void testEqualScores() 
        // NOTE: uses index build in *this* setUp
        IndexReader * pReader = IndexReader::open( m_pSmall );
	    IndexSearcher * pSearch = _CLNEW IndexSearcher( pReader );

	    Hits * pResult;

        // some hits match more terms then others, score should be the same
        Query * q = csrq( _T( "data" ), _T( "1" ), _T( "6" ), true, true );
        pResult = pSearch->search( q );
        size_t numHits = pResult->length();
        assertEqualsMsg( _T( "wrong number of results" ), 6, numHits );
        float_t score = pResult->score( 0 );
        for( size_t i = 1; i < numHits; i++ )
            assertTrueMsg( _T( "score was not the same" ), score == pResult->score( i ));
        _CLDELETE( pResult );
        _CLDELETE( q );

        _CLDELETE( pSearch );

        _CLDELETE( pReader );
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * Verifies that the index has the correct number of documents.
void TestSpansAdvanced2::testVerifyIndex()
    IndexReader * reader = IndexReader::open( directory );
    assertEquals( 8, reader->numDocs() );
    _CLDELETE( reader );
Ejemplo n.º 3
void createIndex(CuTest* tc, Directory* dir, bool multiSegment) {
    WhitespaceAnalyzer whitespaceAnalyzer;
    IndexWriter w(dir, &whitespaceAnalyzer, true);

    w.setMergePolicy(_CLNEW LogDocMergePolicy());
    Document doc;
    for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
        createDocument(doc, i, 4);
        if (multiSegment && (i % 10) == 0) {

    if (!multiSegment) {


    IndexReader* r = IndexReader::open(dir);
    if (multiSegment) {
        CuAssert(tc,_T("check is multi"), strcmp(r->getObjectName(),"MultiSegmentReader")==0);
    } else {
        CuAssert(tc,_T("check is segment"), strcmp(r->getObjectName(),"SegmentReader")==0);
Ejemplo n.º 4
// BK> all test functions are the same except RAMDirectory constructor, so shared code moved here
void checkDir(CuTest *tc, MockRAMDirectory * ramDir) {

    // Check size
    CuAssertTrue(tc, ramDir->sizeInBytes == ramDir->getRecomputedSizeInBytes(), _T("RAMDir size"));

    // open reader to test document count
    IndexReader * reader = IndexReader::open(ramDir);
    CuAssertEquals(tc, docsToAdd, reader->numDocs(), _T("document count"));

    // open search to check if all doc's are there
    IndexSearcher * searcher = _CLNEW IndexSearcher(reader);

    // search for all documents
    Document doc;
    for (int i = 0; i < docsToAdd; i++) {
        searcher->doc(i, doc);
        CuAssertTrue(tc, doc.getField(_T("content")) != NULL, _T("content is NULL"));

    // cleanup
Ejemplo n.º 5
_LUCENE_THREAD_FUNC(atomicSearchTest, _directory){
  Directory* directory = (Directory*)_directory;

  uint64_t stopTime = Misc::currentTimeMillis() + 1000*ATOMIC_SEARCH_RUN_TIME_SEC;
  int count = 0;
  try {
    while(Misc::currentTimeMillis() < stopTime && !atomicSearchFailed) {
      IndexReader* r = IndexReader::open(directory);

      try {
        if ( 100 != r->numDocs() ){
          fprintf(stderr, "err 2: 100 != %d \n", r->numDocs());
          atomicSearchFailed = true;
      } catch (CLuceneError& e) {
        fprintf(stderr, "err 3: %d:%s\n", e.number(), e.what());
        atomicSearchFailed = true;

  } catch (CLuceneError& e) {
    fprintf(stderr, "err 4: #%d: %s\n", e.number(), e.what());
    atomicSearchFailed = true;

Ejemplo n.º 6
void testExtractFromWildcardQuery( CuTest * tc )
    Directory *     pIndex  = setUpIndex();
    IndexReader *   pReader = IndexReader::open( pIndex );
    TermSet         termSet;
    WildcardQuery * wildcard;
    Term *          t1;
    Query *         rewrite;

    t1 = _CLNEW Term( _T("data"), _T("aaaa?") );
    wildcard = _CLNEW WildcardQuery( t1 );
    rewrite = wildcard->rewrite( pReader );
    rewrite->extractTerms( &termSet );
    _CLLDECDELETE( t1 );

    assertEqualsMsg( _T( "wrong number of terms" ), 3, termSet.size() );
    for( TermSet::iterator itTerms = termSet.begin(); itTerms != termSet.end(); itTerms++ )
        Term * pTerm = *itTerms;
        if(    0 != _tcscmp( _T( "aaaaa" ), pTerm->text()) 
            && 0 != _tcscmp( _T( "aaaab" ), pTerm->text())
            && 0 != _tcscmp( _T( "aaaac" ), pTerm->text()))
            assertTrueMsg( _T( "wrong term" ), false );

    clearTermSet( termSet );
    if( rewrite != wildcard )
        _CLDELETE( rewrite );
    _CLDELETE( wildcard );

    t1 = _CLNEW Term( _T("data"), _T("aaa*") );
    wildcard = _CLNEW WildcardQuery( t1 );
    rewrite = wildcard->rewrite( pReader );
    rewrite->extractTerms( &termSet );
    _CLLDECDELETE( t1 );

    assertEqualsMsg( _T( "wrong number of terms" ), 5, termSet.size() );
    for( TermSet::iterator itTerms = termSet.begin(); itTerms != termSet.end(); itTerms++ )
        Term * pTerm = *itTerms;
        assertTrueMsg( _T( "wrong term" ), ( 0 == _tcsncmp( _T( "aaa" ), pTerm->text(), 3 )));

    clearTermSet( termSet );
    if( rewrite != wildcard )
        _CLDELETE( rewrite );
    _CLDELETE( wildcard );

