Ejemplo n.º 1
bool IfcGeom::convert_openings_fast(const Ifc2x3::IfcProduct::ptr entity, const Ifc2x3::IfcRelVoidsElement::list& openings, 
							   const IfcRepresentationShapeItems& entity_shapes, const gp_Trsf& entity_trsf, IfcRepresentationShapeItems& cut_shapes) {
	// Create a compound of all opening shapes in order to speed up the boolean operations
	TopoDS_Compound opening_compound;
	BRep_Builder builder;

	for ( Ifc2x3::IfcRelVoidsElement::it it = openings->begin(); it != openings->end(); ++ it ) {
		Ifc2x3::IfcRelVoidsElement::ptr v = *it;
		Ifc2x3::IfcFeatureElementSubtraction::ptr fes = v->RelatedOpeningElement();
		if ( fes->is(Ifc2x3::Type::IfcOpeningElement) ) {

			// Convert the IfcRepresentation of the IfcOpeningElement
			gp_Trsf opening_trsf;

			// Move the opening into the coordinate system of the IfcProduct

			Ifc2x3::IfcProductRepresentation::ptr prodrep = fes->Representation();
			Ifc2x3::IfcRepresentation::list reps = prodrep->Representations();

			IfcGeom::IfcRepresentationShapeItems opening_shapes;
			for ( Ifc2x3::IfcRepresentation::it it2 = reps->begin(); it2 != reps->end(); ++ it2 ) {

			for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < opening_shapes.size(); ++ i ) {
				gp_GTrsf gtrsf = opening_shapes[i].Placement();
				const TopoDS_Shape& opening_shape = gtrsf.Form() == gp_Other
					? BRepBuilderAPI_GTransform(opening_shapes[i].Shape(),gtrsf,true).Shape()
					: (opening_shapes[i].Shape()).Moved(gtrsf.Trsf());


	// Iterate over the shapes of the IfcProduct
	for ( IfcGeom::IfcRepresentationShapeItems::const_iterator it3 = entity_shapes.begin(); it3 != entity_shapes.end(); ++ it3 ) {
		TopoDS_Shape entity_shape_solid;
		const TopoDS_Shape& entity_shape_unlocated = IfcGeom::ensure_fit_for_subtraction(it3->Shape(),entity_shape_solid);
		const gp_GTrsf& entity_shape_gtrsf = it3->Placement();
		TopoDS_Shape entity_shape;
		if ( entity_shape_gtrsf.Form() == gp_Other ) {
			Logger::Message(Logger::LOG_WARNING,"Applying non uniform transformation to:",entity->entity);
			entity_shape = BRepBuilderAPI_GTransform(entity_shape_unlocated,entity_shape_gtrsf,true).Shape();
		} else {
			entity_shape = entity_shape_unlocated.Moved(entity_shape_gtrsf.Trsf());

		BRepAlgoAPI_Cut brep_cut(entity_shape,opening_compound);
		bool is_valid = false;
		if ( brep_cut.IsDone() ) {
			TopoDS_Shape brep_cut_result = brep_cut;
			BRepCheck_Analyzer analyser(brep_cut_result);
			is_valid = analyser.IsValid() != 0;
			if ( is_valid ) {
				cut_shapes.push_back(IfcGeom::IfcRepresentationShapeItem(brep_cut_result, &it3->Style()));
		if ( !is_valid ) {
			// Apparently processing the boolean operation failed or resulted in an invalid result
			// in which case the original shape without the subtractions is returned instead
			// we try convert the openings in the original way, one by one.
			Logger::Message(Logger::LOG_WARNING,"Subtracting combined openings compound failed:",entity->entity);
			return false;
	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
bool IfcGeom::convert_openings(const Ifc2x3::IfcProduct::ptr entity, const Ifc2x3::IfcRelVoidsElement::list& openings, 
							   const IfcRepresentationShapeItems& entity_shapes, const gp_Trsf& entity_trsf, IfcRepresentationShapeItems& cut_shapes) {
	// Iterate over IfcOpeningElements
	IfcGeom::IfcRepresentationShapeItems opening_shapes;
	unsigned int last_size = 0;
	for ( Ifc2x3::IfcRelVoidsElement::it it = openings->begin(); it != openings->end(); ++ it ) {
		Ifc2x3::IfcRelVoidsElement::ptr v = *it;
		Ifc2x3::IfcFeatureElementSubtraction::ptr fes = v->RelatedOpeningElement();
		if ( fes->is(Ifc2x3::Type::IfcOpeningElement) ) {

