Ejemplo n.º 1
//-------- Begin of function FirmInn::should_show_info --------//
int FirmInn::should_show_info()
	int rc = Firm::should_show_info();
		return rc;

	// check any spy in the innUnit

	// --------- if if any own spy here -------//

	InnUnit *innUnit = inn_unit_array;
	int playerSpyCount = 0;
	for( int i = 0; i < inn_unit_count; ++i, ++innUnit )
		if( innUnit->is_own_spy() )
			return 1;

	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
//--------- Begin of function FirmInn::put_info ---------//
void FirmInn::put_info(int refreshFlag)
	if( selected_unit_id < 0 )
		selected_unit_id = 0;
	if( selected_unit_id > inn_unit_count )
		selected_unit_id = inn_unit_count;


	button_hire.create(INFO_X1+13, INFO_Y1+235, 'A', "HIREUNIT" );
	button_hire.enable_flag = 0;
	button_spy_mobilize.create(INFO_X1+13, INFO_Y1+235, 'A', "MOBILSPY" );
	button_spy_mobilize.enable_flag = 0;
	button_buy_item.create( INFO_X1+13+BUTTON_DISTANCE, INFO_Y1+235, 
		disp_item_button, ButtonCustomPara(NULL, 0) );
	button_buy_item.visible_flag = 0;

	button_hire_visible = button_spy_mobilize_visible = 0;

	if( !should_show_info() )

	vga.active_buf->put_bitmap( INFO_X1, INFO_Y1, image_gameif.read("INN_BASE") );

	disp_unit_list( INFO_Y1, refreshFlag );

	disp_unit_info( INFO_Y1 + 165, refreshFlag );

	// ------ main interface --------//

	// ------ display hire button -------//

	button_hire.enable_flag = 0;
	button_spy_mobilize.enable_flag = 0;

	if( selected_unit_id > 0 && selected_unit_id <= inn_unit_count )
		InnUnit *innUnit = inn_unit_array + selected_unit_id - 1;

		if( innUnit->is_own_spy() )
			button_spy_mobilize.enable_flag = 1;
			button_spy_mobilize_visible = 1;
		else if( is_own() )
			button_hire.enable_flag = (~nation_array)->cash >= innUnit->hire_cost;
			button_hire_visible = 1;
			button_spy_mobilize_visible = 1;

		if( (button_buy_item.visible_flag = innUnit->item.id != 0) )
			button_buy_item.enable_flag = is_own() && buy_item( selected_unit_id, 1 );		// checking only
			button_buy_item.custom_para.value = innUnit->item.id;
		if( is_own() )
			button_hire_visible = 1;
			button_spy_mobilize_visible = 0;

		button_buy_item.visible_flag = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
//--------- Begin of function FirmInn::disp_unit_info ---------//
// Display the skill information of the people in the town.
// <int> 			 dispY1		 - the top y coordination of the info area
// <InnUnit*> hireInfoPtr - pointer to a HireInfo structure
// <int>    		 refreshFlag - refresh flag
void FirmInn::disp_unit_info(int dispY1, int refreshFlag)
	if( !selected_unit_id || selected_unit_id > inn_unit_count)

	// ##### begin Gilbert 8/1 #####//
//	int x = INFO_X1 + 83;
	int x = INFO_X1 + 20;
	// ##### end Gilbert 8/1 #####//
	int y = dispY1;
	int x2;

	err_when( selected_unit_id <= 0 || selected_unit_id > inn_unit_count );

	InnUnit *innUnit = inn_unit_array + selected_unit_id - 1;

	// display unit name

	if( innUnit->hero_id )
		font_snds.put( x, y, hero_res[innUnit->hero_id]->name, 0, -1, 1 );
		font_snds.put( x, y, unit_res[innUnit->unit_id]->name, 0, -1, 1 );

	y += 14;

