Ejemplo n.º 1
	void Microsoft2Grabber::DepthFrameArrived(IDepthFrameReference* pDepthFrameReference) {
		IDepthFrame* pDepthFrame = NULL;
		HRESULT hr = pDepthFrameReference->AcquireFrame(&pDepthFrame);
		//HRESULT hr = pDepthFrameReference->AcquireLatestFrame(&pDepthFrame);
		//cout << "got a depth frame" << endl;
		INT64 nDepthTime = 0;
		IFrameDescription* pDepthFrameDescription = NULL;
		int nDepthWidth = 0;
		int nDepthHeight = 0;
		UINT nDepthBufferSize = 0;

		// get depth frame data
		hr = pDepthFrame->get_RelativeTime(&nDepthTime);
		if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
			hr = pDepthFrame->get_FrameDescription(&pDepthFrameDescription);
		if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
			hr = pDepthFrameDescription->get_Width(&nDepthWidth);
		if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
			hr = pDepthFrameDescription->get_Height(&nDepthHeight);
		if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
			hr = pDepthFrame->AccessUnderlyingBuffer(&nDepthBufferSize, &m_pDepthBuffer);
			Mat tmp = Mat(m_depthSize, DEPTH_PIXEL_TYPE, m_pDepthBuffer, Mat::AUTO_STEP);
			MatDepth depth_img = *((MatDepth*)&(tmp.clone()));
			m_depthTime = nDepthTime;
			if (depth_image_signal_->num_slots () > 0) {
			if (num_slots<sig_cb_microsoft_point_cloud_rgba>() > 0 || all_data_signal_->num_slots() > 0 || image_depth_image_signal_->num_slots() > 0) {
				//rgb_sync_.add1 (depth_img, m_depthTime);
Ejemplo n.º 2
	void capture(Image::Ptr& pImage)
		if (m_pMultiSourceFrameReader==nullptr)
			camera->getContext().error("CameraKinectDevice::capture: m_pMultiSourceFrameReader is nullptr\n");
			// this is bad news - perhaps throw?
			return; // @@@

		IMultiSourceFrame* pMultiSourceFrame = nullptr;
		IDepthFrame* pDepthFrame = nullptr;
		IColorFrame* pColorFrame = nullptr;

		const golem::MSecTmU32 waitStep = 1;
		golem::MSecTmU32 timeWaited = 0;
		golem::Sleep timer;
		while (FAILED(hr = m_pMultiSourceFrameReader->AcquireLatestFrame(&pMultiSourceFrame)))
			// this is in CameraOpenNI, but suspect may be causing problem here
			// if (camera->isTerminating())	return;

			timeWaited += waitStep;
			if (timeWaited >= timeout)
				camera->getContext().error("CameraKinectDevice::capture: failed to acquire frame within %d ms\n", timeout);
				// keep going - don't return with nothing; reset stopwatch @@@
				timeWaited = 0;
		const golem::SecTmReal systemTime1 = camera->getContext().getTimer().elapsed();

		if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
			IDepthFrameReference* pDepthFrameReference = nullptr;

			hr = pMultiSourceFrame->get_DepthFrameReference(&pDepthFrameReference);
			if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
				hr = pDepthFrameReference->AcquireFrame(&pDepthFrame);

		if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
			IColorFrameReference* pColorFrameReference = nullptr;

			hr = pMultiSourceFrame->get_ColorFrameReference(&pColorFrameReference);
			if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
				hr = pColorFrameReference->AcquireFrame(&pColorFrame);

		if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
			INT64 nDepthTime = 0;
			IFrameDescription* pDepthFrameDescription = nullptr;
			int nDepthWidth = 0;
			int nDepthHeight = 0;
			UINT nDepthBufferSize = 0;
			UINT16 *pDepthBuffer = nullptr;

			IFrameDescription* pColorFrameDescription = nullptr;
			int nColorWidth = 0;
			int nColorHeight = 0;
			ColorImageFormat imageFormat = ColorImageFormat_None;
			UINT nColorBufferSize = 0;
			RGBQUAD *pColorBuffer = nullptr;

			// get depth frame data

			hr = pDepthFrame->get_RelativeTime(&nDepthTime);

			if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
				hr = pDepthFrame->get_FrameDescription(&pDepthFrameDescription);

			if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
				hr = pDepthFrameDescription->get_Width(&nDepthWidth);

			if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
				hr = pDepthFrameDescription->get_Height(&nDepthHeight);

			if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
				hr = pDepthFrame->AccessUnderlyingBuffer(&nDepthBufferSize, &pDepthBuffer);

			// get color frame data

			if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
				hr = pColorFrame->get_FrameDescription(&pColorFrameDescription);

			if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
				hr = pColorFrameDescription->get_Width(&nColorWidth);

			if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
				hr = pColorFrameDescription->get_Height(&nColorHeight);

			if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
				hr = pColorFrame->get_RawColorImageFormat(&imageFormat);

			if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
				if (imageFormat == ColorImageFormat_Bgra)
					hr = pColorFrame->AccessRawUnderlyingBuffer(&nColorBufferSize, reinterpret_cast<BYTE**>(&pColorBuffer));
				else if (m_pColorRGBX)
					pColorBuffer = m_pColorRGBX;
					nColorBufferSize = nColorWidth * nColorHeight * sizeof(RGBQUAD);
					hr = pColorFrame->CopyConvertedFrameDataToArray(nColorBufferSize, reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>(pColorBuffer), ColorImageFormat_Bgra);
					hr = E_FAIL;
			cv::Mat colorFrame;
			colorFrame.create(cColorHeight, cColorWidth, CV_8UC4);
			colorFrame.setTo(cv::Scalar(0, 0, 0, 0));
			//copying color buffer into cv::mat		
			memcpy(colorFrame.data, pColorBuffer, (nColorWidth * nColorHeight) * 4);
			//originally kinect has mirrored image
			cv::flip(colorFrame, colorFrame, 1);
			//converstion to pImage which is BGR 
			cv::Mat colorFrameT;
			cv::cvtColor(colorFrame, colorFrameT, CV_BGRA2BGR);
			if (mode & CameraKinect::MODE_COLOUR)
				// initialize buffer
				if (pImage == nullptr)
					pImage.reset(new Image());
				pImage->reserve((int)1920, (int)1080);
				//printf("Before clonning frame\n");
				IplImage * img = cvCloneImage(&(IplImage)colorFrameT);
				cvCopy(img, pImage->image);
				//printf("After clonning frame\n");
				const golem::SecTmReal systemTime2 = camera->getContext().getTimer().elapsed();
				//seting timestamp
				pImage->timeStamp = REAL_HALF*(systemTime1 + systemTime2);
			//camera->getContext().debug("After colour\n");
			//needed for retain information of the begining of the buffer
			const UINT16* pBufferStart = pDepthBuffer;
			const UINT16* pBufferEnd = pDepthBuffer + (nDepthWidth * nDepthHeight);
			//copying depth buffer into cv::Mat
			long depthSizeP = (pBufferEnd - pBufferStart) * 2;

			cv::Mat depthFrame;
			depthFrame.create(cDepthHeight, cDepthWidth, CV_16UC1);
			memcpy(depthFrame.data, pBufferStart, depthSizeP);
			//originally kinect has mirrored image
			cv::flip(depthFrame, depthFrame, 1);
			//camera->getContext().debug("After getting depth data\n");
			//depth mode color data mapped into camera space (remember high resolution 1920x1080)
			if (mode & CameraKinect::MODE_DEPTH && (std::stoi(this->property.format.c_str()) == 101))
				//camera->getContext().debug("In depth mode\n");
				if (pImage == nullptr)
					pImage.reset(new Image());
				pImage->reserve((int)1920, (int)1080);

				pImage->cloud.reset(new PointSeq((uint32_t)property.width, (uint32_t)property.height));
				//Obtaining the pointcloud
				hasImageStream = false;
				float missingPoint = std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN();

				hr = m_pCoordinateMapper->MapColorFrameToCameraSpace(nDepthWidth * nDepthHeight, (UINT16*)pDepthBuffer, cColorHeight * cColorWidth, m_pCameraCoordinatesColor);

				golem::Point* pOutWidth = &pImage->cloud->front();
				CameraSpacePoint* pCamCWidth = m_pCameraCoordinatesColor;

