Ejemplo n.º 1
void ZombieFunction::setSolver( Id ksolve, Id dsolve )
	if ( ksolve.element()->cinfo()->isA( "Ksolve" ) ||
					ksolve.element()->cinfo()->isA( "Gsolve" ) ) {
		Id sid = Field< Id >::get( ksolve, "stoich" );
		_stoich = ObjId( sid, 0 ).data();
		if ( _stoich == 0 )
			cout << "Warning:ZombieFunction::setSolver: Empty Stoich on Ksolve" << ksolve.path() << endl;
	} else if ( ksolve == Id() ) {
			_stoich = 0;
	} else {
			cout << "Warning:ZombieFunction::setSolver: solver class " <<
					ksolve.element()->cinfo()->name() <<
					" not known.\nShould be Ksolve or Gsolve\n";
			_stoich = 0;

	if ( dsolve.element()->cinfo()->isA( "Dsolve" ) ) {
			dsolve_= ObjId( dsolve, 0 ).data();
	} else if ( dsolve == Id() ) {
			dsolve_ = 0;
	} else {
			cout << "Warning:ZombieFunction::vSetSolver: solver class " <<
					dsolve.element()->cinfo()->name() <<
					" not known.\nShould be Dsolve\n";
			dsolve_ = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
// The read functions.
Id  makeStandardElements( Id pa, const string& modelname )
	Shell* shell = reinterpret_cast< Shell* >( Id().eref().data() );
	//cout << " kkit read " << pa << " " << modelname << " "<< MooseGlobal;
	string modelPath = pa.path() + "/" + modelname;
	if ( pa == Id() )
		modelPath = "/" + modelname;
	Id mgr( modelPath );
	if ( mgr == Id() )
		mgr = shell->doCreate( "Neutral", pa, modelname, 1, MooseGlobal );
	Id kinetics( modelPath + "/kinetics" );
	if ( kinetics == Id() ) {
		kinetics = 
		shell->doCreate( "CubeMesh", mgr, "kinetics", 1,  MooseGlobal );
		SetGet2< double, unsigned int >::set( kinetics, "buildDefaultMesh", 1e-15, 1 );
	assert( kinetics != Id() );

	Id graphs = shell->doCreate( "Neutral", mgr, "graphs", 1, MooseGlobal);
	assert( graphs != Id() );
	Id moregraphs = shell->doCreate( "Neutral", mgr, "moregraphs", 1, MooseGlobal );

	Id geometry = shell->doCreate( "Neutral", mgr, "geometry", 1, MooseGlobal );
	assert( geometry != Id() );

	Id groups = 
		shell->doCreate( "Neutral", mgr, "groups", 1, MooseGlobal );
	assert( groups != Id() );
	return mgr;
Ejemplo n.º 3
bool HHGate::checkOriginal( Id id, const string& field ) const
  if ( id == originalGateId_ )
    return 1;

  cout << "Warning: HHGate: attempt to set field '" << field << "' on " <<
    id.path() << "\nwhich is not the original Gate element. Ignored.\n";
  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 4
void HSolve::setSeed( Id seed )
	if ( !seed()->cinfo()->isA( "Compartment" ) ) {
		cerr << "Error: HSolve::setSeed(): Seed object '" << seed.path()
		     << "' is not derived from type 'Compartment'." << endl;
	seed_ = seed;
Ejemplo n.º 5
void ZombieCaConc::vSetSolver( const Eref& e, Id hsolve )
	if ( !hsolve.element()->cinfo()->isA( "HSolve" ) ) {
		cout << "Error: ZombieCaConc::vSetSolver: Object: " <<
				hsolve.path() << " is not an HSolve. Aborted\n";
		hsolve_ = 0;
	hsolve_ = reinterpret_cast< HSolve* >( hsolve.eref().data() );
Ejemplo n.º 6
 * @brief Add a table to streamer.
 * @param table Id of table.
void Streamer::addTable( Id table )
    // If this table is not already in the vector, add it.
    for( size_t i = 0; i < tableIds_.size(); i++)
        if( table.path() == tableIds_[i].path() )
            return;                             /* Already added. */

