Ejemplo n.º 1
void BLOCK::print(            //print list of sides
                  FILE *,     //< file to print on
                  BOOL8 dump  //< print full detail
                 ) {
  ICOORDELT_IT it = &leftside;   //iterator

  box.print ();
  tprintf ("Proportional= %s\n", proportional ? "TRUE" : "FALSE");
  tprintf ("Kerning= %d\n", kerning);
  tprintf ("Spacing= %d\n", spacing);
  tprintf ("Fixed_pitch=%d\n", pitch);
  tprintf ("Filename= %s\n", filename.string ());

  if (dump) {
    tprintf ("Left side coords are:\n");
    for (it.mark_cycle_pt (); !it.cycled_list (); it.forward ())
      tprintf ("(%d,%d) ", it.data ()->x (), it.data ()->y ());
    tprintf ("\n");
    tprintf ("Right side coords are:\n");
    it.set_to_list (&rightside);
    for (it.mark_cycle_pt (); !it.cycled_list (); it.forward ())
      tprintf ("(%d,%d) ", it.data ()->x (), it.data ()->y ());
    tprintf ("\n");
Ejemplo n.º 2
void POLY_BLOCK::plot(ScrollView* window, inT32 num) {
  ICOORDELT_IT v = &vertices;


  v.move_to_first ();

  if (num > 0) {
    window->TextAttributes("Times", 80, false, false, false);
    char temp_buff[34];
    #ifdef __UNIX__
    sprintf(temp_buff, INT32FORMAT, num);
    ltoa (num, temp_buff, 10);
    window->Text(v.data ()->x (), v.data ()->y (), temp_buff);

  window->SetCursor(v.data ()->x (), v.data ()->y ());
  for (v.mark_cycle_pt (); !v.cycled_list (); v.forward ()) {
    window->DrawTo(v.data ()->x (), v.data ()->y ());
  v.move_to_first ();
   window->DrawTo(v.data ()->x (), v.data ()->y ());
Ejemplo n.º 3
void PDBLK::plot(                //draw outline
                 ScrollView* window,  //window to draw in
                 inT32 serial,   //serial number
                 ScrollView::Color colour   //colour to draw in
                ) {
  ICOORD startpt;                //start of outline
  ICOORD endpt;                  //end of outline
  ICOORD prevpt;                 //previous point
  ICOORDELT_IT it = &leftside;   //iterator

                                 //set the colour
  window->TextAttributes("Times", BLOCK_LABEL_HEIGHT, false, false, false);

  if (hand_poly != NULL) {
    hand_poly->plot(window, serial);
  } else if (!leftside.empty ()) {
    startpt = *(it.data ());     //bottom left corner
    //              tprintf("Block %d bottom left is (%d,%d)\n",
    //                      serial,startpt.x(),startpt.y());
    char temp_buff[34];
    #ifdef __UNIX__
    sprintf(temp_buff, INT32FORMAT, serial);
    ultoa (serial, temp_buff, 10);
    window->Text(startpt.x (), startpt.y (), temp_buff);

    window->SetCursor(startpt.x (), startpt.y ());
    do {
      prevpt = *(it.data ());    //previous point
      it.forward ();             //move to next point
                                 //draw round corner
    window->DrawTo(prevpt.x (), it.data ()->y ());
    window->DrawTo(it.data ()->x (), it.data ()->y ());
    while (!it.at_last ());      //until end of list
    endpt = *(it.data ());       //end point

                                 //other side of boundary
    window->SetCursor(startpt.x (), startpt.y ());
    it.set_to_list (&rightside);
    prevpt = startpt;
    for (it.mark_cycle_pt (); !it.cycled_list (); it.forward ()) {
                                 //draw round corner
    window->DrawTo(prevpt.x (), it.data ()->y ());
    window->DrawTo(it.data ()->x (), it.data ()->y ());
      prevpt = *(it.data ());    //previous point
                                 //close boundary
    window->DrawTo(endpt.x(), endpt.y());