    _CLDELETE( pReader );

    closeIndex( pIndex );
    pIndex = NULL;
    void testBoost()
        // NOTE: uses index build in *this* setUp

        IndexReader * pReader = IndexReader::open( m_pSmall );
	    IndexSearcher * pSearch = _CLNEW IndexSearcher( pReader );
	    Hits * pResult;

        // test for correct application of query normalization
        // must use a non score normalizing method for this.
        Query * q = csrq( _T( "data" ), _T( "1" ), _T( "6" ), true, true );
        q->setBoost( 100 );
        pResult = pSearch->search( q );
        for( size_t i = 1; i < pResult->length(); i++ )
            assertTrueMsg( _T( "score was not was not correct" ), 1.0f == pResult->score( i ));
        _CLDELETE( pResult );
        _CLDELETE( q );

        // Ensure that boosting works to score one clause of a query higher
        // than another.
        Query * q1 = csrq( _T( "data" ), _T( "A" ), _T( "A" ), true, true );  // matches document #0
        q1->setBoost( .1f );
        Query * q2 = csrq( _T( "data" ), _T( "Z" ), _T( "Z" ), true, true );  // matches document #1
        BooleanQuery * bq = _CLNEW BooleanQuery( true );
        bq->add( q1, true, BooleanClause::SHOULD );
        bq->add( q2, true, BooleanClause::SHOULD );

        pResult = pSearch->search( bq );
        assertEquals( 1, pResult->id( 0 ));
        assertEquals( 0, pResult->id( 1 ));
        assertTrue( pResult->score( 0 ) > pResult->score( 1 ));
        _CLDELETE( pResult );
        _CLDELETE( bq );

        q1 = csrq( _T( "data" ), _T( "A" ), _T( "A" ), true, true );  // matches document #0
        q1->setBoost( 10.0f );
        q2 = csrq( _T( "data" ), _T( "Z" ), _T( "Z" ), true, true );  // matches document #1
        bq = _CLNEW BooleanQuery( true );
        bq->add( q1, true, BooleanClause::SHOULD );
        bq->add( q2, true, BooleanClause::SHOULD );

        pResult = pSearch->search( bq );
        assertEquals( 0, pResult->id( 0 ));
        assertEquals( 1, pResult->id( 1 ));
        assertTrue( pResult->score( 0 ) > pResult->score( 1 ));
        _CLDELETE( pResult );
        _CLDELETE( bq );

        _CLDELETE( pSearch );

        _CLDELETE( pReader );
static void verifyNumDocs(CuTest *tc, Directory * dir, int numDocs) {

    IndexReader * reader = IndexReader::open(dir);
    assertEquals(numDocs, reader->maxDoc());
    assertEquals(numDocs, reader->numDocs());
Ejemplo n.º 9
void SegmentMerger::closeReaders()
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < readers.size(); i++) {
        // close readers
        IndexReader* reader = readers[i];
Ejemplo n.º 10
void SearchFilesC(const char* index, const char* fobizzle){

    standard::StandardAnalyzer analyzer;
    char line[80];
    TCHAR tline[80];
    TCHAR* buf;

    IndexReader* reader = IndexReader::open(index);
        //printf("Enter query string: ");

        IndexReader* newreader = reader->reopen();
        if ( newreader != reader ){
            reader = newreader;
        IndexSearcher s(reader);

        Query* q = QueryParser::parse(tline,_T("contents"),&analyzer);
        buf = q->toString(_T("contents"));
        _tprintf(_T("Searching for: %S\n\n"), buf);

        uint64_t str = Misc::currentTimeMillis();
        Hits* h = s.search(q);
        uint32_t srch = (int32_t)(Misc::currentTimeMillis() - str);
        str = Misc::currentTimeMillis();
        //SearchData search[h->length()];
        for ( size_t i=0; i < h->length(); i++ ){
            Document* doc = &h->doc(i);
            //const TCHAR* buf = doc.get(_T("contents"));
            _tprintf(_T("%d. %S - %f\n"), i, doc->get(_T("path")), h->score(i));

        printf("\n\nSearch took: %d ms.\n", srch);
        printf("Screen dump took: %d ms.\n\n", (int32_t)(Misc::currentTimeMillis() - str));



Ejemplo n.º 11
void SearchFiles(const char* index){
    standard::StandardAnalyzer analyzer;
    char line[80];
    TCHAR tline[80];
    TCHAR* buf;

    IndexReader* reader = IndexReader::open(index);
    while (true) {
        printf("Enter query string: ");
        char* tmp = fgets(line,80,stdin);
        if ( tmp == NULL ) continue;