    Table* t = reinterpret_cast<Table*>(table.eref().data());
    tableIds_.push_back( table );
    tables_.push_back( t );
    tableTick_.push_back( table.element()->getTick() );

    // NOTE: If user can make sure that names are unique in table, using name is
    // better than using the full path.
    if( t->getColumnName().size() > 0 )
        columns_.push_back( t->getColumnName( ) );
        columns_.push_back( moose::moosePathToUserPath( table.path() ) );
Ejemplo n.º 7
void HHChannel2D::innerDestroyGate( const string& gateName, 
	HHGate2D** gatePtr, Id chanId )
	if ( *gatePtr == 0 ) {
		cout << "Warning: HHChannel2D::destroyGate: '" << gateName <<
			"' on Element '" << chanId.path() << "' not present\n";
	delete (*gatePtr);
	*gatePtr = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 8
void HHChannel2D::innerCreateGate( const string& gateName, 
	HHGate2D** gatePtr, Id chanId, Id gateId )
	//Shell* shell = reinterpret_cast< Shell* >( ObjId( Id(), 0 ).data() );
	if ( *gatePtr ) {
		cout << "Warning: HHChannel2D::createGate: '" << gateName <<
			"' on Element '" << chanId.path() << "' already present\n";
	*gatePtr = new HHGate2D( chanId, gateId );
Ejemplo n.º 9
			void Cell::setupf( Id cell )
				cout << "Cell::setup()" << endl;
				cout << ".... cell path: " << cell.path() << endl;
				//~ return;
				// Delete existing solver
				string solverPath = cell.path() + "/" + solverName_;
				Id solver( solverPath );
				if ( solver.path() == solverPath )
				if ( method_ == "ee" )
				// Find any compartment that is a descendant of this cell
				Id seed = findCompt( cell );
				if ( seed == Id() ) // No compartment found.
				setupSolver( cell, seed );
Ejemplo n.º 10
void testHSolvePassiveSingleComp()
    Shell * shell = reinterpret_cast< Shell* >( ObjId( Id(), 0 ).data() );
    vector< int > dims( 1, 1 );
    vector<Id> to_cleanup;
    Id nid = create_testobject(to_cleanup, "Neuron", Id(), "n", dims );
    Id comptId = create_testobject(to_cleanup, "Compartment", nid, "compt", dims );
    Id hsolve = create_testobject(to_cleanup, "HSolve", nid, "solver", dims);
    Field<string>::set(hsolve, "target", nid.path());
    cout << "." << flush;
Ejemplo n.º 11
void ZombieMMenz::setSolver( Id solver, Id orig )
	static const DestFinfo* enz = dynamic_cast< const DestFinfo* >(
		EnzBase::initCinfo()->findFinfo( "enzDest" ) );
	static const SrcFinfo* sub = dynamic_cast< const SrcFinfo* >(
		EnzBase::initCinfo()->findFinfo( "toSub" ) );
	static const SrcFinfo* prd = dynamic_cast< const SrcFinfo* >(
		EnzBase::initCinfo()->findFinfo( "toPrd" ) );
	assert( enz );
	assert( sub );
	assert( prd );

	stoich_ = reinterpret_cast< Stoich* >( solver.eref().data() );

