Ejemplo n.º 1
//no even number in the table
void factor_using_table_odd(i64 n, IntPairVec& vpairs, const vector<int>& ftable)
    i64 n2 = 0;
    while( (n & 1) == 0){
        n >>= 1;
        vpairs.push_back(IntPair(2, n2));

    assert( (n & 1) > 0);
    int np = (n-1) >> 1;
    int pwr = 0;
    int curr_fac = ftable[np];
        n /= curr_fac;
        np = (n-1) >> 1;
        while(curr_fac == ftable[np]){
            n /= ftable[np];
            np = (n-1) >> 1;
        vpairs.push_back(IntPair(curr_fac, pwr));
        curr_fac = ftable[np];
        pwr = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
	int theMin(vector <int> init, vector <int> grow, int H) {
#define INIT(i) v[i].second
#define GROW(i) v[i].first
		int N = init.size();
		LL dp[52][52] = {0};
		int i, j;
		IntPairVec v;
		for (i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
			v.push_back(IntPair(grow[i], init[i]));
		sort(v.begin(), v.end());
		int gsum = 0;
		for (i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
			// 切らない場合の合計値
			dp[i + 1][0] = dp[i][0] + INIT(i);
			for (j = 1; j <= i; ++j) {
				// (i-1)まででj本切ってi番目が成長するのと
				// (i-1)までで(j-1)本切ってi番目を切るのの最小値
				dp[i+1][j] = min(dp[i][j]+INIT(i)+GROW(i)*j, dp[i][j-1]+gsum);
			// used for dp[N][N]
			dp[i+1][j] = dp[i][j-1] + gsum;
			gsum += GROW(i);

		for (j = 0; j <= N; ++j) {
			// j本切った合計がH以下ならOK
			if (dp[N][j] <= H) {
				return j;
		return -1;
Ejemplo n.º 3
//the factors are from small to large
//first is prime number, second is power
void factor_using_table(i64 n, IntPairVec& vpairs, const vector<int>& ftable)
    int pwr = 0;
    int curr_fac = ftable[n];
        n /= ftable[n];
        while(curr_fac == ftable[n]){
            n /= ftable[n];
        vpairs.push_back(IntPair(curr_fac, pwr));
        curr_fac = ftable[n];
        pwr = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 4
i64 totient_with_factor(const IntPairVec& vfac)
    i64 prod = 1;
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < vfac.size(); ++i){
        i64 px = vfac[i].first;
        i64 npow = vfac[i].second;
        prod *= (px-1);
        prod *= power(px, npow-1);
    return prod;
Ejemplo n.º 5
void generate_all_numbers(int num, IntPairVec& pairs, vector<int>& vn, int cpos)
    if(cpos == pairs.size()){
    for( int i = 0; true ; ++i ){
        int n1 = num * power(pairs[cpos].first, i);
        if(n1 > 100000) break;
        generate_all_numbers(n1, pairs, vn, cpos+1);
Ejemplo n.º 6
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {

  using namespace kmer_match;
  using maligner_dp::AlignmentHeader;

  opt::program_name = argv[0];
  parse_args(argc, argv);

  cerr << "................................................\n"
       << "MALIGNER settings:\n"
       << "\tquery_maps_file: " << opt::query_maps_file << "\n"
       << "\tref_maps_file: " << opt::ref_maps_file << "\n"
       << "\tmax. consecutive unmatched sites: " << opt::max_unmatched_sites << "\n"
       << "\tmax. unmatched rate: " << opt::max_unmatched_rate << "\n"
       << "\trelative_error: " << opt::rel_error << "\n"
       << "\tabsolute_error: " << opt::min_abs_error << "\n"
       << "\tminimum query frags: " << opt::min_frag << "\n"
       << "\tmax matches per query: " << opt::max_match << "\n"
       << "................................................\n\n";

  ErrorModel error_model(opt::rel_error, opt::min_abs_error);

  auto start_time = chrono::steady_clock::now();

  // Read Reference Maps

  MapWrapperVec ref_maps = read_ref_maps(opt::ref_maps_file, opt::ref_is_circular, opt::ref_is_bounded);
  // Store a vector of pointers to the underlying Maps.
  MapWrapperPVec p_ref_maps(ref_maps.size());
  for(size_t i = 0; i < ref_maps.size(); i++) {
    p_ref_maps[i] = &ref_maps[i];

  // Store reference maps in an unordered map.
  MapDB ref_map_db;
  for(auto i = ref_maps.begin(); i != ref_maps.end(); i++) {
    ref_map_db.insert( MapDB::value_type(i->map_.name_, *i) );

  cerr << "Read " << ref_maps.size() << " reference maps.\n";

  // Build Chunk Database
  MapChunkDB chunkDB(p_ref_maps, opt::max_unmatched_sites);
  cerr << "Made MapChunkDB with " << chunkDB.map_chunks_.size() << " chunks.\n";

  // Write alignment header
  std::cout << AlignmentHeader();

  size_t aln_count = 0;
  size_t map_with_aln = 0;
  size_t counter = 0;
  size_t interval_report = 100;

  Scorer scorer(opt::query_miss_penalty, opt::ref_miss_penalty, opt::min_sd, opt::sd_rate);

  // Iterate through query maps file.
  Map query_map;
  MapReader query_map_reader(opt::query_maps_file);
  for(; query_map_reader.next(query_map); counter++) {

    if(counter == interval_report) {
      std::cerr << ".";
      counter = 0;

    MapWrapper query = MapWrapper(std::move(query_map), false, false);

    if(int(query.num_frags()) < opt::min_frag) {

    std::cerr << "Aligning " << query.get_name() << "\n";

    const FragVec& frags = query.get_frags();

    // Note: We ignore boundary fragments
    IntPairVec bounds = error_model.compute_bounds(frags.begin() + 1, frags.end() - 1);

    // Determine the maximum number of unmatched sites allowed
    const double mur = opt::max_unmatched_rate;
    size_t max_unmatched = mur > 0.0 ?
      size_t((mur/(1-mur)) * bounds.size()) : std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max();

    RefAlignmentVec ref_alns = chunkDB.get_compatible_alignments_best(bounds, max_unmatched);

    // std::cerr << qi->name_ << "\n";
    // std::cerr << frags << "\n";
    // std::cerr << "max_unmatched: " << max_unmatched << "\n";
    // std::cerr << "num_frags: " << bounds.size() << "\n";
    // std::cerr << "num aln: " << " " << ref_alns.size() << std::endl;

    // Sort the alignments in ascending order of miss_rate
    std::sort(ref_alns.begin(), ref_alns.end(), ReferenceAlignmentMissRateSort());
    AlignmentVec alns = convert_alignments(ref_alns, query, ref_map_db, scorer);
    cerr << "Converted " << alns.size() << " alignments.\n";
    int query_aln_count = 0;
    bool map_has_alignment = false;
    for(auto a = alns.begin(); a != alns.end(); a++) {

      if(query_aln_count == opt::max_match) break;

      const maligner_dp::Alignment& aln = *a;
      bool have_aln = false;

      if(aln.score_per_inner_chunk <= opt::max_score_per_inner_chunk) {
        maligner_dp::print_alignment(std::cout, aln);
        have_aln = true;
        map_has_alignment = true;


    if(map_has_alignment) {

  cerr << "\ntotal alignments: " << aln_count << "\n";
  cerr << map_with_aln << " maps with alignments.\n";

  auto end_time = chrono::steady_clock::now();
  cerr << chrono::duration <double, milli> (end_time - start_time).count() << " ms" << endl;

  std::cerr << "maligner done.\n";
  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