        IndexReader* newreader = reader->reopen();
        if ( newreader != reader ){
            reader = newreader;
        IndexSearcher s(reader);

        if ( strlen(line) == 0 )
        Query* q = QueryParser::parse(tline,_T("contents"),&analyzer);

        buf = q->toString(_T("contents"));
        _tprintf(_T("Searching for: %s\n\n"), buf);

        uint64_t str = Misc::currentTimeMillis();
        Hits* h = s.search(q);
        uint32_t srch = (int32_t)(Misc::currentTimeMillis() - str);
        str = Misc::currentTimeMillis();

        for ( size_t i=0;i<h->length();i++ ){
            Document* doc = &h->doc(i);
            //const TCHAR* buf = doc.get(_T("contents"));
            _tprintf(_T("%d. %s - %f\n"), i, doc->get(_T("path")), h->score(i));
            //print result to web interface:

        printf("\n\nSearch took: %d ms.\n", srch);
        printf("Screen dump took: %d ms.\n\n", (int32_t)(Misc::currentTimeMillis() - str));


static void verifyTermDocs(CuTest *tc, Directory * dir, Term * term, int numDocs) {

    IndexReader * reader = IndexReader::open(dir);
    TermDocs * termDocs = reader->termDocs(term);
    int count = 0;
    while (termDocs->next())
    assertEquals(numDocs, count);
// case 4: tail segments, invariants hold, copy, invariants not hold
void testMergeAfterCopy(CuTest * tc) {

    // main directory
    Directory * dir = _CLNEW RAMDirectory();
    // auxiliary directory
    Directory * aux = _CLNEW RAMDirectory();

    WhitespaceAnalyzer  an;

    setUpDirs(tc, dir, aux);

    IndexReader * reader = IndexReader::open(aux);
    for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
    assertEquals(10, reader->numDocs());

    IndexWriter4Test * writer = newWriter(dir, &an, false);

    ValueArray<Directory*> dirs(2);
    dirs[0] = aux;
    dirs[1] = aux;

    assertEquals(1020, writer->docCount());
    assertEquals(1000, writer->getDocCount(0));

    // make sure the index is correct
    verifyNumDocs(tc, dir, 1020);


    void testBooleanOrderUnAffected()
        // NOTE: uses index build in *this* setUp

        IndexReader * pReader = IndexReader::open( m_pSmall );
	    IndexSearcher * pSearch = _CLNEW IndexSearcher( pReader );

        // first do a regular RangeQuery which uses term expansion so
        // docs with more terms in range get higher scores
        Term * pLower = _CLNEW Term( _T( "data" ), _T( "1" ));
        Term * pUpper = _CLNEW Term( _T( "data" ), _T( "4" ));
        Query * rq = _CLNEW RangeQuery( pLower, pUpper, true );
        _CLLDECDELETE( pUpper );
        _CLLDECDELETE( pLower );

        Hits * pExpected = pSearch->search( rq );
        size_t numHits = pExpected->length();
        // now do a boolean where which also contains a
        // ConstantScoreRangeQuery and make sure the order is the same
        BooleanQuery * q = _CLNEW BooleanQuery();
        q->add( rq, true, BooleanClause::MUST );
        q->add( csrq( _T( "data" ), _T( "1" ), _T( "6" ), true, true ), true, BooleanClause::MUST );
        Hits * pActual = pSearch->search( q );
        assertEqualsMsg( _T( "wrong number of hits" ), numHits, pActual->length() );
        for( size_t i = 0; i < numHits; i++ )
            assertEqualsMsg( _T( "mismatch in docid for a hit" ), pExpected->id( i ), pActual->id( i ));
        _CLDELETE( pActual );
        _CLDELETE( pExpected );
        _CLDELETE( q );

        _CLDELETE( pSearch );

        _CLDELETE( pReader );
Ejemplo n.º 15
void testExtractFromFuzzyQuery( CuTest * tc )
    Directory *     pIndex  = setUpIndex();
    IndexReader *   pReader = IndexReader::open( pIndex );
    TermSet         termSet;
    FuzzyQuery *    fuzzy;
    Term *          t1;
    Query *         rewrite;

    t1 = _CLNEW Term( _T("data"), _T("aaaab") );
    fuzzy = _CLNEW FuzzyQuery( t1, 0.7f );
    rewrite = fuzzy->rewrite( pReader );
    rewrite->extractTerms( &termSet );
    _CLLDECDELETE( t1 );

    assertEqualsMsg( _T( "wrong number of terms" ), 4, termSet.size() );
    for( TermSet::iterator itTerms = termSet.begin(); itTerms != termSet.end(); itTerms++ )
        Term * pTerm = *itTerms;
        if(    0 != _tcscmp( _T( "aaaaa" ), pTerm->text()) 
            && 0 != _tcscmp( _T( "aaaab" ), pTerm->text())
            && 0 != _tcscmp( _T( "aaabb" ), pTerm->text())
            && 0 != _tcscmp( _T( "aaaac" ), pTerm->text()))
            assertTrueMsg( _T( "wrong term" ), false );

    clearTermSet( termSet );
    if( rewrite != fuzzy )
        _CLDELETE( rewrite );
    _CLDELETE( fuzzy );
    _CLDELETE( pReader );

    closeIndex( pIndex );
    pIndex = NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 16
void testExtractFromTermQuery( CuTest * tc )
    Directory *     pIndex  = setUpIndex();
    IndexReader *   pReader = IndexReader::open( pIndex );
    TermSet         termSet;
    Term * t1 = _CLNEW Term( _T("data"), _T("aaaaa") );
    Term * t2 = _CLNEW Term( _T("data"), _T("bbbbb") );
    Query * q1 = _CLNEW TermQuery( t1 );
    Query * q2 = _CLNEW TermQuery( t2 );
    Query * rewrite1 = q1->rewrite( pReader );
    Query * rewrite2 = q2->rewrite( pReader );