	/// Now set up the RateTerm
	vector< Id > subvec;
	vector< Id > prdvec;
	unsigned int rateIndex = stoich_->convertIdToReacIndex( orig );
	unsigned int num = orig.element()->getNeighbours( subvec, enz );
	unsigned int enzIndex = stoich_->convertIdToPoolIndex( subvec[0] );
	MMEnzymeBase* meb;

	double numKm = 1.0; // Dummy default initial values, later to be reset
	double kcat = 1.0;
	double numKm = base->zGetNumKm( orig.eref(), 0 );
	double kcat = base->zGetKcat( orig.eref(), 0 );

	num = orig.element()->getNeighbours( subvec, sub );
	if ( num == 1 ) {
		unsigned int subIndex = stoich_->convertIdToPoolIndex( subvec[0] );
		meb = new MMEnzyme1( numKm, kcat, enzIndex, subIndex );
	} else if ( num > 1 ) {
		vector< unsigned int > v;
		for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < num; ++i )
			v.push_back( stoich_->convertIdToPoolIndex( subvec[i] ) );
		ZeroOrder* rateTerm = new NOrder( 1.0, v );
		meb = new MMEnzyme( numKm, kcat, enzIndex, rateTerm );
	} else {
		cout << "Error: ZombieMMenz::zombify: No substrates for "  <<
			orig.path() << endl;
		cout << "Will ignore and continue, but don't be surprised if "
		"simulation fails.\n";
		// assert( 0 );
	num = orig.element()->getNeighbours( prdvec, prd );
	stoich_->installMMenz( meb, rateIndex, subvec, prdvec );
Ejemplo n.º 12
 * Identify parent Id from path that can optionally have the
 * model name as the last part. Pass back the parent Id,
 * and the model name.
 * Returns true on success.
 * Cases:
 *	First set: we want to fill in "model" as modelName
 *		""		where we want <cwe>/model
 *		"/"		where we want /model.
 *		"/foo"	where foo exists, so we want /foo/model
 *		"foo"	where <cwe>/foo exists, and we want <cwe>/foo/model
 *	Second set: the last part of the path has the model name.
 *		"bar"	where we want	<cwe>/bar
 *		"/bar"	where we want /bar
 *		"/foo/bar"	where we want /foo/bar
 *		"foo/bar"	where we want <cwe>/foo/bar
bool findModelParent( Id cwe, const string& path,
                      Id& parentId, string& modelName )
    modelName = "model";
    string fullPath = path;

    if ( path.length() == 0 )
        parentId = cwe;
        return 1;

    if ( path == "/" )
        parentId = Id();
        return 1;

    if ( path[0] != '/' )
        string temp = cwe.path();
        if ( temp[temp.length() - 1] == '/' )
            fullPath = temp + path;
            fullPath = temp + "/" + path;

    Id paId( fullPath );
    if ( paId == Id() )   // Path includes new model name
        string::size_type pos = fullPath.find_last_of( "/" );
        assert( pos != string::npos );
        string head = fullPath.substr( 0, pos );
        Id ret( head );
        // When head = "" it means paId should be root.
        if ( ret == Id() && head != "" && head != "/root" )
            return 0;
        parentId = ret;
        modelName = fullPath.substr( pos + 1 );
        return 1;
    else     // Path is an existing element.
        parentId = Neutral::parent( paId ).id;
        modelName = paId.element()->getName();
        return 1;
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 13
void Gsolve::setDsolve( Id dsolve )
	if ( dsolve == Id () ) {
		dsolvePtr_ = 0;
		dsolve_ = Id();
	} else if ( dsolve.element()->cinfo()->isA( "Dsolve" ) ) {
		dsolve_ = dsolve;
		dsolvePtr_ = reinterpret_cast< ZombiePoolInterface* >( 
						dsolve.eref().data() );
	} else {
		cout << "Warning: Gsolve::setDsolve: Object '" << dsolve.path() <<
				"' should be class Dsolve, is: " << 
				dsolve.element()->cinfo()->name() << endl;
Ejemplo n.º 14
 * @brief Remove a table from Streamer.
 * @param table. Id of table.
void Streamer::removeTable( Id table )
    int matchIndex = -1;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < tableIds_.size(); i++)
        if( table.path() == tableIds_[i].path() )
            matchIndex = i;