				for (int y = 0; y < cColorHeight; ++y)
					golem::Point* pOut = pOutWidth;
					CameraSpacePoint* pCamC = pCamCWidth;

					for (int x = 0; x < cColorWidth; ++x, pCamC++, ++pOut) {
						cv::Vec4b color;
						int abc = pCamC->Z;
						if (abc != 0) {

							pOut->x = pCamC->X;
							pOut->y = pCamC->Y;
							pOut->z = pCamC->Z;
						else {
							pOut->x = pOut->y = pOut->z = missingPoint;
							//printf("Getting to this point4\n");
						pOut->normal_x = pOut->normal_y = pOut->normal_z = golem::numeric_const<float>::ZERO;

						color = colorFrame.at<cv::Vec4b>(y, x);
						if (hasImageStream) {
							pOut->b = color[0];
							pOut->g = color[1];
							pOut->r = color[2];
							pOut->a = colour._rgba.a;
						else {
							pOut->r = colour._rgba.r;
							pOut->g = colour._rgba.g;
							pOut->b = colour._rgba.b;
							pOut->a = colour._rgba.a;
					colorFrame += cColorWidth;
					pCamCWidth += cColorWidth;
					pOutWidth += cColorWidth;

			//depth mode depth data mapped into camera space
			if (mode & CameraKinect::MODE_DEPTH && (std::stoi(this->property.format.c_str()) == 102))
				if (pImage == nullptr)
					pImage.reset(new Image());
				//camera->getContext().debug("In depth mode\n");
				pImage->cloud.reset(new PointSeq((uint32_t)property.width, (uint32_t)property.height));
				//Obtaining the pointcloud
				hasImageStream = false;
				float missingPoint = std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN();

				hr = m_pCoordinateMapper->MapDepthFrameToCameraSpace(nDepthWidth * nDepthHeight, (UINT16*)pDepthBuffer, cDepthHeight * cDepthWidth, m_pCameraCoordinatesDepth);

				golem::Point* pOutWidth = &pImage->cloud->front();
				CameraSpacePoint* pCamDWidth = m_pCameraCoordinatesDepth;

				for (int y = 0; y < cDepthHeight; ++y)
					golem::Point* pOut = pOutWidth;
					CameraSpacePoint* pCamC = pCamDWidth;

					for (int x = 0; x < cDepthWidth; ++x, pCamC++, ++pOut) {
						cv::Vec4b color;
						//int abc = pCamC->Z;
						if (pCamC->Z != 0) {
							pOut->x = pCamC->X;
							pOut->y = pCamC->Y;
							pOut->z = pCamC->Z;
						else {
							pOut->x = missingPoint;
							pOut->y = missingPoint;
							pOut->z = missingPoint;
							//	//printf("Getting to this point4\n");
						pOut->normal_x = pOut->normal_y = pOut->normal_z = golem::numeric_const<float>::ZERO;

						/*color = colorframe.at<cv::vec4b>(y, x);
						if (hasimagestream) {
						pout->b = color[0];
						pout->g = color[1];
						pout->r = color[2];
						pout->a = colour._rgba.a;
						//else {
						pOut->r = colour._rgba.r;
						pOut->g = colour._rgba.g;
						pOut->b = colour._rgba.b;
						pOut->a = colour._rgba.a;
					//colorFrame += cDepthWidth;
					pCamDWidth += cDepthWidth;
					pOutWidth += cDepthWidth;
				golem::Mat33 aMatrix;
				aMatrix.m11 = golem::Real(-1);
				aMatrix.m12 = golem::Real(0);
				aMatrix.m13 = golem::Real(0);
				aMatrix.m21 = golem::Real(0);
				aMatrix.m22 = golem::Real(-1);
				aMatrix.m23 = golem::Real(0);
				aMatrix.m31 = golem::Real(0);
				aMatrix.m32 = golem::Real(0);
				aMatrix.m33 = golem::Real(1);
				golem::Vec3 aVector;
				aVector.v1 = 0;
				aVector.v2 = 0;
				aVector.v3 = 0;
				golem::Mat34 aMatrix34;
				aMatrix34.R = aMatrix;
				aMatrix34.p = aVector;

				Cloud::PointSeqPtr pCloud = pImage->cloud;
				const Mat34 frame = Cloud::getSensorFrame(*pCloud);
				Cloud::transform(aMatrix34, *pCloud, *pCloud);
				Cloud::setSensorFrame(frame, *pCloud); // don't change the camera frame !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

				const golem::SecTmReal systemTime2 = camera->getContext().getTimer().elapsed();
				//seting timestamp
				pImage->timeStamp = REAL_HALF*(systemTime1 + systemTime2);
/// <summary>
/// Main processing function
/// </summary>
void CCoordinateMappingBasics::Update()
    if (!m_pMultiSourceFrameReader)

    IMultiSourceFrame* pMultiSourceFrame = NULL;
    IDepthFrame* pDepthFrame = NULL;
    IColorFrame* pColorFrame = NULL;
    IBodyIndexFrame* pBodyIndexFrame = NULL;

    IBodyFrame* pBodyFrame = NULL;

    HRESULT hr = m_pMultiSourceFrameReader->AcquireLatestFrame(&pMultiSourceFrame);

    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        IDepthFrameReference* pDepthFrameReference = NULL;

        hr = pMultiSourceFrame->get_DepthFrameReference(&pDepthFrameReference);
        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
            hr = pDepthFrameReference->AcquireFrame(&pDepthFrame);


    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        IColorFrameReference* pColorFrameReference = NULL;

        hr = pMultiSourceFrame->get_ColorFrameReference(&pColorFrameReference);
        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
            hr = pColorFrameReference->AcquireFrame(&pColorFrame);


    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        IBodyIndexFrameReference* pBodyIndexFrameReference = NULL;

        hr = pMultiSourceFrame->get_BodyIndexFrameReference(&pBodyIndexFrameReference);
        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
            hr = pBodyIndexFrameReference->AcquireFrame(&pBodyIndexFrame);


    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        IBodyFrameReference* pBodyFrameReference = NULL;

        hr = pMultiSourceFrame->get_BodyFrameReference(&pBodyFrameReference);
        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
            hr = pBodyFrameReference->AcquireFrame(&pBodyFrame);


    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
		// Depth
        INT64 nDepthTime = 0;
        IFrameDescription* pDepthFrameDescription = NULL;
        int nDepthWidth = 0;
        int nDepthHeight = 0;
        UINT nDepthBufferSize = 0;
        UINT16 *pDepthBuffer = NULL;

		// Color
        IFrameDescription* pColorFrameDescription = NULL;
        int nColorWidth = 0;
        int nColorHeight = 0;
        ColorImageFormat imageFormat = ColorImageFormat_None;
        UINT nColorBufferSize = 0;
        RGBQUAD *pColorBuffer = NULL;

		// BodyIndex
        IFrameDescription* pBodyIndexFrameDescription = NULL;
        int nBodyIndexWidth = 0;
        int nBodyIndexHeight = 0;
        UINT nBodyIndexBufferSize = 0;
        BYTE *pBodyIndexBuffer = NULL;

		// Body
		IBody* ppBodies[BODY_COUNT] = { 0 };

        // get depth frame data
        hr = pDepthFrame->get_RelativeTime(&nDepthTime);

		// Depth
        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
            hr = pDepthFrame->get_FrameDescription(&pDepthFrameDescription);

        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
            hr = pDepthFrameDescription->get_Width(&nDepthWidth);

        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
            hr = pDepthFrameDescription->get_Height(&nDepthHeight);

        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
            hr = pDepthFrame->AccessUnderlyingBuffer(&nDepthBufferSize, &pDepthBuffer);            

        // get color frame data
        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
            hr = pColorFrame->get_FrameDescription(&pColorFrameDescription);

        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
            hr = pColorFrameDescription->get_Width(&nColorWidth);

        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
            hr = pColorFrameDescription->get_Height(&nColorHeight);

        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
            hr = pColorFrame->get_RawColorImageFormat(&imageFormat);