    rewrite1->extractTerms( &termSet );
    assertEqualsMsg( _T( "wrong number of terms" ), 1, termSet.size() );
    assertEqualsMsg( _T( "wrong term" ), 0, t1->compareTo( *(termSet.begin())) );
    clearTermSet( termSet );

    rewrite2->extractTerms( &termSet );
    assertEqualsMsg( _T( "wrong number of terms" ), 1, termSet.size() );
    assertEqualsMsg( _T( "wrong term" ), 0, t2->compareTo( *(termSet.begin())) );
    clearTermSet( termSet );

    _CLLDECDELETE( t1 );
    _CLLDECDELETE( t2 );

    if( q1 != rewrite1 )
        _CLDELETE( rewrite1 );
    _CLDELETE( q1 );
    if( q2 != rewrite2 )
        _CLDELETE( rewrite2 );
    _CLDELETE( q2 );
    _CLDELETE( pReader );

    closeIndex( pIndex );
    pIndex = NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 17
void testExtractFromBooleanQuery( CuTest * tc )
    Directory *     pIndex  = setUpIndex();
    IndexReader *   pReader = IndexReader::open( pIndex );
    TermSet         termSet;
    Term * t1 = _CLNEW Term( _T("data"), _T("aaaab") );
    Term * t2 = _CLNEW Term( _T("data"), _T("aaabb") );
    Term * t3 = _CLNEW Term( _T("data"), _T("aaabb") );
    BooleanQuery * bq = _CLNEW BooleanQuery();
    bq->add( _CLNEW TermQuery( t1 ), true, BooleanClause::SHOULD );
    bq->add( _CLNEW TermQuery( t2 ), true, BooleanClause::SHOULD );
    bq->add( _CLNEW TermQuery( t3 ), true, BooleanClause::SHOULD );

    Query * rewrite = bq->rewrite( pReader );

    rewrite->extractTerms( &termSet );
    assertEqualsMsg( _T( "wrong number of terms" ), 2, termSet.size() );
    for( TermSet::iterator itTerms = termSet.begin(); itTerms != termSet.end(); itTerms++ )
        Term * pTerm = *itTerms;
        assertTrueMsg( _T( "wrong term" ), ( 0 == t1->compareTo( pTerm ) || 0 == t2->compareTo( pTerm )));
    clearTermSet( termSet );

    _CLLDECDELETE( t1 );
    _CLLDECDELETE( t2 );
    _CLLDECDELETE( t3 );

    if( rewrite != bq )
        _CLDELETE( rewrite );
    _CLDELETE( bq );
    _CLDELETE( pReader );

    closeIndex( pIndex );
    pIndex = NULL;
    // CLucene specific 
    // Visual Studio 2005 shows memory leaks for this test, but some other 
    // tools do not detect any memory leaks. So what is right?
    // IN VC80 shows memory leaks ONLY if both sub-queries are added as 
    // MUST BooleanClauses. 
    void testBooleanMemLeaks()
        IndexReader * pReader = IndexReader::open( m_pSmall );
	    IndexSearcher * pSearch = _CLNEW IndexSearcher( pReader );
        Query * q1 = csrq( _T( "data" ), _T( "A" ), _T( "A" ), true, true );  // matches document #0
        Query * q2 = csrq( _T( "data" ), _T( "Z" ), _T( "Z" ), true, true );  // matches document #1
        BooleanQuery * bq = _CLNEW BooleanQuery( true );
        bq->add( q1, true, BooleanClause::MUST );
        bq->add( q2, true, BooleanClause::MUST );

        Hits * pResult = pSearch->search( bq );

        _CLDELETE( pResult );
        _CLDELETE( bq );

        _CLDELETE( pSearch );

        _CLDELETE( pReader );
Ejemplo n.º 19
    void testRangeFilterId() {

        IndexReader* reader = IndexReader::open(index);
        IndexSearcher* search = new IndexSearcher(reader);

        int medId = ((maxId - minId) / 2);

        std::tstring minIPstr = pad(minId);
        const TCHAR* minIP = minIPstr.c_str();

        std::tstring maxIPstr = pad(maxId);
        const TCHAR* maxIP = maxIPstr.c_str();

        std::tstring medIPstr = pad(medId);
        const TCHAR* medIP = medIPstr.c_str();

        size_t numDocs = static_cast<size_t>(reader->numDocs());

        assertEqualsMsg(_T("num of docs"), numDocs, static_cast<size_t>(1+ maxId - minId));

        Hits* result;
        Term* term = _CLNEW Term(_T("body"),_T("body"));
        Query* q = _CLNEW TermQuery(term);

