Ejemplo n.º 1
void ConfirmSaveDialog::addIncidences( const Incidence::List &incidences,
                                       const QString &operation )
  Incidence::List::ConstIterator it;
  for( it = incidences.begin(); it != incidences.end(); ++it ) {
    Incidence *i = *it;
    KListViewItem *item = new KListViewItem( mListView );
    item->setText( 0, operation );
    item->setText( 1, i->type() );
    item->setText( 2, i->summary() );
    item->setText( 3, i->uid() );
Ejemplo n.º 2
bool KOMailClient::mailTo( IncidenceBase *incidence, const Identity &identity,
                           const QString &from, bool bccMe,
                           const QString &recipients, const QString &attachment,
                           bool useSendmail )
  QString subject;

  if ( incidence->type() != "FreeBusy" ) {
    Incidence *inc = static_cast<Incidence *>( incidence );
    subject = inc->summary();
  } else {
    subject = "Free Busy Message";
  QString body = IncidenceFormatter::mailBodyStr( incidence, KSystemTimeZones::local() );

  return send( identity, from, recipients, QString(), subject, body, false,
               bccMe, attachment, useSendmail );
Ejemplo n.º 3
QMimeData *DndFactory::createMimeData( Incidence *incidence )
  CalendarLocal cal( d->mCalendar->timeSpec() );
  Incidence *i = incidence->clone();
  cal.addIncidence( i );

  QMimeData *mimeData = new QMimeData;

  ICalDrag::populateMimeData( mimeData, &cal );
  VCalDrag::populateMimeData( mimeData, &cal );

  KUrl uri = i->uri();
  if ( uri.isValid() ) {
    QMap<QString, QString> metadata;
    metadata["labels"] = KUrl::toPercentEncoding( i->summary() );
    uri.populateMimeData( mimeData, metadata );

  return mimeData;
Ejemplo n.º 4
bool KOMailClient::mailOrganizer( IncidenceBase *incidence,
                                  const Identity &identity,
                                  const QString &from, bool bccMe,
                                  const QString &attachment,
                                  const QString &sub, bool useSendmail )
  QString to = incidence->organizer().fullName();

  QString subject = sub;
  if ( incidence->type() != "FreeBusy" ) {
    Incidence *inc = static_cast<Incidence *>( incidence );
    if ( subject.isEmpty() ) {
      subject = inc->summary();
  } else {
    subject = "Free Busy Message";

  QString body = IncidenceFormatter::mailBodyStr( incidence, KSystemTimeZones::local() );

  return send( identity, from, to, QString(), subject, body, false,
               bccMe, attachment, useSendmail );
Ejemplo n.º 5
void SearchDialog::search(const QRegExp &re)
    QDate startDt = mStartDate->date();
    QDate endDt = mEndDate->date();

    Event::List events;
        events = mCalendar->events(startDt, endDt, mInclusiveCheck->isChecked());
    Todo::List todos;
            Todo::List alltodos = mCalendar->todos();
            Todo::List::iterator it;
            Todo *todo;
            for(it = alltodos.begin(); it != alltodos.end(); ++it)
                todo = *it;
                if((!todo->hasStartDate() && !todo->hasDueDate()) ||    // undated
                        (todo->hasStartDate() && (todo->dtStart() >= startDt) && (todo->dtStart() <= endDt)) ||   // start dt in range
                        (todo->hasDueDate() && (todo->dtDue().date() >= startDt) && (todo->dtDue() <= endDt)) ||   // due dt in range
                        (todo->hasCompletedDate() && (todo->completed().date() >= startDt) && (todo->completed() <= endDt)))    // completed dt in range
            QDate dt = startDt;
            while(dt <= endDt)
                todos += mCalendar->todos(dt);
                dt = dt.addDays(1);

    Journal::List journals;
        QDate dt = startDt;
        while(dt <= endDt)
            journals += mCalendar->journals(dt);
            dt = dt.addDays(1);

    Incidence::List allIncidences = Calendar::mergeIncidenceList(events, todos, journals);

    Incidence::List::ConstIterator it;
    for(it = allIncidences.begin(); it != allIncidences.end(); ++it)
        Incidence *ev = *it;
#if QT_VERSION >= 300
            if(re.search(ev->summary()) != -1)
            if(re.match(ev->summary()) != -1)
#if QT_VERSION >= 300
            if(re.search(ev->description()) != -1)
            if(re.match(ev->description()) != -1)
#if QT_VERSION >= 300
            if(re.search(ev->categoriesStr()) != -1)
            if(re.match(ev->categoriesStr()) != -1)
Ejemplo n.º 6
bool KOMailClient::mailAttendees( IncidenceBase *incidence,
                                  const Identity &identity,
                                  bool bccMe, const QString &attachment,
                                  bool useSendmail )
  Attendee::List attendees = incidence->attendees();
  if ( attendees.count() == 0 ) {
    return false;

  const QString from = incidence->organizer().fullName();
  const QString organizerEmail = incidence->organizer().email();

