Ejemplo n.º 1
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function
//		Name:    static LoadIndex(IOStream &, int64_t, BlocksAvailableEntry **, int64_t, bool &)
//		Purpose: Read in an index, and decrypt, and store in the in memory block format.
//				 rCanDiffFromThis is set to false if the version of the from file is too old.
//		Created: 12/1/04
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void LoadIndex(IOStream &rBlockIndex, int64_t ThisID, BlocksAvailableEntry **ppIndex, int64_t &rNumBlocksOut, int Timeout, bool &rCanDiffFromThis)
	// Reset
	rNumBlocksOut = 0;
	rCanDiffFromThis = false;
	// Read header
	file_BlockIndexHeader hdr;
	if(!rBlockIndex.ReadFullBuffer(&hdr, sizeof(hdr), 0 /* not interested in bytes read if this fails */, Timeout))
		// Couldn't read header
		THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, CouldntReadEntireStructureFromStream)

	// Check against backwards comptaibility stuff
	if(hdr.mMagicValue == (int32_t)htonl(OBJECTMAGIC_FILE_BLOCKS_MAGIC_VALUE_V0))
		// Won't diff against old version
		// Absorb rest of stream
		char buffer[2048];
			rBlockIndex.Read(buffer, sizeof(buffer), 1000 /* 1 sec timeout */);
		// Tell caller
		rCanDiffFromThis = false;

	// Check magic
	if(hdr.mMagicValue != (int32_t)htonl(OBJECTMAGIC_FILE_BLOCKS_MAGIC_VALUE_V1))
		THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, BadBackupStoreFile)
	// Check that we're not trying to diff against a file which references blocks from another file
	if(((int64_t)box_ntoh64(hdr.mOtherFileID)) != 0)
		THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, CannotDiffAnIncompleteStoreFile)

	// Mark as an acceptable diff.
	rCanDiffFromThis = true;

	// Get basic information
	int64_t numBlocks = box_ntoh64(hdr.mNumBlocks);
	uint64_t entryIVBase = box_ntoh64(hdr.mEntryIVBase);
	//TODO: Verify that these sizes look reasonable
	// Allocate space for the index
	BlocksAvailableEntry *pindex = (BlocksAvailableEntry*)::malloc(sizeof(BlocksAvailableEntry) * numBlocks);
	if(pindex == 0)
		throw std::bad_alloc();
		for(int64_t b = 0; b < numBlocks; ++b)
			// Read an entry from the stream
			file_BlockIndexEntry entry;
			if(!rBlockIndex.ReadFullBuffer(&entry, sizeof(entry), 0 /* not interested in bytes read if this fails */, Timeout))
				// Couldn't read entry
				THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, CouldntReadEntireStructureFromStream)
			// Calculate IV for this entry
			uint64_t iv = entryIVBase;
			iv += b;
			// Network byte order
			iv = box_hton64(iv);
			// Decrypt the encrypted section
			file_BlockIndexEntryEnc entryEnc;
			int sectionSize = sBlowfishDecryptBlockEntry.TransformBlock(&entryEnc, sizeof(entryEnc),
					entry.mEnEnc, sizeof(entry.mEnEnc));
			if(sectionSize != sizeof(entryEnc))
				THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, BlockEntryEncodingDidntGiveExpectedLength)

			// Check that we're not trying to diff against a file which references blocks from another file
			if(((int64_t)box_ntoh64(entry.mEncodedSize)) <= 0)
				THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, CannotDiffAnIncompleteStoreFile)
			// Store all the required information
			pindex[b].mpNextInHashList = 0;	// hash list not set up yet
			pindex[b].mSize = ntohl(entryEnc.mSize);
			pindex[b].mWeakChecksum = ntohl(entryEnc.mWeakChecksum);
			::memcpy(pindex[b].mStrongChecksum, entryEnc.mStrongChecksum, sizeof(pindex[b].mStrongChecksum));
		// Store index pointer for called
		ASSERT(ppIndex != 0);
		*ppIndex = pindex;

		// Store number of blocks for caller
		rNumBlocksOut = numBlocks;	

		// clean up and send the exception along its way