        // test id, bounded on both ends

        Filter* f = _CLNEW RangeFilter(_T("id"),minIP,maxIP,T,T);
        result = search->search(q, f);
        assertEqualsMsg(_T("find all"), numDocs, result->length());

        f=_CLNEW RangeFilter(_T("id"),minIP,maxIP,T,F);
        result = search->search(q,f);
        assertEqualsMsg(_T("all but last"), numDocs-1, result->length());

        f =_CLNEW RangeFilter(_T("id"),minIP,maxIP,F,T);
        result = search->search(q,f);
        assertEqualsMsg(_T("all but first"), numDocs-1, result->length());

        f=_CLNEW RangeFilter(_T("id"),minIP,maxIP,F,F);
        result = search->search(q,f);
        assertEqualsMsg(_T("all but ends"), numDocs-2, result->length());

        f=_CLNEW RangeFilter(_T("id"),medIP,maxIP,T,T);
        result = search->search(q,f);
        assertEqualsMsg(_T("med and up"), 1+ maxId-medId, result->length());

        f=_CLNEW RangeFilter(_T("id"),minIP,medIP,T,T);
        result = search->search(q,f);
        assertEqualsMsg(_T("up to med"), 1+ medId-minId, result->length());

        // unbounded id

        f=_CLNEW RangeFilter(_T("id"),minIP,NULL,T,F);
        result = search->search(q,f);
        assertEqualsMsg(_T("min and up"), numDocs, result->length());

        f=_CLNEW RangeFilter(_T("id"),NULL,maxIP,F,T);
        result = search->search(q,f);
        assertEqualsMsg(_T("max and down"), numDocs, result->length());

        f=_CLNEW RangeFilter(_T("id"),minIP,NULL,F,F);
        result = search->search(q,f);
        assertEqualsMsg(_T("not min, but up"), numDocs-1, result->length());

        f=_CLNEW RangeFilter(_T("id"),NULL,maxIP,F,F);
        result = search->search(q,f);
        assertEqualsMsg(_T("not max, but down"), numDocs-1, result->length());

        f=_CLNEW RangeFilter(_T("id"),medIP,maxIP,T,F);
        result = search->search(q,f);
        assertEqualsMsg(_T("med and up, not max"), maxId-medId, result->length());

        f=_CLNEW RangeFilter(_T("id"),minIP,medIP,F,T);
        result = search->search(q,f);
        assertEqualsMsg(_T("not min, up to med"), medId-minId, result->length());

        // very small sets

        f=_CLNEW RangeFilter(_T("id"),minIP,minIP,F,F);
        result = search->search(q,f);
        assertEqualsMsg(_T("min,min,F,F"), 0, result->length());
        _CLLDELETE(result); _CLLDELETE(f);
        f=_CLNEW RangeFilter(_T("id"),medIP,medIP,F,F);
        result = search->search(q,f);
        assertEqualsMsg(_T("med,med,F,F"), 0, result->length());
        _CLLDELETE(result); _CLLDELETE(f);
        f=_CLNEW RangeFilter(_T("id"),maxIP,maxIP,F,F);
        result = search->search(q,f);
        assertEqualsMsg(_T("max,max,F,F"), 0, result->length());
        _CLLDELETE(result); _CLLDELETE(f);

        f=_CLNEW RangeFilter(_T("id"),minIP,minIP,T,T);
        result = search->search(q,f);
        assertEqualsMsg(_T("min,min,T,T"), 1, result->length());
        _CLLDELETE(result); _CLLDELETE(f);
        f=_CLNEW RangeFilter(_T("id"),NULL,minIP,F,T);
        result = search->search(q,f);
        assertEqualsMsg(_T("nul,min,F,T"), 1, result->length());
        _CLLDELETE(result); _CLLDELETE(f);

        f=_CLNEW RangeFilter(_T("id"),maxIP,maxIP,T,T);
        result = search->search(q,f);
        assertEqualsMsg(_T("max,max,T,T"), 1, result->length());
        _CLLDELETE(result); _CLLDELETE(f);
        f=_CLNEW RangeFilter(_T("id"),maxIP,NULL,T,F);
        result = search->search(q,f);
        assertEqualsMsg(_T("max,nul,T,T"), 1, result->length());
        _CLLDELETE(result); _CLLDELETE(f);

        f=_CLNEW RangeFilter(_T("id"),medIP,medIP,T,T);
        result = search->search(q,f);
        assertEqualsMsg(_T("med,med,T,T"), 1, result->length());
        _CLLDELETE(result); _CLLDELETE(f);



Ejemplo n.º 20
    void testRangeFilterRand()
        IndexReader* reader = IndexReader::open(index);
        IndexSearcher* search = _CLNEW IndexSearcher(reader);

        std::tstring minRPstr = pad(minR);
        const TCHAR* minRP = minRPstr.c_str();
        std::tstring maxRPstr = pad(maxR);
        const TCHAR* maxRP = maxRPstr.c_str();

        size_t numDocs = static_cast<size_t>(reader->numDocs());

        assertEqualsMsg(_T("num of docs"), numDocs, 1+ maxId - minId);

        Hits* result;
        Term* term = _CLNEW Term(_T("body"),_T("body"));
        Query* q = _CLNEW TermQuery(term);

        // test extremes, bounded on both ends

        Filter* f = _CLNEW RangeFilter(_T("rand"),minRP,maxRP,T,T);
        result = search->search(q,f);
        assertEqualsMsg(_T("find all"), numDocs, result->length());
        _CLLDELETE(result); _CLLDELETE(f);

        f=_CLNEW RangeFilter(_T("rand"),minRP,maxRP,T,F);
        result = search->search(q,f);
        assertEqualsMsg(_T("all but biggest"), numDocs-1, result->length());
        _CLLDELETE(result); _CLLDELETE(f);

        f=_CLNEW RangeFilter(_T("rand"),minRP,maxRP,F,T);
        result = search->search(q,f);
        assertEqualsMsg(_T("all but smallest"), numDocs-1, result->length());
        _CLLDELETE(result); _CLLDELETE(f);

        f=_CLNEW RangeFilter(_T("rand"),minRP,maxRP,F,F);
        result = search->search(q,f);
        assertEqualsMsg(_T("all but extremes"), numDocs-2, result->length());
        _CLLDELETE(result); _CLLDELETE(f);