			// Convert the IfcRepresentation of the IfcOpeningElement
			gp_Trsf opening_trsf;

			// Move the opening into the coordinate system of the IfcProduct

			Ifc2x3::IfcProductRepresentation::ptr prodrep = fes->Representation();
			Ifc2x3::IfcRepresentation::list reps = prodrep->Representations();
			for ( Ifc2x3::IfcRepresentation::it it2 = reps->begin(); it2 != reps->end(); ++ it2 ) {

			const unsigned int current_size = (const unsigned int) opening_shapes.size();
			for ( unsigned int i = last_size; i < current_size; ++ i ) {
			last_size = current_size;

	// Iterate over the shapes of the IfcProduct
	for ( IfcGeom::IfcRepresentationShapeItems::const_iterator it3 = entity_shapes.begin(); it3 != entity_shapes.end(); ++ it3 ) {
		TopoDS_Shape entity_shape_solid;
		const TopoDS_Shape& entity_shape_unlocated = IfcGeom::ensure_fit_for_subtraction(it3->Shape(),entity_shape_solid);
		const gp_GTrsf& entity_shape_gtrsf = it3->Placement();
		TopoDS_Shape entity_shape;
		if ( entity_shape_gtrsf.Form() == gp_Other ) {
			Logger::Message(Logger::LOG_WARNING,"Applying non uniform transformation to:",entity->entity);
			entity_shape = BRepBuilderAPI_GTransform(entity_shape_unlocated,entity_shape_gtrsf,true).Shape();
		} else {
			entity_shape = entity_shape_unlocated.Moved(entity_shape_gtrsf.Trsf());

		// Iterate over the shapes of the IfcOpeningElements
		for ( IfcGeom::IfcRepresentationShapeItems::const_iterator it4 = opening_shapes.begin(); it4 != opening_shapes.end(); ++ it4 ) {
			TopoDS_Shape opening_shape_solid;
			const TopoDS_Shape& opening_shape_unlocated = IfcGeom::ensure_fit_for_subtraction(it4->Shape(),opening_shape_solid);
			const gp_GTrsf& opening_shape_gtrsf = it4->Placement();
			if ( opening_shape_gtrsf.Form() == gp_Other ) {
				Logger::Message(Logger::LOG_WARNING,"Applying non uniform transformation to opening of:",entity->entity);
			const TopoDS_Shape& opening_shape = opening_shape_gtrsf.Form() == gp_Other
				? BRepBuilderAPI_GTransform(opening_shape_unlocated,opening_shape_gtrsf,true).Shape()
				: opening_shape_unlocated.Moved(opening_shape_gtrsf.Trsf());
			double opening_volume, original_shape_volume;
			if ( Logger::Verbosity() >= Logger::LOG_WARNING ) {
				opening_volume = shape_volume(opening_shape);
				if ( opening_volume <= ALMOST_ZERO )
					Logger::Message(Logger::LOG_WARNING,"Empty opening for:",entity->entity);
				original_shape_volume = shape_volume(entity_shape);
			BRepAlgoAPI_Cut brep_cut(entity_shape,opening_shape);

			if ( brep_cut.IsDone() ) {
				TopoDS_Shape brep_cut_result = brep_cut;
				BRepCheck_Analyzer analyser(brep_cut_result);
				bool is_valid = analyser.IsValid() != 0;
				if ( is_valid ) {
					entity_shape = brep_cut;
					if ( Logger::Verbosity() >= Logger::LOG_WARNING ) {
						const double volume_after_subtraction = shape_volume(entity_shape);
						if ( ALMOST_THE_SAME(original_shape_volume,volume_after_subtraction) )
							Logger::Message(Logger::LOG_WARNING,"Subtraction yields unchanged volume:",entity->entity);
				} else {
					Logger::Message(Logger::LOG_ERROR,"Invalid result from subtraction:",entity->entity);
			} else {
				Logger::Message(Logger::LOG_ERROR,"Failed to process subtraction:",entity->entity);

		cut_shapes.push_back(IfcGeom::IfcRepresentationShapeItem(entity_shape, &it3->Style()));

	return true;