	// display combat level

	// x2 = font_snds.put( x, y, "Combat" ) + 10;
	x2 = font_snds.put( x, y, text_unit.str_combat_level() ) + 10;
	font_snds.right_put( INFO_X2-100, y, m.format(innUnit->combat_level(), 4) );
//	x2 = font_snds.put( x2, y, innUnit->combat_level() ) + 15;

	// display spying skill

	if( innUnit->item.id )
		if( innUnit->spy_skill > 0 )
			// x2 = font_snds.put( x+110, y, "Spying" ) + 10;
			x2 = font_snds.put( x+110, y, text_unit.str_spy_skill() ) + 10;
			font_snds.right_put( INFO_X2-10, y, m.format(innUnit->spy_skill,4) );
		else if( innUnit->is_own_spy() )
			// x2 = font_snds.put( x+110, y, "Spying" ) + 10;
			x2 = font_snds.put( x+110, y, text_unit.str_spy_skill() ) + 10;
			font_snds.right_put( INFO_X2-10, y, m.format(spy_array[innUnit->spy_recno]->spy_skill,4) );
		else if ( innUnit->hero_id )
//			String str;
//			str  = race_res[ unit_res[innUnit->unit_id]->race_id ]->adjective;
//			str += " Hero";
//			font_red.right_put( INFO_X2-5, y, str );
			font_red.right_put( INFO_X2-5, y, text_unit.str_race_hero(race_res[ unit_res[innUnit->unit_id]->race_id ]->adjective) );

	y += 14;

	// display leadership skill

	if( innUnit->skill_level() > 0 )
		// x2 = font_snds.put( x, y, "Leadership" ) + 10;
		x2 = font_snds.put( x, y, text_unit.str_leadership() ) + 10;
		font_snds.right_put( INFO_X2-100, y, m.format(innUnit->skill_level(), 4) );
	//	font_snds.put( x2, y, innUnit->skill_level() );

	// display hire cost

	font_snds.right_put( INFO_X1+212, y, m.format(innUnit->hire_cost, 2) );

	y += 14;

	// display item

	if( innUnit->item.id )
		font_snds.put( x, y, innUnit->item.item_name() );
		font_snds.right_put( INFO_X1+212, y, m.format(innUnit->item.cost(), 2) );
		if( innUnit->spy_skill > 0 )
			// x2 = font_snds.put( x, y, "Spying" ) + 10;
			x2 = font_snds.put( x, y, text_unit.str_spy_skill() ) + 10;
			font_snds.right_put( INFO_X2-100, y, m.format(innUnit->spy_skill, 4) );
		//	font_snds.put( x2, y, innUnit->spy_skill );
		else if( innUnit->is_own_spy() )
			// x2 = font_snds.put( x, y, "Spying" ) + 10;
			x2 = font_snds.put( x, y, text_unit.str_spy_skill() ) + 10;
			font_snds.right_put( INFO_X2-100, y, m.format(spy_array[innUnit->spy_recno]->spy_skill, 4) );
		//	font_snds.put( x2, y, spy_array[innUnit->spy_recno]->spy_skill );
		else if ( innUnit->hero_id )
//			String str;
//			str  = race_res[ unit_res[innUnit->unit_id]->race_id ]->adjective;
//			str += " Hero";
//			font_red.right_put( INFO_X2-95, y, str );
			font_red.right_put( INFO_X2-95, y, text_unit.str_race_hero(race_res[ unit_res[innUnit->unit_id]->race_id ]->adjective) );
//	info.draw_unit_icon( INFO_X1+38, INFO_Y1+228-32,
//		innUnit->unit_id, nation_recno,
//		INFO_X1+14, INFO_Y1+157, INFO_X1+63, INFO_Y1+228, 1 );

Ejemplo n.º 4
// -------- Begin of function FirmInn::disp_unit_list -------//
void FirmInn::disp_unit_list(int dispY1, int refreshFlag)
	disp_unit_list_y1 = dispY1;