  QStringList toList;
  QStringList ccList;
  for ( int i=0; i<attendees.count(); ++i ) {
    Attendee *a = attendees.at(i);

    const QString email = a->email();
    if ( email.isEmpty() ) {

    // In case we (as one of our identities) are the organizer we are sending
    // this mail. We could also have added ourselves as an attendee, in which
    // case we don't want to send ourselves a notification mail.
    if ( organizerEmail == email ) {

    // Build a nice address for this attendee including the CN.
    QString tname, temail;
    const QString username = KPIMUtils::quoteNameIfNecessary( a->name() );
    // ignore the return value from extractEmailAddressAndName() because
    // it will always be false since tusername does not contain "@domain".
    KPIMUtils::extractEmailAddressAndName( username, temail, tname );
    tname += " <" + email + '>';

    // Optional Participants and Non-Participants are copied on the email
    if ( a->role() == Attendee::OptParticipant ||
         a->role() == Attendee::NonParticipant ) {
      ccList << tname;
    } else {
      toList << tname;
  if( toList.count() == 0 && ccList.count() == 0 ) {
    // Not really to be called a groupware meeting, eh
    return false;
  QString to;
  if ( toList.count() > 0 ) {
    to = toList.join( ", " );
  QString cc;
  if ( ccList.count() > 0 ) {
    cc = ccList.join( ", " );

  QString subject;
  if ( incidence->type() != "FreeBusy" ) {
    Incidence *inc = static_cast<Incidence *>( incidence );
    subject = inc->summary();
  } else {
    subject = "Free Busy Object";

  QString body = IncidenceFormatter::mailBodyStr( incidence, KSystemTimeZones::local() );

  return send( identity, from, to, cc, subject, body, false,
               bccMe, attachment, useSendmail );
Ejemplo n.º 7
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    KAboutData aboutData("testrecurrencenew", "Load recurrence rules with the new class and print out debug messages", "0.1");
    KCmdLineArgs::init(argc, argv, &aboutData);

    KApplication app(false, false);

    KCmdLineArgs *args = KCmdLineArgs::parsedArgs();

    if(args->count() < 1)
        args->usage("Wrong number of arguments.");

    // use zoneinfo data from source dir
    set_zone_directory(KDETOPSRCDIR "/libkcal/libical/zoneinfo");

    QString input = QFile::decodeName(args->arg(0));
    kdDebug(5800) << "Input file: " << input << endl;

    QTextStream *outstream;
    outstream = 0;
    QString fn("");
    if(args->count() > 1)
        fn = args->arg(1);
        kdDebug() << "We have a file name given: " << fn << endl;
    QFile outfile(fn);
    if(!fn.isEmpty() && outfile.open(IO_WriteOnly))
        kdDebug() << "Opened output file!!!" << endl;
        outstream = new QTextStream(&outfile);

    CalendarLocal cal(QString::fromLatin1("UTC"));

    if(!cal.load(input)) return 1;
    QString tz = cal.nonKDECustomProperty("X-LibKCal-Testsuite-OutTZ");

    Incidence::List inc = cal.incidences();

    for(Incidence::List::Iterator it = inc.begin(); it != inc.end(); ++it)
        Incidence *incidence = *it;
        kdDebug(5800) << "*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*" << endl;
        kdDebug(5800) << " -> " << incidence->summary() << " <- " << endl;


        QDateTime dt(incidence->recurrence()->endDateTime());
        int i = 0;
            if(!dt.isValid()) dt = QDateTime(QDate(2011, 1, 1), QTime(0, 0, 1));
            else dt = dt.addYears(2);
            kdDebug(5800) << "-------------------------------------------" << endl;
            kdDebug(5800) << " *~*~*~*~ Starting with date: " << dt << endl;
            // Output to file for testing purposes
            while(dt.isValid() && i < 500)
                dt = dt.addSecs(-1);
                dt = incidence->recurrence()->getPreviousDateTime(dt);
                (*outstream) << dt.toString(Qt::ISODate) << endl;
            if(!dt.isValid()) dt = QDateTime(QDate(2005, 7, 31), QTime(23, 59, 59));
            else dt = dt.addYears(2);
            kdDebug(5800) << "-------------------------------------------" << endl;
            kdDebug(5800) << " *~*~*~*~ Starting with date: " << dt << endl;
            // Output to konsole
            while(dt.isValid() && i < 50)
                dt = dt.addSecs(-1);
                kdDebug(5800) << "-------------------------------------------" << endl;
                dt = incidence->recurrence()->getPreviousDateTime(dt);
                kdDebug(5800) << " *~*~*~*~ Previous date is: " << dt << endl;

    delete outstream;
    return 0;