Ejemplo n.º 1
 * Get a sprite reference from the \a rcd_file, retrieve the corresponding sprite, and put it in the \a spr destination.
 * @param rcd_file File to load from.
 * @param sprites Sprites already loaded from this file.
 * @param [out] spr Pointer to write the loaded sprite to.
 * @return Loading was successful.
bool LoadSpriteFromFile(RcdFileReader *rcd_file, const ImageMap &sprites, ImageData **spr)
	uint32 val = rcd_file->GetUInt32();
	if (val == 0) {
		*spr = nullptr;
		return true;
	const auto iter = sprites.find(val);
	if (iter == sprites.end()) return false;
	*spr = iter->second;
	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
int ShellBrowserChild::get_entry_image(ShellEntry* entry, LPCITEMIDLIST pidl, int shgfi_flags, ImageMap& cache)
	int idx = -1;

	ImageMap::const_iterator found = cache.find(entry);

	if (found != cache.end())
		return found->second;

	if (SHGetFileInfo((LPCTSTR)pidl, 0, &sfi, sizeof(sfi), shgfi_flags|SHGFI_PIDL|SHGFI_ICON|SHGFI_ADDOVERLAYS)) {
		idx = ImageList_AddIcon(_himl, sfi.hIcon);


	cache[entry] = idx;

	return idx;
Ejemplo n.º 3
int GetImageIndex(const wxString &fileName)
  int imageInd = -1;
  wxString fileExt = fileName.AfterLast(wxChar('.'));

#ifdef _WIN32
  // Special case for windows executables, icon and cursor files.
  if (fileExt.CmpNoCase(wxT("exe")) == 0 || fileExt.CmpNoCase(wxT("ico")) == 0 || fileExt.CmpNoCase(wxT("cur")) == 0)
    // Do we already have an icon for the file?
    ImageMap::iterator it = g_imageMap.find(fileName);
    if (it != g_imageMap.end())
      // Use exsiting icon.
      imageInd = it->second;
      wxString fullname = fileName;
      if (fileExt.CmpNoCase(wxT("exe")) == 0)
        fullname += wxT(";0"); // Icon index.

      // Try to load 16x16 icon. Load any icon if fails.
      wxIcon icon;
      if (!icon.LoadFile(fullname, wxBITMAP_TYPE_ICO, 16, 16))
        icon.LoadFile(fullname, wxBITMAP_TYPE_ICO);

      // Add the icon into the list.
      if (icon.Ok())
        if (fileExt.CmpNoCase(wxT("cur")) != 0)
          // Convert to bitmap. It fixes the alpha problem.
          wxBitmap bmp(icon);
          if (bmp.Ok())
            imageInd = g_imageList->Add(bmp);
          // Can't convert cursor to bitmap.
          imageInd = g_imageList->Add(icon);

      if (imageInd >= 0)
        g_imageMap.insert(ImagePair(fileName, imageInd));
#endif // _WIN32

  if (imageInd < 0 && fileExt.Length() > 0)
    // Do we already have an icon for the file type?
    ImageMap::iterator it = g_imageMap.find(fileExt);
    if (it != g_imageMap.end())
      // Use exsiting icon.
      imageInd = it->second;
      // Ask mime types manager for the file type.
      // TODO: For some types (sdf, sln) it returns wrong index for the icon. Fix it.
      // TODO: For some types (doc, html) it returns invalid file name for the icon. Fix it.
      wxFileType *fileType = wxTheMimeTypesManager->GetFileTypeFromExtension(fileExt);
      if (fileType != NULL)
        // Get icon location.
        wxIconLocation iconLoc;
        if (fileType->GetIcon(&iconLoc))
          wxString fullname = iconLoc.GetFileName();
#ifdef _WIN32
          if (iconLoc.GetIndex())
            fullname << wxT(';') << iconLoc.GetIndex();

          // Try to load 16x16 icon. Load any icon if fails.
          wxIcon icon;
          if (!icon.LoadFile(fullname, wxBITMAP_TYPE_ICO, 16, 16))
            icon.LoadFile(fullname, wxBITMAP_TYPE_ICO);