	// ##### begin Gilbert 7/12 #######//
	// count no. of units on each row

	int rowUnitCountOld[2] = { 0, 0 };		// no of soldier and no of spy counted
	rowUnitCountOld[0] = count_soldier();
	rowUnitCountOld[1] = count_spy();
	// ##### end Gilbert 7/12 #######//

	for( int inc = -1; inc <= 1; inc += 2 )
		err_when( inc == 0 );

		// first round is descending draw to icon
		// second round is ascending to draw the frame

		int inAreaFlag = 4;

		// ##### begin Gilbert 7/10 ######//
		// initial rowUnitCount according to inc
		int rowUnitCount[2];		// no of soldier and no of spy counted
		if( inc >= 0 )
			memset( rowUnitCount, 0, sizeof(rowUnitCount) );
			memcpy( rowUnitCount, rowUnitCountOld, sizeof(rowUnitCount) );
		// ##### end Gilbert 7/10 ######//

		for( int i = inc>=0?1:inn_unit_count; i > 0 && i <= inn_unit_count; i +=inc )
			InnUnit *innUnit = inn_unit_array + i - 1;

			int row = innUnit->spy_skill <= 0 ? 0 : 1;		// soldier on row 0, spy on row 1
			// ##### begin Gilbert 7/10 ######//
			if( inc < 0 )
				--rowUnitCount[row];				// decrease rowUnitCount before use
			// ##### end Gilbert 7/10 ######//
			int x = INFO_X1 + 67 + rowUnitCount[row] * UNIT_X_SPACING;
			int y = INFO_Y1 + 44 + row * UNIT_Y_SPACING;
			int yHp = INFO_Y1 + 7 + row * UNIT_Y_SPACING;

			int windowX1 = INFO_X1 + 16;
			int windowX2 = INFO_X1 + 218;
			int windowY1 = INFO_Y1 + 5 + row * 76;	// 5,81
			int windowY2 = windowY1 + 72 - 1 ;

			// ###### begin Gilbert 7/10 #######//
			if( inc >= 0 )
				++rowUnitCount[row];				// increase rowUnitCount after use
			// ###### end Gilbert 7/10 #######//

			if( inc < 0 )
				// first pass descending, draw unit icon

				info.draw_unit_icon( x+UNIT_X_SPACING/2, y,
					innUnit->unit_id, nation_recno,
					windowX1, windowY1, windowX2, windowY2, 1 );
				// second round is ascending to draw the frame

				if( info.draw_unit_icon( x+UNIT_X_SPACING/2, y,
					innUnit->unit_id, nation_recno,
					windowX1, windowY1, windowX2, windowY2, 
					inAreaFlag | (i==selected_unit_id?3:0) ) & 4 )
					inAreaFlag = 0;		// frame for mouse cursor is drawn, disable the frame

				int fontHeight = font_whbl.max_font_height;

				if( innUnit->is_own_spy() )		// display spy icon
					vga.active_buf->put_bitmap_trans( x+UNIT_X_SPACING/2-8, yHp-5, image_icon.read("U_SPY") );
				else if( innUnit->hero_id )
					vga.active_buf->put_bitmap_trans( x+UNIT_X_SPACING/2-8, yHp-5, image_icon.read("U_HERO") );
					if( row == 0 )		// display combat skill and leadership
						font_whbl.center_put( x, yHp, x+UNIT_X_SPACING, yHp+fontHeight, m.format(innUnit->skill_level()) );
					else if( row == 1 )		// display spy skill
						font_whbl.center_put( x, yHp, x+UNIT_X_SPACING, yHp+fontHeight, m.format(innUnit->spy_skill) );

				if( innUnit->item.id )
					char *iconPtr = item_res.item_unit_interface(innUnit->item.id);
					if( iconPtr )
						vga.active_buf->put_bitmap_trans( x+UNIT_X_SPACING/2 -((Bitmap *)iconPtr)->get_width()/2,
						yHp +53, iconPtr );