        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
            if (imageFormat == ColorImageFormat_Bgra)
                hr = pColorFrame->AccessRawUnderlyingBuffer(&nColorBufferSize, reinterpret_cast<BYTE**>(&pColorBuffer));
            else if (m_pColorRGBX)
                pColorBuffer = m_pColorRGBX;
                nColorBufferSize = cColorWidth * cColorHeight * sizeof(RGBQUAD);
                hr = pColorFrame->CopyConvertedFrameDataToArray(nColorBufferSize, reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>(pColorBuffer), ColorImageFormat_Bgra);
                hr = E_FAIL;

        // get body index frame data
        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
            hr = pBodyIndexFrame->get_FrameDescription(&pBodyIndexFrameDescription);

        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
            hr = pBodyIndexFrameDescription->get_Width(&nBodyIndexWidth);

        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
            hr = pBodyIndexFrameDescription->get_Height(&nBodyIndexHeight);

        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
            hr = pBodyIndexFrame->AccessUnderlyingBuffer(&nBodyIndexBufferSize, &pBodyIndexBuffer);            

		// get body frame data

		if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
			hr = pBodyFrame->GetAndRefreshBodyData(_countof(ppBodies), ppBodies);

        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
            ProcessFrame(nDepthTime, pDepthBuffer, nDepthWidth, nDepthHeight, 
                pColorBuffer, nColorWidth, nColorHeight,
				pBodyIndexBuffer, nBodyIndexWidth, nBodyIndexHeight, BODY_COUNT, ppBodies);


		for (int i = 0; i < _countof(ppBodies); ++i)

Ejemplo n.º 4
void Device::update()
	if ( mSensor != 0 ) {
		mSensor->get_Status( &mStatus );

	if ( mFrameReader == 0 ) {

	IAudioBeamFrame* audioFrame								= 0;
	IBodyFrame* bodyFrame									= 0;
	IBodyIndexFrame* bodyIndexFrame							= 0;
	IColorFrame* colorFrame									= 0;
	IDepthFrame* depthFrame									= 0;
	IMultiSourceFrame* frame								= 0;
	IInfraredFrame* infraredFrame							= 0;
	ILongExposureInfraredFrame* infraredLongExposureFrame	= 0;
	HRESULT hr = mFrameReader->AcquireLatestFrame( &frame );

	// TODO audio
	if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) {
		console() << "SUCCEEDED " << getElapsedFrames() << endl;

	if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) && mDeviceOptions.isBodyEnabled() ) {
		IBodyFrameReference* frameRef = 0;
		hr = frame->get_BodyFrameReference( &frameRef );
		if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) {
			hr = frameRef->AcquireFrame( &bodyFrame );
		if ( frameRef != 0 ) {
			frameRef = 0;

	if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) && mDeviceOptions.isBodyIndexEnabled() ) {
		IBodyIndexFrameReference* frameRef = 0;
		hr = frame->get_BodyIndexFrameReference( &frameRef );
		if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) {
			hr = frameRef->AcquireFrame( &bodyIndexFrame );
		if ( frameRef != 0 ) {
			frameRef = 0;

	if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) && mDeviceOptions.isColorEnabled() ) {
		IColorFrameReference* frameRef = 0;
		hr = frame->get_ColorFrameReference( &frameRef );
		if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) {
			hr = frameRef->AcquireFrame( &colorFrame );
		if ( frameRef != 0 ) {
			frameRef = 0;

	if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) && mDeviceOptions.isDepthEnabled() ) {
		IDepthFrameReference* frameRef = 0;
		hr = frame->get_DepthFrameReference( &frameRef );
		if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) {
			hr = frameRef->AcquireFrame( &depthFrame );
		if ( frameRef != 0 ) {
			frameRef = 0;

	if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) && mDeviceOptions.isInfraredEnabled() ) {
		IInfraredFrameReference* frameRef = 0;
		hr = frame->get_InfraredFrameReference( &frameRef );
		if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) {
			hr = frameRef->AcquireFrame( &infraredFrame );
		if ( frameRef != 0 ) {
			frameRef = 0;

	if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) && mDeviceOptions.isInfraredLongExposureEnabled() ) {
		ILongExposureInfraredFrameReference* frameRef = 0;
		hr = frame->get_LongExposureInfraredFrameReference( &frameRef );
		if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) {
			hr = frameRef->AcquireFrame( &infraredLongExposureFrame );
		if ( frameRef != 0 ) {
			frameRef = 0;

	if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) {
		long long time											= 0L;

		// TODO audio

		IFrameDescription* bodyFrameDescription					= 0;
		int32_t bodyWidth										= 0;
		int32_t bodyHeight										= 0;
		uint32_t bodyBufferSize									= 0;
		uint8_t* bodyBuffer										= 0;

		IFrameDescription* bodyIndexFrameDescription			= 0;
		int32_t bodyIndexWidth									= 0;
		int32_t bodyIndexHeight									= 0;
		uint32_t bodyIndexBufferSize							= 0;
		uint8_t* bodyIndexBuffer								= 0;
		IFrameDescription* colorFrameDescription				= 0;
		int32_t colorWidth										= 0;
		int32_t colorHeight										= 0;
		ColorImageFormat imageFormat							= ColorImageFormat_None;
		uint32_t colorBufferSize								= 0;
		uint8_t* colorBuffer									= 0;

		IFrameDescription* depthFrameDescription				= 0;
		int32_t depthWidth										= 0;
		int32_t depthHeight										= 0;
		uint16_t depthMinReliableDistance						= 0;
		uint16_t depthMaxReliableDistance						= 0;
		uint32_t depthBufferSize								= 0;
		uint16_t* depthBuffer									= 0;

		IFrameDescription* infraredFrameDescription				= 0;
		int32_t infraredWidth									= 0;
		int32_t infraredHeight									= 0;
		uint32_t infraredBufferSize								= 0;
		uint16_t* infraredBuffer								= 0;

		IFrameDescription* infraredLongExposureFrameDescription	= 0;
		int32_t infraredLongExposureWidth						= 0;
		int32_t infraredLongExposureHeight						= 0;
		uint32_t infraredLongExposureBufferSize					= 0;
		uint16_t* infraredLongExposureBuffer					= 0;

		hr = depthFrame->get_RelativeTime( &time );

		// TODO audio
		if ( mDeviceOptions.isAudioEnabled() ) {


		// TODO body
		if ( mDeviceOptions.isBodyEnabled() ) {


		if ( mDeviceOptions.isBodyIndexEnabled() ) {
			if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) {
				hr = bodyIndexFrame->get_FrameDescription( &bodyIndexFrameDescription );
			if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) {
				hr = bodyIndexFrameDescription->get_Width( &bodyIndexWidth );
			if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) {
				hr = bodyIndexFrameDescription->get_Height( &bodyIndexHeight );
			if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) {
 				//hr = bodyIndexFrame->AccessUnderlyingBuffer( &bodyIndexBufferSize, &bodyIndexBuffer );

		if ( mDeviceOptions.isColorEnabled() ) {
			if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) {
				hr = colorFrame->get_FrameDescription( &colorFrameDescription );
			if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) {
				hr = colorFrameDescription->get_Width( &colorWidth );
			if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) {
				hr = colorFrameDescription->get_Height( &colorHeight );
			if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) {
				hr = colorFrame->get_RawColorImageFormat( &imageFormat );
			if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) {
				bool isAllocated	= false;
				SurfaceChannelOrder channelOrder = SurfaceChannelOrder::BGRA;
				if ( imageFormat == ColorImageFormat_Bgra ) {
					hr = colorFrame->AccessRawUnderlyingBuffer( &colorBufferSize, reinterpret_cast<uint8_t**>( &colorBuffer ) );
					channelOrder = SurfaceChannelOrder::BGRA;
				} else if ( imageFormat == ColorImageFormat_Rgba ) {
					hr = colorFrame->AccessRawUnderlyingBuffer( &colorBufferSize, reinterpret_cast<uint8_t**>( &colorBuffer ) );
					channelOrder = SurfaceChannelOrder::RGBA;
				} else {
					isAllocated = true;
					colorBufferSize = colorWidth * colorHeight * sizeof( uint8_t ) * 4;
					colorBuffer = new uint8_t[ colorBufferSize ];
					hr = colorFrame->CopyConvertedFrameDataToArray( colorBufferSize, reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>( colorBuffer ), ColorImageFormat_Rgba );
					channelOrder = SurfaceChannelOrder::RGBA;

