Ejemplo n.º 1
void SetErrorInfo(HRESULT hr, const wchar_t* err)
	ICreateErrorInfoPtr errCreate;
	if (SUCCEEDED(CreateErrorInfo(&errCreate))
		&& SUCCEEDED(errCreate->SetDescription(const_cast<wchar_t*>(err)))
		&& SUCCEEDED(errCreate->SetSource(const_cast<wchar_t*>(g_COCLASS_PROGIDW)))
		IErrorInfoPtr errorInfo = errCreate;
		SetErrorInfo(0, errorInfo);
Ejemplo n.º 2
__declspec(noreturn) void ThrowComError(HRESULT hr, LPOLESTR err)
	ICreateErrorInfoPtr errCreate;
	if (SUCCEEDED(CreateErrorInfo(&errCreate))
		&& SUCCEEDED(errCreate->SetDescription(const_cast<wchar_t*>(err)))
		&& SUCCEEDED(errCreate->SetSource(const_cast<wchar_t*>(g_COCLASS_PROGIDW)))
		IErrorInfoPtr errorInfo = errCreate;
		throw _com_error(hr, errorInfo.Detach());
	throw _com_error(hr);
Ejemplo n.º 3
	Creates an error object and then sets a description from a resource id. Also sets a full
	help URL as required by HtmlHelp. Uses ierr as an index for both resource id and help URL.
	@param ierr Index to a set of htm help files (second part of full help URL) and matching
	resource strings for Message Box text.
	@param pei [out] Error info object
void LgKeymanHandler::ThrowErrorWithInfo(HRESULT hrErr, int stidDescription)
	IErrorInfoPtr qei;
	ICreateErrorInfoPtr qcei;

	// Create error info object.

	StrUni stu(stidDescription);
	CheckHr(qcei->SetDescription((wchar *)stu.Chars()));

	// Now get the IErrorInfo interface of the error object and set it for the current thread.
	CheckHr(qcei->QueryInterface(IID_IErrorInfo, (void **)&qei));
	SetErrorInfo(0, qei);

	ThrowHr(hrErr, stu.Chars(), -1, qei);	// An error object exists.
Ejemplo n.º 4
	virtual void ProcessAttach(void)

		if (FAILED(hr = ::CreateErrorInfo(&s_qcerrinfoMem)))
		if (FAILED(hr = s_qcerrinfoMem->QueryInterface(IID_IErrorInfo,
			(LPVOID FAR*) &s_qerrinfoMem)))
			// We should have plenty of memory as we start up components!
		StrUni stuDesc(kstidOutOfMemory);
		// We can't set the IID or source yet.
		s_qcerrinfoMem->SetHelpFile(const_cast<OLECHAR *>(GetModuleHelpFilePath().Chars()));
Ejemplo n.º 5
	General purpose method to set up and store an error, rather than throw an exception
	in the normal way.
HRESULT StackDumper::RecordError(REFGUID iid, StrUni stuDescr, StrUni stuSource,
	int hcidHelpId, StrUni stuHelpFile)
	// We are going to make a new error info object.
	ICreateErrorInfoPtr qcerrinfo;
	IErrorInfoPtr qerrinfo;

	// If we can't get a new error object, the only documented cause is E_OUTOFMEMORY.
	if (FAILED(hr = ::CreateErrorInfo(&qcerrinfo)))
	if (FAILED(hr = qcerrinfo->QueryInterface(IID_IErrorInfo, (LPVOID FAR*) &qerrinfo)))
		return E_UNEXPECTED;

	hr = qcerrinfo->SetDescription(const_cast<OLECHAR *>(stuDescr.Chars()));
	if (FAILED(hr))
		return hr;
	hr = qcerrinfo->SetGUID(iid);
	if (FAILED(hr))
		return hr;
	hr = qcerrinfo->SetSource(const_cast<OLECHAR *>(stuSource.Chars()));
	if (FAILED(hr))
		return hr;
	hr = qcerrinfo->SetHelpFile(const_cast<OLECHAR *>(stuHelpFile.Chars()));
	if (FAILED(hr))
		return hr;
	if (!hcidHelpId)
		hcidHelpId = khcidNoHelpAvailable;
	hr = qcerrinfo->SetHelpContext(hcidHelpId);
	if (FAILED(hr))
		return hr;

	::SetErrorInfo(0, qerrinfo);
	return hr;
Ejemplo n.º 6
	This method is called by CheckHr (with punk and iid null) or CheckExtHr, after confirming
	that hrErr is an error HRESULT.

	It first confirms that there is an error info object available. If punk and iid
	are supplied, it further checks that the error info object is relevant to that object and

	If a relevant error object is available, and it indicates that a programming error has
	occurred, and its Description does not yet contain a stack dump, we add one if possible.
	Then we ThrowHr, with a special HelpId to indicate that HandleThrowable need not generate
	a new error object.

	If no relevant error object is available, we generate a stack dump and treat the problem
	as an internal error.
void CheckHrCore(HRESULT hrErr)
	IErrorInfoPtr qerrinfo;
	::GetErrorInfo(0, &qerrinfo); // This clears the system wide error info
	if (!qerrinfo)
		// We didn't have any (relevant) error info

	SmartBstr sbstrDesc;

	// We have an error info object, and presume that it is relevant.
	// If it indicates a programming error, and doesn't already contain a
	// stack dump, try to add one.
	if (hrErr == E_INVALIDARG || hrErr == E_POINTER || hrErr == E_UNEXPECTED)
		// If so look for stack dump type info.
		std::wstring strDesc = sbstrDesc;
		if (!wcsstr(strDesc.c_str(), ThrowableSd::MoreSep()))
			// no stack there, so add one
			DumpStackHere("Error was detected by CheckHr here:\r\n");
			StrUni stuDescNew;
			stuDescNew.Format(L"%s%s%S", sbstrDesc.Chars(), ThrowableSd::MoreSep(),
			sbstrDesc.Append(const_cast<OLECHAR *>(stuDescNew.Chars()));

			// Now modify the error info
			ICreateErrorInfoPtr qcerrinfo;
			if (SUCCEEDED(qerrinfo->QueryInterface(IID_ICreateErrorInfo, (LPVOID FAR*) &qcerrinfo)))
	// Throw an error indicating there is already a good error object in place.
	ThrowHr(hrErr, sbstrDesc.Bstr(), -1, qerrinfo);