          // Add the icon into the list.
          if (icon.Ok())
            // Convert to bitmap. It fixes the alpha problem.
            wxBitmap bmp(icon);
            if (bmp.Ok())
              imageInd = g_imageList->Add(bmp);

          if (imageInd >= 0)
            g_imageMap.insert(ImagePair(fileExt, imageInd));

        delete fileType;

  // If no image found.
  if (imageInd < 0)
    // Set default image.
    g_imageMap.insert(ImagePair(fileExt, kUnknownFileImage));
    imageInd = kUnknownFileImage;

  return imageInd;
Ejemplo n.º 4
void SymbolLayout::prepare(const GlyphMap& glyphMap, const GlyphPositions& glyphPositions,
                           const ImageMap& imageMap, const ImagePositions& imagePositions,
                           const OverscaledTileID& tileID, const std::string& sourceID) {
    const bool textAlongLine = layout.get<TextRotationAlignment>() == AlignmentType::Map &&
        layout.get<SymbolPlacement>() == SymbolPlacementType::Line;

    auto glyphMapIt = glyphMap.find(layout.get<TextFont>());
    const Glyphs& glyphs = glyphMapIt != glyphMap.end()
        ? glyphMapIt->second : Glyphs();

    auto glyphPositionsIt = glyphPositions.find(layout.get<TextFont>());
    const GlyphPositionMap& glyphPositionMap = glyphPositionsIt != glyphPositions.end()
        ? glyphPositionsIt->second : GlyphPositionMap();

    for (auto it = features.begin(); it != features.end(); ++it) {
        auto& feature = *it;
        if (feature.geometry.empty()) continue;

        std::pair<Shaping, Shaping> shapedTextOrientations;
        optional<PositionedIcon> shapedIcon;

        // if feature has text, shape the text
        if (feature.text) {
            auto applyShaping = [&] (const std::u16string& text, WritingModeType writingMode) {
                const float oneEm = 24.0f;
                const Shaping result = getShaping(
                    /* string */ text,
                    /* maxWidth: ems */ layout.get<SymbolPlacement>() != SymbolPlacementType::Line ?
                        layout.evaluate<TextMaxWidth>(zoom, feature) * oneEm : 0,
                    /* lineHeight: ems */ layout.get<TextLineHeight>() * oneEm,
                    /* anchor */ layout.evaluate<TextAnchor>(zoom, feature),
                    /* justify */ layout.evaluate<TextJustify>(zoom, feature),
                    /* spacing: ems */ util::i18n::allowsLetterSpacing(*feature.text) ? layout.evaluate<TextLetterSpacing>(zoom, feature) * oneEm : 0.0f,
                    /* translate */ Point<float>(layout.evaluate<TextOffset>(zoom, feature)[0] * oneEm, layout.evaluate<TextOffset>(zoom, feature)[1] * oneEm),
                    /* verticalHeight */ oneEm,
                    /* writingMode */ writingMode,
                    /* bidirectional algorithm object */ bidi,
                    /* glyphs */ glyphs);

                return result;

            shapedTextOrientations.first = applyShaping(*feature.text, WritingModeType::Horizontal);

            if (util::i18n::allowsVerticalWritingMode(*feature.text) && textAlongLine) {
                shapedTextOrientations.second = applyShaping(util::i18n::verticalizePunctuation(*feature.text), WritingModeType::Vertical);

        // if feature has icon, get sprite atlas position
        if (feature.icon) {
            auto image = imageMap.find(*feature.icon);
            if (image != imageMap.end()) {
                shapedIcon = PositionedIcon::shapeIcon(
                    layout.evaluate<IconOffset>(zoom, feature),
                    layout.evaluate<IconAnchor>(zoom, feature),
                    layout.evaluate<IconRotate>(zoom, feature) * util::DEG2RAD);
                if (image->second->sdf) {
                    sdfIcons = true;
                if (image->second->pixelRatio != pixelRatio) {
                    iconsNeedLinear = true;
                } else if (layout.get<IconRotate>().constantOr(1) != 0) {
                    iconsNeedLinear = true;

        // if either shapedText or icon position is present, add the feature
        if (shapedTextOrientations.first || shapedIcon) {
            addFeature(std::distance(features.begin(), it), feature, shapedTextOrientations, shapedIcon, glyphPositionMap, tileID, sourceID);
