Ejemplo n.º 1
void stackCheck(IStack<int> &stack){
	cout << "Testing stack interface:" << endl;

	for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++){
		cout << " pushing value: " << i << endl;

		cout << " popped value: " << stack.pop() << endl;
Ejemplo n.º 2
int CalcStack::calculate(string const &inputString)
	IStack<int> *stack = new LinkedStack<int>();
	vector<string> tokens = separate(inputString);

    for(const string &token : tokens)
		if (isOperator(token))
			int second = stack->pop();
			int first = stack->pop();
			stack->push(doOperation(token[0], first, second));
        else if (isNumber(token))
    int result = stack->top();
    delete stack;
    return result;
Ejemplo n.º 3
bool IsoSurface::All_Intersections(const Ray& ray, IStack& Depth_Stack, TraceThreadData *Thread)
    int Side1 = 0, Side2 = 0, itrace = 0;
    DBL Depth1 = 0.0, Depth2 = 0.0;
    BasicRay New_Ray;
    Vector3d IPoint;
    Vector3d Plocal, Dlocal;
    DBL tmax = 0.0, tmin = 0.0, tmp = 0.0;
    DBL maxg = max_gradient;
    int i = 0 ; /* count of intervals in stack - 1      */
    int IFound = false;
    int begin = 0, end = 0;
    bool in_shadow_test = false;
    Vector3d VTmp;


    if(container->Intersect(ray, Trans, Depth1, Depth2, Side1, Side2)) /* IsoSurface_Bound_Tests */

        in_shadow_test = ray.IsShadowTestRay();

        if(Depth1 < 0.0)
            Depth1 = 0.0;

        if(Trans != NULL)
            MInvTransPoint(Plocal, ray.Origin, Trans);
            MInvTransDirection(Dlocal, ray.Direction, Trans);
            Plocal = ray.Origin;
            Dlocal = ray.Direction;

        Thread->isosurfaceData->Inv3 = 1;

        if(closed != false)
            VTmp = Plocal + Depth1 * Dlocal;
            tmp = Vector_Function(Thread->functionContext, VTmp);
            if(Depth1 > accuracy)
                if(tmp < 0.0)                   /* The ray hits the bounding shape */
                    IPoint = ray.Evaluate(Depth1);
                    if(Clip.empty() || Point_In_Clip(IPoint, Clip, Thread))
                        Depth_Stack->push(Intersection(Depth1, IPoint, this, 1, Side1));
                        IFound = true;
                        Thread->isosurfaceData->Inv3 *= -1;
                if(tmp < (maxg * accuracy * 4.0))
                    Depth1 = accuracy * 5.0;
                    VTmp = Plocal + Depth1 * Dlocal;
                    if(Vector_Function(Thread->functionContext, VTmp) < 0)
                        Thread->isosurfaceData->Inv3 = -1;
                    /* Change the sign of the function (IPoint is in the bounding shpae.)*/
                VTmp = Plocal + Depth2 * Dlocal;
                if(Vector_Function(Thread->functionContext, VTmp) < 0.0)
                    IPoint = ray.Evaluate(Depth2);
                    if(Clip.empty() || Point_In_Clip(IPoint, Clip, Thread))
                        Depth_Stack->push(Intersection(Depth2, IPoint, this, 1, Side2));
                        IFound = true;

        /*  METHOD 2   by R. Suzuki */
        tmax = Depth2 = min(Depth2, BOUND_HUGE);
        tmin = Depth1 = min(Depth2, Depth1);
        if((tmax - tmin) < accuracy)
            if (IFound)
                Depth_Stack->pop(); // we added an intersection already, so we need to undo that
            return (false);
        if((Depth1 < accuracy) && (Thread->isosurfaceData->Inv3 == 1))
            /* IPoint is on the isosurface */
            VTmp = Plocal + tmin * Dlocal;
            if(fabs(Vector_Function(Thread->functionContext, VTmp)) < (maxg * accuracy * 4.0))
                tmin = accuracy * 5.0;
                VTmp = Plocal + tmin * Dlocal;
                if(Vector_Function(Thread->functionContext, VTmp) < 0)
                    Thread->isosurfaceData->Inv3 = -1;
                /* change the sign and go into the isosurface */

        Thread->isosurfaceData->ctx = Thread->functionContext;

        for (; itrace < max_trace; itrace++)
            if(Function_Find_Root(*(Thread->isosurfaceData), Plocal, Dlocal, &tmin, &tmax, maxg, in_shadow_test, Thread) == false)
                IPoint = ray.Evaluate(tmin);
                if(Clip.empty() || Point_In_Clip(IPoint, Clip, Thread))
                    Depth_Stack->push(Intersection(tmin, IPoint, this, 0, 0 /*Side1*/));
                    IFound = true;
            tmin += accuracy * 5.0;
            if((tmax - tmin) < accuracy)
            Thread->isosurfaceData->Inv3 *= -1;


    if(eval == true)
        DBL temp_max_gradient = max_gradient; // TODO FIXME - works around nasty gcc (found using 4.0.1) bug failing to honor casting away of volatile on pass by value on template argument lookup [trf]
        max_gradient = max((DBL)temp_max_gradient, maxg); // TODO FIXME - This is not thread-safe but should be!!! [trf]

    return (IFound);