				if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) {
					colorFrame->get_RelativeTime( &time );
					Surface8u colorSurface = Surface8u( colorBuffer, colorWidth, colorHeight, colorWidth * sizeof( uint8_t ) * 4, channelOrder );
					mFrame.mSurfaceColor = Surface8u( colorWidth, colorHeight, false, channelOrder );
					mFrame.mSurfaceColor.copyFrom( colorSurface, colorSurface.getBounds() );

					console() << "Color\n\twidth: " << colorWidth << "\n\theight: " << colorHeight 
						<< "\n\tbuffer size: " << colorBufferSize << "\n\ttime: " << time << endl;

				if ( isAllocated && colorBuffer != 0 ) {
					delete[] colorBuffer;
					colorBuffer = 0;

		if ( mDeviceOptions.isDepthEnabled() ) {
			if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) {
				hr = depthFrame->get_FrameDescription( &depthFrameDescription );
			if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) {
				hr = depthFrameDescription->get_Width( &depthWidth );
			if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) {
				hr = depthFrameDescription->get_Height( &depthHeight );
			if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) {
				hr = depthFrame->get_DepthMinReliableDistance( &depthMinReliableDistance );
			if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) {
				hr = depthFrame->get_DepthMaxReliableDistance( &depthMaxReliableDistance );
			if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) {
				hr = depthFrame->AccessUnderlyingBuffer( &depthBufferSize, &depthBuffer );
			if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) {
				Channel16u depthChannel = Channel16u( depthWidth, depthHeight, depthWidth * sizeof( uint16_t ), 1, depthBuffer );
				mFrame.mChannelDepth = Channel16u( depthWidth, depthHeight );
				mFrame.mChannelDepth.copyFrom( depthChannel, depthChannel.getBounds() );

				console( ) << "Depth\n\twidth: " << depthWidth << "\n\theight: " << depthHeight << endl;

		if ( mDeviceOptions.isInfraredEnabled() ) {
			if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) {
				hr = infraredFrame->get_FrameDescription( &infraredFrameDescription );
			if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) {
				hr = infraredFrameDescription->get_Width( &infraredWidth );
			if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) {
				hr = infraredFrameDescription->get_Height( &infraredHeight );
			if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) {
				hr = infraredFrame->AccessUnderlyingBuffer( &infraredBufferSize, &infraredBuffer );
			if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) {
				Channel16u infraredChannel = Channel16u( infraredWidth, infraredHeight, infraredWidth * sizeof( uint16_t ), 1, infraredBuffer );
				mFrame.mChannelInfrared = Channel16u( infraredWidth, infraredHeight );
				mFrame.mChannelInfrared.copyFrom( infraredChannel, infraredChannel.getBounds() );

				console( ) << "Infrared\n\twidth: " << infraredWidth << "\n\theight: " << infraredHeight << endl;

		if ( mDeviceOptions.isInfraredLongExposureEnabled() ) {
			if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) {
				hr = infraredLongExposureFrame->get_FrameDescription( &infraredLongExposureFrameDescription );
			if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) {
				hr = infraredLongExposureFrameDescription->get_Width( &infraredLongExposureWidth );
			if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) {
				hr = infraredLongExposureFrameDescription->get_Height( &infraredLongExposureHeight );
			if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) {
				hr = infraredLongExposureFrame->AccessUnderlyingBuffer( &infraredLongExposureBufferSize, &infraredLongExposureBuffer );
			if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) {
				Channel16u infraredLongExposureChannel = Channel16u( infraredLongExposureWidth, infraredLongExposureHeight, infraredLongExposureWidth * sizeof( uint16_t ), 1, infraredLongExposureBuffer );
				mFrame.mChannelInfraredLongExposure = Channel16u( infraredLongExposureWidth, infraredLongExposureHeight );
				mFrame.mChannelInfraredLongExposure.copyFrom( infraredLongExposureChannel, infraredLongExposureChannel.getBounds() );

				int64_t irLongExpTime = 0;
				hr = infraredLongExposureFrame->get_RelativeTime( &irLongExpTime );

				console( ) << "Infrared Long Exposure\n\twidth: " << infraredLongExposureWidth << "\n\theight: " << infraredLongExposureHeight;
				if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) {
					console() << "\n\ttimestamp: " << irLongExpTime;
				console() << endl;

		if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) {
			// TODO build Kinect2::Frame from buffers, data
			mFrame.mTimeStamp = time;

		if ( bodyFrameDescription != 0 ) {
			bodyFrameDescription = 0;
		if ( bodyIndexFrameDescription != 0 ) {
			bodyIndexFrameDescription = 0;
		if ( colorFrameDescription != 0 ) {
			colorFrameDescription = 0;
		if ( depthFrameDescription != 0 ) {
			depthFrameDescription = 0;
		if ( infraredFrameDescription != 0 ) {
			infraredFrameDescription = 0;
		if ( infraredLongExposureFrameDescription != 0 ) {
			infraredLongExposureFrameDescription = 0;

	if ( audioFrame != 0 ) {
		audioFrame = 0;
	if ( bodyFrame != 0 ) {
		bodyFrame = 0;
	if ( bodyIndexFrame != 0 ) {
		bodyIndexFrame = 0;
	if ( colorFrame != 0 ) {
		colorFrame = 0;
	if ( depthFrame != 0 ) {
		depthFrame = 0;
	if ( frame != 0 ) {
		frame = 0;
	if ( infraredFrame != 0 ) {
		infraredFrame = 0;
	if ( infraredLongExposureFrame != 0 ) {
		infraredLongExposureFrame = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 5
	//after calling this, get the depth fram with GetDepth or GetDepthRGBX
	void UpdateDepth(){

		if (!m_pDepthFrameReader)

		IDepthFrame* pDepthFrame = NULL;

		HRESULT hr = m_pDepthFrameReader->AcquireLatestFrame(&pDepthFrame);

		if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
			INT64 nTime = 0;
			IFrameDescription* pFrameDescription = NULL;
			int nWidth = 0;
			int nHeight = 0;
			USHORT nDepthMinReliableDistance = 0;
			USHORT nDepthMaxReliableDistance = 0;
			UINT nBufferSize = 0;
			UINT16 *pBuffer = NULL;

			hr = pDepthFrame->get_RelativeTime(&nTime);

			if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
				hr = pDepthFrame->get_FrameDescription(&pFrameDescription);

			if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
				hr = pFrameDescription->get_Width(&nWidth);

			if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
				m_nDepthWidth = nWidth;
				hr = pFrameDescription->get_Height(&nHeight);

			if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
				m_nDepthHeight = nHeight;
				hr = pDepthFrame->get_DepthMinReliableDistance(&nDepthMinReliableDistance);

			if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
				hr = pDepthFrame->get_DepthMaxReliableDistance(&nDepthMaxReliableDistance);

			if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
				hr = pDepthFrame->AccessUnderlyingBuffer(&nBufferSize, &pBuffer);            

			if (SUCCEEDED(hr))

					ProcessDepth(nTime, pBuffer, nWidth, nHeight, nDepthMinReliableDistance, nDepthMaxReliableDistance);
					ProcessDepthNoRGBX(nTime, pBuffer, nWidth, nHeight, nDepthMinReliableDistance, nDepthMaxReliableDistance);


				if(m_bMapDepthToColor && m_nColorWidth > 0 && m_nColorHeight > 0 && SUCCEEDED(hr) && m_bColorDepthMapCalculated){
					ProcessDepthToColor(m_pDepth, m_nDepthWidth, m_nDepthHeight, m_pColorDepthMap, m_nColorWidth, m_nColorHeight);


Ejemplo n.º 6
bool DepthStream::readFrame(IMultiSourceFrame *multiFrame)
    bool readed = false;
    if (!m_StreamHandle.depthFrameReader) {
        ofLogWarning("ofxKinect2::DepthStream") << "Stream is not open.";
        return readed;

    IDepthFrame *depthFrame = nullptr;

    HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;
    if (!multiFrame) {
        hr = m_StreamHandle.depthFrameReader->AcquireLatestFrame(&depthFrame);
    else {
        IDepthFrameReference *depthFrameReference = nullptr;
        hr = multiFrame->get_DepthFrameReference(&depthFrameReference);

        if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
            hr = depthFrameReference->AcquireFrame(&depthFrame);


    if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
        IFrameDescription *depthFrameDescription = nullptr;

        hr = depthFrame->get_RelativeTime((INT64 *)&m_Frame.timestamp);

        if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
            hr = depthFrame->get_FrameDescription(&depthFrameDescription);

        if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
            hr = depthFrameDescription->get_Width(&m_Frame.width);

        if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
            hr = depthFrameDescription->get_Height(&m_Frame.height);

        if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
            hr = depthFrameDescription->get_HorizontalFieldOfView(&m_Frame.horizontalFieldOfView);

        if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
            hr = depthFrameDescription->get_VerticalFieldOfView(&m_Frame.verticalFieldOfView);

        if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
            hr = depthFrameDescription->get_DiagonalFieldOfView(&m_Frame.diagonalFieldOfView);

        if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
            hr = depthFrame->get_DepthMinReliableDistance((USHORT *)&m_NearValue);

        if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
            hr = depthFrame->get_DepthMaxReliableDistance((USHORT *)&m_FarValue);

        if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
            hr = depthFrame->get_DepthMinReliableDistance((USHORT *)&m_NearValue);

        if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
            if (m_Frame.dataSize == 0) {
                m_Frame.dataSize = m_Frame.width * m_Frame.height;
                m_Frame.data = new UINT16[m_Frame.width * m_Frame.height];
            hr = depthFrame->CopyFrameDataToArray(m_Frame.width * m_Frame.height, reinterpret_cast<UINT16 *>(m_Frame.data));

        if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
            readed = true;


    return readed;
int TextureManager::CreateSensorTexture(char *errorString, const char *name) {
	if (!depth_frame_reader_) {
		sprintf_s(errorString, MAX_ERROR_LENGTH,
			"No depth sensor exists for texture creation");
		return -1;

	glGenTextures(1, textureID + numTextures);
	strcpy_s(textureName[numTextures], TM_MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH, name);
	glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, textureID[numTextures]);
	//gluBuild2DMipmaps(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_RGBA,
	//	GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, noiseIntData);

	IDepthFrame* pDepthFrame = NULL;

	bool hasSucceeded = false;
	for (int tries = 0; tries < 20 && !hasSucceeded; tries++) {
		hr = depth_frame_reader_->AcquireLatestFrame(&pDepthFrame);
		if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hasSucceeded = true;
	if (!hasSucceeded) {
		sprintf_s(errorString, MAX_ERROR_LENGTH,
			"Could not acquire last depth sensor frame");
		return -1;


	IFrameDescription* pFrameDescription = NULL;
	int nWidth = 0;
	int nHeight = 0;

	hr = pDepthFrame->get_FrameDescription(&pFrameDescription);
	if (FAILED(hr)) {
		sprintf_s(errorString, MAX_ERROR_LENGTH,
			"Could not get Depth Frame description");
		return -1;

    depth_sensor_width_ = nWidth;
    depth_sensor_height_ = nHeight;

	if (cpu_depth_sensor_buffer_) delete[] cpu_depth_sensor_buffer_;
	cpu_depth_sensor_buffer_ = new float[nWidth * nHeight];
	memset(cpu_depth_sensor_buffer_, 0, nWidth * nHeight);
	if (smoothed_depth_sensor_buffer_[0]) {
		delete[] smoothed_depth_sensor_buffer_[0];
		delete[] smoothed_depth_sensor_buffer_[1];
	smoothed_depth_sensor_buffer_[0] = new float[nWidth * nHeight];
	smoothed_depth_sensor_buffer_[1] = new float[nWidth * nHeight];
	memset(smoothed_depth_sensor_buffer_[0], 0,
	memset(smoothed_depth_sensor_buffer_[1], 0,

	glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_R32F,
		nWidth, nHeight,
		0, GL_RED, GL_FLOAT, smoothed_depth_sensor_buffer_[0]);

	textureWidth[numTextures] = nWidth;
	textureHeight[numTextures] = nHeight;


	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 8
HRESULT KinectHandler::GetColorAndDepth(RGBQUAD* &color, RGBQUAD* &depth, UINT16*& depthBuffer)
	if (!m_pMultiFrameReader)
		cout << "No frame reader!" << endl;
		return E_FAIL;

	IColorFrame* pColorFrame = NULL;
	IDepthFrame* pDepthFrame = NULL;
	IMultiSourceFrame* pMultiSourceFrame = NULL;
	HRESULT hr = m_pMultiFrameReader->AcquireLatestFrame(&pMultiSourceFrame);

	if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
		IColorFrameReference* pColorFrameReference = NULL;
		hr = pMultiSourceFrame->get_ColorFrameReference(&pColorFrameReference);

		if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
			hr = pColorFrameReference->AcquireFrame(&pColorFrame);

		IDepthFrameReference* pDepthFrameReference = NULL;
		hr = pMultiSourceFrame->get_DepthFrameReference(&pDepthFrameReference);

		if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
			hr = pDepthFrameReference->AcquireFrame(&pDepthFrame);


	if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && pColorFrame != NULL && pDepthFrame != NULL)
		INT64 nTime = 0;
		IFrameDescription* pColorFrameDescription = NULL;
		int nColorWidth = 0;
		int nColorHeight = 0;
		ColorImageFormat imageFormat = ColorImageFormat_None;
		UINT nColorBufferSize = 0;
		RGBQUAD *pColorBuffer = NULL;

		hr = pColorFrame->get_RelativeTime(&nTime);

		if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
			hr = pColorFrame->get_FrameDescription(&pColorFrameDescription);
		if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
			hr = pColorFrameDescription->get_Width(&nColorWidth);
		if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
			hr = pColorFrameDescription->get_Height(&nColorHeight);
		if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
			hr = pColorFrame->get_RawColorImageFormat(&imageFormat);
		if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
			if (imageFormat == ColorImageFormat_Bgra)
				hr = pColorFrame->AccessRawUnderlyingBuffer(&nColorBufferSize, reinterpret_cast<BYTE**>(&pColorBuffer));
			else if (m_pColorRGBX)
				pColorBuffer = m_pColorRGBX;
				nColorBufferSize = cColorWidth * cColorHeight * sizeof(RGBQUAD);
				hr = pColorFrame->CopyConvertedFrameDataToArray(nColorBufferSize, reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>(pColorBuffer), ColorImageFormat_Bgra);
				cout << "FAILED" << endl;
				hr = E_FAIL;

		if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
			color = pColorBuffer;


		nTime = 0;
		IFrameDescription* pDepthFrameDescription = NULL;
		int nDepthWidth = 0;
		int nDepthHeight = 0;
		USHORT nDepthMinReliableDistance = 0;
		USHORT nDepthMaxDistance = 0;
		UINT nDepthBufferSize = 0;
		UINT16 *pDepthBuffer = NULL;

		hr = pDepthFrame->get_RelativeTime(&nTime);

		if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
			hr = pDepthFrame->get_FrameDescription(&pDepthFrameDescription);
		if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
			hr = pDepthFrameDescription->get_Width(&nDepthWidth);
		if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
			hr = pDepthFrameDescription->get_Height(&nDepthHeight);
		if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
			hr = pDepthFrame->get_DepthMinReliableDistance(&nDepthMinReliableDistance);
		if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
			// In order to see the full range of depth (including the less reliable far field depth)
			// we are setting nDepthMaxDistance to the extreme potential depth threshold
			nDepthMaxDistance = USHRT_MAX;

			// Note:  If you wish to filter by reliable depth distance, uncomment the following line.
			//// hr = pDepthFrame->get_DepthMaxReliableDistance(&nDepthMaxDistance);

		if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
			hr = pDepthFrame->AccessUnderlyingBuffer(&nDepthBufferSize, &pDepthBuffer);
		if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
			//RGBQUAD* pRGBX = new RGBQUAD[cDepthWidth * cDepthHeight];

			// end pixel is start + width*height - 1

			const UINT16* pBufferEnd = pDepthBuffer + (nDepthWidth * nDepthHeight);
			RGBQUAD* auxiliar = m_pDepthRGBX;
			//const UINT16* pBufferEnd = pDepthBuffer + (640 * 480);
			int counter = 0;

			while (pDepthBuffer < pBufferEnd)
				//cout << "now:" << pDepthBuffer << " end:" << pBufferEnd << endl;
				USHORT depth = *pDepthBuffer;
				//cout << "now:" << pDepthBuffer << " end:" << pBufferEnd << endl;

				// To convert to a byte, we're discarding the most-significant
				// rather than least-significant bits.
				// We're preserving detail, although the intensity will "wrap."
				// Values outside the reliable depth range are mapped to 0 (black).