    if( matchIndex > -1 )
        tableIds_.erase( tableIds_.begin() + matchIndex );
        tables_.erase( tables_.begin() + matchIndex );
        columns_.erase( columns_.begin() + matchIndex );
Ejemplo n.º 15
 * The 'getOriginals' flag requests Id:s of the prototype gates from which
 * copies were created, instead of Id:s of the copied gates. Default is true.
int HSolveUtils::gates(
	Id channel,
	vector< Id >& ret,
	bool getOriginals )
//        dump("HSolveUtils::gates() is not tested with new hsolve api", "FIXME");
	unsigned int oldSize = ret.size();
	static string gateName[] = {
		string( "gateX[0]" ),
		string( "gateY[0]" ),
		string( "gateZ[0]" )
	static string powerField[] = {
		string( "Xpower" ),
		string( "Ypower" ),
		string( "Zpower" )

        unsigned int nGates = 3; // Number of possible gates
        for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < nGates; i++ ) {
            double power  = Field< double >::get ( channel, powerField[i] );

            if ( power > 0.0 ) {
                // string gatePath = moose::joinPath(channel.path(), gateName[i]);
                string gatePath = moose::fixPath( channel.path() ) + 
						"/" +  gateName[i];
                Id gate( gatePath );

                string gPath = moose::fixPath(gate.path());
                errorSS << "Got " << gatePath << " expected " << gPath;
                SIMPLE_ASSERT_MSG(gPath == gatePath, errorSS.str().c_str());

                if ( getOriginals ) {
                    HHGate* g = reinterpret_cast< HHGate* >( gate.eref().data() );
                    gate = g->originalGateId();

                ret.push_back( gate );

        return ret.size() - oldSize;
Ejemplo n.º 16
void setMethod( Shell* s, Id mgr, double simdt, double plotdt, 
				const string& method )
	Id compt( mgr.path() + "/kinetics" );
	assert( compt != Id() );
	string cpath = compt.path();
	string simpath = cpath + "/##[]";
	string simpath2 = cpath + "/##[ISA=StimulusTable]," +
			cpath + "/##[ISA=PulseGen]";

	string m = lower( method );
	if ( m == "rk4" ) {
		cout << "Warning, not yet implemented. Using rk5 instead\n";
		m = "rk5";
	if ( m == "ksolve" || m == "gsl" || 
		m == "rk5" || m == "rkf" || m == "rk" ) {
			Id ksolve = s->doCreate( "Ksolve", compt, "ksolve", 1 );
			Id stoich = s->doCreate( "Stoich", compt, "stoich", 1 );
			Field< Id >::set( stoich, "compartment", compt );
			Field< Id >::set( stoich, "ksolve", ksolve );
			Field< string >::set( stoich, "path", simpath );
			simpath2 += "," + cpath + "/ksolve";
			s->doUseClock( simpath2, "process", 4 );
			s->doSetClock( 4, plotdt );
	} else if ( m == "gssa" || m == "gsolve" || 
		m == "gillespie" || m == "stochastic" ) {
			Id gsolve = s->doCreate( "Gsolve", compt, "gsolve", 1 );
			Id stoich = s->doCreate( "Stoich", compt, "stoich", 1 );
			Field< Id >::set( stoich, "compartment", compt );
			Field< Id >::set( stoich, "ksolve", gsolve );
			Field< string >::set( stoich, "path", simpath );
			simpath2 += "," + cpath + "/gsolve";
			s->doUseClock( simpath2, "process", 4 );
			s->doSetClock( 4, plotdt );
	} else if ( m == "ee" || m == "neutral" ) {
			s->doUseClock( simpath, "process", 4 );
			s->doSetClock( 4, simdt );
	} else {
			cout << "ReadKkit::setMethod: option " << method <<
					" not known, using Exponential Euler (ee)\n";
			s->doUseClock( simpath, "process", 4 );
			s->doSetClock( 4, simdt );
Ejemplo n.º 17
 * The readcell function implements the old GENESIS cellreader
 * functionality. Although it is really a parser operation, I
 * put it here in Kinetics because the cell format is independent
 * of parser and is likely to remain a legacy for a while.
Id ReadKkit::read(
	const string& filename, 
	const string& modelname,
	Id pa, const string& methodArg )
	string method = methodArg;
	ifstream fin( filename.c_str() );
	if (!fin){
		cerr << "ReadKkit::read: could not open file " << filename << endl;
		return Id();

	if ( method.substr(0, 4) == "old_" ) {
		moveOntoCompartment_ = false;
		method = method.substr( 4 );