        // unbounded

        f=_CLNEW RangeFilter(_T("rand"),minRP,NULL,T,F);
        result = search->search(q,f);
        assertEqualsMsg(_T("smallest and up"), numDocs, result->length());
        _CLLDELETE(result); _CLLDELETE(f);

        f=_CLNEW RangeFilter(_T("rand"),NULL,maxRP,F,T);
        result = search->search(q,f);
        assertEqualsMsg(_T("biggest and down"), numDocs, result->length());
        _CLLDELETE(result); _CLLDELETE(f);

        f=_CLNEW RangeFilter(_T("rand"),minRP,NULL,F,F);
        result = search->search(q,f);
        assertEqualsMsg(_T("not smallest, but up"), numDocs-1, result->length());
        _CLLDELETE(result); _CLLDELETE(f);

        f=_CLNEW RangeFilter(_T("rand"),NULL,maxRP,F,F);
        result = search->search(q,f);
        assertEqualsMsg(_T("not biggest, but down"), numDocs-1, result->length());
        _CLLDELETE(result); _CLLDELETE(f);

        // very small sets

        f=_CLNEW RangeFilter(_T("rand"),minRP,minRP,F,F);
        result = search->search(q,f);
        assertEqualsMsg(_T("min,min,F,F"), 0, result->length());
        _CLLDELETE(result); _CLLDELETE(f);
        f=_CLNEW RangeFilter(_T("rand"),maxRP,maxRP,F,F);
        result = search->search(q,f);
        assertEqualsMsg(_T("max,max,F,F"), 0, result->length());
        _CLLDELETE(result); _CLLDELETE(f);

        f=_CLNEW RangeFilter(_T("rand"),minRP,minRP,T,T);
        result = search->search(q,f);
        assertEqualsMsg(_T("min,min,T,T"), 1, result->length());
        _CLLDELETE(result); _CLLDELETE(f);
        f=_CLNEW RangeFilter(_T("rand"),NULL,minRP,F,T);
        result = search->search(q,f);
        assertEqualsMsg(_T("nul,min,F,T"), 1, result->length());
        _CLLDELETE(result); _CLLDELETE(f);

        f=_CLNEW RangeFilter(_T("rand"),maxRP,maxRP,T,T);
        result = search->search(q,f);
        assertEqualsMsg(_T("max,max,T,T"), 1, result->length());
        _CLLDELETE(result); _CLLDELETE(f);
        f=_CLNEW RangeFilter(_T("rand"),maxRP,NULL,T,F);
        result = search->search(q,f);
        assertEqualsMsg(_T("max,nul,T,T"), 1, result->length());
        _CLLDELETE(result); _CLLDELETE(f);



    void testRangeQueryRand()
        // NOTE: uses index build in *super* setUp

        IndexReader * pReader = IndexReader::open( index );
	    IndexSearcher * pSearch = _CLNEW IndexSearcher( pReader );

        std::tstring sMinRP = pad(minR);
        std::tstring sMaxRP = pad(maxR);
        const TCHAR* minRP = sMinRP.c_str();
        const TCHAR* maxRP = sMaxRP.c_str();
        size_t numDocs = static_cast<size_t>( pReader->numDocs() );
        assertEqualsMsg( _T("num of docs"), numDocs, static_cast<size_t>(1+ maxId - minId));
    	Hits * pResult;
        Query * q;

        // test extremes, bounded on both ends
        q = csrq( _T( "rand" ), minRP, maxRP, true, true );
	    pResult = pSearch->search( q );
        assertEqualsMsg( _T( "find all" ), numDocs, pResult->length());
        _CLDELETE( pResult ); _CLDELETE( q );

        q = csrq( _T( "rand" ), minRP, maxRP, true, false );
	    pResult = pSearch->search( q );
        assertEqualsMsg( _T( "all but biggest" ), numDocs-1, pResult->length());
        _CLDELETE( pResult ); _CLDELETE( q );

        q = csrq( _T( "rand" ), minRP, maxRP, false, true );
	    pResult = pSearch->search( q );
        assertEqualsMsg( _T( "all but smallest" ), numDocs-1, pResult->length());
        _CLDELETE( pResult ); _CLDELETE( q );

        q = csrq( _T( "rand" ), minRP, maxRP, false, false );
	    pResult = pSearch->search( q );
        assertEqualsMsg( _T( "all but extremes" ), numDocs-2, pResult->length());
        _CLDELETE( pResult ); _CLDELETE( q );
        // unbounded

        q = csrq( _T( "rand" ), minRP, NULL, true, false );
	    pResult = pSearch->search( q );
        assertEqualsMsg( _T( "smallest and up" ), numDocs, pResult->length());
        _CLDELETE( pResult ); _CLDELETE( q );