				// Note: Using conditionals in this loop could degrade performance.
				// Consider using a lookup table instead when writing production code.
				//BYTE intensity = static_cast<BYTE>((depth >= nDepthMinReliableDistance) && (depth <= nDepthMaxDistance) ? (depth % 256) : 0);
				BYTE intensity = static_cast<BYTE>((depth >= nDepthMinReliableDistance) && (depth <= nDepthMaxDistance) ? ((depth - nDepthMinReliableDistance) * (0 - 255) / (nDepthMaxDistance / 50 - nDepthMinReliableDistance) + 255) : 0);
				auxiliar->rgbBlue = intensity;
				auxiliar->rgbGreen = intensity;
				auxiliar->rgbRed = intensity;
				auxiliar->rgbReserved = (BYTE)255;



			depth = m_pDepthRGBX;

		if (m_pDepthRawBuffer)
			hr = pDepthFrame->CopyFrameDataToArray((cDepthWidth * cDepthHeight), m_pDepthRawBuffer);
			if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) depthBuffer = m_pDepthRawBuffer;


		cout << "Acquire last frame FAILED " << endl;
		hr = E_FAIL;
		return hr;

	return hr;
Ejemplo n.º 9
HRESULT KinectHandler::GetDepthImageData(RGBQUAD* &dest)
	if (!m_pMultiFrameReader)
		cout << "No frame reader!" << endl;
		return E_FAIL;

	IDepthFrame* pDepthFrame = NULL;
	IMultiSourceFrame* pMultiSourceFrame = NULL;
	HRESULT hr = m_pMultiFrameReader->AcquireLatestFrame(&pMultiSourceFrame);

	if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
		IDepthFrameReference* pDepthFrameReference = NULL;
		hr = pMultiSourceFrame->get_DepthFrameReference(&pDepthFrameReference);

		if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
			hr = pDepthFrameReference->AcquireFrame(&pDepthFrame);


	if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
		INT64 nTime = 0;
		IFrameDescription* pDepthFrameDescription = NULL;
		int nDepthWidth = 0;
		int nDepthHeight = 0;
		USHORT nDepthMinReliableDistance = 0;
		USHORT nDepthMaxDistance = 0;
		UINT nDepthBufferSize = 0;
		UINT16 *pDepthBuffer = NULL;

		hr = pDepthFrame->get_RelativeTime(&nTime);

		if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
			hr = pDepthFrame->get_FrameDescription(&pDepthFrameDescription);
		if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
			hr = pDepthFrameDescription->get_Width(&nDepthWidth);
		if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
			hr = pDepthFrameDescription->get_Height(&nDepthHeight);
		if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
			hr = pDepthFrame->get_DepthMinReliableDistance(&nDepthMinReliableDistance);
		if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
			// In order to see the full range of depth (including the less reliable far field depth)
			// we are setting nDepthMaxDistance to the extreme potential depth threshold
			nDepthMaxDistance = USHRT_MAX;

			// Note:  If you wish to filter by reliable depth distance, uncomment the following line.
			//// hr = pDepthFrame->get_DepthMaxReliableDistance(&nDepthMaxDistance);

		if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
			hr = pDepthFrame->AccessUnderlyingBuffer(&nDepthBufferSize, &pDepthBuffer);
		if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
			//RGBQUAD* pRGBX = new RGBQUAD[cDepthWidth * cDepthHeight];

			// end pixel is start + width*height - 1
			cout << "w:" << nDepthWidth << " h:" << nDepthHeight << endl;
			cout << "buffersize:" << nDepthBufferSize << endl;

			const UINT16* pBufferEnd = pDepthBuffer + (nDepthWidth * nDepthHeight);
			RGBQUAD* auxiliar = m_pDepthRGBX;
			//const UINT16* pBufferEnd = pDepthBuffer + (640 * 480);

			cout << "bufferLocation:" << pDepthBuffer << endl;
			cout << "bufferend:" << pBufferEnd << endl;
			int counter = 0;

			while (pDepthBuffer < pBufferEnd)
				//cout << "now:" << pDepthBuffer << " end:" << pBufferEnd << endl;
				USHORT depth = *pDepthBuffer;
				//cout << "now:" << pDepthBuffer << " end:" << pBufferEnd << endl;

				// To convert to a byte, we're discarding the most-significant
				// rather than least-significant bits.
				// We're preserving detail, although the intensity will "wrap."
				// Values outside the reliable depth range are mapped to 0 (black).

				// Note: Using conditionals in this loop could degrade performance.
				// Consider using a lookup table instead when writing production code.
				BYTE intensity = static_cast<BYTE>((depth >= nDepthMinReliableDistance) && (depth <= nDepthMaxDistance) ? (depth % 256) : 0);
				auxiliar->rgbBlue = intensity;
				auxiliar->rgbGreen = intensity;
				auxiliar->rgbRed = intensity;
				auxiliar->rgbReserved = (BYTE)255;



			dest = m_pDepthRGBX;
			cout << "total struct:" << counter << endl;

		cout << "Acquire last frame FAILED " << endl;
		hr = E_FAIL;
		return hr;

	return hr;
Ejemplo n.º 10
void Device::update()
    if ( mFrameReader == 0 ) {

    IAudioBeamFrame* audioFrame								= 0;
    IBodyFrame* bodyFrame									= 0;
    IBodyIndexFrame* bodyIndexFrame							= 0;
    IColorFrame* colorFrame									= 0;
    IDepthFrame* depthFrame									= 0;
    IMultiSourceFrame* frame								= 0;
    IInfraredFrame* infraredFrame							= 0;
    ILongExposureInfraredFrame* infraredLongExposureFrame	= 0;

    HRESULT hr = mFrameReader->AcquireLatestFrame( &frame );

    if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) && mDeviceOptions.isAudioEnabled() ) {
        // TODO audio

    if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) && mDeviceOptions.isBodyEnabled() ) {
        IBodyFrameReference* frameRef = 0;
        hr = frame->get_BodyFrameReference( &frameRef );
        if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) {
            hr = frameRef->AcquireFrame( &bodyFrame );
        if ( frameRef != 0 ) {
            frameRef = 0;

    if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) && mDeviceOptions.isBodyIndexEnabled() ) {
        IBodyIndexFrameReference* frameRef = 0;
        hr = frame->get_BodyIndexFrameReference( &frameRef );
        if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) {
            hr = frameRef->AcquireFrame( &bodyIndexFrame );
        if ( frameRef != 0 ) {
            frameRef = 0;

    if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) && mDeviceOptions.isColorEnabled() ) {
        IColorFrameReference* frameRef = 0;
        hr = frame->get_ColorFrameReference( &frameRef );
        if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) {
            hr = frameRef->AcquireFrame( &colorFrame );
        if ( frameRef != 0 ) {
            frameRef = 0;

    if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) && mDeviceOptions.isDepthEnabled() ) {
        IDepthFrameReference* frameRef = 0;
        hr = frame->get_DepthFrameReference( &frameRef );
        if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) {
            hr = frameRef->AcquireFrame( &depthFrame );
        if ( frameRef != 0 ) {
            frameRef = 0;

    if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) && mDeviceOptions.isInfraredEnabled() ) {
        IInfraredFrameReference* frameRef = 0;
        hr = frame->get_InfraredFrameReference( &frameRef );
        if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) {
            hr = frameRef->AcquireFrame( &infraredFrame );
        if ( frameRef != 0 ) {
            frameRef = 0;

    if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) && mDeviceOptions.isInfraredLongExposureEnabled() ) {
        ILongExposureInfraredFrameReference* frameRef = 0;
        hr = frame->get_LongExposureInfraredFrameReference( &frameRef );
        if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) {
            hr = frameRef->AcquireFrame( &infraredLongExposureFrame );
        if ( frameRef != 0 ) {
            frameRef = 0;

    if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) {
        long long timeStamp										= 0L;

