(milliseconds(300)); Network::SendPackets(packet.ToNetworkOrder().ToBytes(), LARGE_PACKET_SIZE, others_hosts); } return 0; }
HostItem *StarView::createHostItem(unsigned int hostid) { HostInfo *i = hostInfoManager()->find(hostid); if (!i || i->isOffline() || i->name().isEmpty()) return 0; HostItem *hostItem = new HostItem(i, m_canvas, hostInfoManager()); hostItem->setHostColor(hostColor(hostid)); m_hostItems.insert(hostid, hostItem); hostItem->show(); arrangeHostItems(); if (m_hostItems.count() > 25) m_configDialog->setMaxNodes(m_hostItems.count()); return hostItem; }
void pullRepo(HostInfo &localHost, HostInfo &remoteHost, const std::string &uuid) { RepoInfo local = localHost.getRepo(uuid); RepoInfo remote = remoteHost.getRepo(uuid); RepoControl repo = RepoControl(local.getPath()); DLOG("Local and Remote heads mismatch on repo %s", uuid.c_str()); repo.open(); if (!repo.hasCommit(remote.getHead())) { LOG("Pulling from %s:%s", remoteHost.getPreferredIp().c_str(), remote.getPath().c_str()); repo.pull(remoteHost.getPreferredIp(), remote.getPath()); } repo.close(); }
void run() { while (!interruptionRequested()) { HostInfo infoSnapshot; list<string> repos; list<string>::iterator it; infoSnapshot = myInfo; repos = infoSnapshot.listRepos(); for (it = repos.begin(); it != repos.end(); it++) { LOG("Syncer checking %s", (*it).c_str()); checkRepo(infoSnapshot, *it); } sleep(ORISYNC_SYNCINTERVAL); } DLOG("Syncer exited!"); }
bool TcpSocket::ConnectToHost(const string& hostName, const string& port, IBamIODevice::OpenMode mode) { // create new address object with requested host name HostAddress hostAddress; hostAddress.SetAddress(hostName); HostInfo info; // if host name was IP address ("x.x.x.x" or IPv6 format) // otherwise host name was 'plain-text' ("www.foo.bar") // we need to look up IP address(es) if ( hostAddress.HasIPAddress() ) info.SetAddresses( vector<HostAddress>(1, hostAddress) ); else info = HostInfo::Lookup(hostName, port); // attempt connection on requested port return ConnectImpl(info, port, mode); }
string generate() { RWKey::sp key = infoLock.readLock(); char buf[32]; string msg; // First 31 bytes of cluster with null memset(buf, 0, 32); strncpy(buf, rc.getCluster().c_str(), 31); msg.assign(buf, 32); msg.append(OriCrypt_Encrypt(myInfo.getBlob(), rc.getKey())); return msg; }
void Monitor::handleStats(Msg* _m) { MonStatsMsg *m = dynamic_cast<MonStatsMsg*>(_m); if (!m) return; QStringList statmsg = QString(m->statmsg.c_str()).split('\n'); HostInfo::StatsMap stats; QStringList::ConstIterator it; for (it = statmsg.constBegin(); it != statmsg.constEnd(); ++it) { QString key = *it; key = key.left(key.indexOf(':')); QString value = *it; value = value.mid(value.indexOf(':') + 1); stats[key] = value; } HostInfo *hostInfo = m_hostInfoManager->checkNode(m->hostid, stats); if (hostInfo->isOffline()) m_view->removeNode(m->hostid); else m_view->checkNode(m->hostid); }
void WebviewThread::ssl_create(const char *ssl_key_file, const char *ssl_cert_file) { logger->log_info(name(), "Creating SSL key and certificate. " "This may take a while..."); HostInfo h; char *cmd; if (asprintf(&cmd, "openssl req -new -x509 -batch -nodes -days 365 " "-subj \"/C=XX/L=World/O=Fawkes/CN=%s.local\" " "-out \"%s\" -keyout \"%s\" >/dev/null 2>&1", h.short_name(), ssl_cert_file, ssl_key_file) == -1) { throw OutOfMemoryException("Webview/SSL: Could not generate OpenSSL string"); } int status = system(cmd); free(cmd); if (WEXITSTATUS(status) != 0) { throw Exception("Failed to auto-generate key/certificate pair"); } }