	Shell* s = reinterpret_cast< Shell* >( ObjId().data() );
	Id mgr = makeStandardElements( pa, modelname );
	assert( mgr != Id() );

	baseId_ = mgr;
	basePath_ = mgr.path();
	enzCplxMols_.resize( 0 );

	innerRead( fin );



	s->doSetClock( 8, plotdt_ );
	string plotpath = basePath_ + "/graphs/##[TYPE=Table]," +
			basePath_ + "/moregraphs/##[TYPE=Table]";
	s->doUseClock( plotpath, "process", 8 );

	setMethod( s, mgr, simdt_, plotdt_, method );

	return mgr;
Ejemplo n.º 18
 * The 'getOriginals' flag requests Id:s of the prototype gates from which
 * copies were created, instead of Id:s of the copied gates. Default is true.
int HSolveUtils::gates(
	Id channel,
	vector< Id >& ret,
	bool getOriginals )
	unsigned int oldSize = ret.size();
	static string gateName[] = {
		string( "gateX[0]" ),
		string( "gateY[0]" ),
		string( "gateZ[0]" )
	static string powerField[] = {
		string( "Xpower" ),
		string( "Ypower" ),
		string( "Zpower" )
	unsigned int nGates = 3; // Number of possible gates
	for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < nGates; i++ ) {
		double power  = HSolveUtils::get< HHChannel, double >(
			channel, powerField[ i ] );
		if ( power > 0.0 ) {
			string gatePath = channel.path() + "/" + gateName[ i ];
			Id gate( gatePath );
			assert( gate.path() == gatePath );
			if ( getOriginals ) {
				HHGate* g = reinterpret_cast< HHGate* >( gate.eref().data() );
				gate = g->originalGateId();
			ret.push_back( gate );
	return ret.size() - oldSize;
Ejemplo n.º 19
void SbmlReader ::findModelParent( Id cwe, const string& path, Id& parentId, string& modelName ) {
    //Taken from LoadModels.cpp
    //If path exist example /model when come from GUI it creates model under /model/filename
    // i.e. because by default we creat genesis,sbml models under '/model', which is created before and path exist
    // at the time it comes to SbmlReader.cpp
    //When run directly (command line readSBML() )it ignores the path and creates under '/' and filename takes as "SBMLtoMoose"
    //modelName = "test";
    cout << "here " << path;
    string fullPath = path;
    if ( path.length() == 0 )
        parentId = cwe;

    if ( path == "/" )
        parentId = Id();

    if ( path[0] != '/' ) {
        string temp = cwe.path();
        if ( temp[temp.length() - 1] == '/' )
            fullPath = temp + path;
            fullPath = temp + "/" + path;
    Id paId( fullPath );
    if ( paId == Id() ) { // Path includes new model name
        string::size_type pos = fullPath.find_last_of( "/" );
        assert( pos != string::npos );
        string head = fullPath.substr( 0, pos );
        Id ret( head );
        // When head = "" it means paId should be root.
        if ( ret == Id() && head != "" && head != "/root" )
            ;//return 0;
        parentId = ret;
        modelName = fullPath.substr( pos + 1 );

    else { // Path is an existing element.
        parentId = paId;