        // TODO audio

        std::vector<Body> bodies;
        int64_t bodyTime										= 0L;
        IBody* kinectBodies[ BODY_COUNT ]						= { 0 };
        Vec4f floorClipPlane									= Vec4f::zero();

        Channel8u bodyIndexChannel;
        IFrameDescription* bodyIndexFrameDescription			= 0;
        int32_t bodyIndexWidth									= 0;
        int32_t bodyIndexHeight									= 0;
        uint32_t bodyIndexBufferSize							= 0;
        uint8_t* bodyIndexBuffer								= 0;
        int64_t bodyIndexTime									= 0L;

        Surface8u colorSurface;
        IFrameDescription* colorFrameDescription				= 0;
        int32_t colorWidth										= 0;
        int32_t colorHeight										= 0;
        ColorImageFormat colorImageFormat						= ColorImageFormat_None;
        uint32_t colorBufferSize								= 0;
        uint8_t* colorBuffer									= 0;

        Channel16u depthChannel;
        IFrameDescription* depthFrameDescription				= 0;
        int32_t depthWidth										= 0;
        int32_t depthHeight										= 0;
        uint16_t depthMinReliableDistance						= 0;
        uint16_t depthMaxReliableDistance						= 0;
        uint32_t depthBufferSize								= 0;
        uint16_t* depthBuffer									= 0;

        Channel16u infraredChannel;
        IFrameDescription* infraredFrameDescription				= 0;
        int32_t infraredWidth									= 0;
        int32_t infraredHeight									= 0;
        uint32_t infraredBufferSize								= 0;
        uint16_t* infraredBuffer								= 0;

        Channel16u infraredLongExposureChannel;
        IFrameDescription* infraredLongExposureFrameDescription	= 0;
        int32_t infraredLongExposureWidth						= 0;
        int32_t infraredLongExposureHeight						= 0;
        uint32_t infraredLongExposureBufferSize					= 0;
        uint16_t* infraredLongExposureBuffer					= 0;

        hr = depthFrame->get_RelativeTime( &timeStamp );

        // TODO audio
        if ( mDeviceOptions.isAudioEnabled() ) {


        if ( mDeviceOptions.isBodyEnabled() ) {
            if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) {
                hr = bodyFrame->get_RelativeTime( &bodyTime );
            if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) {
                hr = bodyFrame->GetAndRefreshBodyData( BODY_COUNT, kinectBodies );
            if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) {
                Vector4 v;
                hr = bodyFrame->get_FloorClipPlane( &v );
                floorClipPlane = toVec4f( v );
            if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) {
                for ( uint8_t i = 0; i < BODY_COUNT; ++i ) {
                    IBody* kinectBody = kinectBodies[ i ];
                    if ( kinectBody != 0 ) {
                        uint8_t isTracked	= false;
                        hr					= kinectBody->get_IsTracked( &isTracked );
                        if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) && isTracked ) {
                            Joint joints[ JointType_Count ];
                            kinectBody->GetJoints( JointType_Count, joints );

                            JointOrientation jointOrientations[ JointType_Count ];
                            kinectBody->GetJointOrientations( JointType_Count, jointOrientations );

                            uint64_t id = 0;
                            kinectBody->get_TrackingId( &id );

                            std::map<JointType, Body::Joint> jointMap;
                            for ( int32_t j = 0; j < JointType_Count; ++j ) {
                                Body::Joint joint(
                                    toVec3f( joints[ j ].Position ),
                                    toQuatf( jointOrientations[ j ].Orientation ),
                                    joints[ j ].TrackingState
                                jointMap.insert( pair<JointType, Body::Joint>( static_cast<JointType>( j ), joint ) );
                            Body body( id, i, jointMap );
                            bodies.push_back( body );

        if ( mDeviceOptions.isBodyIndexEnabled() ) {
            if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) {
                hr = bodyIndexFrame->get_RelativeTime( &bodyIndexTime );
            if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) {
                hr = bodyIndexFrame->get_FrameDescription( &bodyIndexFrameDescription );
            if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) {
                hr = bodyIndexFrameDescription->get_Width( &bodyIndexWidth );
            if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) {
                hr = bodyIndexFrameDescription->get_Height( &bodyIndexHeight );
            if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) {
                hr = bodyIndexFrame->AccessUnderlyingBuffer( &bodyIndexBufferSize, &bodyIndexBuffer );
            if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) {
                bodyIndexChannel = Channel8u( bodyIndexWidth, bodyIndexHeight );
                memcpy( bodyIndexChannel.getData(), bodyIndexBuffer, bodyIndexWidth * bodyIndexHeight * sizeof( uint8_t ) );

        if ( mDeviceOptions.isColorEnabled() ) {
            if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) {
                hr = colorFrame->get_FrameDescription( &colorFrameDescription );
                if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) {
                    float vFov = 0.0f;
                    float hFov = 0.0f;
                    float dFov = 0.0f;
                    colorFrameDescription->get_VerticalFieldOfView( &vFov );
                    colorFrameDescription->get_HorizontalFieldOfView( &hFov );
                    colorFrameDescription->get_DiagonalFieldOfView( &dFov );
            if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) {
                hr = colorFrameDescription->get_Width( &colorWidth );
            if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) {
                hr = colorFrameDescription->get_Height( &colorHeight );
            if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) {
                hr = colorFrame->get_RawColorImageFormat( &colorImageFormat );
            if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) {
                colorBufferSize = colorWidth * colorHeight * sizeof( uint8_t ) * 4;
                colorBuffer		= new uint8_t[ colorBufferSize ];
                hr = colorFrame->CopyConvertedFrameDataToArray( colorBufferSize, reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>( colorBuffer ), ColorImageFormat_Rgba );

                if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) {
                    colorSurface = Surface8u( colorWidth, colorHeight, false, SurfaceChannelOrder::RGBA );
                    memcpy( colorSurface.getData(), colorBuffer, colorWidth * colorHeight * sizeof( uint8_t ) * 4 );

                delete [] colorBuffer;
                colorBuffer = 0;

        if ( mDeviceOptions.isDepthEnabled() ) {
            if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) {
                hr = depthFrame->get_FrameDescription( &depthFrameDescription );
            if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) {
                hr = depthFrameDescription->get_Width( &depthWidth );
            if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) {
                hr = depthFrameDescription->get_Height( &depthHeight );
            if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) {
                hr = depthFrame->get_DepthMinReliableDistance( &depthMinReliableDistance );
            if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) {
                hr = depthFrame->get_DepthMaxReliableDistance( &depthMaxReliableDistance );
            if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) {
                hr = depthFrame->AccessUnderlyingBuffer( &depthBufferSize, &depthBuffer );
            if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) {
                depthChannel = Channel16u( depthWidth, depthHeight );
                memcpy( depthChannel.getData(), depthBuffer, depthWidth * depthHeight * sizeof( uint16_t ) );

        if ( mDeviceOptions.isInfraredEnabled() ) {
            if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) {
                hr = infraredFrame->get_FrameDescription( &infraredFrameDescription );
            if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) {
                hr = infraredFrameDescription->get_Width( &infraredWidth );
            if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) {
                hr = infraredFrameDescription->get_Height( &infraredHeight );
            if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) {
                hr = infraredFrame->AccessUnderlyingBuffer( &infraredBufferSize, &infraredBuffer );
            if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) {
                infraredChannel = Channel16u( infraredWidth, infraredHeight );
                memcpy( infraredChannel.getData(), infraredBuffer,  infraredWidth * infraredHeight * sizeof( uint16_t ) );

        if ( mDeviceOptions.isInfraredLongExposureEnabled() ) {
            if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) {
                hr = infraredLongExposureFrame->get_FrameDescription( &infraredLongExposureFrameDescription );
            if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) {
                hr = infraredLongExposureFrameDescription->get_Width( &infraredLongExposureWidth );
            if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) {
                hr = infraredLongExposureFrameDescription->get_Height( &infraredLongExposureHeight );
            if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) {
                hr = infraredLongExposureFrame->AccessUnderlyingBuffer( &infraredLongExposureBufferSize, &infraredLongExposureBuffer );
            if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) {
                infraredLongExposureChannel = Channel16u( infraredLongExposureWidth, infraredLongExposureHeight );
                memcpy( infraredLongExposureChannel.getData(), infraredLongExposureBuffer, infraredLongExposureWidth * infraredLongExposureHeight * sizeof( uint16_t ) );

