Ejemplo n.º 1
ModContext* FindModContext(INode* pNode, Modifier* mod) 
	IDerivedObject *derivObj;

	if( pNode->GetObjectRef()->SuperClassID() == GEN_DERIVOB_CLASS_ID )
		derivObj = (IDerivedObject*)pNode->GetObjectRef();
	else return NULL;

	int i=0, count=derivObj->NumModifiers();

	for( i=0; i<count; i++ )
		if( (derivObj->GetModifier(i)) == mod ) break;
	if( i==count ) return NULL; //the search failed

	return derivObj->GetModContext(i);
Ejemplo n.º 2
PaintDefromModData *PaintDeformTest::GetPMD(INode *pNode)
	ModContext *mc = NULL;

	Object* pObj = pNode->GetObjectRef();

	if (!pObj) return NULL;

	while (pObj->SuperClassID() == GEN_DERIVOB_CLASS_ID && mc == NULL)
		IDerivedObject* pDerObj = (IDerivedObject *)(pObj);
		int Idx = 0;

		while (Idx < pDerObj->NumModifiers())
			// Get the modifier. 
			Modifier* mod = pDerObj->GetModifier(Idx);

			if (mod->ClassID() == PAINTDEFORMTEST_CLASS_ID)
				// is this the correct Physique Modifier based on index?
				PaintDeformTest *pmod = (PaintDeformTest*)mod;
				if (pmod == this)
					mc = pDerObj->GetModContext(Idx);


		pObj = pDerObj->GetObjRef();

	if(!mc) return NULL;

	if ( !mc->localData ) return NULL;

	PaintDefromModData *bmd = (PaintDefromModData *) mc->localData;

	return bmd;

Ejemplo n.º 3
// We want to survive a collapsed stack so we reapply ourselves here
void EditFaceDataMod::NotifyPostCollapse(INode *node,Object *obj, IDerivedObject *derObj, int index) {
	if (mCollapsable) return;

	Object *bo = node->GetObjectRef();
	IDerivedObject *derob = NULL;
	if(bo->SuperClassID() != GEN_DERIVOB_CLASS_ID) {
		derob = CreateDerivedObject(obj);
	} else derob = (IDerivedObject*) bo;

	// Add ourselves to the top of the stack

	// Reinsert our local mod data
	ModContext* mc = derob->GetModContext(derob->NumModifiers()-1);
	mc->localData = mpModDataCollapseCache;
	mpModDataCollapseCache = NULL;

	// Reengage modification:
	mDisabled = false;
	ISkinContextData *ControllerExporter::getISkinContextInterface(SkinController* skinController)
		if (!skinController ) 
			return 0;

		IDerivedObject* derivedObject = skinController->getDerivedObject();

		if ( !derivedObject )
			return 0;

		ModContext * modContext = derivedObject->GetModContext(skinController->getModifierIndex());

		if ( !modContext )
			return 0;

		LocalModData* localModData = modContext->localData;

		if ( !localModData )
			return 0;

		return (BoneModData *)localModData;
Ejemplo n.º 5
BOOL RecursePipeAndMatch(LocalPatchData *smd, Object *obj)
	SClass_ID		sc;
	IDerivedObject* dobj;
	Object *currentObject = obj;

	if ((sc = obj->SuperClassID()) == GEN_DERIVOB_CLASS_ID)
		dobj = (IDerivedObject*)obj;
		while (sc == GEN_DERIVOB_CLASS_ID)
			for (int j = 0; j < dobj->NumModifiers(); j++)
				ModContext *mc = dobj->GetModContext(j);
				if (mc->localData == smd)
					return TRUE;

			dobj = (IDerivedObject*)dobj->GetObjRef();
			currentObject = (Object*) dobj;
			sc = dobj->SuperClassID();

	int bct = currentObject->NumPipeBranches(FALSE);
	if (bct > 0)
		for (int bi = 0; bi < bct; bi++)
			Object* bobj = currentObject->GetPipeBranch(bi,FALSE);
			if (RecursePipeAndMatch(smd, bobj)) return TRUE;


	return FALSE;