Ejemplo n.º 1
// Drawing code
BOOL SingleFace::ShowEggAvatar(HDC hdc, int width, int height, int originX, int originY)
    static int errCount = 0;
    BOOL ret = FALSE;

    if (m_pImageBuffer && SUCCEEDED(m_pImageBuffer->Allocate(width, height, FTIMAGEFORMAT_UINT8_B8G8R8A8)))
        memset(m_pImageBuffer->GetBuffer(), 0, m_pImageBuffer->GetStride() * height); // clear to black

        m_eggavatar.SetScaleAndTranslationToWindow(height, width);

        BITMAPINFO bmi = {sizeof(BITMAPINFO), width, height, 1, static_cast<WORD>(m_pImageBuffer->GetBytesPerPixel() * CHAR_BIT), BI_RGB, m_pImageBuffer->GetStride() * height, 5000, 5000, 0, 0};
        errCount += (0 == StretchDIBits(hdc, 0, 0, width, height, 0, 0, width, height, m_pImageBuffer->GetBuffer(), &bmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS, SRCCOPY));

        ret = TRUE;

    return ret;
// Drawing the video window
BOOL MultiFace::ShowVideo(HDC hdc, int width, int height, int originX, int originY)
    BOOL ret = TRUE;

    // Now, copy a fraction of the camera image into the screen.
    IFTImage* colorImage = m_FTHelper.GetColorImage();
    if (colorImage)
        int iWidth = colorImage->GetWidth();
        int iHeight = colorImage->GetHeight();
        if (iWidth > 0 && iHeight > 0)
            int iTop = 0;
            int iBottom = iHeight;
            int iLeft = 0;
            int iRight = iWidth;

            // Keep a separate buffer.
            if (m_pVideoBuffer && SUCCEEDED(m_pVideoBuffer->Allocate(iWidth, iHeight, FTIMAGEFORMAT_UINT8_B8G8R8A8)))
                // Copy do the video buffer while converting bytes
                colorImage->CopyTo(m_pVideoBuffer, NULL, 0, 0);

                // Compute the best approximate copy ratio.
                float w1 = (float)iHeight * (float)width;
                float w2 = (float)iWidth * (float)height;
                if (w2 > w1 && height > 0)
                    // video image too wide
                    float wx = w1/height;
                    iLeft = (int)max(0, m_FTHelper.GetXCenterFace() - wx / 2);
                    iRight = iLeft + (int)wx;
                    if (iRight > iWidth)
                        iRight = iWidth;
                        iLeft = iRight - (int)wx;
                else if (w1 > w2 && width > 0)
                    // video image too narrow
                    float hy = w2/width;
                    iTop = (int)max(0, m_FTHelper.GetYCenterFace() - hy / 2);
                    iBottom = iTop + (int)hy;
                    if (iBottom > iHeight)
                        iBottom = iHeight;
                        iTop = iBottom - (int)hy;

                int const bmpPixSize = m_pVideoBuffer->GetBytesPerPixel();
                SetStretchBltMode(hdc, HALFTONE);
                BITMAPINFO bmi = {sizeof(BITMAPINFO), static_cast<LONG>(iWidth), static_cast<LONG>(iHeight), static_cast<WORD>(1), static_cast<WORD>(bmpPixSize * CHAR_BIT), BI_RGB, m_pVideoBuffer->GetStride() * iHeight, 5000, 5000, 0, 0};
                if (0 == StretchDIBits(hdc, originX, originY, width, height,
                    iLeft, iBottom, iRight-iLeft, iTop-iBottom, m_pVideoBuffer->GetBuffer(), &bmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS, SRCCOPY))
                    ret = FALSE;
    return ret;