        if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) {
            mFrame.mBodies						= bodies;
            mFrame.mChannelBodyIndex			= bodyIndexChannel;
            mFrame.mChannelDepth				= depthChannel;
            mFrame.mChannelInfrared				= infraredChannel;
            mFrame.mChannelInfraredLongExposure	= infraredLongExposureChannel;
            mFrame.mDeviceId					= mDeviceOptions.getDeviceId();
            mFrame.mSurfaceColor				= colorSurface;
            mFrame.mTimeStamp					= timeStamp;
            mFrame.mFloorClipPlane				= floorClipPlane;

        if ( bodyIndexFrameDescription != 0 ) {
            bodyIndexFrameDescription = 0;
        if ( colorFrameDescription != 0 ) {
            colorFrameDescription = 0;
        if ( depthFrameDescription != 0 ) {
            depthFrameDescription = 0;
        if ( infraredFrameDescription != 0 ) {
            infraredFrameDescription = 0;
        if ( infraredLongExposureFrameDescription != 0 ) {
            infraredLongExposureFrameDescription = 0;

    if ( audioFrame != 0 ) {
        audioFrame = 0;
    if ( bodyFrame != 0 ) {
        bodyFrame = 0;
    if ( bodyIndexFrame != 0 ) {
        bodyIndexFrame = 0;
    if ( colorFrame != 0 ) {
        colorFrame = 0;
    if ( depthFrame != 0 ) {
        depthFrame = 0;
    if ( frame != 0 ) {
        frame = 0;
    if ( infraredFrame != 0 ) {
        infraredFrame = 0;
    if ( infraredLongExposureFrame != 0 ) {
        infraredLongExposureFrame = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 11
/// <summary>
/// Main processing function
/// </summary>
void CDepthBasics::Update()
    if (!m_pDepthFrameReader)

    IDepthFrame* pDepthFrame = NULL;

    HRESULT hrDepth = m_pDepthFrameReader->AcquireLatestFrame(&pDepthFrame);

    if (SUCCEEDED(hrDepth))
        INT64 nTime = 0;
        IFrameDescription* pFrameDescription = NULL;
        int nWidth = 0;
        int nHeight = 0;
        USHORT nDepthMinReliableDistance = 0;
        USHORT nDepthMaxDistance = 0;
        UINT nBufferSize = 0;
        UINT16 *pBuffer = NULL;

        HRESULT hr = pDepthFrame->get_RelativeTime(&nTime);

        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
            hr = pDepthFrame->get_FrameDescription(&pFrameDescription);

        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
            hr = pFrameDescription->get_Width(&nWidth);

        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
            hr = pFrameDescription->get_Height(&nHeight);

        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
            hr = pDepthFrame->get_DepthMinReliableDistance(&nDepthMinReliableDistance);

        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
			// In order to see the full range of depth (including the less reliable far field depth)
			// we are setting nDepthMaxDistance to the extreme potential depth threshold
			nDepthMaxDistance = USHRT_MAX;

			// Note:  If you wish to filter by reliable depth distance, uncomment the following line.
            //// hr = pDepthFrame->get_DepthMaxReliableDistance(&nDepthMaxDistance);

        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
             hr = pDepthFrame->AccessUnderlyingBuffer(&nBufferSize, &pBuffer);            

        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
            ProcessDepth(nTime, pBuffer, nWidth, nHeight, nDepthMinReliableDistance, nDepthMaxDistance);


void KinectGrabber::GetNextFrame() {
	if (!m_pMultiSourceFrameReader)

	IMultiSourceFrame* pMultiSourceFrame = NULL;
	IDepthFrame* pDepthFrame = NULL;
	IColorFrame* pColorFrame = NULL;
	IBodyIndexFrame* pBodyIndexFrame = NULL;

	HRESULT hr = m_pMultiSourceFrameReader->AcquireLatestFrame(&pMultiSourceFrame);

	if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
		IDepthFrameReference* pDepthFrameReference = NULL;

		hr = pMultiSourceFrame->get_DepthFrameReference(&pDepthFrameReference);
		if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
			hr = pDepthFrameReference->AcquireFrame(&pDepthFrame);


	if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
		IColorFrameReference* pColorFrameReference = NULL;

		hr = pMultiSourceFrame->get_ColorFrameReference(&pColorFrameReference);
		if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
			hr = pColorFrameReference->AcquireFrame(&pColorFrame);


	if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
		IBodyIndexFrameReference* pBodyIndexFrameReference = NULL;

		hr = pMultiSourceFrame->get_BodyIndexFrameReference(&pBodyIndexFrameReference);
		if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
			hr = pBodyIndexFrameReference->AcquireFrame(&pBodyIndexFrame);


	if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
		INT64 nDepthTime = 0;
		IFrameDescription* pDepthFrameDescription = NULL;
		int nDepthWidth = 0;
		int nDepthHeight = 0;
		UINT nDepthBufferSize = 0;

		IFrameDescription* pColorFrameDescription = NULL;
		int nColorWidth = 0;
		int nColorHeight = 0;
		ColorImageFormat imageFormat = ColorImageFormat_None;
		UINT nColorBufferSize = 0;
		RGBQUAD *pColorBuffer = NULL;

		IFrameDescription* pBodyIndexFrameDescription = NULL;
		int nBodyIndexWidth = 0;
		int nBodyIndexHeight = 0;
		UINT nBodyIndexBufferSize = 0;
		BYTE *pBodyIndexBuffer = NULL;

		// get depth frame data

		hr = pDepthFrame->get_RelativeTime(&nDepthTime);

		if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
			hr = pDepthFrame->get_FrameDescription(&pDepthFrameDescription);

		if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
			hr = pDepthFrameDescription->get_Width(&nDepthWidth);

		if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
			hr = pDepthFrameDescription->get_Height(&nDepthHeight);

		if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
			//m_pDepthBuffer = new UINT16[cDepthWidth * cDepthHeight];
			hr = pDepthFrame->AccessUnderlyingBuffer(&nDepthBufferSize, &m_pDepthBuffer);
			Mat tmp = Mat(m_depthSize, DEPTH_PIXEL_TYPE, m_pDepthBuffer, Mat::AUTO_STEP);
			m_depthImage = tmp.clone(); //need to deep copy because of the call to SafeRelease(pDepthFrame) to prevent access violation

		// get color frame data

		if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
			hr = pColorFrame->get_FrameDescription(&pColorFrameDescription);

		if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
			hr = pColorFrameDescription->get_Width(&nColorWidth);

		if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
			hr = pColorFrameDescription->get_Height(&nColorHeight);

		if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
			hr = pColorFrame->get_RawColorImageFormat(&imageFormat);

		if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
			if (imageFormat == ColorImageFormat_Bgra)
				hr = pColorFrame->AccessRawUnderlyingBuffer(&nColorBufferSize, reinterpret_cast<BYTE**>(&pColorBuffer));
			else if (m_pColorRGBX)
				pColorBuffer = m_pColorRGBX;
				nColorBufferSize = cColorWidth * cColorHeight * sizeof(RGBQUAD);
				hr = pColorFrame->CopyConvertedFrameDataToArray(nColorBufferSize, reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>(pColorBuffer), ColorImageFormat_Bgra);
				hr = E_FAIL;
			if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
				Mat tmp = Mat(m_colorSize, COLOR_PIXEL_TYPE, pColorBuffer, Mat::AUTO_STEP);
				m_colorImage = tmp.clone();

		// get body index frame data

		if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
			hr = pBodyIndexFrame->get_FrameDescription(&pBodyIndexFrameDescription);

		if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
			hr = pBodyIndexFrameDescription->get_Width(&nBodyIndexWidth);

		if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
			hr = pBodyIndexFrameDescription->get_Height(&nBodyIndexHeight);

		if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
			hr = pBodyIndexFrame->AccessUnderlyingBuffer(&nBodyIndexBufferSize, &pBodyIndexBuffer);            

