Ejemplo n.º 1
// ***************************************************************************
void			CMaterial::flushTextures (IDriver &driver, uint selectedTexture)
	// For each textures
	for (uint tex=0; tex<IDRV_MAT_MAXTEXTURES; tex++)
		// Texture exist ?
		if (_Textures[tex])
			// Select the good texture
			_Textures[tex]->selectTexture (selectedTexture);

			// Force setup texture
			driver.setupTexture (*_Textures[tex]);

	// If Lightmap material
		// For each lightmap
		for (uint lmap=0; lmap<_LightMaps.size(); lmap++)
			// Texture exist?
				// Force setup texture
				driver.setupTexture (*_LightMaps[lmap].Texture);

Ejemplo n.º 2
void				CFlareShape::flushTextures (IDriver &driver, uint selectedTexture)
	// Flush each texture
	for (uint tex=0; tex<MaxFlareNum; tex++)
		if (_Tex[tex] != NULL)
			// Select the good texture
			_Tex[tex]->selectTexture (selectedTexture);

			// Flush texture
			driver.setupTexture (*_Tex[tex]);
Ejemplo n.º 3
void CParticleSystemShape::flushTextures(IDriver &driver, uint selectedTexture)
	// if textures are already flushed, no-op
	if (!_CachedTex.empty()) return;
	if (_SharedSystem)
		_SharedSystem->enumTexs(_CachedTex, driver);

		// must create an instance just to flush the textures
		CParticleSystem *myInstance = NULL;

		#ifdef PS_FAST_ALLOC
			nlassert(PSBlockAllocator == NULL);
			NLMISC::CContiguousBlockAllocator blockAllocator;
			PSBlockAllocator = &blockAllocator;
			blockAllocator.init(300000); // we release memory just after, and we don't want to fragment the memory, so provide large enough mem
		// serialize from the memory stream
		if (!_ParticleSystemProto.isReading()) // we must be sure that we are reading the stream
		_ParticleSystemProto.seek(0, NLMISC::IStream::begin);
		_ParticleSystemProto.serialPtr(myInstance); // instanciate the system
		#ifdef PS_FAST_ALLOC
			_NumBytesWanted = blockAllocator.getNumAllocatedBytes(); // next allocation will be fast because we know how much memory to allocate
		myInstance->enumTexs(_CachedTex, driver);
		// tmp
		#ifdef NL_DEBUG
			for(uint k = 0; k < myInstance->getNbProcess(); ++k)
				CPSLocated *loc = (CPSLocated *) myInstance->getProcess(k);
				for(uint l = 0; l < loc->getNbBoundObjects(); ++l)
					if (dynamic_cast<CPSCentralGravity *>(loc->getBoundObject(l)))
						nlwarning("PS %s uses central gravity", myInstance->getName().c_str());
		#endif */
		// sort the process inside the fx
		delete myInstance;
		#ifdef PS_FAST_ALLOC
			PSBlockAllocator = NULL;
	for(uint k = 0; k < _CachedTex.size(); ++k)
		if (_CachedTex[k])
Ejemplo n.º 4
void CWaterEnvMap::init(uint cubeMapSize, uint projection2DSize, TGlobalAnimationTime updateTime, IDriver &driver)
	// Allocate cube map
	// a cubic texture with no sharing allowed
	class CTextureCubeUnshared : public CTextureCube
		virtual bool supportSharing() const {return false;}
		virtual uint32 getWidth(uint32 numMipMap = 0) const
			nlassert(numMipMap == 0);
			return Size;
		virtual uint32 getHeight(uint32 numMipMap = 0) const
			nlassert(numMipMap == 0);
			return Size;
		uint32 Size;
	// a 2D testure
	class CTexture2DUnshared : public CTextureBlank
		virtual bool supportSharing() const {return false;}
		virtual uint32 getWidth(uint32 numMipMap = 0) const
			nlassert(numMipMap == 0);
			return Size;
		virtual uint32 getHeight(uint32 numMipMap = 0) const
			nlassert(numMipMap == 0);
			return Size;
		uint32 Size;
	nlassert(cubeMapSize > 0);
	nlassert(projection2DSize > 0);
	CTextureCubeUnshared *envCubic = new CTextureCubeUnshared;
	_EnvCubic = envCubic;
	_EnvCubic->setRenderTarget(true); // we will render to the texture
	_EnvCubic->setFilterMode(ITexture::Linear, ITexture::LinearMipMapOff);
	CTexture2DUnshared *tb = new CTexture2DUnshared;
	tb->resize(cubeMapSize, cubeMapSize); // Unfortunately,  must allocate memory in order for the driver to figure out the size
	                                      // that it needs to allocate for the texture, though its datas are never used (it is a render target)
	tb->Size = cubeMapSize;
	tb->setFilterMode(ITexture::Linear, ITexture::LinearMipMapOff);
	for(uint k = 0; k < 6; ++k)
		_EnvCubic->setTexture((CTextureCube::TFace) k, tb);
		_EnvCubic->getTexture((CTextureCube::TFace) k)->setRenderTarget(true);
	envCubic->Size = cubeMapSize;
	// setup the texture to force the driver to allocate vram for it
	// Allocate projection 2D map
	CTexture2DUnshared *env2D = new CTexture2DUnshared;
	_Env2D = env2D;
	_Env2D->resize(projection2DSize, projection2DSize);
	env2D->Size = projection2DSize;
	_Env2D->setRenderTarget(true); // we will render to the texture
	_Env2D->setFilterMode(ITexture::Linear, ITexture::LinearMipMapOff);
	driver.setupTexture(*_Env2D); // allocate vram
	_UpdateTime = updateTime;
	_LastRenderTime = -1;
	_NumRenderedFaces = 0;
	_EnvCubicSize = cubeMapSize;
	_Env2DSize = projection2DSize;