void printHostInfo(HostInfo& h)//string name, queue<string> ipaddr) { #ifdef WIN32 //cout << "host information mode" << endl; if(h.ipaddr.empty()) return; cout << "Official Name: " << h.getName() << endl; while (!h.ipaddr.empty()) { cout << "IP Address: " << h.ipaddr.front() << endl; h.ipaddr.pop(); } #else cout << "Windows only function" << endl; #endif return; }
void checkRepo(HostInfo &infoSnapshot, const std::string &uuid) { map<string, HostInfo *> hostSnapshot; map<string, HostInfo *>::iterator it; RepoInfo localInfo = infoSnapshot.getRepo(uuid); hostSnapshot = hosts; for (it = hostSnapshot.begin(); it != hostSnapshot.end(); it++) { list<string> repos = it->second->listRepos(); list<string>::iterator rIt; for (rIt = repos.begin(); rIt != repos.end(); rIt++) { RepoInfo info = it->second->getRepo(uuid); if (info.getHead() != localInfo.getHead()) { pullRepo(infoSnapshot, *(it->second), uuid); } } } }
HostInfo HostInfo::Lookup(const string& hostname, const string& port) { HostInfo result; result.SetHostName(hostname); set<HostAddress> uniqueAddresses; #ifdef _WIN32 WindowsSockInit init; #endif HostAddress address; address.SetAddress(hostname); // if hostname is an IP string ('' or IPv6 format) // do reverse lookup for host domain name // // TODO: might just remove this... not sure if proper 'hostname' from IP string is needed // // so far, haven't been able to successfully fetch a domain name with reverse DNS // getnameinfo() on test sites just returns original IP string. BUT this is likely a rare // case that client code tries to use an IP string and the connection should work fine // anyway. GetHostName() just won't quite show what I was hoping for. :( if ( address.HasIPAddress() ) { const uint16_t portNum = static_cast<uint16_t>( atoi(port.c_str()) ); sockaddr_in sa4; sockaddr_in6 sa6; sockaddr* sa = 0; BT_SOCKLEN_T saSize = 0; // IPv4 if ( address.GetProtocol() == HostAddress::IPv4Protocol ) { sa = (sockaddr*)&sa4; saSize = sizeof(sa4); memset(&sa4, 0, sizeof(sa4)); sa4.sin_family = AF_INET; sa4.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(address.GetIPv4Address()); sa4.sin_port = htons(portNum); } // IPv6 else if ( address.GetProtocol() == HostAddress::IPv4Protocol ){ sa = (sockaddr*)&sa6; saSize = sizeof(sa6); memset(&sa6, 0, sizeof(sa6)); sa6.sin6_family = AF_INET6; memcpy(sa6.sin6_addr.s6_addr, address.GetIPv6Address().data, sizeof(sa6.sin6_addr.s6_addr)); sa6.sin6_port = htons(portNum); } // unknown (should be unreachable) else BT_ASSERT_X(false, "HostInfo::Lookup: unknown network protocol"); // lookup name for IP char hbuf[NI_MAXHOST]; char serv[NI_MAXSERV]; if ( sa && (getnameinfo(sa, saSize, hbuf, sizeof(hbuf), serv, sizeof(serv), 0) == 0) ) result.SetHostName(string(hbuf)); // if no domain name found, just use the original address's IP string if ( result.HostName().empty() ) result.SetHostName(address.GetIPString()); // store address in HostInfo uniqueAddresses.insert(address); } // otherwise, hostname is a domain name ('www.foo.bar') // do 'normal' lookup else { // setup address lookup 'hints' addrinfo hints; memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints)); hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC; // allow either IPv4 or IPv6 hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; // for TCP hints.ai_protocol = IPPROTO_TCP; // fetch addresses for requested hostname/port addrinfo* res; int status = getaddrinfo(hostname.c_str(), port.c_str(), &hints, &res ); // if everything OK if ( status == 0 ) { // iterate over all IP addresses found addrinfo* p = res; for ( ; p != NULL; p = p->ai_next ) { // IPv4 if ( p->ai_family == AF_INET ) { sockaddr_in* ipv4 = (sockaddr_in*)p->ai_addr; HostAddress a( ntohl(ipv4->sin_addr.s_addr) ); uniqueAddresses.insert(a); } // IPv6 else if ( p->ai_family == AF_INET6 ) { sockaddr_in6* ipv6 = (sockaddr_in6*)p->ai_addr; HostAddress a(ipv6->sin6_addr.s6_addr); uniqueAddresses.insert(a); } } // if we iterated, but no addresses were stored if ( uniqueAddresses.empty() && (p == NULL) ) { result.SetError(HostInfo::UnknownError); result.SetErrorString("HostInfo: unknown address types found"); } } // handle error cases else if ( #ifndef _WIN32 status == EAI_NONAME || status == EAI_FAIL # ifdef EAI_NODATA || status == EAI_NODATA // officially deprecated, but just in case we happen to hit it # endif // EAI_NODATA #else // _WIN32 WSAGetLastError() == WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND || WSAGetLastError() == WSANO_DATA || WSAGetLastError() == WSANO_RECOVERY #endif // _WIN32 ) { result.SetError(HostInfo::HostNotFound); result.SetErrorString("HostInfo: host not found"); } else { result.SetError(HostInfo::UnknownError); result.SetErrorString("HostInfo: unknown error encountered"); } // cleanup freeaddrinfo(res); } // store fetched addresses (converting set -> vector) in result & return result.SetAddresses( vector<HostAddress>(uniqueAddresses.begin(), uniqueAddresses.end()) ); return result; }
bool TcpSocket::ConnectImpl(const HostInfo& hostInfo, const std::string& port, IBamIODevice::OpenMode mode) { // skip if we're already connected if ( m_state == TcpSocket::ConnectedState ) { m_error = TcpSocket::SocketResourceError; m_errorString = "socket already connected"; return false; } // reset socket state m_hostName = hostInfo.HostName(); m_mode = mode; m_state = TcpSocket::UnconnectedState; m_error = TcpSocket::UnknownSocketError; // m_localPort = 0; m_remotePort = 0; // m_localAddress.Clear(); m_remoteAddress.Clear(); m_readBuffer.Clear(); // fetch candidate addresses for requested host vector<HostAddress> addresses = hostInfo.Addresses(); if ( addresses.empty() ) { m_error = TcpSocket::HostNotFoundError; m_errorString = "no IP addresses found for host"; return false; } // convert port string to integer stringstream ss(port); uint16_t portNumber(0); ss >> portNumber; // iterate through adddresses vector<HostAddress>::const_iterator addrIter = addresses.begin(); vector<HostAddress>::const_iterator addrEnd = addresses.end(); for ( ; addrIter != addrEnd; ++addrIter) { const HostAddress& addr = (*addrIter); // try to initialize socket engine with this address if ( !InitializeSocketEngine(addr.GetProtocol()) ) { // failure to initialize is OK here // we'll just try the next available address continue; } // attempt actual connection if ( m_engine->Connect(addr, portNumber) ) { // if connection successful, update our state & return true m_mode = mode; // m_localAddress = m_engine->GetLocalAddress(); // m_localPort = m_engine->GetLocalPort(); m_remoteAddress = m_engine->GetRemoteAddress(); m_remotePort = m_engine->GetRemotePort(); m_cachedSocketDescriptor = m_engine->GetSocketDescriptor(); m_state = TcpSocket::ConnectedState; return true; } } // if we get here, no connection could be made m_error = TcpSocket::HostNotFoundError; m_errorString = "could not connect to any host addresses"; return false; }