Ejemplo n.º 20
 * This takes the baseclass for an MMEnzyme and builds the
 * MMenz into the Stoich.
void GslStoich::installMMenz( Id enzId, Id enzMolId,
	const vector< Id >& subs, const vector< Id >& prds )
	MMEnzymeBase* meb;
	unsigned int enzIndex = coreStoich()->convertIdToPoolIndex( enzMolId );
	unsigned int enzSiteIndex = coreStoich()->convertIdToReacIndex( enzId );
	if ( subs.size() == 1 ) {
		unsigned int subIndex = coreStoich()->convertIdToPoolIndex( subs[0] );
		meb = new MMEnzyme1( 1, 1, enzIndex, subIndex );
	} else if ( subs.size() > 1 ) {
		vector< unsigned int > v;
		for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < subs.size(); ++i )
			v.push_back( coreStoich()->convertIdToPoolIndex( subs[i] ) );
		ZeroOrder* rateTerm = new NOrder( 1.0, v );
		meb = new MMEnzyme( 1, 1, enzIndex, rateTerm );
	} else {
		cout << "Error: GslStoich::installEnzyme: No substrates for "  <<
			enzId.path() << endl;
	coreStoich_.installMMenz( meb, enzSiteIndex, subs, prds );
Id SigNeur::findSoma( const vector< Id >& compts )
	double maxDia = 0;
	Id maxCompt;
	vector< Id > somaCompts; // Theoretically possible to have an array.
	for ( vector< Id >::const_iterator i = compts.begin(); 
		i != compts.end(); ++i )
		string className = i->eref()->className();
		if ( className == "Compartment" || className == "SymCompartment" ) {
			string name = i->eref().e->name();
			if ( name == "soma" || name == "Soma" || name == "SOMA" )
				somaCompts.push_back( *i );
			double dia;
			get< double >( i->eref(), "diameter", dia );
			if ( dia > maxDia )
				maxCompt = *i;
	if ( somaCompts.size() == 1 ) // First, go by name.
		return somaCompts[0];
	if ( somaCompts.size() == 0 & maxCompt.good() ) //if no name, use maxdia
		return maxCompt;
	if ( somaCompts.size() > 1 ) { // Messy but unlikely cases.
		if ( maxCompt.good() ) {
			if ( find( somaCompts.begin(), somaCompts.end(), maxCompt ) != somaCompts.end() )
				return maxCompt;
				cout << "Error, soma '" << somaCompts.front().path() << 
					"' != biggest compartment '" << maxCompt.path() << 
		return somaCompts[0]; // Should never happen, but an OK response.
	cout << "Error: SigNeur::findSoma failed to find soma\n";
	return Id();
Ejemplo n.º 22
// static func to convert id into a string.
string Id::id2str( Id id )
	return id.path();
Ejemplo n.º 23
string SigNeur::__get_cellProto() const
    Id cellProto;
    get < Id > (id_(), "cellProto", cellProto);
    return cellProto.path();
Ejemplo n.º 24
string SigNeur::__get_dend() const
    Id dend;
    get < Id > (id_(), "dend",dend);
    return dend.path();
Ejemplo n.º 25
string SigNeur::__get_dendProto() const
    Id dendProto;
    get < Id > (id_(), "dendProto", dendProto);
    return dendProto.path();
Ejemplo n.º 26
string SigNeur::__get_somaProto() const
    Id somaProto;
    get < Id > (id_(), "somaProto",somaProto);
    return somaProto.path();
Ejemplo n.º 27
string SigNeur::__get_cell() const
    Id cell;
    get < Id > (id_(), "cell",cell);
    return cell.path();
Ejemplo n.º 28
string SigNeur::__get_spine() const
    Id spine;
    get < Id > (id_(), "spine",spine);
    return spine.path();
Ejemplo n.º 29
string SigNeur::__get_spineProto() const
    Id spineProto;
    get < Id > (id_(), "spineProto",spineProto);
    return spineProto.path();
Ejemplo n.º 30
string SigNeur::__get_soma() const
    Id soma;
    get < Id > (id_(), "soma",soma);
    return soma.path();