        q = csrq( _T( "rand" ), NULL, maxRP, false, true );
	    pResult = pSearch->search( q );
        assertEqualsMsg( _T( "biggest and down" ), numDocs, pResult->length());
        _CLDELETE( pResult ); _CLDELETE( q );

        q = csrq( _T( "rand" ), minRP, NULL, false, false );
	    pResult = pSearch->search( q );
        assertEqualsMsg( _T( "not smallest, but up" ), numDocs-1, pResult->length());
        _CLDELETE( pResult ); _CLDELETE( q );
        q = csrq( _T( "rand" ), NULL, maxRP, false, false );
	    pResult = pSearch->search( q );
        assertEqualsMsg( _T( "not biggest, but down" ), numDocs-1, pResult->length());
        _CLDELETE( pResult ); _CLDELETE( q );
        // very small sets

        q = csrq( _T( "rand" ), minRP, minRP, false, false );
	    pResult = pSearch->search( q );
        assertEqualsMsg( _T( "min,min,F,F" ), 0, pResult->length());
        _CLDELETE( pResult ); _CLDELETE( q );

        q = csrq( _T( "rand" ), maxRP, maxRP, false, false );
	    pResult = pSearch->search( q );
        assertEqualsMsg( _T( "max,max,F,F" ), 0, pResult->length());
        _CLDELETE( pResult ); _CLDELETE( q );
        q = csrq( _T( "rand" ), minRP, minRP, true, true );
	    pResult = pSearch->search( q );
        assertEqualsMsg( _T( "min,min,T,T" ), 1, pResult->length());
        _CLDELETE( pResult ); _CLDELETE( q );

        q = csrq( _T( "rand" ), NULL, minRP, false, true );
	    pResult = pSearch->search( q );
        assertEqualsMsg( _T( "nul,min,F,T" ), 1, pResult->length());
        _CLDELETE( pResult ); _CLDELETE( q );

        q = csrq( _T( "rand" ), maxRP, maxRP, true, true );
	    pResult = pSearch->search( q );
        assertEqualsMsg( _T( "max,max,T,T" ), 1, pResult->length());
        _CLDELETE( pResult ); _CLDELETE( q );

        q = csrq( _T( "rand" ), maxRP, NULL, true, false );
	    pResult = pSearch->search( q );
        assertEqualsMsg( _T( "max,nul,T,T" ), 1, pResult->length());
        _CLDELETE( pResult ); _CLDELETE( q );

        _CLDELETE( pSearch );

        _CLDELETE( pReader );
    void testRangeQueryId()
        // NOTE: uses index build in *super* setUp

        IndexReader * pReader = IndexReader::open( index );
	    IndexSearcher * pSearch = _CLNEW IndexSearcher( pReader );

        int32_t medId = ((maxId - minId) / 2);
        std::tstring sMinIP = pad(minId);
        std::tstring sMaxIP = pad(maxId);
        std::tstring sMedIP = pad(medId);
        const TCHAR* minIP = sMinIP.c_str();
        const TCHAR* maxIP = sMaxIP.c_str();
        const TCHAR* medIP = sMedIP.c_str();
        size_t numDocs = static_cast<size_t>( pReader->numDocs() );
        assertEqualsMsg( _T("num of docs"), numDocs, static_cast<size_t>(1+ maxId - minId));
	    Hits * pResult;
        Query * q;
        // test id, bounded on both ends
        q = csrq( _T( "id" ), minIP, maxIP, true, true );
	    pResult = pSearch->search( q );
	    assertEqualsMsg( _T( "find all" ), numDocs, pResult->length() );
        _CLDELETE( pResult ); _CLDELETE( q );

	    q = csrq( _T( "id" ), minIP, maxIP, true, false );
	    pResult = pSearch->search( q );
	    assertEqualsMsg( _T( "all but last" ), numDocs-1, pResult->length());
        _CLDELETE( pResult ); _CLDELETE( q );

	    q = csrq( _T( "id" ), minIP, maxIP, false, true );
	    pResult = pSearch->search( q );
	    assertEqualsMsg( _T( "all but first" ), numDocs-1, pResult->length());
        _CLDELETE( pResult ); _CLDELETE( q );
	    q = csrq( _T( "id" ), minIP, maxIP, false,false );
	    pResult = pSearch->search( q );
        assertEqualsMsg( _T( "all but ends" ), numDocs-2, pResult->length());
        _CLDELETE( pResult ); _CLDELETE( q );
        q = csrq( _T( "id" ), medIP, maxIP, true, true );
	    pResult = pSearch->search( q );
        assertEqualsMsg( _T( "med and up" ), 1+maxId-medId, pResult->length());
        _CLDELETE( pResult ); _CLDELETE( q );
        q = csrq( _T( "id" ), minIP, medIP, true, true );
	    pResult = pSearch->search( q );
        assertEqualsMsg( _T( "up to med" ), 1+medId-minId, pResult->length());
        _CLDELETE( pResult ); _CLDELETE( q );

        // unbounded id

	    q = csrq( _T( "id" ), minIP, NULL, true, false );
	    pResult = pSearch->search( q );
	    assertEqualsMsg( _T( "min and up" ), numDocs, pResult->length());
        _CLDELETE( pResult ); _CLDELETE( q );

	    q = csrq( _T( "id" ), NULL, maxIP, false, true );
	    pResult = pSearch->search( q );
	    assertEqualsMsg( _T( "max and down" ), numDocs, pResult->length());
        _CLDELETE( pResult ); _CLDELETE( q );

	    q = csrq( _T( "id" ), minIP, NULL, false, false );
	    pResult = pSearch->search( q );
	    assertEqualsMsg( _T( "not min, but up" ), numDocs-1, pResult->length());
        _CLDELETE( pResult ); _CLDELETE( q );
	    q = csrq( _T( "id" ), NULL, maxIP, false, false );
	    pResult = pSearch->search( q );
	    assertEqualsMsg( _T( "not max, but down" ), numDocs-1, pResult->length());
        _CLDELETE( pResult ); _CLDELETE( q );
        q = csrq( _T( "id" ), medIP, maxIP, true, false );
	    pResult = pSearch->search( q );
        assertEqualsMsg( _T( "med and up, not max" ), maxId-medId, pResult->length());
        _CLDELETE( pResult ); _CLDELETE( q );
        q = csrq( _T( "id" ), minIP, medIP, false,true );
	    pResult = pSearch->search( q );
        assertEqualsMsg( _T( "not min, up to med" ), medId-minId, pResult->length());
        _CLDELETE( pResult ); _CLDELETE( q );

        // very small sets

	    q = csrq( _T( "id" ), minIP, minIP, false, false );
	    pResult = pSearch->search( q );
	    assertEqualsMsg( _T( "min,min,F,F" ), 0, pResult->length());
        _CLDELETE( pResult ); _CLDELETE( q );

        q = csrq( _T( "id" ), medIP, medIP, false, false );
	    pResult = pSearch->search( q );
	    assertEqualsMsg( _T( "med,med,F,F" ), 0, pResult->length());
        _CLDELETE( pResult ); _CLDELETE( q );

        q = csrq( _T( "id") , maxIP, maxIP, false, false );
	    pResult = pSearch->search( q );
	    assertEqualsMsg( _T( "max,max,F,F" ), 0, pResult->length());
        _CLDELETE( pResult ); _CLDELETE( q );
	    q = csrq( _T( "id" ), minIP, minIP, true, true );
	    pResult = pSearch->search( q );
	    assertEqualsMsg( _T( "min,min,T,T" ), 1, pResult->length());
        _CLDELETE( pResult ); _CLDELETE( q );

        q = csrq( _T( "id" ), NULL, minIP, false, true );
	    pResult = pSearch->search( q );
	    assertEqualsMsg( _T( "nul,min,F,T" ), 1, pResult->length());
        _CLDELETE( pResult ); _CLDELETE( q );

	    q = csrq( _T( "id" ), maxIP, maxIP, true, true );
	    pResult = pSearch->search( q );
	    assertEqualsMsg( _T( "max,max,T,T" ), 1, pResult->length());
        _CLDELETE( pResult ); _CLDELETE( q );

        q = csrq( _T( "id" ), maxIP, NULL, true, false );
	    pResult = pSearch->search( q );
	    assertEqualsMsg( _T( "max,nul,T,T" ), 1, pResult->length());
        _CLDELETE( pResult ); _CLDELETE( q );

	    q = csrq( _T( "id" ), medIP, medIP, true, true );
	    pResult = pSearch->search( q );
	    assertEqualsMsg( _T( "med,med,T,T" ), 1, pResult->length());
        _CLDELETE( pResult ); _CLDELETE( q );
        _CLDELETE( pSearch );

        _CLDELETE( pReader );
Ejemplo n.º 23
/// TestBooleanPrefixQuery.java, ported 5/9/2009
void testBooleanPrefixQuery(CuTest* tc) {
    RAMDirectory directory;
    WhitespaceAnalyzer a;

    TCHAR* categories[] = {_T("food"), _T("foodanddrink"),
        _T("foodanddrinkandgoodtimes"), _T("food and drink"), NULL};

    Query* rw1 = NULL;
    Query* rw2 = NULL;
    try {
        IndexWriter* writer = _CLNEW IndexWriter(&directory, &a, true);
        for (size_t i = 0; categories[i]!=NULL; i++) {
            Document* doc = new Document();
            doc->add(*_CLNEW Field(_T("category"), categories[i], Field::STORE_YES | Field::INDEX_UNTOKENIZED));

        IndexReader* reader = IndexReader::open(&directory);
        Term* t = _CLNEW Term(_T("category"), _T("foo"));
        PrefixQuery* query = _CLNEW PrefixQuery(t);

        rw1 = query->rewrite(reader);

        BooleanQuery* bq = _CLNEW BooleanQuery();
        bq->add(query, true, BooleanClause::MUST);

        rw2 = bq->rewrite(reader);

        reader->close(); // TODO: check necessity (_CLLDELETE(reader) alone will not do the same cleanup)

    } catch (CLuceneError& e) {
        CuFail(tc, e.twhat());

    BooleanQuery* bq1 = NULL;
    if (rw1->instanceOf(BooleanQuery::getClassName())) {
        bq1 = (BooleanQuery*) rw1;

    BooleanQuery* bq2 = NULL;
    if (rw2->instanceOf(BooleanQuery::getClassName())) {
        bq2 = (BooleanQuery*) rw2;
    } else {
        CuFail(tc, _T("Rewrite"));

    bool bClausesMatch = bq1->getClauseCount() == bq2->getClauseCount();


    if (!bClausesMatch) {
        CuFail(tc, _T("Number of Clauses Mismatch"));